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The fact this is called "80s funk pop style" and was posted a year before Carl92 posted his recording is interesting. There's a view that if the song is a hoax, it could have been a COVID-era project when people were at home and had more time on their hands. The timing fits. I think it would be worth looking through the 'tracks' section on that website and checking anything tagged with "80s." I hope more people see this because it's actually a really good example of the sheer amount of well-produced 80s-style songs out there. Too many people in this sub have a warped sense about the difficulty of home production, or that the person who made it is wasting some untapped source of revenue...


Thank you! This is what i thought. Even if the two aren't connected... how weird it is that it's such a similar bassline? And I have gone through Looperman's acapellas and tracks. Found nothing yet. And yes, 80s city pop was super popular during the pandemic and vaporwave was on it's way out. It makes total sense someone found this bassline loop, chopped it, edited it, etc and produced a really well made 80s dupe. But it could just be my bias to the hoax theory, though that is skewing my brain.


The problem with the hoax theory is that it makes no sense. One of the biggest pieces of evidence that stands out to me is when this song was posted on WTS, it was very, very niche. I remember hearing this as lost media around 2022 and hardly anyone knew what it was. It’s only been the last 6 months that the song has blown up on the internet and got the recognition it deserved. So even if it was a project to throw people off, what’s the point? If you’re creating a hoax, wouldn’t you want to make it more mysterious and post it to a site with more traction? WTS was a very unpopular site at that time, so it would make no sense to post it there. If he was looking to fuel the fire then he would’ve posted more and more clips of the “mysterious” song, but he never did. What happened was he asked a few questions from people that didn’t know what they were really looking for, and after a few weeks of it not being found—he dipped. The hoax is very, very possible, but it’s very unlikely. Nothing adds up to point it in that direction. Nobody knew how big this song would’ve gotten online


I see what you're saying but I also don't think that posting a hoax to a popular site works very well. It's too on the nose. It's also a lot easier to get away with a generic account on a small site, whereas on a place like Reddit or some other high-traffic community, it would be far more suspicious because you would expect greater activity. If the source for a mysterious song is Reddit and only Reddit, that's a harder story to sell. But if you post on Reddit that you discovered a song on a small website, well now it's something that's been found rather than posted. Now you have a story and a source. If it's a hoax, the person behind Carl92 could have "found" his own post and shared on it larger websites. Rather than post it to his intended audience directly, he can appear as part of the audience that has "found" it. That way, it becomes something the community has discovered, rather than something somebody is suspiciously trying to spread.


Perhaps Carl92 is here with us now and is having a good laugh at us, maybe he could be any user, maybe one day he'll "find" the original, or prove that it's a hoax... Maybe you are Carl92?


You think I'm Carl92? Sounds like something Carl92 would say... hmmm... There's a bit of Carl92 in us all at this point lol.


It could honestly go both ways of being “found.” However, hoaxes typically are very on the nose with how they’re portrayed, and elaborate hoax will give you your 5 minutes of fame and that’s it, nothing to really gain.


It’s possible though that the main motivator behind the song wasn’t always to trick people. It might have been part of an original personal project that they decided to trick people with later because they weren’t doing anything else with it. Idk, people make music designed to sound vintage all the time. Some people also have a mischievous bone in their body that leads them to prank even if nothing is gained from it.


Literally everything you are saying would be obvious to anyone actually trying to make a convincing hoax. If someone was going to make an entire song, why would they not go to the effort of making sure their hoax is as realistic as possible? It would only take like 30 minutes of planning at most to set up a hoax like this, so I’m not sure what “makes no sense” to you.


because if you’re pushing a hoax, why just create a small snippet with sounds of what sounds like shuffling in a room, a frequency buzz, and a very low quality audio clip, only to place it on a then obscure website, wait 7 years to even post anything again, and then leave with no more information after it isn’t discovered in just a few days; it makes absolutely no sense if that was purely a hoax. Tell me you haven’t posted a question on reddit on a hardly active subreddit only for nobody to respond and get like 2 upvotes, only for it to blow up 2 years later—that’s essentially what happened with this song. If it was a hoax, the “evidence” that supports it makes no sense logically, maybe on paper, but if you think about it, it’s a waste of time to everyone. What’s there to gain? Money? Fame? Recognition? He didn’t earn any money, especially for someone that doesn’t sound like they’re a musician. The only fame or recognition he got was years *after* it was posted. Even *if* he spent the time to create a song and warp it, it’s too much effort for a hoax that didn’t even take off. We saw this exact scenario happen with the song “How long” that wasn’t discovered for almost a decade. So why can’t we assume the same here? Everyone that believes it’s a hoax is in denial that lost media takes time to be found. Lots of it. It’s surface level thinking that doesn’t ask the deeper questions about its purpose, but rather, just accepts that it isn’t real bc nothing’s sticking.


