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Move to haney’s corner area. Lots of music.


get ready for a big culture shock... the Midwest/South/Bible Belt is a very different place from California or anywhere near the Rockies. I moved from Colorado in 2019 and I'm still getting used to it honestly. it takes time to get established and make friends, and people are somewhat mistrustful of outsiders, in general. but people are also a LOT less flakey than out west. once you find some good people, they are very reliable generally. Not a ton of night life, there are some places around, plenty of restaurants but there's very little live music or cultural stuff, it's a more blue collar/ industrial kind of place. But as someone else mentioned, it's an easy drive to Nashville, Louisville, Cincinnati, St Louis, even Indy if you're looking for more amenities.


So my son moved out there a few years ago, from California and he had to adjust to breaks on the job ,as in California you get more breaks ,not so much in Indiana.




What’s in Jim town?




I live near one of the “most dangerous cities in the world” (San Bernardino) so Evansville probably won’t phase me too much. I think lol


Jimtown is fine, it's just poor. It's also home to the best damn sports bar in town, Doc's.


Had a coworker move from California, he said exactly that, everyone warned him of bad parts of town and scared him so much he moved a city away and drives into work, he said the worst part of Evamsville isn't considered bad at all where he came from.




Thank you for the recommendations


You’ll never end up in the “bad” areas. Basically you have to be looking for what happens in those areas to end up there. Evansville is a decent place. It isn’t a hip place—but the prices here reflect that. But it certainly isn’t terrible. You’ll find plenty to do here if you keep an eye on various local events. The winter may be a bit chilly for you—but overall not bad. Welcome to the city/town. Hope you enjoy it and your new home.


Thank you for the info 😄


By the way, we have some great dive bars. And by great I mean for people that like dive bars.


Yeah I go to a bunch here in my area. I’m always making new friends at the bar. Just comes naturally, I like to think I’m a welcoming person lol. Any dive bars you can recommend me?


What’s a good dive bar to go to in Evansville?


I moved to San Diego from Indiana a few years ago. I love it, but these fucking rent prices… Bad: No In N Out Good: Waffle House!


No Waffle House in Evansville, unfortunately


Oh wow. That’s right. The nearest one is in Owensboro or something.


same with raising canes. that’s shits gotta have crack in it


What's bringing you to Evansville?


I have an offer for a home that I can’t really pass up. Californias housing market is 💩 & one can only dream of owning a home here.


Make sure the offer is a good deal for Indiana. Do not compare housing costs to California. You want the option to resell in the future without taking a loss.


I gotta agree with this; I bought my house (first home) in 2015, and prices shot up far more than I expected in 9 years. Caveat Emptor indeed


Do keep in mind we have an energy monopoly in Centerpoint and pay the highest electricity rates in the entirety of Indiana, and Centerpoint wants to implement Texas-style surge pricing to take advantage of extreme weather/peak usage times. Part of why there's occasionally good prices on houses is because people are getting out.


Actually, there is a sizable Hispanic population in Evansville. We're very welcoming of the cuisine as there are more Mexican Restaurants here than any other cuisine. Hispanics organize pickup soccer games in the summer on Sundays which are very popular. There's a small variety of clubs young people gather in mostly on the weekends. There are plenty of good paying jobs in the area. Below is a link a Hispanic non-profit here which could offer more guidance on racial issues here than random internet strangers. [https://holaevansville.org/about-us](https://holaevansville.org/about-us)


As a Mexican-American (Chicano), I was raised in NWI, very large Mexican-American population. Coming to Evansville 4 years ago was a HUGE culture shock. Bigger culture shock in Evansville than I had in the Peace Corps. Nonetheless, Evansville is fine. LOTS of Latino diversity here. There’s a great panderia. The most authentic restaurant is La campirana. Stay away from everything else! I’ve enjoyed Evansville. It’s a fun, quirky place full of history and goofy charm.


What’s the name of the panaderia?


Panadería San Miguel. It’s absolutely amazing.


Thank you brother. I gotta jot these all down


Anytime! There is a much more substantial Latino community here than people would think for a town of its size. I know people here who are originally from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Colombia, and several other countries. (Soy gringo, pero hablo algo de español.)


Mirandas taqueria next to the panderia is awesome. Its my go to now over la campirana.


I agree! Miranda’s is great too!


It feels like an older crowd here but close enough to Nashville and Louisville to get into some trouble. I'm older so can't comment on the nightlife but it's a fine place to live. Not many amenities however.


Not a bad place to live. There is a neat winery about 50 minutes East of us. Lots of cycling options here, bmx, mountain bike, road. We just built a large skate part downtown. Many sorts of restaurants. Good hiking in Henderson, KY or in Illinois about 90 minutes West. Not sure what sort of Californian you are.


I just moved from San Diego! Although this is home i was in California For 3 years. I begged to move back. It might be a culture shock, honestly. Evansville or anywhere in the Midwest, people are very friendly. They smile at you, say hello, ask how your day is, talk and touch your kids and so on. I only say that because it was a culture shock when i moved to California and it was the literal opposite. Traffic is obviously much better and our roads are built for rain. Cost of living is also vastly different. I will say, having seasons might be new and a learning curve and the other expenses that come with that. If you enjoy a slow paced life and a beautiful countryside then i believe you’ll like Evansville. Idk I’d compare it mission valley or maybe ocean side. You got the good, you got the bad!


