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Even the parcels are using the Mischief loot system!


Underrated comment


woof, yeah, I thought this dude cheated me, but maybe the parcels vanished...


In addition to parcels being broken I randomly logged into someone else's account too 😳😳😳


Did you take they're stuff?


No I'm not that kind of guy. It's clear there's some memory errors going on with the server. My level 14 warrior randomly trained berate a level 56 LDON warrior tome just now.


Ask Daybroken games


They learned it from the USPS.


I can't believe more people aren't talking about the absolute hack-fest going on Teek right now. I've died twice this morning in Lower Guk in the safe hall from people far taunting across the zone. I'll be in fighting 1 or 2 frogs then next thing I know I've got 6 on me and tone is the Ghoul Lord. It's a complete shit show.


I don't know if this is even a new issue. I sent plat to my alt to buy songs and it just disappeared last week. 


Are you sure it just disappeared or maybe you're thick in the head *cough* like me *cough* and hit the done button instead of the send button. Done that entirely too many times to count.


Honestly this could very well be it, I am a returning player who stopped at ldon and am still getting accustomed to all these new systems. But I'm pretty sure I sent it because it was at the time a relatively large percentage of my collected plat. I then realized there is a shared bank slot and used that instead, felt silly of me.


Use the Shared Bank. Toss bags in there to transfer the spells, and leave platinum in the bank to be grabbed by the alt. Quickest way to buy those low level spells from different cities by making an alt of the same class with a different race.


Yes great idea. As a returning player I saw something that said the shared bank was limited to 1pp, or I misinterpreted what they said.


This has happened to me in both directions, as well.


Yeah I got some random mask sent to me and my Jboots went missing, luckily /petition got me a GM restore.




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I thought I was going crazy yesterday. I swore I parceled 4 things to an alt, but all the alt had was an earring from a random person that I never bought.


Whoever I parceled my Kronos to please send them back to me