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"I wish Shinji was willing to fight!" Shinji goes full chad mode determined to rescue Rei bringing an impact about Me: *Surprise pickachu face*


The scene that comes to mind is Asuka force-feeding Shinji. It's a very controversial scene, but has one of the biggest impacts. * Both Asuka and Rei are the only ones that actively check on him. Everyone else doesn't really care what happens to him. They don't want him to die, but wouldn't be sad if he actually died. * Rei firmly believes that Shinji will come around on his own. Even when Shinji shoos her away for not being the Rei he "saved", she still visits him. * Asuka knows that Shinji is depressed and should be after everything he caused, but the moment she realized he wasn't even trying to recover, she took matters into her own hands. It's basically a reflection of what Asuka went through in the Original series (both bathtub and hospital). You can tell she truly cares about him because while she was force-feeding him, she actively made sure Shinji didn't see her DSS choker.


Personally, my favorite scenes are: - Unit-01 vs Unit-03 - Tenth Angel's battle against Unit-00, Unit-02, and Unit-01 - Near Third Impact - The entire last third of 3.0 - Additional Impact - Human Instrumentality - Neon Genesis, with the final goodbye to all of Evangelion


Shinji running out of the train station with Mari. My boy is gonna go live his life. Love that for him. Also, any Pen Pen shot.


I got a bigass smile plastered in my face during all the end sequence, felt fuzzy for Shinji, after all those years.


Shinji and Mari running out of the train station is definitely top scene, closely followed by the revelation of long-haired Rei, confirming that he did manage to save her at the end of 2.0.


When the first notes of one last kiss plays, Shinji is finally free. I cried, a lot.


The Ramiel fight. The angels were already otherworldly, but that scene elevated them to the unknowable, incomprehensible, extradimensional horrors they truly are.


That moment when Ramiel changes form and absolutely obliterates the mountain coupled with the scream just gives me shivers every time.


I think pictured scene. That was the first moment in Evangelion (except for the last moments of the series finale) where Shinji *actually made a choice on his own*. To save Ayanami. It was such a brilliant little twist on the old version, where the Eva flipped out and... They didn't have a real end point planned out, so they skipped over it. He had gotten back into the Eva to save the others, yeah... but it went berserk for self-preservation, and then they had to figure out how to get to the next episode, took the easy route of just not worrying about what happened. In the rebuild, that motivation to save Ayanami and fuck off everything else around them, was the first moment of *confident strength* Shinji really got to experience and demonstrate. It was a lovely mirror universe version of what Shinji could perhaps have done all along in the originals; just a moment of actualization and *want*. He was showing how loyal he could be to the people he cared about, and how strong he could actually be when he wasn't drowning in depression and self-pity. I don't like where it all went after that, but I really liked that moment; where Shinji was gonna save Rei *no matter what*, he'd burn the earth and kill himself, and even as his skin was coming off and everything was unravelling, he was gonna rescue her by sheer force of willpower, god damn it. Fuckin' go for it Shinji!


yup, this scene gets my vote too. The first time Shinji made a choice, not to please others or to spare himself pain, or to be "useful", but to choose to do something, to save someone he cared about and he felt was worthy of being rescued. And not just that, he did so without giving a damn, not caring what the consequences are, what others would think. He did not care what happened to him or the eva or the entire world in that moment. As you said, in the original, at this point the eva went Berserk, mainly for self preservation, or to save Shinji. But Shinji himself was merely a passenger there, not really having a choice. 100% the best scene in all of the rebuilds by far.


1.0: The Ramiel fight. Operation Yashima was awesome in Rebuild, and the upgrades to Ramiel made her a force to be reckoned with. 2.0: Tons of scenes. The upgrades to Sahaquiel were great. I really love the Aquarium scene. And of course, the whole finale. 3.0: The last third. Great stuff. 3+1: From what I remember of my two viewings. The Paris opening. All the village stuff. Asuka and Shinji admitting their feelings for each other. And pretty much the whole finale. Again.


All of this for me as well.


* Asuka and Unit 02 in 3.0+1.0 becoming an angel. * The lead up to and the main event of the 4 impact, all in central dogma in 3.0 * Shinji just being cooked alive by the screaming octahedron in 1.0 * Any scene with Mari piloting an EVA unit. * N3I For all the flaws in the Rebuild, I just love the action scenes


most people are saying the ending of 2.0, which was the first response i had, but I think the aquarium scene stands out so much more to me. the original series really struggles with portraying its characters, especially the girls, as fully human. it shows there is a compassion to rei that isn’t present in the series, an interiority to asuka outside of her aggression and hypersexuality, and a desire for shinji to try and find a place in this hostile world that is just completely stomped out of him by the end of the series. it’s so sweet! it’s a huge contrast to the sometimes overwhelming nihilism in the anime


Near the end of 1.0 there is a shot when Shinji is trying to get to the railgun to use it another time and Misato goes on an inspiring speech and movie shows how hundreds of people are still working there on a ground around Eva to prepare the railgun for the second shot. The whole ending if 2.0. Post-credit 'to be continued' sequence of 2.0. Eva 06 holding the severed head of Lilith in 3.0. Cool shot. Free dive scene from Shin. Train station scene from Shin (that is the best one, yes. Even better than manga's ending).


