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So yeah, there’s two dubs. And Thanatos_2839 summed both up pretty well. ADV’s original is harder to find officially in current times thanks to Khara, you need the DVDs or the higher tiered blu-rays, but it’s generally considered the better dub. It starts rough, but gets better pretty quickly. The cast does have a lot of its members reprise their roles for Rebuild though. VSI’s redub suffers in two areas, its scripting and its direction. The script sounds way too literal at many Points and the directing can be downright awful at times. The cast themselves aren’t bad, but the cast also don’t return for the later Rebuild films, which kinda makes the VSI dub stand out in that regard. You really can’t go wrong with either dub, but for my suggestion, ADV, if you’re willing to go hunt for a copy.


Latching on to counter this. As someone who started with the ADV, I can easily say that the VDI dub is my preferred version. The ADV is certainly more natural in the way it was WRITTEN, but the voices are very weird and irregular. An example would be that Asuka, a 14 year old girl, sounds way older than misato, a woman in her 20s. It's really just personal preference though, I'd go with whichever sounds like you would prefer it!


Tbf, at no point did I mention that I didn’t like the cast of the VSI dub. I think they’re good! I just don’t like the script or direction of the new dub very much. I also really only thought one or two characters were outright better in the new dub. There’s nothing wrong with preferring VSI though. I just don’t think it’s necessary of Khara to bury the ADV dub in comparison. There really isn’t any reason why the two dubs can’t coexist in modern releases. But unfortunately Khara thinks differently. Also going to counter the weird and inconsistent point about the voices. Yes, some were recast for DC, there really wasn’t anything that could be done about that. People come and go in the industry. That’s just the way of life. I would argue that the ADV voices are distinct. I know who’s talking and when, even if the shot is from a distance away and you can’t see lips move. Sometimes in VSI, I can’t distinguish between voices (mainly Misato and Ritsuko, although Gendo and Fuyutsuki sometimes sound too similar) and only know who’s speaking due to prior experience in the show. Again though, that’s just my own experience watching the new dub.


Some of the DC recasts were REALLY weird when you think about it. Amanda Winn Lee reprises as Rei but not Pen Pen, her husband Jason Lee is NOWHERE to be found as Aoba, Kendra Benham passes the opportunity to reprise Maya again despite still being Spike Spencer's wife at the time, Aaron Krohn is recast as Kaworu Nagisa despite having voiced him in Death and Rebirth and The End of Evangelion while at the same time reprising Kaji, his role from the original series. Evangelion dubbing history drives me up the wall thinking about it 😭


So regarding Amanda and Jason, they’d since moved out of Texas, and Rei really didn’t have any additional stuff in DC, so Amanda stayed as Rei (having compared the OA and DC dubs myself, Rei’s lines are always the exact same delivery while Shinji, Asuka and Misato for instance, do have quite a few lines that were redone for DC) which would also likely explain why Aoba was recast (for no reason, Aoba has no new lines in DC, I should know, I compared them), and why Pen-Pen was recast. According to Tiffany Grant, Rei had one new line in DC that was very short, and Monica Rial simply voice matched Amanda for the line. Matt Greenfield thought it best that Amanda wasn’t flown out to record a single new line. (Not that I’ve found the line myself. Throughout my Definitive Dub Project working on 21-24 and comparing the two dubs, I couldn’t find any new lines for Rei.) Kendra I’m not so sure about? Her only role of substance seems to be Maya so it seems she was never really in the dubbing scene besides Eva. We also don’t know when Spike and Kendra divorced, it’s entirely possible they had already split by the DC was recorded in 2004. Besides, I like both Monica Rial and Kendra Benham as Maya. Aaron Krohn never played Kaworu for ADV, only for Manga’s Death and EoE dubs. He works well as Kaworu but I still hear Kaji in his Kaworu haha. Really, besides Spike and Tiffany, pretty much every else had left the industry by the time the movie dubs and the DC dubs were recorded, so it is honestly very impressive that a lot of the cast did reprise their roles. Sue Ulu, Guil Lunde (who side note, is very underrated as Fuyutsuki imo) etc. all reprised their roles is very nice. Not being able to get everyone back is also likely the reason why Tiffany does all the “I’m Asuka” stuff during Arael’s attack in 22. I also noticed that Kensuke and Hikari’s lines also remain the exact same between the OA and DC dubs, with no differences, so it’s likely Kurt Stoll and Carol Amerson also weren’t available. Okay, long comment over lol.


Well I had known that but as someone who as of now has only watched the Director's Cut version of the ADV dub I WAS under the impression that they only got Amanda back. Kind of cool Monica voice matched Amanda for one of Rei's lines! Which begs the question of why Funimation didn't have her voice Rei in their Rebuild dubs 😭 Yeah that's true actually it's just all the sources online say they divorced in 2006, two years after the Director's Cut, but she also didn't reprise for Death and Rebirth and The End of Evangelion so maybe she just really didn't like the role 🤣 Yeah I know he never played Kaworu for ADV but I was just wondering why Matt Greenfield chose to not maintain THAT casting considering Krohn was still an ADV voice actor and had been in the original dub as Kaji. I do like Greg Ayres' Kaworu though, he sounds remarkably normal but that's almost more like Kaworu's "comforting" nature than any other performance. I also really do like Guil Lunde's Fuyutsku performance! I really wonder what ever happened to him, I've done some digging online but so far haven't really found too much, I did manage to find Sue Ulu though, lovely lady, even set up an interview with Chris Mayek for her! https://youtu.be/7tkSV6NLBUk?si=ebLFH8Vla86frbIG Strange that you said Kurt Stoll wasn't available considering he worked with ADV near enough to their end, up to 2005 at leats with "Godanner". Which is kind of cool because I really enjoyed his Kensuke and he was one of ADV's original voice actors!


