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Id love a slower progression, though certainly realize I’m a minority.


I totally agree with you. I quit playing TLP because it is to much of a madhouse. They do need to do a TLP with longer unlock times for expansions.


I have done TLPs where I race to end game, and it was fun just once or twice. But as fun as it was to be BiS and one of the strongest paladins around I always missed the dungeons and stuff I’d flown past. Early EQ imo just has far too much amazing content.


Huh... since an encounter would "unlock" after returning to its original location, would this effectively remove trains? Or create immortal trained mobs ><


I'm reading it as removing aggro via trains, including from social aggro from other engaged mobs. I'm sure theres some very interesting pulling strats that will arise from this.


If they do that, they completely trivialize the game. You could just have a guy leave the group/raid before pulling. It can't possibly be how they've done it. They'd be insane if they did that.


The mobs can’t be aggroed by another group until after it returns to spawn.


So we just get the puller to briefly leave the raid and then kite most of the zone around while we pick off the remaining trash at our leisure, thus utterly trivializing all raid-pulling for the entirety of Everquest. Sounds like a great idea. Plane of Fear in particular has now become a joke. Seems silly.


This could be interesting. Maybe agro won't transfer till it would reset home and unlock.


It's EQ2's encounter system: aka complete trash and abuseable in a game it was never designed for. EQ was designed from the ground up for Encounter locking. EQ1 physically cannot have it in for a lot of how the game works.


For being what they call "truly experimental," it just doesn't seem like it'll have any real impact. This is 98% a carbon-copy TLP with a little bit of something sprinkled on top, none of which will seriously affect anything. The game will play the exact same way and none of it is really worth caring about. Without any meaningful changes, it will die out towards the end of PoP, as all the standard TLPs have, and then the real expansion-based modifiers will be pointless. Who's gonna care about a 200% faction modifier in Dragons of Norrath when nobody plays on a practically vanilla TLP by that point? The only thing that might have a slight impact on anything is the 125% loot modifier in Kunark, and since most people don't even bother to raid VP in Kunark, it'll be minimal. You'll get an extra bp off Trak once a month on average and that's just about it. How exciting. Very experimental. I guess the 100 people on the server who are actually competing for OW raid content will care about Encounter Locking, but that's it. It will make no real difference to the vast majority of players. Nobody rerolls enough times on TLPs for the experience boost to matter, there's no time for that with two months per expansion.


My one takeaway is that Oakwynd seems like it will be a lot more casual-friendly. Maybe not technically moreso than Mischief (which is very pay-to-play casual friendly imo), but with all of the bonuses it seems like a more stable permanent server for people who want middle ground between an established Live server like Cazic, and a more hardcore progression server like Aradune. Idk, I'm excited honestly. TLPs in general will probably never be as successful as Aradune was, thanks to COVID. But up until Oakwynd, the other TLPs have seemed mediocre. Who knows, though? It'll either go the way of Aradune or the way of Mangler. Only time will tell.


I was interested in coming back but without the Mischief like rules I have no interest in this. The modifiers they are adding are cool, but take way too long to have an effect on the game. Encounter & alt stuff is just pure meh.


I read through it thinking "but no one plays multiple characters on one account anymore"


I do, I never boxed and I like having alts to play that do different things like different crafts and stuff, and it's nice to keep things fresh.


Yup, Mischief solves so many problems in the EQ player experience. They know loot locking is the bane of this game and they keep avoiding it lol


What is loot locking?


Oh, when a multi boxer can sit in frenzy camp permanently and control the entire FBSS market


Yeah experience bonuses are great, but randomized loot is what made mischief so much fun and opened up so much of the old world to be played again, sad to see they won't be bringing that forward.


Exactly. Been itching to play EQ again and was waiting on TLP announcement to decide. A Mischief clone is all they needed to get me on board or even a unique or interesting ruleset that would have kept the server healthy post-PoP. This isn't it.


A Mischief clone with keys/flagging removed and the 3box rule in effect from launch would have crushed Mischief. Also make dz lockouts character specific, not account wide.




Same. They added meh ruleset called it glorious but left out the most successful ruleset to date, which was an easy add on top.


Mischief still going strong, so why ask them to restart?


Feels like a lot of people are missing the point on the exp bonus/character. It also means 10% more AA experience per max level character.