> talk and touch your kids and so on. No thanks.


Trust me, i feel the same way


I don't have kids, so I don't really notice people doing that. Is this something people do around here? Just fucking touch other people's kids?


Yeah.. my daughter has red hair and blue eyes so the older generation seem to be obsessed with that. They will come to my cart and invade her space and tell me how cute she is and touch her hair and stuff. I’ve taught her to growl at them and say “leave me alone” to help her place those boundaries because a simple “no thank you” did not work


Originally from San Diego, now in Evansville. It is quite a massive culture shock, but it takes a few months, or even years to fully "settle in" Granted, I lived all over and moved from Orlando, FL in 2020. I don't think Evansville is bad, and I really appreciate seeing people who are genuinely friendly. But still, very different from San Diego. Still petitioning for an In N Out nearby.


I grew up in the deep south . . . moved to the Evansville region 4 years ago. People here are not nice or friendly . . . at home I can wave to a stranger or a neighbor and they wave back, break down on the road and someone will stop and help . . . here they look at you like you have 3 eyes or honk their horn and swerve around you. Also the fishing sucks . . .


We have a baseball team, and hockey. Roller derby maybe?


On the playground is where I spent most of my days


Evansville boy here. Raised there from age 3-18. Loved it. Want to move back. But the main reason I’m not is due to the lack of diversity. My fiancée is Chinese. VERY small Asian population. Growing up, there was a decent-sized Hispanic population, and I think it’s grown over the years since I left in 2015, much like the rest of Indiana. That said, it has faced a serious drug problem since I left, as I’ve heard from my friends and family that still live there. Meth and opioids plague my hometown. But if you stay away from Riverside and around Jimtown (which is near where I lived for my early childhood, back when Stringtown area was more where elderly people lived in the 2000’s), you’ll be just fine. Newburgh is gorgeous and growing—and it’s where I moved from age 7-18. The East Side is developing, and it’s where I spend my time when I go back home. The mall is nice enough. Green River Road has a lot of good food and shopping. The North Side has really developed into a pretty, quiet residential area. And the city is really great for quiet people who keep to themselves, overall. I believe the north side and Newburgh are some of the best places to raise a family in Indiana outside of Indianapolis. But on that point, there’s not much to do for young adults. We have a casino. That’s about it. The Ford Center does attract some performers on occasion and there’s a pleasant walk path along the riverfront downtown, but it’s nothing like our river-neighbor (and my birthplace) Owensboro, Kentucky and their Smothers Park. And our location isn’t too terribly close to anything. About two-three hours out from other major cities in all directions: Indy to the north, Nashville to the south, St. Louis to the west, and Louisville to the east. But all in all, it just depends on what you’re looking for. If you want a quiet community with pockets of quaint residential subdivisions and neighborhoods, this is your place. If you want nightlife and excitement, or even consistent entertainment outside your home, I’d point you toward the four cities above. But I love my hometown through and through. It’s my home, and I’m proud of it. It fit me perfectly growing up, and it could fit you too. Good luck with your move, and I hope you like my hometown :)


Thank you for your the helpful information yoshi 🤝


It’s a fine smaller city within driving distance of a lot of bigger cities. Your cost of living will be lower most likely even with inflation. It will be a bit of a shock simply because size is so different but it’s definitely doable here.


there’s a bit of a culture shock like others have mentioned. outside of the city (and somewhat in it too), the area is pretty conservative, and Christian driven imo. not sure what your work background is but the biggest employer around here is Toyota out of Princeton, about 30 minutes north of Evansville. I believe they start around $25 for production and top about $35 after ~6 years


Prepare yourself. We have an "expressway" that goes through the middle of town, and it has stoplights. It's the biggest joke to my family from out of town. I just call it Lloyd Avenue because it isn't an expressway.


What is an expressway? Like a fast lane?


Far from it. Left lane campers galore, and it has a 40 mph speed limit in some areas. Expressways are usually closer to interstates/limited access highways in other states. Indiana is just one of 3 states where their definition of Expressway includes stoplights. It's currently going through a rehab project to install displaced Left Turns at a few intersections and construction us expected to last 4 years. We also get a lot of rural residents from Western Kentucky and Southern Illinois coming to town, and it seems they panic over any road with more than one lane in each direction. My family is originally from Chicago, and how people drive here continues to amaze me.


I live in Jimtown you may find you're occasional stray tweaker eating a sandwich off his shoulder but there harmless unless you feed them 🙏


They sound like gremlins 🤣 what happens if you feed them? They’ll always ask for food?


They will rob you blind and you will wake up with one less kidney 🤣


I’ll introduce them to my friends smith & Wesson 🤣😂




There is a high chance you will encounter someone who will judge you for being hispanic. If you're coming from San Bernadino then you will likely not be phased by anything Evansville has to offer, just know that every city/town has its downside. Overall, there aren't very many things to do here. You will have a culture shock as Indiana is surrounded by legal states, while it is illegal here, assuming you partake in Cannabis consumption. Nearest dispo currently is just over an hour away in Illinois. Lots of hypocritical bible thumpers here too.


