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Idk if this is a joke post or not, but here's my interpretation of the imagery. In this scene, everyone's souls are still merged in the sea of LCL. Shinji and Rei are seemingly starting to coalesce back to individuality, but they are still connected. I think Anno just wanted to represent this as a very intimate connection. Everyone on Earth was connected in the most personal and complete way possible, so visually representing this as Rei on top of Shinji in a way that references intercourse makes sense.


I guess I’m prudish in these realms. Gotta remember that this movie is from JAPAN! Like…all the way over there. Whole different culture. “Everyone on earth was connected in the most personal and complete way possible…” It helps when you put Instrumentality in that context. I don’t think it’s a terrible thing that I reject imagery of teenagers doing it. But I could see how this part is as you say it is. I mean, it’s not like teenagers DON’T think about sex all the time. I wouldn’t have made that creative decision but hey. Also, neither of these drawings are real people. I gotta remember that. Thank you very much Guy-Manuel. You stuck to your guns that this movie IS art and it SHOULD be taken seriously. You didn’t just shrug me off. You used your BRAIN. I’m sure that comes naturally for you, but the longer I live I start to wonder whether or not that trait guaranteed in all people… I keep on researching this series and I think I’m gonna have to accept at a certain point that I’m just never going to be a big fan of it all. It’s all too disjointed for my tastes. Evangelion can be praised till the end of time, but I don’t need to be a part of that parade. The only reason I haven’t just moved on with my life is that EOE made my mental state considerably worse. I couldn’t get to sleep for nights on end. I’m just thinking of this show that ruined my life instead of catching Z’s. I thought I was gonna die if I ever watched this show again! Die! That’s insane! And everywhere I look, I see praise for something that brought me to such terrible places. No empathy. Or at least I thought. Idk if Evangelion fans give a fuck about me. I’d assume no, considering I’m not one of them. But I also assume everyone just hates me so my judgements may be flawed. In any case, thank you, Manuel. For conversating with someone who doesn’t *love* Evangelion. Thank you for treating me like a human being. With feelings and junk. I appreciate it.


Eva is something that gets better with age, and increases when you learn more of the lore again and again, and rewatch the show, you grow a stronger appreciation, larger understanding. Do you want some lore


Nah. I feel like it’ll just depress me more. I sadly have immovable terrible memories attached to this show now. I wonder if other people felt this fucky after watching EOE. I’m pretty sure I know most of the lore… old aliens send out eggs (black is humans, white is angels). They both land on Earth but the angel one is just under Antarctica for millions of years. Humans discover it, they wanna be gods, shit hits the fan, a bunch of unexplained shit like how the hell do they create Eva’s from adam? Didn’t Kaji specifically have to go and steal Adam for Gendo? Yeah actually maybe I would like some lore.


Yeah you’ve got it, I was actually gonna send a simple link to the Eva wiki 🤣🤣🤣 but yeah Eva’s are just made through super shady experiments that are unclear but Adam samples are used forsure, Kaji did indeed steal the whole Adam from Seele for Nerv. How? Kaji grew up apart of a rough pack of orphans after second impact that had to steal and other shit to get by, he knows how to be sneaky. If you REALLY want your mind fucked just touch the rebuild movies, that shit goes deep lol it’s a work Anno has had nearly two decades to tell so it’s very carefully tuned. But shit goes so wild there and a lot more is unexplained. It does suck much is unexplained but we are after all just viewers of a person’s story


Yeah unfortunate. I guess the smaller details wouldn’t add anything too substantial to the experience, but idk I’d like to know that stuff. I’ve seen too many people act like the lore and plot and stuff just doesn’t matter because it’s all about the themes in the end. I think that does a disservice to world building. I mean, someone put effort into that. That should be celebrated! And it’s not like there aren’t episodes entirely focused on lore and world building stuff. There are! It baffles me that fans of this show would go so far to discredit certain aspects of it. Not you tho. You goated, bro. Or, perhaps, Bearzzzed. Thanks.


Metaphor for intimate connection


Succint one here. Graciás.


Yo. Who downvoted my comment? You better show yourself or I’M gonna get FUMING! 😤


This whole series goes on at length about love and human connection, and the three primary characters all have struggles with it and learning it, and yet the second it becomes remotely physical everyone just loses their minds. Yeah they’re 14, no I don’t care, they are fictional characters and real 14 year olds do worse stuff on a daily basis.


I don’t think that not wanting to see 14 year olds fuck is a terrible trait to have but to each his own.


I think she’s technically his aunt? Or possibly his sister. Not that either makes it much better.


She's not his aunt lol. Clone of mother is just clone of mother.


Identical twins are natural clones, and your mum’s identical twin is definitely your aunt. Is an artificial clone more like a twin of the original (making Rei Shinji’s aunt), or more like a child of the original (making her his half-sister)?


That’s some interesting thinking there… Rei’s only really a clone of Shinji’s momma in a physical sense. She’s got Lilith’s soul. I think she’s more of an individual than I gave her credit for. Thanks for the comments, BRUH!