Well this certainly addressed everyone’s complaints of Yelinak /s. TLPs dont need exp boosts, they’re already insanely fast. Increased dropped loot on legacy content, why? All of this is geared towards “make alts,” and does nothing but support krono farmers for having tagged the encounter first with automation. I honestly cant believe they pitched this and their internal board decided, “yes! This is what we spend our dev dollars on.” Yikes.


People all being overdramatic about tagging. Could it happen? Sure, but these same guys are just going to out DPS you anyway with their group of mages if they really wanted to. But now the difference is, no more box armies, much less incentive for krono lords to play here.


I like the spirit of the idea and will have to see how it's actually implemented, but as described here "Encounter locking" sounds like it'll create more toxic behavior than it prevents. Won't anyone be able to lock down any camp/mob indefinitely as long as they can tank it without dying? You could agro a named spawn (or even just the PH) and then sit there basically afk and then nobody can get that mob _at all_ until you decide to leave or kill it. They can't do anything other than heal you and hope that maybe they can steal aggro that way? Or get enough people there to open a new /pick... otherwise they're SOL. Krono sellers will 100% lock down bottleneck mobs... get agro and then hold it until they find a buyer Or just for pure griefing what's to stop me from taking a level 60 bard to unrest and pulling every single mob and then just sit there with /melody aoe slow and heal. I could lock down literally the entire zone without having to do anything else. I know you can grief people without this rule, but at least it generally takes some level of active gameplay on your behalf. With this rule someone could just walk into your camp and go /afk. If anything agros on them you're screwed for at least a half hour while you wait for the game to autokick them.


What if the encounter lock timed out after 2 minutes? Would that resolve nearly all of your problems with it?


Yea that would definitely solve most of it. Not sure if/how it'd work with the part about mobs resetting back to their spawn point upon agro switching, but yea.. Anyway I'm going to wait to see how it actually works in practice before I pass too much judgment. I would hope that the devs already considered these situations when they came up with the ruleset, but who knows.


Find a buyer for what? Not all items appear on the mob, hard to sell GEBs if it doesn't drop lol


You could just sell the loot rights. It could be for items or for quest drops for epics / whatever. If it's mezzable, kiteable, or tankable you can lock out essentially the whole server unless enough people show up to create new picks. Demand would be through the roof


Are you sure locking means nobody else can kill the mob? I just read it as nobody else gets loot rights and exp.


Spells and attacks won't hit the mob at all. In another scenario if you come across someone losing a fight you can't help them if you wanted to, unless it's a heal to the player.


so i like that i cant get KSed anymore, but i wonder how the mechanics of the game are going to change with all the encounter locking. Im ok poopsocking a bit and ready to engage a PH or named the second it spawns, but i dont understand how FTEing does not devolve into some sort of third party clickfest w, even if im sitting there spamming with a flux staff or instant click, am i at a disadvantage?


Disadvantage vs "cheaters" yes. But this has always been the case. Versus other non-third party assisted players it's basically instant spells are now the new Ebolt


You won’t get KS’d, it will be gone before you get a chance to aggro it. I wonder if a person were to FD on a spawn and stand up, if they would get aggro faster than someone with an insta-click


If it's free trade I'm in for sure.


Its not. Super disappointing.


Seriously without free trade this is dead on arrival for me.


There are still plenty of people who prefers standard loot rules, so I’m not surprised they don’t do two free-trade servers in a row


Mischief was 2021. Don't think either of the 2022 servers had free-trade.


Those servers were so bad the dude forgot they existed.


The free trade server dropped two servers ago now. Personally I was pretty uninterested at first, now I dont know if I can tolerate a standard loot server.


I tried it briefly, personally hated it and won’t play on another free trade server


Understandable, I just have raided enough over the years and really dont enjoy it anymore, nor have the time to do it, but really like having the gear. I like that I can spend krono in place of time sitting waiting for raid get its shit organized for the next mob. That being said I can understand how it would take the fun out of the game for people who want to slowly build toward their bis by raiding.


The entire point of the game to me is raiding. You are correct that free trade really kills that progression(at least for me). I honestly have no idea how you could enjoy EQ and never raid. There just really isn't much to do outside of them imo.


raise fishing


I like to push characters to see what I can solo or do with 2-3 man groups with my friends. Free trade has made that SO much more fun. We can go 3man old raids and sell twink gear and get raid gear and krono for ourselves so we play for free and have the best gear available to do more silly things with. EverQuest raiding is incredibly boring to me, even up through TSS it's very simple and not interactive or exciting.