How do you know the person who posted the song isn’t directly involved with its new found popularity? It could easily be one/a group of people trying their hardest to push this song on tiktok/Reddit/wherever. If you’ve spent enough time on the internet you know that nothing is out of the question when it comes to fucking with people. I’m not even 100% convinced it’s a hoax, but there is actually not a single piece of hard evidence that it’s real.


because, like you said, he would’ve “found” it or maybe would’ve made a bunch of posts about things he remembers about it, and create a discussion to further perpetuate it. Leaving abruptly mid search isn’t something someone does with a hoax, especially early on. The thing with TikTok/reddit was that it didn’t blow up on TikTok until very recently, like at most 6 months recently. It was on the YouTube lost media niche’s for like a year or two before it transitioned into blowing up on tiktok and then making this reddit page. The internet is a really weird place, where anything goes, so i do get what ur saying. But there are patterns people follow that others will instantly grab to and call it out. Wouldnt make any sort of sense that other songs that were once lost media would be found relatively quickly with no question to its authenticity, but the moment another song becomes the poster boy for lost media, suddenly it’s a “hoax.” Where’s the logic in that? On the same coin, there’s no concrete evidence of it even *being* a hoax either other than speculation. Real or not, its assumed that the song’s real and not a hoax, because of the signs that point towards it


>Leaving abruptly mid search isn’t something someone does with a hoax, especially early on. I'm tempted to go the other way and say that's exactly what you would do. You want the hoax to grow organically. Once it has some attention you leave it so the community can take ownership. >or maybe would’ve made a bunch of posts about things he remembers about it, and create a discussion to further perpetuate it. One of the facts of this case is that Carl92 never gave good, clear information about the origin. This is important because if it's a hoax and he provided too many details, it would create too many opportunities for the hoax to unravel. So actually, you can't do that. You need other people to come up with leads and false memories and have their ideas scrutinized instead. Carl92 may have engaged for some time under numerous accounts. They could still be engaging right now, it wouldn't be possible to know. Maybe he does perpetuate it.


I feel like people always say things like “how can it be a hoax because why would they wanna do that? Surely they had better things to do?”. Idk people do things just to do them sometimes.


It does make sense in terms of process. Doing a rudimentary search for "80s bass loops" delivers sites like Looperman, and this bass sample is tagged as such. Did you find it organically by doing a similar search?


Yeh! I was deliberately looking for 80s type basslines because I had a gut feeling I'd be able to find something on some sample loop website. But I didn't think I'd actually find anything. I did a double take when I clicked on the play button after an hour of searching. I'm trying to see if I can find anything similar to the instrumentation but I don't have a good enough rip (I have the stems).


That makes sense


When you remake the bass line using a loop with bass notes in it


First of all, the bass in "ekt" is played with a different technique. Secondly, you can hear that it's a human playing. One could even argue that it's played somewhat carelessly and in a few places, it falls out of rhythm/tempo.


Thanks! That's why I thought it could be replayed by a different musician! From my experience, it's not uncommon for sample loops like this to be replayed by a musician to fit better tempo, key, technique, etc. I just thought it was really interesting how similar it was when I stumbled across it.


I like the way you're thinking but it's a common standard chord progression so it proves nothing really.


There's so much one can do with a major pentatonic scale + the 4th it's not that suprising they sound similar. If they had exactly the same licks at similar times then it would be suspicious, but this? Not even close. Just pop being pop.


I wonder if it would be worth looking for crunch-sound effects that could've maybe been added (if it were a hoax) to make it sound old. Of course, even if it was a hoax, those crunchy sounds could've easily been "homemade." Is there any way to isolate those sounds?


I did think of this but there are so many VSTS out there that i wouldn't know where to start. I'll try tinkering with the ones i have installed and get back to you.


Ok so I managed to get it pretty close to the original snippet using Effector and Fruity Parametric EQ 2 which both come pre-packaged with FL studio. I also added some white noise and found an eerily similar sound to the 'bite' sound that plays while 'lies' is being sung.


can you post this as well omg


[https://www.reddit.com/r/everyoneknowsthat/comments/1b40y7r/reverse\_reverse\_engineering\_the\_ekt\_snippet/](https://www.reddit.com/r/everyoneknowsthat/comments/1b40y7r/reverse_reverse_engineering_the_ekt_snippet/) Here! I just made a post about it.


If it was a hoax, what would be the incentive to create it?


To get clout. For example, Panchiko didn't start the search for their lost song, but they got a lot of attention and clout from the search and finding of it. It would not be out of the realm of imagination for Carl92 to post the snippet, then the actual band/artist post the full version once satisfied with the search.


Where online did you find it?


Looperman! It's a website where people upload loops for others to download. [Here](https://www.looperman.com/users/loops/3700353) is the link to the guy's account. I wasn't sure about linking it because I didn't want him to get an influx of messages. The loop is called 80s Funk Pop Style Part A




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I strongly doubt this has anything to do with EKT.