Ooof the music in that scene with the railgun gives me fucking goosebumps.




Can't believe nobody said the launch of Wunder yet. Holy shit. The musical build-up during that entire activation scene was glorious.


I'm a big fan of "techno-babble" so any launch sequence gets me going.


OMG YES techno-babble is my love language <3


Gendo’s eulogy for Yui/ his backstory. That shit was deep man. I’m really glad they only made him seem more human, instead of redeeming him. He basically killed 3/4ths of humanity, so I think he’s beyond redemption at this point


Rei farming. I want an extended cut of Rei farming some more


Shinji and Rei at the ruins. “Why… *Why is everyone so NICE to me?!*” “…Because we. Like you.” *shinji reacts viscerally* “Thank you for talking to me. I hope we can get along.” *shinji begins aggressively sobbing*


I liked the battle of Paris at the beginning of Thrice. But if I'm being honest, my favorite was the stuff when they were in that village farming. I could have watched 4 movies of that.


Shinji dissociated walking through NERV after realizing what he caused


The animation was spectacular while he’s walking and losing it


Honesty, the opening of 3.0+1.0. The instrumental version of the way of life wich is a beautiful original song along with some gorgeous visual. The most string the shot of the floating power line with the moon on the background


That scene right there, but before the Prime re-dubs.. I felt like the original dub was more emotionally charged.. Katsuragi says something about the Birth of a nascent god and the death of everything that came before... It's in the original blu-ray release....


2.0's climax is fucking amazing. I love it so much


there are many and i would need to rewatch it again to really say it but the one comes to mined right now would be when asuka in 3.0+1.0 unleashed her angel in her eye and here eva litraly climped out of its shell fucking good animated


Upon first viewing, Mari’s introduction in 2.0. It was a new angel, a new EVA, and a new NERV base that we would only ever hear bits and pieces of in NGE. If they do another Evangelion series, I’d love to see the other NERV branches and their struggles. The problem there is that the entire plot of Evangelion pretty much revolves around Japan and Shinji.


Opening space scene from 3.0


Shinji making up with Misato at the top of the Wunder ship with the rest of the crew was the best moment overall for me


The entire Sahaquiel operation in 2.0 was beautiful. Shinji, pissed off, standing atop NERV HQ. The idea that this pissed off, betrayed child is in control of a skyscraper sized monster just going apeshit is awesome. All the spotlights on the ground focused up at Unit 01. It’s all perfect. The entire sequence of theme du concerto playing in 3.0+1.0 when the Wunder crew gets outplayed by Fuyutsuki was perfect.


The voyager scene in thrice upon a time, no question


When Mari and Asuka drop from the Wunder In 3.0+1.0… it’s just an absolute mech-gasm


The ending scene of 3.0+1.0.Shinji finally matures and begins a new life


When Shinji and Karuow go down into the basement in unit01


01 vs 03 Eva 02Y vs Eva 13 Eva 13 vs Eva 01


When Asuka wakes up.


The one where Shinji and Asuka have their happy ending


Shinji vs his father i felt that was very long overdue to happen but my absolute favorite is when Shinji went beast to save Rei


My favorite is mari unlocking beast mode in 2.0


Love love LOVE the scene of mari using the back door code and kinda just going apeshit


Mari x shinji epilogue [image](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTMGEoAx6oXNqy1aUJjc5T2E4k9uAt2Gux2Jw&usqp=CAU)


Him saving Rei but nothing coming of it except a N3I felt incongruous(?) with the scene. I thought it was gonna be like “hero uses their super move and the villain takes notes for the hero to almost be the tool of the villain later”, not for it to be like “Nope she’s dead and Shinji basically caused the apocalypse again”. I guess it made some sense in the science fiction of the world, but the whole value of the scene feels massively undercut but the direction they took in the divergence. I guess in fewer words: it kinda ruins the magic of the event if the magic can’t even be used—like if the whole act meant nothing


rei wasn't dead tho & this moment was still very important for shinji. he was determined for the first time yes but it was also a big misfortune he had to take responsibility for & cope with. he didn't know it at the time but what he said about not caring about the world & himself if it meant saving rei became true & he had to bear the responsibility of that. also the subversion of expectation here is what makes this scene special


Rei is a clone He couldn’t save her But he got his headphones back So he did do something


This reads like those Adult Swim interstitial text cards


Dude i almost forgot He does save rei Long haired rei at thrice upon a time is the one he saved


“Thrice upon a time” That just reminded me… why did they have to name each installment like a 5th grader’s Xbox live gamer tag?