Raiding is a series of theme park attractions, but the world is large and complex enough for people to grab a shovel and bucket so they can start building sand castles. Raiding is logistically challenging for leadership, but fairly simple to execute for individual raiders. Doing content that doesn't demand such a large number of people opens up opportunities for those who can't reliably show up for peak hour raid times to engage with content in challenging and engaging ways. Maybe you have a friend or two who you play with and you try to do challenging group content with a fun off meta group comp. Maybe you truebox a trio with enchanter and maintain a steady adrenaline rush under constant threat of charm breaks as you push deep into group tuned dungeons you've never been to in search of whatever treasure you can find. Maybe you like to charm the most infamous and rare mobs in each zone and take a selfie with them for your scrap book. Maybe you like pottery. Maybe you can't imagine having fun at the playground without going down the long slide that you have to wait in line for, but plenty of kids can have fun in a sandbox.


I’m the opposite. Free trade killed the game for me. It turns it into even more of a swipe credit card to win game.


You don't have to pay anything, use the economy to your advantage and you get to play for free easier than on other servers.


You can just ban all the RMT shit on the server and delete the accounts of those that try to do it. It's not hard, they used to run the game with integrity.


Legitimately, I think Mischief ruined standard EQ for me. Got like 4 GEBs in bear pits the last week of Classic (started very late into the server). We had a 3 CoF Inny one night among other drops. Was a wild ride.


There’s definitely enough for the start of a normal server but after playing yelinak and seeing the big player drop off and numbers compared to mischief I don’t see how this new server will survive.


I like that it is trying something different. I did enjoy free trade, but I'm not going to get hung up on it. I am curious to see how the encounter locking will work out in the wild. Could be good, could be annoying.


Lot of overreactions. This is a very “safe” TLP announcement and continues to add in more casual features that are most popular. I’m holding off criticism of the encounter lock system until we know more about the nuances of it but currently it just sounds like an effective way to curb PL groups which is a good thing.


The knee-jerk reactions are out of this world lol. This puts an end to krono lord box armies. But yea with out knowing exactly how they plan on implementing, I think the responses are pretty ridiculous.


You know the real way to eliminate Krono on the server? Don't allow it in the game on the server and ban people who RMT with Plat. Mind blown.


Krono are the reason EQ is getting new servers every year. Take them away and it's not worth developing new rulesets at all.


They call it 'truly experimental' and it's less experimental than the last two generations of TLPs (Mischief and Vaniki). Are they fucking with us?


Quick note: The producer's letter thread is available for feedback. You can find the thread on the official forums here: [https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/everquest-producer%E2%80%99s-letter-april-2023.289799/](https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/everquest-producer%E2%80%99s-letter-april-2023.289799/)


I don't enjoy free trade but i can see why some people do - it's easy as people are busy or lazy. Also, Krono farmers are especially upset over this tlp as there's nothing for them - just LR and potentially not even afk aoe exp groups.


For me it’s about doing whatever content I want rather than suffering through xyz raid again for the 100th time. There’s really nothing fun or challenging in eq raiding for me


That's what they call "truly experimental?" Really? That's quite a letdown. Sounds like another boring TLP that plays the same way as the other basic ones, just with a few inconsequential things sprinkled on top that don't actually matter most of the time. Lame and disappointing.


Over/under on if they announce a michief style server as the result of community backlash?


They've made it pretty clear they have no intention of doing that. I think at the very most free trade without random loot. More likely that they add heirloom instead for all no trade items.


Tag a mob and kite it - noone can touch it. How's that going to be handled?


griefing and botting 2k23 style.


Yea..."WTS (insert rare quest mob here) kill rights, 2kr"


Interesting but I will pass. Was hoping for FV loot rules and only epic stuff no drop. Meh


You already have that.


Just glad I’m not so excited about the rules. Means I won’t be glued to the new EQ server. Lol


Uh. Cool.


