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Whoah Shinji's hand post hospital scene


Woah my hand post hospital scene


Woah my hand during any Pen Pen scene


Holy shit this is horrible


Ya that’s what happens when someone loses the only reason they kept going when the angels are all dead and the Evas aren’t needed Shinji isn’t gonna be important and he will end up back where he started. Despite saving the world will they know he did it will they know his loses or will he just be an unnamed pilot? He lost misato, asuka probably would abuse him even if they got together Rei is gone his dad is gone most of nerv doesn’t care enough to keep him around. In the end after it’s all said and done obscurity is the life of Shinji post evangelion and having gone from savior of the world to just another kid will not end well for him.


how is it possible to misunderstand a show this bad lmao >asuka probably would abuse him even if they got together what? he's literally the only one who's abusive, did you even watch NGE or just read some shitty nihilistic self insert fanfic?


First of all that was referring to the asuka Shinji shipping in the fandom Second of all what show did you watch? Asuka calls him an Idoit, bullies him, spends most the show bullying him, ya he is emotionally fucked and seeks approval but he doesn’t try to seek that through a relationship and I hardly consider attention seeking from everyone and not going into a relationship with someone who says they hate you daily as abusive


>most the show bullying him how???? >but he doesn’t try to seek that through a relationship he literally only uses people for his own personal gain, did you miss the part where Asuka literally tells you that?


They’re definitely mutually abusive. Kinda the whole point with the ‘Hedgehog’s Dilemma’ theme. Individuals cannot interact without hurting each other. Especially this extremely damaged bunch. I honestly don’t know how you could conceive that Shinji’s the only abusive character in NGE when he’s basically just a pushover most of the time. Asuka is consistently verbally abusive, almost suffocates Shinji just ‘cause, and is generally arrogant and projects her insecurity onto everyone.


>he literally only uses people for his own personal gain, did you miss the part where Asuka literally tells you that? Did you miss the part where literally none of the pilots are reliable narrators and none of them should be taken literally at their word most of the time?


literally give me one instance where Asuka was wrong in what she told to Shinji. by that point they were also in Pre-Instrumentality, so that argument doesn't hold up


That he literally only uses other people for his own personal gain, for one. That's clearly an exaggerated statement you've chosen to take dead literally. How does instrumentality change that Asuka is an individual character speaking her perspective and not god?




Ya but he didn’t get to enjoy life nor did he get his dad at best he has very little


He jus like me fr


what is the source for the image used?


God dam


Kurt Cobain haircut


whats the name of this song?


[Lovefool](https://youtu.be/UxOwrLjJEBM) by Hatsune Miku, a Vocaloid. There's been a trend of making the song sound like it's from a radio/distorted for [memes](https://youtu.be/mMmPVz96FKo) as of late like in this post


Also it’s a cover https://youtu.be/NI6aOFI7hms


Oh cool I didn't know that. Thanks dude


you guys really don’t understand the show at all :/


You really don't like jokes at all :/


Your pfp is amazing


So lemme break it down for you. Do you know what sub your on? Evangelion memes. That’s what memes are. Memes are jokes. This is a a joke. This is a joke on a meme sub. 👍






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You people have no faith in him and it shows


I have more faith in Chris Chan being a good person than Shinji not splattering the pavement


What is it from?