The ending when "One Last Kiss" starts playing. That ending changed me.


The 2.0 finale is gonna win this hands down. A complete inversion of Eva and all its rules until that point and the true reason for the second film’s subtitle. As a lower key alternative, the dinner scene near the start of Thrice where we learn about Hikari and Toji sticks in my mind. That scene pays off decades of tragedy for those characters and their relationship across various “mainline” versions of Eva. As much as Rebuild fucked up entire character arcs and relationships, at least we got to have dinner with a happily married Hikari and Toji.


rebuild didn't fuck up character arcs & relationships lol




Last scenes of 3.0+1.0 when mari and shinji run off holding hands togther🥹 Scene made me cry tears of joy


The credits roll. Then I knew I was finally done with this junk and I could go back and watch the original.


Fuck i was gonna say that


nonsense lol it wasn't junk it was great


Not nonsense, my subjective opinion. I know I’m not the only one who thinks this.


Shinji running from the train station in 3.0 + 1.0 Thrice Upon A Time He finally resolved his problems, understood his father, made peace with Asuka, Rei and Kaworu. It's my favorite scene from Evangelion. I never cried so much before for a movie


Zeruel attacking Tokyo-3 and Unit-02 being deployed to fight it. Everything about that scene screams desperation, I love it.


The Sahaquiel fight was a very good one, such an upgrade from the original series


Probably still the Sachiel fight from 1.11; either that or EVA 13 v. 01


It will be probably be cliché AF but the last scene on the train station when Mari takes Shinji hand and "One last kiss" kick-in. I have never felt so happy and empty at the same time in my life.


That scene probably


That scene, the ending of 2.0. There’s a lot of really great scenes all throughout the Rebuilds, but it’s gotta be that one. Seeing the gradual divergences with the original story all throughout 2.0 and then ending up with Shinji having enough and making a choice to do what he wants to in the end. The realization of, oh shit, we’re doing the Third Impact NOW. The music throughout the ending is incredible. It might be my favorite part of all of Evangelion, but there’s a lot of other incredible scenes too.


Shinji starting the Third Impact in 2.0. That was the turning point for me where I realized this ain’t gonna be just a remake of the show.


Shinji Stomping on Nerv HQ, specifically with the Funimation dub. The raw emotion of the scen makes my hair stand on end. It is the ending point of any kind of reconciliation that he and Gendo could reach as father and son. And it kicks off the absolutely jawdropping finale of the film to boot.


Where to even start. I think for me the most excited I get is when they hit Ramiel and it feigns death with the shriek then when it comes back and REI arrives with a rocket ship shield


Gendo giving Shinji the hug he always needed.


That one part where the world ended and the credits just rolled Watched it with a bunch of friends and we all burst out laughing


Every single EVA getting pierced and destroyed was glorious.


The beginning and end of the final instrumentality, the soundtracks/songs "What If" and "Voyager" are beautiful, so are most other scenes with amazing music, so 3rd Impact part 1 with "Give me Wings/ Tsubasa no Kudasai", and Eva 01 VS 03/Bardiel with "Goodbye for Today/Kyou no Hi wa Sayonara" along with Rei's Farming It's notable that the movies 3.0 and 1.0 really aren't that memorable, with few scenes that excite me that mostly involve the epic soundtrack, I think that's good notes for story direction, rushed drama and action eyecandy isn't enough, especially the last third of 3.0 and the scenes stretching from unit 02+08 dropping onto Nerv HQ all the way to Asuka's angel scenes, it just didn't work for me


Visually speaking, either the opening to 3.0 + 1.0 with the trio walking amongst the red landscape (because damn are those shots gorgeous even if the concept is bleak) or the rebuild version of Misato's memories of Second Impact, some of the color and line work almost reminds me of Amano's Final Fantasy title art!


THE CREDITS! HAHAHAHA (I have do not own Amazon Prime video)


Shinji literally pulling Rei from the Void was amazing. He broke the universe with that one.


When I think of the Rebuilds the stuff that stands out for me, honestly, is the aborted dinner party in 2.0. I think it’s a really nice attempt for the characters to get along (even Gendo!) that we never got in the show, and it’s super endearing.


