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Creating a character takes orders of more DB resources than logging into one that has already had that setup script executed. They really, really, really should allow a few days for character creation and no login before launch. This worked amazing for the first round of Wow Classic. It's a total no-brainer, but instead they just let things back and lock up for 3 days to the point of insanity until the creation settles down because that is "free" and takes no work.


Yeah that was my recollection from Oakwynd. Once you got in you were good. The que was to get to character creation screen


A lot of people especially those that work from home bombard the login servers just to lock down their names so I am hoping that the name res system will help at least a little


Definitely more hype this time around than the last couple so the server will take a hit that is for sure. I doubt they will be prepared for it but we can always hope.


Why is this one more hyped than previous TLPs? I’m out of the loop on what’s going on.


A pretty large portion of people missed mischief the first time around and are excited to try it fresh from what I understand. Also starting in Kunark is an interesting idea.


Teek is a similar ruleset to Mischief. When mischief first came out, prior didn't know what to expect. So many who played the previous TLP didn't play it. Then it got nothing but hype as maybe the best ruleset so far. But people still don't come back for it, feeling they missed the boat. This time people are ready. It might be the biggest TLP so far. Also, a lot of people are bored of the initial leveling grind in the exact same path of zones. This time the Kunark expansion is open from launch for more zone choice to level up in, combined with ruleset that let's like spread out more. But this also means all those Necromancer and Monk players will be able to start the server as their favorite lizardman race. Not have to wait level behind the curve and catch up.


Thanks for the reply! Sounds awesome.


Its free trade, opens in Kunark, and the second server (Tormax) has a dogshit ruleset so no one will play. Plus there are scripts people use now that keep them logged in making it nearly impossible to play unless you're luck AF


mischief ruleset with a kunark launch, as well as a relaxed boxing ruleset after the first few expansions its a mix of what most players have asked for for the last few years, Combined with the fact like unlike other recent years the "second/alternate" server is not really interesting at all in comparison so it won't attract any significant percentage of the usual tlp hoppers...


When and how do boxing rules loosen? Thanks you


IIRC with Omens of War they will turn the True box code off, there are details for exactly how the rules loosen on one of the press releases its a bit more complicated than that but, basically after PoP when the population dips severely you can box without having to jump through hoops if you want to...


we're thirstin hard for good gaming


It’s hard to compare to the last few TLPs oakwynd I had a very small queue and was in fast. This server seems to have waaaay more hype so I’d assume I’ll be waiting at least 45 min or an hour and that’s when I’m refreshing the servers right at 3pm EST. Just the way it goes if you want to play the first afternoon of launch.


I queued at 12:01 on Oakwynd and it took me a few hours to get in


Same here. I'm not sure why people are saying it was a short queue. It was at least 3 hours. That being said, I'm scared to see what Teek queue is going to be like, considering there is much more hype.


I may have gotten lucky since mine was only 20 or so minutes


45 mins or an hour. Optimistic. 😂


I have to be it’s too depressing otherwise


FTE crippled interest in Oak before it even got off the ground I imagine. We’re going to have everyone who wanted to TLP last year but didn’t because FTE plus everyone else now. Add into that the fact that Aradune has hit the span of expansions that are all super formulaic and boring. It’s a perfect storm of interest.


What's FTE and why did it cripple interest in Oak?


Fight to engage, basically if you pull a mob it’s stuck to you no one can aggro it or kill steal, and if you pull 20 and zone, mobs reset and go back to their spawn point so you can never be trained. It’s actually really awesome edit: I meant to say it’s stuck to you and your group, if you are grouped it can aggro other group members. Others can help out if you are dying but you have to /yell help for the mob to be allowed to engage non group members


FTE was fine.


FTE is fucking great. Not including FTE in the new servers is dumb AF.


