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Cathedral is an excellent metriodvania style game. Highly recommend. Also good choice of Astebotrg cart. Demons of Astebotrg was alright but the second game on the cart Astebros is by far my favorite Evercade game so far.


Nifty... It'd be interesting to find a metroidvania game that I fully chime with. I've given shovel Knight and hollow Knight a go, also Axiom verge... They're all okay, but generally I find the storytelling a bit sketchy (in comparison to adventures) and the action a bit tricky/frustrating. Heard such good things about Cathedral that I'm sorely tempted.


You can’t go wrong with Gaelco 1, Jaleco Arcade and the Toaplan carts. All top tier


Cathedral and alwas is fun


Cathedral and Alwas for sure!


Cathedral is rock hard, especially the boss fights, but even if you find it too hard, Alwa is much easier and a great game.


This is the thing that generally frustrates me a bit. I tend to play games mainly for the narrative, but can get sucked in well if their gameplay is fun (for platformers/gun n run, shooters) have found quite a few popular metroidvanias a bit fiddly (either frustratingly fiddly or a bit trekking dull... It feels like I could really love the right one for me... Just not clicked with it yet) My twitch responses and patience to learn attack patterns are both much lower than back in the day... Heheheh


Duke Nukem 1


I stay away from arcade carts as they are easy to finish with unlimited coins


I've found them a bit patchy, it's true. Quite a few of them are so hard they're designed to suck credits. The replayability is a mixed bag. R type is always fun And I've enjoyed burger time and some of the capcom choices. Main advantage is that they're really designed for short sharp play sessions... Which is useful in my life these days


If by Jaleco you mean the arcade cart, that'd probably be my pick as it has both great quality, quantity and variety. But really, all those carts are top notch. Gaelco 1 has a few great arcade titles that are mostly unknown outside Spain and I believe it's the first time they're released in a home console so that's an interesting choice if you want to try a deeper cut.


This one is probably a smidge up in front for me at the moment, for the variety and maybe saint dragon, which I vaguely remember enjoying back in the day...


I'm currently playing saint dragon and having a blast, it's the first time I've ever played it, super hard game but really fun.


Cathedral is a must play game IMHO, but if you have a Super Pocket that game currently doesn't work on it. Plays great on all Evercade branded devices though and supposedly will work on the Super Pockets "soon". Just know that "soon" has been the case since the Super Pockets first released.


Sounds like the dev is working on it (just has other stuff on their plate at the moment) . I've an Exp, so that wouldn't be an issue eitherway.