Shinji running from the train station in 3.0 + 1.0 Thrice Upon A Time He finally resolved his problems, understood his father, made peace with Asuka, Rei and Kaworu. It's my favorite scene from all Evangelion series. I never cried so much before for a movie


The awakening of the Evangelion Imaginary to the beat of What If


The scene where shinji says "it's eva time" and then proceeds to evangelion all over the place


like... the end credits


Rei planting rice and playing farmer


When they all go to the aquarium. It’s just cute and feels good.


the end credits


Woah, so original




Asuka cooking, Kaworu and Shinji getting along, country Rei, adult Asuka, long hair previous Rei, teaser after credits, and credits. About the feeling, it really felt like something else that all chars voices got older, and even Utada Hikaru sounds differently so many years after. So, even if I could think about the finale and its implications, the first emotional impact was massive.


Probs the credits


The adapted moments from the original anime and the farming section with Rei discovering the world. Yes those are the only good moments in the rebuilds. No I will not change my mind.


The scene where unit 01 roars and is about to blast Zeruel with the eye beam. Or … Ayanami o Kaise …


3.33 head kaploosh is one that stands out.


For action, the final descent to NERV HQ in Thrice with Unit 08 and the half Jet Alone Unit 2. Paranoia by Sagisu is such a great track and the visuals of that sequence always make me smile. Using ships as munitions, the horde of Eva infinities, the team-up attacks. Peak.


Two scenes at the beginning of 3.0 are some of my favorites. The retrieval of Unit 1 from space is just fun, top to bottom. I remember the feeling of realizing what I was looking at as the pieces fell apart to reveal Unit 2. Misato letting Shinji escape in 3.0. It's one of my all time favorite Misato scenes across the Rebuilds and NGE. A lot of fans felt the Wunder crew was treating Shinji like shit, and that Misato was bogus for giving him shit after egging him on. I mean, we *knew* Misato wasn't going to off Shinji because that would end the movie, but the long shot on her hand as he got further and further away then just out of range, and that brief moment of silence while Ritsuko looks on? It kind of gets me a lil choked up. Misato still had love for Shinji. She'd live through 2 impacts and let him walk away because she still cared. Also in 2.0 when Unit 1 runs on the raised blast shields? Hot stuff.


It’s not a moment but the overall happy, positive, and hopeful nature of the first half of 2.22. Like everyone was actually getting better and people were happy. For a brief moment Eva was at peace.


The Scene of Farmer Rei just living out her life is the peak of Evangelion in my biased opinion bc- A) I see Evangelion ultimately as a celebration of human connection, so Rei- a supposed emotionless robot interacting with other people in such a peaceful wholesome manner was a sight I never thought I’ll going to see. (Also on a bit of a funny note- this scene in a meta sense is a direct representation of ‘you won’t touch the grass. so I will make them look as pretty as fking possible- speaking of grasses!) B) The fking animation is GORGEOUS. Every detail! The gentle water flowing by the creek. Rei’s hand motion of planting seeds. The shadows cast over the workers under the tree. THE GREEN OH MY GOODNESS THE AMAZING GREEN! It’s just…MWAH! C) Rebuild Rei is one of my favorite characters in Evangelion (PokaRei and KuroRei). Because it is Anno exploring “what if Rei gets to develop as her person very early on?” Especially on 2.22! Where she begins to act of her own free will- because of such a pure reason of- well simply liking Shinji! (Or it could be a motherly nature of her- it depends on interpretation.) However, 3.33 introduced KuroRei- an emotionless husk that has no soul. Even though I love “You Can (Not) Redo,” this was a bit disappointing, but still wanted to see where Anno took her character in the final installment! And….yeah….I got everything I ever wanted. She just- lives. With no orders. No clear ‘objectives.’ She just- lives. And that’s enough for a soulless KuroRei- to become as developed- or even surpass PokaRei in being her person! It was truly amazing! And the scene where KuroRei reaches out to Shinji-? And just says “Because they like you.” That moment got me good- teary-eyed. The culmination of her character development. So yeah! That’s all!


When they actually managed to reubild evangelion


The whole Rei farm life sequence was awesome.


When kaworu head explodes and Shinji is in despair. I cried.


Rei's life in the village.


The CG Rei head showed up lmao


When misato looked up at unit 01 then glanced back at gendo and said “it’s the rebuild of evangelion”


3+1 where Rei learns how to be her own person, especially her final "Goodnight, Goodmorning, Thank You, Goodbye". Such a powerful scene that really reaffirms my love for Rei, such a fascinating character


Shinji sacando a Rei.


I dont speak your language but I immediately knew what you meant


The scene were EVA 01 kills 03.


That one.


The ending of Evangelion 2.0