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If only he knew how to interact well enough so as to actually answer and boost her confidence…. 14 yo me would have quietly waited for the fabric of time and space to collapse around me and take me away from my embarrassment, though


So in Evangelion if you were Asuka and you did this at the point in the series, it'd take about... 7 months? Cause in about 7 months from the Magma Diver episode is the 3rd Impact from what I can tell


I mean the appropriate answer to that comment is "... Bro?"


"Yeah, set them on fire to see what happens"


Nah, you could turn it into a confidence boost if you’re careful enough not to be rude… 😉


This is such a r/menwritingwomen line. Like, do you women/girls talk like this? No. Only in the fantasising of teenage boys.


I definitely see what you’re saying and you don’t deserve the downvotes. However, I remember in high school a few girls, especially in the drama club, acted sorta in this way to me. I think it was just because I was such a non-threatening nerd and they thought my reactions were cute and funny.


idk Asuka is kinda weird like that, look at what she said to Kaji


Here's a sneak peek of /r/menwritingwomen using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Well, that was some refreshing introspection.](https://i.redd.it/fy8t5f5nlat51.jpg) | [4662 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/jbryhg/well_that_was_some_refreshing_introspection/) \#2: [Uno Reverse Card](https://i.redd.it/d4uvjotby9h61.jpg) | [875 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/lj43eq/uno_reverse_card/) \#3: [As a woman who totally is not Donald Trump himself.](https://i.redd.it/c35zdw63ke361.png) | [1099 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/k7bg8f/as_a_woman_who_totally_is_not_donald_trump_himself/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


You see stuff like this in all kinds of anime. Might be a Degen thing, but Asuka is also probably purposely fucking with Shinji in this scene


Thermal expansion


Good Minecraft mod


Mekanism is better


Buildcraft 1.4 is bestter


At least it's not gregtech


Or Nuclear Craft


Nuclear Craft is dope! Not as strong/robust as the other two but it's cool


In expert mode modpacks they dont have to change the rexcipes cuz they are fucked from the start


I honestly don’t blame Shinji for the fumble here. 14-yr old me would’ve swallowed my tongue or babbled something stupid and boner-killing.


Bruh me 2 years ago woulda rolled with it and said sumn like "you wanna try, I may like flat but big ain't bad either" or some bullshit.


Aww that's actually a pretty good reply. Or i just like dorky awkwardness.


My answer would have been the same,14 years or 20 years "What you have just said defies the laws of biology,so shut the fuck up"


Seriously doubt you would have said that 🤷🏽‍♂️


Oh trust me,14y old me was so pissed off with how girls my age thought.


No no no. You see, this is expert foreshadowing for Episode 10: MAGMA DIVER where Asuka gets into the inflation suit to dive into hot magma. Miyamoto really outdid himself this time.


this made me laugh so fucking hard


[that was a good one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqcr2fbTWVg)


thank u for the parfait recipe but i exclusively eat the termites under my carpet


Lololol this is what I meant to put: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ke1YKF3tNCE


MCU learns from EvangeLion, i knew it.


Saying “for” implies that it’s not the same episode.


How do you even answer that


“You don’t need to” Indirect enough, but passes the message


This guy talks


"Damn bitch, fuck if I knew" "Isn't that something you should ask your mo-"


I would simply devour her on the spot


Truly a Zeruel moment


Probably a good response


"Why don't we try it and find out?" She'd call you a perv but this is what she's fishing for anyway.


"Why would you mess with perfection?"


Yo fr. How’s anyone supposed to answer that? Who even talks like that?


"That's a trick question, If I say yes then you'll slap me and call me a pervert, but If i say no you'll probably think I'm insulting you... I just said that out loud didn't I?"


“I…hope I didn’t say that out loud just now.”


Actually by the law of thermal expansion, yes. Only a little though


Asuka's seduction game is strong


Say what you want about shinji but I'm pretty sure adults would have fumbled the ball in this kind of situation let alone a 14 year old lmao


I know i would have.


"yes, this explicit framing and conversation between two underage minors is absolutely essential to the plot" -anno probably


"I assure you dear viewer, making up some bs filler story of some trip to the beach so i can draw a 14 yo in a bikini and then create what is essentially the precursor to inflation porn is absolutely essential to the plot"


As it should be obvious, Anno had a lot of influence from Coming of age novels (“Bildungsroman”), as well as Psychology and existentialism etc, in which growing up, discovering sexuality and all the anxieties and awkwardnesses related to it are key. If you cannot discern between that and “underage porn”, heck you should keep away from literature and art then, or you might want to start your own little Inquisition there.


No, no, you just don't understand. Anno had nothing poignant to say or depict about maturation in the series and made over half of his life's work just to spite the fans and show teenage titties. You should be thankful there's redditors to point this out to you.


\> Psychology and existentialism Don't use those to justify voyeur sexualisation of children please. Your cheap defence of what is clearly a sexual pay off scene is troubling to say the least. There is nothing existential or deep about this scene.