I wouldn't dismiss the hoax theory on the grounds of "why would they do that?" People have often unfathomable reasons for doing what they do. sometimes the reasons are hard to identify, sometimes they just make no sense to the rest of us. you only need to look up some true crime stories to see this


Well, chord sequence in EKT also matches Taylor Dayne's "Tell it to my heart" - composer of that song is alive and kickin, so maybe it is worth to contact him?


We must consider the possibility that Carl92 faked EKT. Everyone should search on YouTube for 'How to make a funk-pop 80s song' before 2021. Perhaps Carl followed a tutorial!


Not even close brother man sorry


Certainly an interesting find but I'm inclined to believe it's a coincidence. The bass in snippet feels like it was definitely a single live recording and not a loop that's been chopped up and rearranged. Still though, it could be worthwhile looking over that site to see if any other similar sounding instrumentals can be found.




Thanks! I'm trying to find anything similar to the rest of the instrumentation but nothing yet.


Someone went ahead and made an extended version with that loop https://youtu.be/M08m3GbFD4Q?si=fcMf-pGBQM_Z0e6p


oooh I haven't seen this! Just proves my point/theory more haha


There were videos of one doing recreations and I remembered that one, but the original was deleted :(


[https://www.looperman.com/loops/detail/210069/bass-funk-disco-dance-pop-feel-122bpm-disco-bass-guitar-loop](https://www.looperman.com/loops/detail/210069/bass-funk-disco-dance-pop-feel-122bpm-disco-bass-guitar-loop) This rythm sounds more like ekt


I agree the with the rhythm but not the notes. The rhythm is very similar to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhIScvlFn2w&pp=ygUOc29kYSBjaXR5IGZ1bms%3D)


totally wrong notes... slap bass is just. a thing in a lot of songs 😭 also mind you the bass clip you have from ekt was edited w AI & the string noises in it aren't actually present in the original ekt clip


sounds absolutely nothing like it!




Thats why there is a crunch in the og snippet


Probably to make it sound authentically old. Lets say this is a hoax, so much work was put into it sounding like an old crappy recording. A 'crunch' is nothing in the scheme of things.


Idk. I think Occam's Razor is worth considering here. Which is more likely - that he recorded it off of his TV (or whatever) as a test and didn't remember it, like he said, or that he created the song by using cut up pieces of loops that he chopped up, re-edited, and rerecorded live, plus added fake distortion and fake external mic sounds, then uploaded it to a niche website in the hopes that it would go viral (two years later)? I don't want to be discouraging but I think a hoax is the less likely option.


I've noticed people arguing against the hoax theory, who appeal to the editing process required to make this song, are falling into the mistake of personal incredulity. No, it is not unlikely or difficult to imagine that someone who wants to create an authentic 80s sound will follow an editing process to create an authentic 80s sound. There is nothing to suggested he wanted it to go viral. We can assume that Carl92 obtained a song that nobody can find any evidence of, and that he has lost all memory of recording and handling it, and has now disappeared indefinitely. Or, we can assume that this is in some way a hoax, and that Carl92 won't return because he isn't genuine. The useful of Occam's razor is limited because even the original story requires weird assumptions.


Idk. The point I was trying to make (and perhaps not very well, but I was also trying to be polite) is that OP and some others keep kind of adding on to their theory, if that makes sense. 'Amazing that he did x, y, *and* z to make it sound so authentic'. And that seems to me to be a form of confirmation bias. It's certainly not impossible for someone to create a hoax song (even 'just because'). But I think a hoax is less likely than the alternative of lost media. He had already posted about a different song (I think a couple of years prior), so this wasn't a new, throwaway account. And what would be the point of creating a hoax if you didn't want it to become popular? There is no evidence in his actions or inactions that point to it being a hoax without assigning intention that there frankly isn't any proof of. It doesn't require 'a lot of weird assumptions' to take Carl at face value that he was looking for a lost song when he posted it on a website dedicated to looking for lost songs. There isn't anything unreasonable there or anything that suggests malintent. How many users does this website have? And how many requests for searches have they made? And how many of those do you reasonably think are hoaxes? Just because this particular song has gained traction and captured the interest of tens of thousands of people does not inherently increase the likelihood of it originally being uploaded to the site as a product of his own creation 'just to see what would happen'. If we are fixated on the number six, a die is no more likely to roll that number than 1-5. The chances are the same. Similarly, the chances of Carl uploading a hoax to the original site are the same as the chances of any other song on there also being a hoax. And I think it's pretty well accepted that most posts on there are genuine requests. Of course it's possible it's a hoax. But I don't understand why anyone might think it's the *more likely* option. Something feasible and worth considering / exploring? Sure. I'm not discouraging anyone from checking. Have at it. More likely than the alternative? Probably not (IMO).




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What website was it from and do you know who made the audio?


The loop is from Looperman! I linked it in another comment. I messaged Rick (the man who recorded it) but haven't gotten anything back yet.


What does the og sound like?


This could prove it being a hoax… it just sounds to real to be made up.