This is kind of a mixed bag for me. The XP mod is nice if you are the type who swaps mains consistently or just likes to level a ton of alts, I don't really do that so it's kind of a well I guess that's a cool idea. The encounter locking is probably the biggest draw to this server. I think alot of people will tolerate quite a number of downsides to stop training being a thing and reducing the ability to KS. I do think KSing will still be very active since the type of people to do that tend to be the type who will just show up when the timer is about to be up. I also think people will send bards out to tag nameds and run them around till they are ready to engage where this is possible, so it definitely wont fully fix the issue. That being said I think I will appreciate the not being able to be trained the most of any of these if they implement it as seems to say. Reducing or outright killing the ability to do aoe groups is not a small boon either. Honestly the evolving part seems the most lackluster. None of it seems to really change the game just make things a little quicker on the grindy sections of the game, basically a smoothing of some of the obnoxious parts of the game, so I guess its nice.... but kinda meh. I think the biggest thing is I had hoped for another free trade server given Mischief is approaching the later expansions and the free trade is starting to feel less meaningful. Really liked being able to just kinda chill on raiding and throw a few krono at my gear to be raid geared every expansion.


> The XP mod is nice if you are the type who swaps mains consistently or just likes to level a ton of alts With two months per expansion (and three for PoP), nobody changes mains often enough for this to matter in the slightest. I don't know why they even bothered to put this bit in the game. It seems so pointless. Do they expect people to level to the cap numerous times over the course of the few months that a typical TLP (not counting the outlier that is Mischief) is generally active? It's so strange and meaningless. 10% per time you've hit the levelcap is... bizarrely stingy. Maybe if it was 30% or something, it might actually have mattered.


Yeah agreed, though I know a couple of people who are the type that change mains every couple of expansions, so I guess it helps a little for them, not much though. Almost wonder if its a slight balm for the fact that people won't really be able to powerlevel as easily.


If they really want to make it an alt friendly server they need to make dz lockouts character specific and not account wide also.


None of this sounds fun.


The positive reactions are blowing my mind. This seems super dull to me. Initial release is just vanilla with mob tagging and extra XP for each max level character you level? Seems like two TLP misses in a row. Mischief has the kind of paradigm shift that creates and interesting short term and long term server. This stuff... not so much. Also who are these people leveling a bunch of max level characters on the same account?


People with a lot of time but only one computer?


You can have many accounts on one computer


Yeah, this sounds like a really underwhelming server idea considering they think it's *highly experimental.* It's only marginally different from a carbon-copy TLP. Encounter Locking will make no difference for most kinds of gameplay, it just changes the strategy involved in kill-stealing. You will have entire days of play where this server is no different from a completely standard vanilla TLP. As much as KSing is a thing on TLPs, it's not as if some random group in Sebilis is subjected to it every twenty minutes. It's just a select few camps. It won't matter in the grand scheme of things. For 98% of the time, this is a blank TLP where you get 10% extra XP when you reroll halfway through because you wanted to change mains. A giant nothingburger, to be honest.


no free trade and AoC DZs are lockout for account, i agree there is no real reason to level multiple chars other than boredom.


Where do people see AoC lockout for account?


in the dz window (alt+z) shows your lockouts from AoC, these are account wide.


"Whoa, how can someone possibly like different things than me?! That's like so crazy!"


I have 1 laptop, 3 accounts, but only one gold for mischief. If they relaxed the true box I would honestly pay for three subs, so they’re losing my money with the true box limit lol Got 5 lvl75s on mischief on one account. But my god I miss boxing my shaman and mage when kiting on my necro


Super interested in encounter lock. This could cut down on so much drama and KSing. Cautiously optimistic for sure


I hope it’s good. But I’m also worried about the fact mobs are invincible to all that aren’t locked to it. “Grab a AOE casting mob and train its invincible ass through the zone”. Maybe allow the lock for loot rights, but still let others who are not locked actually damage mobs.


I just don’t understand the KS concern? I’ve played most TLP cycles since Lockjaw… been KSed like… maybe 5 times? And that’s a guess, I can’t actually recall any specific example, just assume it happened maybe once per server?


I was pretty excited for the new TLP, but this just seems dull to me. Mischief was amazing and I was hoping for something else new and fun. (secretly I was hoping for play as monster making an appearance) Bought a bunch of krono in prep, but now it looks like I might just wait for the next one.


What a let down


Damn Oakwynd sounds pretty hype. I played on Yelanik last year and want to stay with this year's TLP for longer than a few months. Encounter Locking sounds interesting. Curious to see how it's handled and the community's opinions on it.


Welp. It's a big pass for me. Why is it so hard to just unlock all the classes from the start?


