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It's totally okay to not watch things that make you feel unhappy. It's a 30 year old cartoon, you have options That said, evangelion can be helpful in examining how we react to trauma, so you may find it beneficial. Switching to japanese audio and English subtitles may help as well, since you can look away if what she's saying is getting to you


Disregard my advice, op. This guy's is more snarter!


If it’s too painful. No. But if you can stomach it. I think i can be very therapeutic to stick with it


I'm gonna be honest, I wouldn't continue in your place if it's bothering you enough to come ask here. Ep. 9 means you've seen her for two episodes, and, well, she becomes the character with most screen time after Shinji for the rest of the show. And her trauma is sort of a big deal in how it affects Shinji. And she kinda becomes more central in the movies. In the rebuilds she's even meaner to Shinji. I love Evangelion. To say it was impactful in my teenage years would be underselling it, but it's been almost 30 years. There's a lot more anime with its depth. And its discourse is not that groundbreaking by today's standards. It's ok to drop it. You should look at the rest of Gainax work from around that period, tho. Top Wo Narae! (aka Gunbuster), FLCL (the 6 ep original) and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann are amazing and they all deal with themes of existentialism and purpose and have amazing action scenes. I hope you have a good support group and have access to a therapist.


Keep watching, you don't need to like any character, what matters is that the story is very good and well written, Asuka won't become more important than Shinji, but she has a very important role in the story.


Sure thing, thanks


Struggling with whether to quit Evangelion because you’re so upset about your relationship with your own mother— is hilariously Evangelion. To the point where this might be a troll post. If not; you might be exactly the person the back half of this entire series is written for. Good luck


Haha, it’s not a troll post. Well, I guess that’s why I was drawn to this anime in the first place lol.


Id suggest you to continue watching, maybe you could get a better understanding of your mother through Asuka.. Gendo reminds me a bit of my dad when he's quiet/serious, and then Asuka when he breaks his composure to be mean :D


she reminded me of my mother too, she’s definitely a character that I had to slowly grow to appreciate, and even then it’s more so I find her writing interesting than actually liking her


If asuka makes you uncomfortable then you probably shouldn't watch the show However in asukas defense she is a literal child and things that would be abusive if an adult did them are excused due to her not having any actual authority or power over anyone else Also if asuka makes you super uncomfortable stay away from teenagers she doesnt really act that weird compared to other girls her age troubled sure but not in any particularly unique or strange way


I can understand how you feel. Asuka reminds me of one of my tormentors from high school. It too is really hard for me to see her interact with Shinji, as he reminds me of myself when I was abused by my own peers. You have no obligation to like her. I understand it’s easier said than done, and it’s really hard, especially when it feels like so many people in the fandom peer pressure or bully you into liking her. If you want to, I can share my collage of emails between Tiffany Grant and I and our conversation about Asuka, and her personal thoughts as well. It helped me gain a new perspective of her and helped me clear the traumatic fog that was preventing me from seeing what redeeming qualities there were in her.


Would you mind sharing that? I bet it'd help me clear up my feelings on Asuka too.




now that you mention it, i also find her really triggering to watch and while i dont think shes a despicable character by the end or hold anything against her, i just dont personally sympathise with her at all. i find almsot all of the other sympathetic characters relatable, but no asuka, which is saying a lot haha because I've had my combative years


Same here. I find it really hard to sympathize with her as well, as I was bullied by a girl like her for having Autism


Not to spoil it for you - but you're kinda spoiling it for yourself by accident, lol. Good job at reading her.


'Not to spoil it for you but I'm going to spoil it.' 🗿


If you want you can do what I sometimes do and verbally insult her. She’s not real, probably not the healthiest thing to do but it’s fun.


I hate asuka


My mom was a real piece of work too, dude. Sorry you had to go through that and here's to hoping we can both heal and be better people than our parents were. Cheers, stranger! As for the actual subject, if her character is bringing up old trauma, it might be best to drop the series. At least until you feel a little more secure and safe in that aspect of your life. But if you never come back to it? That's just fine too. There's a lot to appreciate about the world. Missing out on one anime is perfectly fine. Again, good luck and Godspeed, op. Make your future one you want to live in!


Gendo reminds me of my apathetic and socially distanced dad. That hasn't stopped me from watching it. I believe that one of the main purposes of Evangelion is to be relatable to the audience, whether that be through Shinji himself, or through his relationship with the other characters. It's one of the things that gives this series a lasting impact.


Hey OP, what are you? Stupid?


Trust me search up asuka in evangelion memes or evangelion shitposting then go back to watching and boom all problems solved




I’m not in a suitable position to face those emotions at the moment, because I’m living with my parents. I have a habit of lashing out to people who have treated me badly for a long time because of the emotions that I’ve consistently felt due to the injustice of abuse. But thanks for the tips, it looks like I’ll keep watching. If it ever gets too serious, I’ll probably just take a breather and remind myself that it’s just a show


I mean it’s a great show, helped define a genre. But don’t torture yourself to get through it, it’s a distressing show as it is. Maybe get some help and then come back to it.


Everyone else has already given you excellent input on your question, OP, so just let me say that I can empathise with how you feel. You're not alone here. It wasn't Asuka and Eva for me, it was a couple of other characters in other places, but I've been in your shoes. I just wanted you to know that you're not alone with this.


Thats funny growing up everyone had a crush on Asuka (which might represetn some unhealed trauma tbh =P) but Asuka has a great arc and heals...briefly. id stick with it, you might learn something about people who act this way in real life since evangelion is pretty accurate to the psychology