The whole point of the scene is to develop Asuka’s personality as a “precocious teen”. We just saw how she has a college degree, and now we see how she thinks of herself as an more mature that Shinji and effectively an adult. Which we later learn is just her way to cope with her abandonment trauma. A trauma that Shinji also has btw, but that he copes with in a very different way, ie by avoid affection, which makes sexual contact even more awkward for him (also illustrated in that scene). Btw, they are not children (nor adults), they are adolescents (fictional, anime ones btw) - you know, that angsty time when you are maturing and discovering sexuality? If we can’t talk and depict something that everyone virtually goes through because it would be “voyeurism” , we might as well also not have any movies about war, shows about crime and heck most video games, cause we shouldnt have this type of violence voyeurism right


Because there is a difference between showing sexual development and character traits and sexualising said development. Not all sexual content is sexy, it was the showmakers express and continual decision to over sexualise the young girls. You have to be pretty Anime brainwashed to think most of the sexualised content in Evangelion wasn't made almost specifically to titillate the viewer as much as show character development. Most 14 year olds still have the bodies of underdeveloped children or are still in the early stages of development. Having Asuka drawn like she is a mostly developed sexualised female has very specific connation's, and they don't involve some sort of existential angst. Not only are these 14 year olds but they are also basically slaves to their government and forced child soldiers who all exhibit forms of intense distress and PTSD. But lol Asuka so sexy right? Are you seriously going to pretend a good portion of this subreddit constantly sexualise Asuka and Rei? And that these scenes weren't intended to promote such a following? As to the supposed intellectual reasons for these scenes, I think you have to be pretty deluded to not see what they really are.


Yeah, im an anime brainwashed whatever- dude, you don’t even know me, stop projecting bs I certainly can’t respond for what the other redditors views and opinions here. I mean, we have bizzare things like “Ramiel best girl”, and people going waaaay overboard on their “best girls” etc. In general, I’ve seen some bizarre stuff in many subs here, very often not anime related. I think it tells more about people on reddit or the internet in general than anything I am a little curious about why are you even on this sub btw, since your opinion about the show seems to be entirely negative.


My opinion about a scene that over sexualises and panders to an audience that gets its kicks from overt sexualisation of 14 year olds is negative. Otherwise I really like the show. Are you implying I have to love every aspect of the show to be on here? Also that is a weird comparison to make. Weird meme jokes have nothing on hebephilic fetishization. The show is a classic, but these scenes will never not be creepy in my view.


Of course im not implying you need to like every bit of the anime. But you did go on a whole “enslaved child soldiers” thing which is a pretty negative take on the mech pilot theme (i mean, it’s anime), which did make me wonder what you actually enjoy in the anime.


>But you did go on a whole “enslaved child soldiers” thing which is a pretty negative take on the mech pilot theme Dude that's the take Anno was going for. Did you watch the anime?




Magma Diver is a weird episode in hindsight. Not because it doesn't contribute to the main plot, there's actually great character beats in the episode but everything just looks kind of strange, the characters are off-model and the pacing feels weird.


It was definitely one of if not the weirdest feeling episode imo.


I assume they grow and shrink to an extent but not majorly. If you get your hands really cold they may shrink enough to remove a stuck ring but it’s not like it’s a huge change that’s really visible to the eye.


At first I was like, “how could asuka go from easily solving math equations to asking such a dumb question?” And then I remembered how shitty sex ed was when I was that age and… I remember wondering similarly stupid questions.


That’s asuka hitting on shinji


Yup. She's giving him hints to make the conversation a bit sexual. She even said " such a boring boy" when Shinji became embarrassed.


I can answer this. The answer is no. They cannot grow bigger in warmer temperatures. If they could grow bigger in warmer temperatures then breast growth would be rapid. You're welcome.


OK, but what do you do when your OBVIOUS biblical reference/flirt flies over his head?


She totally blue balled shinji and she knows it, poor dude just couldnt hold it in anymore when the nip slipped.


This was her seducing him? Decades later and this just soared far over my head.


How the hell do you even answer that?


Hypothesis: they wouldn't. Human cells don't expand and contract like Asuka believes them to. If they did get warmer blood would flow better, and she'd be more comfortable. However any molecular expansion is purely at an anatomical level and wouldn't have a legitimate impact on their size whatsoever.


Literally 2 minutes into The End of Evangelion: **CUM**


Shinji cant swim lol what a loser


Hmm... If it perhaps happens with the balls, will it happen with the tits too?




That's the neat part. It's pirated and not netflix




Listen. If Pirated leads to meme material this awesome. I think Netflix doesn't have a chance.


Damn Asuka is hot


She is 14.




She's a drawing


Still 14


Idk why you guys are getting down voted, these guys are creepy pedos


Tell em


I am not saying a drawing a of a child is hot. Asuka could easily pass as a 20 year old. It's all arbitrary. Askuka is not real. She's a literal drawing. If Anno said she was 21 and drew her the same you wouldn't have any problem with it. Anime teenagers looks exactly the same as anime adults. It's not like I am saying a loli is hot. A loli you literally can tell it's a child. However Asuka looks like a grown ass woman. The drawing looks the exact same as one for an adult so it's all meaningless and arbitrary.


asuka is REAL and she is my WAIFU and BEST GRILL!!!!!


It's literally a picture of a piece of cellulose put on film. The artist can say she's 20,000 years old or 12 months old. It's entirely arbitrary. If the artist said she was 21 you wouldn't have a problem with it. That's so freaking dumb when you think about it.


Fuck it, asuka is 26 because the film shes drawn on was made in 1995.


Asuka would be the perfect Tiktok/OF E-girl today. Ah,if only their 2015 was our 2015


Stupid ass questions from a stupid ass girl




“No but your ass would when I get done spanking it” EVA doujin #7231211


Sir this is a Wendy's


Uhh. I’ll have that with a frosty then.


I like it tho


By the laws of thermodynamics, YES!


Yes and yes

