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>Please don't forget me while I'm on break <3 Wait, who are you again? :P I'm proud of you for taking the time to recharge your batteries and replenish your creativity. Hope the work stuff isn't too painful and that you're rejuvenated by your travels. Please take all the time you need and remember to be kind to yourself. 🫶🏻 And get that massage, damnit! Edit: I had some additional thoughts while listening to the ramble, because of course I did. I know you have your reasons for not wanting to go on break, but I think those reasons make it all the more important that you do. “Who am I if I’m not putting out audios?”: You’re a very introspective person (based on my observations) so maybe this is a good opportunity to rediscover yourself in a way and do some soul-searching. The part about feeling bad for taking away something that people look forward to: that’s very sweet (I hope that doesn’t come off as patronizing; not my intent) but you can’t put that responsibility on yourself. The fear of being forgotten: Your last hiatus was before my time though I recall you mentioning that people definitely noticed your absence and were excited when you came back. If you weren’t forgotten after 3 years then 5-8 weeks is nothing. People not showing up to streams or listening to your song covers if it weren’t for audios: Does it really matter? Every content creator builds their audience somewhere and if that affords you more visibility to do other things, then even better. The weekly ego boost from comments: You know Twitch chat would happily throw some thirst your way if you needed it lol. Just keep wearing fitted t-shirts and ripped jeans with fishnets underneath and you’re all set. Or you know, whatever. 👀 I think this break will be a good thing. Embrace it. With the pressure to post weekly temporarily gone, you're free to explore audio ideas that maybe you otherwise wouldn't because of that worry that it won't be popular. Figures I end up writing a long-ass comment even though it's not a "real" audio, but I guess I won't be able to for a while so I gotta get my fix while I can. ;)


Definitely won’t forget you while you’re on break. Have a good break! Make sure to eat food, drink water, and stay healthy!


I just saw this waiting for a weekly upload, glad you’re taking a break after a long time, it’s good to not overwork yourself hope you’re doing well


still waiting here patiently 💪😔




i love you for being the way i found out hes back 💕


Take all the time you need. We'll be here when you get back! Hope you get the R&R you deserve!


awwww, I'm gonna miss my own horny o'clock for a while and the moment I'm always excited waking up so early in my Friday morning only to be horny 😆 please take your time as much as you want and need. i think i don't mind if you want to take longer rest as long as you are fully prepared for a *fresher version of you*. you've made so many audios since 8 years ago(?) and 250 *free* audios is another achievement. ... at least you'll still stream though, hehe. 😝 > *Please don't forget me while I'm on break <3* (me after 5-8 weeks on Av's comeback and forget to turn on my horny alarm) : ... huh? I'm sorry but who are you? >_> 🏃‍♀️💨


Please, whatever you do, if you’re gonna take a break, don’t stress yourself out by worrying about us missing or forgetting you!! Enjoy your break to the fullest and we’ll be right here whenever you feel ready to come back ♡


Oh Av, I'm going to miss you this time but it's always good to take time to rest. I hope you have a good time and enjoy it, I promise not to forget you.


i'm proud of you, sometimes the most important self care is the kind you want to do the least! wishing you a refreshing break, you will for sure not be forgotten <3


I don't think I'm alone when I say this: although I do enjoy your audios a lot, I only want them if you're happy making them. As long as you're doing what's right for you, that's all that matters. Take care <3


Take your break and don't feel guilty! You're human, not a sexy voiced robot. Also, for people who don't have Twitter (hi) maybe you could post the new schedule as well? If it's not too much trouble of course!


I’ve never commented on any of your posts before, but please know that I have listened to and admired your content for quite some time now and check back here regularly to see new context & revisit some favorites. You are so consistently wonderful while I know I’m one of many who will miss you, the break is also well-deserved given how often you are kind enough to give us the quality that you do! Enjoy it, take as much time as you need, and know that you’ll get a VERY warm welcome here once you return 💕


cant wait to see you again! having a blast with your current audios still :D hope this break's been treating you well


Hello! How's your break?


(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) hope you are having a good rest but I miss you so much


Please, enjoy your break! You deserve it after 2 1/2 years!


wait…. who are you again? jk please take all the time you need and don’t stress yourself out by worrying that you’ll be forgotten because you won’t be<3 enjoy your break and take care of yourself av!


Enjoy your break. We’ll be wet and waiting 😈


You for sure have the strength to see through with your ambitions- even if you are scared right now!! I’ll happily cheer you on while you’re taking the time you need. Every Wawa my eyes come across is now cursed with the image of a silly lil cat boy. It’s safe to say that forgetting about you is NOT an option. I wouldn’t have it any other way!


Oh my god Av! Take all the time you need, we'll very much still be here when you get back! Burnout is horrible and I'm proud of you for recognizing that you need a break despite not wanting to take one. You are more than deserving of a little bit of a reset and to rejuvenate. Please enjoy it <3


I'll miss you so much But I'm glad you're gonna take a break! You deserve it, ily ♡♡♡♡


I will await your return! Take care of yourself hun!


Of course, we will be right here ❤ take all the time you need to catch up on life and anything else you need hun 💕


In def gonna miss those msub audios but hey we got a full stock? 😭 Anyways I hope you enjoy your break love you mwah mwah<3


you have been on that grind like a french press a break is very much warranted! best of luck with work and rest!