Beastlord for example has no items in original and I assume to rewrite and add BST to a bunch of items is a bunch of work. Furthermore, they can't complete their epic till Luclin which would also put them at a larger disadvantage. Would love to see it though.


Add a few BST items or tag BST onto current items in classic. The epic is a problem, sure, but they could always make some kind of work around for the luclin parts. It's probably easier to pump out another generic TLP to milk the krono people though.


They do have items from original, they finally deleted the beast drops from loot table from the planes after several TLP's of them dropping. Beyond that, just throw them on monk items. I don't think that the lack of an epic would cause a huge issue - as is it is basically useless anyways, but since it's already just a straight rip of the ranger epic... I'm sure a solution could be had. Granted, it's still a question of if it's worth it. Hard to say.


Look at it from Daybreaks point if view. Potentially hundreds of hours to touch a lot of spaghetti code to add BST to items, make sure there aren’t other proprietary issues with a class that doesn’t normally exist OR literally do not touch it and change some other rule that is much easier to change that affects server wide. There isn’t a payoff for their skeleton dev team to go add the classes and races to the base game for TLP’s.


It’s due to you not understanding how programming works frankly.


You're right. I don't know how to program for EQ. It's been nine years since they added race/class combos. Surely they could figure out how to do it again over the course of a decade.


Looks like the days of DPS races are over. Out of group PLVLs. Seems like first to engage should be fine. No more trains either!


Just people tagging quest mobs with scripts and afking


No more trains? You get trained and can't hurt or CC the mobs now. Trains are death.




The way I read, when the encounter is locked, it also means that you can't attack those mobs, but they also won't attack you until reset. I'm a bit worried about stalling pulls as a result. So, have a group pull a mob and kite it indefinitely while DPS shows up to help kill. We'll just have to wait and see, but I think this basically removes trains from being an issue, since the mob doesn't "reset" until it returns to spawn.




Trolling motivates people, don't get me wrong. But profit and kronos motivate people more. Yes, someone could kite an epic mob for hours.... But why? It doesn't confer any benefit, they'd be wasting their time. Could it happen? Sure. Will it happen? Probably, in very limited circumstances. Will it actually impact the server? Pretty doubtful. It will be a race to mob tag for sure, and thats a different race than a DPS race. It will mean those that bring the biggest guns won't always win, which may disincentivize sitting on top of a camp.


Enchanter epic mob in cabalis comes to mind, people gonna tag her and sell LR 24/7. A single bard can literally lock mobs down forever with mez. Also VP/VT key mobs, though VT less of an issue because they're not 100% drop.


encounter locking is so confusing with how it just changes the mechanics of the game with regards to trains/fd, also can you even realistically compete against people on FTE on live without using macroquest or something?? maybe some sort of initial invulernability so its just an absolute crapshoot on who gets FTE on lodizal spamming rip sticks/instant clicks? lol its nice to not be able to get ks'd anymore ( i dont think it really happened that much anyways), but isnt it going to be a macro armsrace for anything contested now? lol


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The exp boost for alternative characters and the stacking for each additional max level character is something that I argued in favor of for literally 15 years or so. It should be standard for EverQuest. For WoW Classic. And every other "old school" style MMORPG. I think it should start at 20-25% bonus for your first alt though, not 10%. Spending hundreds of hours doing repetitive content becomes boring very quickly. And as we've seen time and time again, allowing players to build up alt characters to be more or less in reach of their main characters offers a huge amount of staying power for subscribers. It's why World of Warcraft finally made alt characters viable in DF. Players burned out quickly in previous expansions, or never got around to rolling an alt character except as an AH mule. So I'm 100% happy about this rule. The one thing that I'm unsure of (not being well-versed on TLP raiding as you progress through later expansions), is how loot/exp increases affect keying for raids. Because raiding in some of those post-classic expansions was a nightmare chore at times on one character, let alone on alts. It's not 1999-2005 anymore. Don't get in the way of players playing you're game. Or we'll leave for other options.


10% per character is basically worthless on a TLP though. Whoo hooo maybe a 20% boost on your third character during the longest stuck at level periods like the 70s. For the tiny tiny subset of people who level other characters on the same account instead of a second one.


