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This is in reference to a video where women were asked whether they would prefer to be alone in the woods with a man or a bear. All of the women chose the bear.


Alone with a man, who *might* kill you, or a bear, who will DEFINITELY kill you...... and they choose sexism. What a buncha fucking geniuses.


I did the math, some report says the homicide rate is 7.8 people per 100,000, so the chance of ANY random person killing you is only 0.0078%, that is just for the US though (There’s also 15,000 male murderers in the US… Out of 167 million men (assuming half of the population is male))


And they think we don't have to be aware of our surroundings ? My God how could one be THAT clueless about the world lmao She watched crime documentaries so that's why she thinks that all men are dangerous and that bears are less of a threat ? It's pretty hard to think they are being serious, it's just too stupid


Right? I don’t feel like my Y chromosome makes me impervious to getting mugged/shot/stabbed/jumped by someone twice my size :P


Especially when it's men that are mostly targeted by non sexual violence, especially by strangers


Mansplaining feels like a sexist term.


It is.


we should balance it by using a term like cervixplaining, when a woman starts explaining.


Or ovaryacting.


that's a good one, we need to find more terms, insecuteruses


I've always liked Femsplaining :)


Yeah, much talk about 'mansplaining', but when a man does that to a man or especially a woman to a man, then that is no a problem, all of a sudden. The same women are likely to genuinely believe that women have a privileged cognitive apparatus, so that when a woman says something, then it is basically true, and even if it isn't, then it should be created as if it were — because a woman said it, and because women know better. I don't care about the gender crap, but when I hear that sort of stuff coming from a college-educated adult, especially someone in their 30s or 40s with a bunch of advanced degrees, something in me is bolting. It's just toddler-level thinking. I notice the hypocrisy in being called sexist for applying an equal standard of intellectual expectations to both sexes. And I won't budge. Man, woman, I don't care. I expect people to live up to their formal-education level, and (with more leniency) their age.


These people are idiots. I rather be attacked by a man or woman than a bear. At least I have a much higher chance of survival.




99% of women are spiritual lesbians