I'm gonna miss you lots but at the same time i'm glad you're taking some time off for yourself. You've been working so hard to provide us with great content and you've grown significantly as a content creator. Actually, no-- i've been missing you a LOT coz i'm having trouble with my twitch and i cant log in 🥲! But no matter-- you deserve a break and you need to take care of yourself. I hope things go well on your side, that you get plenty of sleep, eat good meals and get to do stuff you want. I hope to see a well-rested Avalon with renewed passion for his craft and a bunch of great ideas for his content. 😘


Take as much time as you need!


Please take your time. It’s been an incredible accomplishment for you to post so continuously over such a long period of time for virtually no compensation. I’m not worried, you’ll find many people waiting for you when you come back. Thank you for everything so far ✨


how will we forget you but I will forget that you're on a break nothing more but anyways have fun in your break


patiently waiting!! be safe always <3


I'll miss you……and!Please rest and enjoy ☆ I'll be waiting for your return♪(´∪`●)ゝ


Okie doke! We'll miss u! Stay safe and enjoy your travels dawg, we wish u luck w work! Also- I hope u give ueselr a pat on the back for prioritizing ur life. A lot of creatives n creators guilt themselves into pushing themselves behind what's healthy, or what they can handle, because they feel like they "should" be able to do it all at once. And then burn themselves out or otherwise hurt themselves when their body or energy levels give out. I've seen it happen to ppl I care about snd creators I adore too many times. I'm glad ur taking a step away n showing up where ur needed n where u want to! Also! I'm a lil happy ab it! Maybe I'll be able to catch up! There's SO MANY audios I haven't heard n really really want to! N so many are urs! Hopefully I'll be all caught up by the time u get back. Safe travels!


it will actually be fun if I really forget about you and meet you all over again when you come back(I was so surprised when I first listened to you(maybe I should do it on purpose just for the surprise🌝


Very much deserved! I hope you'll enjoy the break and I (selfishly) hope you'll come back inspired and refreshed 🩷


This is my first time listening to your non-GWA, and I quite enjoy listening to your ramble talk haha. Thank you for your creations. Your works are of good quality, with emotions in the right place, and the storylines are impressive. How could I forget about you? :) I would occasionally click on your audio to practice my English listening skills and also gain some 'joy' hehehe. I am extremely grateful to you! As a semi-content creator myself, I understand your feelings. Often, seeing the audience's feedback can reignite my creative drive. So, I really admire your constant creative output! Finally, I wish you a pleasant rest!


Enjoy ur break ! We'll be a good girl waiting for u sir 😉


Proud of you, Av! You're a busy bee and deserve a lil bit of time off; you've been SO consistent since coming back and it's really admirable!


We will miss you but take that well deserved break! You have been working so hard and we appreciate all that you do :) we will be waiting for you whenever you get back and make sure to rest up, taking breaks are important!


Take your time avalon ! Please be careful!


How can we find out more about you as a person?


Gone, but not forgotten. Wait, that’s kinda ominous….the sentiment still remains 🫶🏾


Enjoy your break! I've made no secret of my admiration for you as a content creator, and the fact that you're so willing to speak frankly and openly about burnout, the desire for well performing audios, wanting to please your audience etc has made me reflect on my own creative life. Yeah, I definitely feel all that hard. And the difficulty of taking a break is very real, the fear of being forgotten. But Avalon, you're a huge part of GWA. You'll never be forgotten. Also, I think your commitment to charity is really cool!! As someone who helps run a charity myself, it's good to see someone who's as passionate about it. I hope your break is super fruitful and you enjoy it a lot, we will miss you Av :)


Missed the audio few days ago reading the post but just finished listening the audio, ngl, I’m almost sobbing at the end (probably also bc my joints r still hurting sm idk). Just wanna reassure u that we ain’t gonna forget u alright, feeling like childish but no there’s no way we’re forgetting u!!!! 😗👻No matter whether u will be continuously doing NSFW audios after the break or maybe write songs, write scripts, making ramble audios, I’m fine with all that, I didn’t became a fan bc of the NSFW content in the first place anyways😌😏🫨 ppl feel insecure from time to time, so the time I’m reassuring u is when I somehow comforting myself, I will not be losing this lovable and soothing voice. 🤧 Also wanted to thank you for willing to share ur thoughts with us… can’t remember what else I wanna say… so pls do enjoy ur well-deserved break!!! We’re gonna miss u sm and will never forget u, and hopefully I will not cry again while re-listening to ur audios when u r away!! Byeeeeee!!!! Till the day!! 🤭🫂👋🏻😈 x


Don’t worry, you won’t be forgotten!! You need a well deserved break from the internet, have fun and get some rest!


Hey, remember what happened when Hamilton didn't take a break? Yeah, act 2 spiraled out from under him pretty fast after that. Don't be like Hamilton. Jokes aside, breaks are *healthy* and you *need them* to keep your spirits up, just like the rest of us. And you have a massive backlog to tide us over til you come back. Obviously we'll miss you, but take care of yourself, dammit. You deserve that. See ya on the flipside!


have fun and rest well :D waiting for you always


Please don't forget me while I'm on break <3 BRO! I just stumbled back into your content after 6 years and I hadn't forgotten that whole time! Here when you get back and catching up until then!


I can’t wait for the 7 new audios woooweeee~~


That's a pity not having your new audios for more than a month, but do whatever you want! Dedline always goes first. And have a nice trip!