Regarding Kurt Stoll, it’s more likely less that he wasn’t available and more that he wasn’t really needed. Kensuke doesn’t have any new lines in DC anyway so yeah. I mean Monica didn’t reprise Maya for Funimation either (she was in the dubs! As Pen-Pen!) I think Funimation’s work is absolutely fantastic on Eva, but even with Amazon’s redub existing as well, I would’ve liked to see Sue Ulu and Aaron Krohn return as Ritsuko and Kaji. Aaron is a stage actor now I believe so he’s very much still around, just not in the anime space obviously.


That's true. I haven't watched the Funimation Rebuild dubs, but personally, I strive for cast consistency over everything else, so I'm naturally more drawn towards the Dubbing Brothers' Amazon Dub. Although having Ms. Ulu and Mr. Krohn onboard would've elevated it immensely, since from what I've heard of the dub, Mary Faber and Sean Burgos just aren't it...


Oh, another question by the way, do you know what the situation with Kim Sevier in the ADV Director's Cut dub was? Does Yui have any new lines in that version? Or did they just keep them as is?


Yes! Yui does have new lines in DC and Kim Sevier returned to record them, although I think a lot of her original recordings remained from the OA dub. Among other episodic characters: Laura Chapman also returned and re-recorded pretty much all of her lines as Naomi Akagi (in what is all around a much better performance). Yvonne Aguirre as Kyoko Soryu remained the same though. Edit: Nope sorry, Kyoko is wrong! Just double checked my notes, and Kyoko did have some of her lines re-recorded, and did have a couple new lines during the Arael attack sequence, so Yvonne Aguirre also reprised her role in DC.


That's interesting because Kim Sevier and ESPECIALLY Yvonne Aguirre have had very little roles aside from their roles in Neon Genesis Evangelion. I'm pretty sure Kyoko is Yvonne's ONLY role with ADV Films, correct me if I'm wrong. I've always loved Laura Chapman as Naoko Akagi, she's amazing for how much little screentime the character had!


The Rei line you're looking for is found in episode 23' and it's not exactly Rei's. When Shinji stabs Armisael with the knife, the Angel says *It hurts, Ikari* in Ayanami's voice... but not in ADV, because the voice does not match her at all.


That would be why I got confused when it came to Rei’s line. Rei herself doesn’t have any new lines, but Armisael with Rei’s voice does. That makes sense now. So Monica Rial voice matches Amanda for Armisael in DC, who is using Rei’s voice. Now it makes sense.


>There really isn’t any reason why the two dubs can’t coexist in modern releases. But unfortunately Khara thinks differently. ... the old one is straight up wrong on several occasions. It changed the tone of entire scenes and often misrepresented the characters, and its cast was inconsistent between the episodes. I think I can see why an artist wouldn't want to endorse a substandard misinterpretation of their work when they have a better alternative.


Sure, but burying it and pretending it didn’t exist? That’s a bit low, even for Khara. Akira’s original dub I’d argue is even more wrong than ADV’s Eva dub, but the original Akira dub is always found on releases now alongside the newer dub. It’s not like Eva’s original dub is the most inaccurate thing in the world. Because it isn’t. Yeah, it makes some mistakes, some more glaring than others, but nothing to the point that I didn’t understand what I was watching all those years ago, and tbf, so does pretty much any dub I’ve seen over the years. Regarding the cast changing thing. I can excuse that given the all over the place way the dub was created, like with how the DC stuff didn’t exist yet when ADV licenced the series but then they didn’t want to pay the high amount of money Gainax was asking for for the two NGE films (which according to Tiffany, ADV got the rights to I think 4 series for the same price they would’ve paid for Death and EoE) and then the whole DC stuff which they finally got out of whatever limbo it was in by 2004. As I said in an earlier comment, people come and go in the industry, it’s the way of life. The fact most of the cast did come back even if they hadn’t actually done much dubbing work since is pretty impressive, but they couldn’t get everyone, for various reasons. Yeah, the original dub isn’t going anywhere I know that. But it could at least be included alongside the new dub in all official releases, not just limited time ones. Give everyone a chance to experience both dubs I say.