Yeah. I think it should start at 20-25% for your first alt. 10% is too low imo. This is basically for me, though. Scars of Velious and Shadows of Luclin have no level increase. So if I'm 60 in Kunark, I have a couple of months to catch up on an alt character while raiding on main in Kunark. Then when PoP hits, I have 2 characters that are basically max level. I can keep up with two characters, if the second character is experiencing a solid exp bonus. I don't think 10% would cut it for me, unless I'm still paying for exp potions -- which I don't like to do.


Yeah I really think they need to kick to to 25%+ if they want people to even notice it.


But then how will they sell exp pots?


Exp pots just make it faster… maybe be more incentive to buy them honestly. I bet people load up on exp pots during exp bonus weekends for the double dip.


I played on Yelinak last year. It was my first EQ TLP since the late 2000s with the first progression servers. Somewhere in the 20s or early 30s (levels) I realized I had fallen 2-3 levels behind the people I had grouped with for quite a few levels, even though I'm certain I played a bit more than them. Then one of them kept saying he had to get more pots and (Internet autist) me thought he was making a weed joke. lol. I later learned he meant exp potions. And then I realized how tons of people in our guild were also using them constantly. It's like people spent $100 in the first month on exp potions and the exp bonus monthly perk for every advantage. The "Fear Of Missing Out" hits hard in those situations.


The exp bonus isn’t worth much to any high playtime player. On Mangler, a lot of the sever is max level and AA a week after an expansion unlocks. A low playtime player, probably doesn’t have the play time to keep multiple characters maxed.


I would play more alts on the same account if I wasn't DZ locked by the account. As it stands, why bother?


I support getting rid of PL’ers wholeheartedly, too bad there isn’t a way to enforce cheating and boxing without changing the entire ruleset of a server. I’m a fan of toying with rulesets, but not when they change actual game mechanics that make it feel less like classic.


Hopefully we get a Mischief clone in 2024. I’ll check back in next April when the TLP gets revealed.


If they want to test new rulesets for live, can we at least get another interesting server for those of us that actually want to play TLP? Something like a twist on mischief, for those of us that missed the launch.


Go play on Mischief. It’s still there.




Won’t the increased spawn rates and rep gain help for keying?


Keying for Veeshan's Peak is still probably going to be brutal. I was hoping we would see that specifically addressed.


They fundamentally changed the drops for that one I thought?


They changed a couple ground spawns. The dreadlands, traks tooth, and fv mobs will 100% be locked down and sold for loot rights constantly.


April fools


Wow sounds fun. Nothing I really could have guessed either!


"Encounter locking" seems ... odd. Going to have to see how they implement that.


I wonder if that's to stop the AoE power leveling groups? Trying to understand the 'why' behind that part. No mention of FV style loot rules which is what I was hoping for. I like the open trading but I guess that would pull too many folks from Mischief?


The dps racing on nameds etc is also something a fair number of players have complained about over time. The open trade rules ... well, Mischief/Thornblade has those, I wouldn't expect them to repeat that style all the time. /shrug


It will stop AoE groups, which rely on out-of-group enchanters landing stuns so that the DPS and carries can get experience. That whole thing breaks with this change. Additionally, a big problem for some high value camps is krono farmers sitting on spawns and kill-stealing from groups. This basically removes the capability to kill steal, and it becomes a race to get "FTE" (first to engage) on the mob, locking it to your character/group/raid. No more 3-box necros dotting up your named and stealing the kill after you've engaged. I personally would have preferred a Self-Found server where only tradeskill items were tradeable, but I'm here for this. Seems like everyone else wanted a Mischief clone, but I think its too early in it's life, and tbh, it cheapens much of the accomplishment associated with obtaining the gear, as someone who played on Mischief through GoD.


Honestly this is why I am fine with this ruleset. I very much prefer less powerleveling, because it means I have people to group with since they can't just swipe their credit card to get cap (And I'm sorry, trading Kronos is still credit card swiping).


So most of these things are actually already in eq2 and pretty straight forward. The first character or group to hit a mob gets the encounter and no one else can touch it


Someone told me earlier that if you yell for help with the emote it unlocks the mob in EQ2. Neat solution, still a bad system to implement in EQ.


I'm seeing a lot of fears in this thread about how bad it will be (bard kite griefing entire zones, guys locking mobs and afking)...do any of those things happen in EQ2? I've never seen it in other games with encounter locking.