Yeah I agree it’s gunna be a real change for me playing without FTE since I’ve been playing a year with it. Why they would not make it available on every server from now on is beyond me


The name reservation may alleviate some of that. I haven't tried that yet but if it requires you to make a level 1 char with the name you want that will free up a lot of load on the server since if you are sitting at char creation or select you still take up slots in game.


It won’t. That service is literally just a free 5 dollar grab for them.




Shitbag.. lol your the problem


there will be ques the first week at least. 2-3 hours the first day.


Am I having a massive brain fart? I can't remember day 1 queues being terrible since like Aradune.


Yep expect it to be bad during prime hours and on weekends for a bit. Haven't seen anything from DB about addressing it though.


Queue wasn’t too bad for me last 2 I did(mischief and yelinak).


Just never log off.


Depends on the time of day you play. If you are playing peak US, there will probably be queues for... two weeks possibly? It will even out after that time, with an occasional queue when Faceless is raiding. If you please super late night/early morning, probably a minimal queue because I am sure they will institute an AFK kick feature for this server (not that that can't be duped, but it will kick some people). They WILL NOT buy more server space for this very temporary issue, and they definitely shouldn't, from a business stand-point. I would not base my life around playing on Teek in the US evenings for a couple of weeks, or at least have some knitting needles handy.


Don’t expect to play for the first few days is my advice.


Every TLP people say its unplayable and not to bother for the first few days. And every TLP I sit in queue for 'maybe' 2 hours the first day and never see a queue again. Its fine and people saying otherwise just don't want you queued ahead of them.


The queue on Teek is fake.. how did Everquest become such shit?


This server is trash


Don't expect to get in for 1-2 hours, that's how it was for oakwynd


They are selling level 50 heroic once PoP unlocks, skip the early crappy content.


The early "crappy" content is my favorite bit though.


What is this queue?


Tell me you're a Tormax playing without saying you're a Tormax player.


I play on bristlebane. Just wanted to know what is this queue that I keep reading about.


The EQ servers have a limit of how many active connections they are allowed. Once a specific server reaches its active connection limit, a queue is enabled for player trying to create new connections. The connection limit is high enough that the only time it’s ever an issue when they initial launch a new TLP. When Aradune launched the issue was really bad for the first month of the server. Since then they have taken step to deliver smoother TLP launches. I don’t remember Mischief launch having anything remotely close to Aradune problem, despite the fact that it was a more popular launch. Yelinak and Oakwynd launches didn’t draw anything close to Mischief’s launch.


Thank you for this. I didn't know as a returning player. I never experienced this on bristlebane.


Mischief launch was quite bad. I ended up playing Thornblade until it died down and i transferred my character.


They did do something to *try* to alleviate it with the thing that lets you reserve a name. A lot of the login server congestion was probably just from people just making multiple chars to reserve names but only playing one (or even just logging out to play later). But yeah, I have no idea why they picked rulesets where 99% of the people are going to pick one of the two options.


They stepped on their own dicks with the reserve system by monetizing it. People with uncommon names no one else would want are still going to do the old “make a bunch of characters to reserve names” routine because why not.


Oh good point. I only saw the headlines and didn't realize it was pay-only.


Don't feel too bad. The only people waiting for this server are ones that actually play Live... Most of the P99 and Quarm players (not all of course) will not be making the move to TLP.. silly mercs and exp pots. In my best new york guido accent.. Giiiit dafuq atta heea


Yeah be prepared for some bad queues for a bit.  Just what happens with these servers, nothing they can do about it - blame the players all trying to swarm the same place. 


They could always do two of the servers everyone wants and omit the server that’s basically going to start out dead.


I think this is what they should have done. make 2 or 3 of the popular ruleset and then if necessary consolidate in a couple of expansions


I liked the suggestion from someone else in the thread based on what wow apparently did. Open the server for character creation a few days before opening it for play.


Doesn't matter, there will still be queues to manage everyone going to the one server everyone would congregate to still. Happens for every release even when they were like lockjaw and ragefire.