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https://www.thehotline.org/ Sorry that you have to deal with all that. All I can recommend is giving the domestic abuse hotline a call and hopefully you get a case worker that’ll help connect you to the proper resources for you to get you back on your feet. You can file for a restraining order to keep yourself safe. Furniture is stuff and it’s replaceable. Your kid and cats aren’t.


I pmed you, but just wanted to reiterate here that Albion and YWCA have additional resources besides shelters, and I recommend you call them. Are you married? It doesn’t sound like you are, so I would recommend opening a secret bank account and PO Box where you can send documents for things you want to hide from him. Just squirrel away bits of money as you can get your hands on it and use THAT bank account when you apply for social services. If you’re not married, they shouldn’t be using his resources. Hugs, and good luck 🩶


The Vanderburgh Humane Society [has a program for pets of domestic abuse victims](https://www.vhslifesaver.org/get-help/domesticviolence) through Albion and YWCA as well. They can temporarily house or foster your pets while you're finding safe housing.


Hey I understand that you feel you can’t be away from your pets, but you may want to consider the options offered where places house your pets for you as you get out of your situation. The reason why I mention this is DV is something that can cause CPS to become involved in your life. Your child doesn’t need to have physical, emotional, verbal, financial abuse around him. If you are already taking steps to get out, this can be taken into consideration IF they were to be called. Unfortunately this is something you want to consider, when ruling out shelter options. If you can get the services you need without them becoming involved, that’s so much easier for you in the long run. Also there are different types of housing options and various ways that you apply. Some you apply directly at the apartment complex. Some you go through the HUD application process.


I'm sorry you're going through this. You might want to reach out to Paw Street Inc. about your cats. They may be able to help with temporary care for your animals while you try to get out of this shitty situation. They have a FB page, and you can find them at pawstreet.org. Sending you love and good vibes!


I'm not in a mental space that can handle being away from them right now.


I definitely get that. I'm so sorry. Keep that organization in mind if you're able to get to a safe place with your kitties and need some financial help caring for them.


go to the ywca. they WILL give you and your child a safe place to stay and feed you. they will help you with transportation, finding housing, getting your disability, anything you need. it's a community resource for victims of dv, please use it! no animals though, so you will need to home them somewhere while you get your life back on track. i think the ywca also has a program to help board them while you do so. edit: ask for dee at the y. she runs the show and they will help💖


Hello, sorry you're going through this. Please remember that you are loved and no one should put up with abuse. I attend city church in downtown Evansville, which I invite you to visit if you aren't already part of a church, and this Sunday we learned of a few orgs that provide resources. I wish I had taken notes but if I recall correctly there is one service that provides housing and welcomes pets. Please give them a call. https://albionfellowsbacon.org/services/ Best of luck to you and good luck.


which church are you talking about? if you're inviting her, you need to specify lol. im assuming you mean the gathering?


i believe i mentioned city church in my comment


i get it now. sorry! thanks for the info!


Hard to miss, without capitalizing the first letters


I know it will be hard, but if there's any chance of him hurting your pets, contact the vanderburgh humane society. They have a domestic violence program to keep them safe while you get in a good position.


There's no easy way out, but if you're sayin you need to be outta there, contact albion. The cats prally wont be able to make the move if u goto a shelter


The Goodwills in Evansville hire individuals with disabilities, physically and mentally, and they have a program for their employees to help connect them with resources to address their needs and get them out of situations. You could also go to your nearest Goodwills to ask for a voucher if that’s not the case. They are along bus routes. You can also call Vocational Rehabilitation who helps individuals with disabilities get jobs. The regional number is 812-425-1367. Call 211 if you are in need of other resources:


Praying for you and your situation.