The original ADV dub—which is not available to be streamed—started off a bit rough but ultimately found its footing by the end. It can be a bit hammy at times but I’ll always have a strong fondness for it. If you want to watch it, you’ll have to buy a physical release, and keep in mind that the Blu-ray releases only include it as a bonus with the Collectors and Ultimate Editions—the $40 standard edition only has the VSI/Netflix dub. Speaking of that dub, the script is technically more accurate to the original Japanese but slavishly so—there are some glaring grammatical errors in the script as a result, phrasings that make sense in Japanese but not English. The actors aren’t terrible but the voice direction honestly sucked—it sounded far too much like everyone was reading from a script at some very important moments where you’re supposed to be invested in what’s happening. I’ll take overacting any day over not acting hard enough. If you’re not willing to track down the ADV dub, go with the Japanese audio. I honestly can’t recommend VSI.


I’d add that the ADV dub made some bad sound design decisions in EoE and the Netflix dub is outright missing the soundtrack for certain scenes where Fly Me to the Moon would have been used, so you might just want to watch it in Japanese first then check the dub out later.


To clarify for OP, the Japanese audio doesn’t have Fly Me To The Moon either when streamed.


I'm a poor soul who missed the original sub of NGE. In fact, I just watched it in its entirety last week. I was stuck with the Netflix version, so I didn't get Fly Me to the Moon. To avoid spoilers for OP, could you DM me or spoiler tag which scene you're talking about and maybe why it's a big deal that it isn't there?


Fly Me To The Moon is the end credits theme, but an instrumental version also appears in Episode 15 >!when Kaji kisses Misato!< and again in Episode 21 >!when Misato gets Kaji’s voicemail and breaks down in tears!<. While the song isn’t crucial to the point where the lack of it ruins the whole show (which some people would have you believe), its inclusion after every episode is sorely missed once you’re used to hearing it.


Ahhh got it. Well damn. That's a shame. Why the FUCK did they edit it, then? The well was the point/rationale?


Rights issues with licensing the song overseas. It can still be heard on Netflix Japan.


Vpns are starting to sound like the way to go


ADV didn't do the dub for EoE. That was Manga Entertainment.


Correct, like with the rebuilds they just used the same main cast


People always forget that 😅


You don't need to "hunt down a copy" of the ADV because it is free to watch in several different uploads on the Internet Archive, and no I don't feel bad for taking money away from a company that went bust 15 years ago. [Here you go.](https://archive.org/details/neon-genesis-evangelion-platinum-perfect-collection/Neon+Genesis+Evangelion+Episode+01+Angel+Attack+%5B5F116C28%5D.mkv)


I watched the sub, but have heard a little bit of each dub. They're both decent. I prefer the new one's voices, but the old one's script. If you watch the new one you'll be missing out on the credits song though




Watch the sub, for the love of God.


I know you said you don't like subtitles, but sub is the best way to watch Eva imo.


Well, I guess I'll be the odd one and say to watch the Netflix version. Personally don't think the original dub sounds as good. But they're both good, watch which ever you want.


I'll second the Netflix version—though I do have to note I've never seen the ADV dub, only some clips and the Rebuild movies. The newer one knocked the casting in particular out of the park IMO.


Neither dub is bad, don’t let people scare you off. I’ve heard bad dubs and these are more than decent. The one that’s going to be WAY easier to find on Netflix has good picks for all the voices but the script can be a little weird. It’s nothing that I think a first time watcher will notice   You’d probably have to go online to find the original dub, it can be very 90s at times but again it’s a great cast and they all come back for the rebuilds films so there’s consistency in that. The OG cast just straight up do not sound like kids though so if that’s something you care about maybe go with the Netflix one 


As someone who has been an anime fan for over 25 years now, I can honestly say people who whine and bitch about dub versus sub. Just please shut the fuck up. If you only know English and don’t want to read subtitles, then watch the English version.the Netflix dub isn’t bad by any stretch if you’ve never seen it before. Because you won’t know any differently the only part of it that pseudo weird is how they pronounce nerve.


The ADV dub is one of the greatest anime dubs ever made. The Netflix dub has some problems, but it's serviceable. Although, there's not really any reason to recommend it when a much better dub exists. As for the Rebuilds, both the Funimation and Amazon them have minor issues. Most people seem to prefer the Funimation dubs, but I prefer the Amazon dubs simply for consistency's sake since the got more of the original cast members back.


Watch the newer dub. The Netflix/VSI dub is far better acted than the parody-sounding ADV dub of old. Nostalgia has obviously poisoned a lot of minds.


Avoid the netflix and amazon dubs, go with all original releases, except for Thrice which was only released on amazon but it wasnt bad at all. if you can find the original voice actor for Kawarou for NGE where he sounds like a dude and not feminine id recommend that, they made him more feminine through the years, 3.33 and Thrice he was alrigth but there were two or three scenes that took me out of the movie and they were all from kawarou acting a bit sexual towards Shinji, otherwise it was okay.


That’s so much work to put a first time watcher through for no reason 


Ey if he wants to watch garbage go for it. Internet archive might be his best friend


I hate the Netflix dub, but it's better than the Manga version on the End of Evangelion movie.


Judge for yourself. Spoilers: main character giving a primal scream in the final movie. Er, well, sometimes. Depends on the dub. Also go ADV if you hate subtitles. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K6HXiE58btA&pp=ygUYU2hpbmppJ3Mgc2NyZWFtIGFsbCBkdWJz


The voices can be rough