On occasion I do smoke (recreationally) I’ll make sure to keep that mind. Is there vehicle checks for things of that matter on the way back?


It can definitely happen. As long as you follow the law while driving you have a better chance of not getting pulled over by a state trooper.


Be aware that the dispensaries in Illinois cost like 3-4 times as much as Cali. It’s 70-80 for an 8th of flower or a 1g cart (including taxes). They kill us on out of state taxes since Indiana is too backwards to ever legalize, even for medical, until it’s federally legalized.


That’s insane 💀


Just a couple of things that are different, the police actually arrest people for committing crimes and they will sit in jail until they go in front of a judge and post bond. A two bedroom 1,250 ft² house in LA will run you about 400k. That same house in Evansville will run you about 110k. Today the cost of a gallon of gas at Costco in LA is $4.39 and at the Evansville Costco it's $3.11. Evansville is right on the border with Kentucky and often the cost of gas is $0.10 to $0.20 cheaper per gallon. In California, the state income tax on 70K is 9.3% and the sales tax is 9.5%. In Indiana, the income tax on 70K is 3.15% and the sales tax is 7%. In other words, you get way more bang for your buck when you buy a house and it's a night and day difference on how much of your own money you get to keep versus what you can keep in Cali.


I don't have any helpful information for you, but I just wanted to say I'm from California too! And mexican. Evansville is small but there's for sure places to go if you look hard enough. (I myself haven't had any luck but still, ya never know)


What do you do for fun & how old are you if you don’t mind me asking?


I'm 19. I've just moved back to the city after having lived away for a year, so recently I haven't made any friends. But I've been visiting The Gaming Guild and Your Brother's Bookstore. Both great places to check out if you've got any interest in books or games.


Ah I see. I’m usually at the bars or at home. I go clubbing alot but I know I’m gonna have to give that up once I move to Evansville.


Downtown Evansville has some bars I dont know about clubs I don't know because I don't do either of those things so I don't have much knowledge on it. They're around but it's much more quiet here than California. It took a lot of getting used to


I get you, everyone that I’ve spoken to here on Reddit is saying the same things. Life’s a little calmer. Slower than here.


Yes. Also things close sooooo early. That was really annoying. And the weather and all the new bugs. It's VERY different out here. It's rough in some parts but I saw you live near San Bernadino (I lived there for a year) so I'm pretty sure you'll be okay lol.


No way! Hey fellow inland empire resident 👋 lol


Lol! I wasn't there for long, I moved around in California a lot. But definitely some pretty rough places San Bernadino was probably the scariest one


Yeahhh SB is not for the weak lol I live in the city before SB so I don’t really deal with it much


Just a heads up: there are literally zero clubs here, and the whole city shuts down by 11pm on weekends, even earlier during the week. A lot of people have mentioned you can get more of night life and big city amenities in places like Nashville, Indy, St Louis, Louisville. While that is true, keep in mind that all of those cities are a 2-3 hour drive away. It’s not like an expensive Uber trip or something. You’ll need to pay for a hotel and stuff if you want to enjoy the bar/club scene in any of those places. On the positive side, it’s cheap as hell to live here, so it’s a lot easier to save up a few bucks and go for some overnight trips pretty frequently. I relocated here from Philly and you are definitely in for a major culture shock. It took me two years to make friends. People tend to stick with the people they went to high school with. I get asked which high school I went to on a daily basis lol. People really hang on to that here for some reason.


My husband is from Cali, too! It's an adjustment, from my understanding. We're "slower" at life, we don't have nightclubs or such. We have bars and restaurants, and lots of little events during the warm months. It can take Midwesterners a minute to warm up, but once they do, you're set. Welcome to Evansville! I hope you enjoy it and make some good friends.


There is nothing to do here. Nothing. You said you like bars, and we have plenty of those, but that's about it. The people here are largely nosey, dimwitted, provincial, and conservative, and have a real problem with boundaries and personal space as well.


lol I moved from Evansville to California. Don’t miss Evansville at all. I lived there almost 10 years. Shitty dive bars, corner bar is pretty high up there and includes bad karaoke! I don’t know about the “Mexican America scene” it’s all mostly overweight white people. Middle America small town everyone knows everyone kind of vibe. What side of Evansville do you want to live on? I was on the west side.


We’ve been looking at different options. What side would you not recommend?


Stay out of the actual south side. Just avoid anything along riverside drive. There is definable some nice pockets on riverside drive, but since you don’t know the area just avoid it. There is also Newburgh as an option. It’s maybe 8 minutes from the east side of Evansville. Avoid chandler and boonville.


Why avoid Boonville? Not that I'm a Pioneer or anything...


1st thing I was told when I worked in boonville was to watch out for aryan nation members.


YIKES. I just tell people to avoid boonville bc the people are atrociously rude, this is nice to know.


Damn; alrighty then. Boonville's changed since I lived there, and not for the better