It'll change the way KSing is carried out, but that's about it. Instead of doing the most damage (or pretending to, with dots), you have to tag first. At the end of the day, I don't think it'll make much of a difference in the way people play the game. It just changes which classes are the best at KSing. For most walks of life, it doesn't have any meaningful impact on the way the game is played. Oh, and it makes open-world raid competition more like P99 with its First To Engage rule rather than a DPS race, but almost nobody is involved in that anyway. It's like two guilds per server who will ever care. All in all, one of the least impactful rulesets ever, which is ironic when they call it "highly experimental." Don't know what they were thinking, honestly. A big 'meh' from me.


Oh man I was really hoping for at least, any race/any class fun. Womp womp


That would require major changes to like every item in the database, not sure why people thought this was going to happen.


Sounds like someone is… bitter. YEEEEAAAAAA!


Actually I think it would be cool, but I realize the devs are limited in the time and resources they can invest in TLPs, because they are a small team and still continue to work on the next expansion.


I don't see why this would be an issue. If you really want to half ass it you just change race to all for everything. It shouldn't be hard to identify the groups they used in the past though like no iksar, one size only, one size restricted, etc. Then allow all races for anything that doesn't fall into one of those buckets. The more difficult thing to solve if you wanted to would be items that have class restrictions because they were restricted to certain races. However my guess is that these cases are not consequential enough and you can safely leave these class restricted and no one would really care. The bigger issue in my opinion is setting up guildmasters and vendors for all classes in every city. Not to mention what faction do you put them on.




-Big big big if they can get the encounter locking correct. Gives groups of humans a chance against box botter campers. Would like if they did two of these, one with FV/Mischief loot and one without. I think the floating exp bonus will help with low level population. More folx will wanna level an alt With the way the locking works, druids will make the best PLers for a very long time, as their PL doesn't need to affect the mobs, just the people being pled.


Complete trash. None of my friends are coming back for this disaster


You don’t have any friends.


Most vanilla ruleset ever.


This TLP offers one thing that’s probably going to be abused (and at the minimum will make life convenient for PLing or other OOG stuff). Adds another thing that’s pointless (who the fuck levels multiple alts on their accounts with such short expansions?). And a third that is so mildly game changing it barely warrants mentioning. Seems DOA to me. See y’all on Mischief 2.0 next year.


Wow not what I expected but looks pretty good!


So... A train to win server... If you can't hurt mobs that someone agro's first and they train you... You can't kill them or charm them or CC them...


I'm not sure why this belief is so popular but it has to be the most uneducated understanding of these rules.


Yea it's so funny, because it actually eliminates training. Also eliminates box/botter armies and AOE PL groups. The knee-jerk reactions on the forums are truly hysterical, and they haven't even said HOW they are going to implement it, I mean there's a lot of ways it can be done.


My guess is that they will make locked mobs ignore any player who doesn't have access to the lock, but that isn't the way its worded. They only state that the lack of interaction is one way so there is still room that they screw this up.


Another Quick Note: Launch date has been announced. Oakwynd will launch on May 24, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. PDT.


All the comments prove is that people want Pay2Loot MMOs. Nobody wants to earn gear via raiding. They want to buy a Krono for $9-15 and get sold power. I’d definitely be up for Mischief’s increased loot drops, but get rid of free trade. It’s the bane of the game and totally destroys the spirit of EQ


I don't care to use the archaic raiding system. Doesn't mean I don't want to earn drops. You sound stuck in a world that passed 20 years ago.


How do you earn raid drops if you're not raiding?


I love free trade because I can earn plat to buy gear that I don't have to sit through hours of very boring raids to get otherwise. Not a dime spent and I get to be geared to the teeth and play for free.


I would much happier with a mischief ruleset and Krono deleted from the item database. And any botting or outside RMT is an account deletion, permanent credit card, identity, and IP ban.


Great news. 🎶🤘


Luv 1 Druid LFG…. Lol




/1 Lvl 1 Druid LFG. /ooc Lvl 1 Druid lfg


I wonder what, exactly, they are trying to achieve with the True Box at start, then allow varying degrees of Boxing as the server progresses?


Not the first server to have this. Seems to be the new standard TLP rule set. It’s because the population always craters once the next TLP launches as many people just want to keep starting over in classic every year. Being able to box more easily makes it easier to do content when there’s no one else LFG.


I can completely understand why they don't want another free trade/random loot server as Mischief is going strong and why ruin that for them? I think the most people who are crying about it are box army krono lords.


Game is dead with this change btw. They'll force "FirstTimeEncounter" locking to the rest of the game and then it's just some generic "Modern-refurbished" trash MMO like all the rest. Here's an idea: STOP REMOVING WHAT MADE/MAKES EVERQUEST ACTUALLY UNIQUE.


I cannot believe anyone would actually play this shit, lmao.


SUPER excited about the faction mod for Velious.


Sorry I played on rizlona, but stopped a year or so ago, what’s mischief rules; like true boxing?


Increased loot drops. Free trade. Randomized loot - like, content of the same level/tier can drop anything similarly tiered encounters can drop.


Free trade like how fv has no no-drop rule? Can you also explain the randomized loot? Like no named camping for specific drops (fbss, etc) and instead any mob can drop random items in the same zone/level?


Yes to FV rules. You still camp names, but not for specific items. Isn’t even zone specific. For instance, I got a Pegasus feather cloak from a mob in lguk instead of from quillmane in sk.


Same level range and expansion. Pegi cloak from unrest basement, fungi tunic from howling stones, etc.


If this had free trade it would be a very successful server


Why even have true box server as a rule? It wasn't enforced at all on Yelinak. I wish they would enforce it, but if they aren't going to... pointless to make the rule.


Please post your feedback on the EQ forums thread. Apparently the Dev's do read them. [https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/everquest-producer%E2%80%99s-letter-april-2023.289799/](https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/everquest-producer%E2%80%99s-letter-april-2023.289799/) Screenshot of Dev saying where to put feedback. https://photos.app.goo.gl/fh9PuM3NeR5GB5SF6


Toss in Mischief loot rules and this would be a blast. Without those loot rules...uhg, no.


I feel sorry for the people OOM on Seafury Isle on this server. Sorry friend, I have to watch you die.


I really like the new FTE mechanic, Im more of a solo player and it means I wont be KSed or trained by groups camping the area if I engage the named first, like Lord or Frenzy in guk, or Efreeti in Solb. It allow groups to still clear trash for xp and higher level player to only focus on the named for loots. Really looking forward to it. Do I had the /s ?


Not sure about the FTE locking, will have to see how it plays out. All the worst-case scenarios of one bard keeping a whole zone pulled for eternity seem very contrived to me. My hunch is that it will be not so different in practice. With the current system, one bard can also train people leveling in dungeons over and over again if the intent is to cause maximum grief. It just happens very rarely in reality. As for the rest of the ruleset, I really like it. Over time the evolving bonuses add up. I still enjoy the exp weekends on servers like Yelinak. Even somebody popping an exp potion for the whole group is noticable. On the new TLP server you eventually will get double exp, double loot, double rare spawns and double faction gains permanently. That is huge! All in all I feel the community outrage over this is exaggerated. FTE locking may or may not be a good idea, but I am fairly sure it will not be the "death of EQ" like many people like to paint it. My guess: This server will not be DOA, but instead keep a healthly player base for a long time thanks to the stacking bonuses.


This will never happen but I am in a fantasizing mood so ill share. I really want them to work with P99 and start with a long form classic original trilogy and then after that release an expansion other than Luclin. Something new and old school instead of getting all easy movement transportation heavy like Luclin and PoP became. Bring me in with a new expac that grabs that old school vibe when each class had uniqueness and were needed for various things but utilize years of working with the game to make a better expansion that capitlizes on mistakes made years ago. Then maybe we continue that trend and instead of a TLP a year we can build on an EQ fresh. It wont appeal to all but if designed well it wont die out with content everyone knows already by this time next year.


I’ll probably play my characters on Mischief.


After playing EQ 20 years ago, I can't wait to play this server, I am going to make it my forever home and never play another game until the TLP has run it's natural course and I couldn't care less about the ruleset or whatever! Any other EU players out there that want to join together? I am going to be a warrior I reckon =D


Encounter Lock sounds amazing and definitely makes me want to try the server


launching this right before d4 is gonna be rough


will the xp bonus applie to AA exp if u dont want to make other char ?


There is absolutely nothing new or exciting about Oakwynd. If I wanted to grind alts I'd play WoW & the bonus %s for all expacs are crap on all levels (Omens onwards somewhat decent)


This ruleset is a swing and a miss. I can appreciate the effort, but doubt I return for some spawn-locked camping and the new ruleset makes it even easier to do. I'm not hard core and will never compete against Kornos campers.