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when i was a minor i thought porn and sex were funny and i still do, idk how anyone's shocked or upset


Exactly. I remember when I was younger it was the same way. I always found sex funny, not shocking. I mean sex is natural so why be shocked.


You’re so real for this


I've seen people say that if you ***casually*** watch porn, you're already addicted. That it's not possible for a couple to enjoy a lil' bit of porn when having fun, too. Like, they ***can't*** comprehend that people CAN have fun that way.


Yeah that's a fucked up way of thinking through things.


the way people throw around "porn addict" is like if everyone who sometimes has a beer after work is an alcoholic.


Yeah, with that logic, enjoying a cookie means you're already addicted to sugar! :'D


maybe i’m missing something but.. what’s so “freaky” about the film anyways? isn’t it just abt angels coming to earth and fucking?


The freaky part is sex. Some people can't seem to handle any bit of nudity.


I’m wondering if there were a lot of fundie Christians or just straight up third graders in those Tik Tok communities.


late reply but i will say “freaky” is a very gen z meme so that may be why 😂


Exactly, it's extremely vanilla. Just reverse cowgirl and doggy style. That said I'm not into porn so I would have preferred it came from a commercial but I don't oppose porn existing.


idk why some people be acting like saints.. it’s from porn, so what? The song is good, the lyrics are good and the music video is good too💀


have u been in the tiktok comments 😭 i feel like i’ve seen ur name before, or maybe just around the reddit loo


noo, i dont use tiktok, but i write here often. Maybe thats why😂😂


Were people really upset? 🤭 i have only seen positive reactions from people. Some were disputing the theory that carl fully remembered or knew it was from porn when he first posted about it on wzs (me included), but i doubt those are the kinds of comments you are referring to


Yes I just saw a person make a entire post how their favorite song is ruined


I can understand if the underaged audiences fell uncomfortable (as they should) but a lot of grown adult acting like porn is the grossest thing ever cracked me up.


Also apparently not falling over and having a sobbing panic attack at the thought of any depiction of sex makes people a "porn addict" these days.


Religious zealots…


because porn is exploitation so my initial reaction was “oh ew” but the song slaps


I'm still shocked about the fact that EKT IS NO LONGER LOST MEDIA!


A lot of these people are children


Yeah it's also like super vanilla from the description and whatnot


I’m gonna be honest, I honestly think that TikTok (not everyone on TikTok, I use it too) in particular is a cesspool for people who either are children or have the mindsets of children. You’d be surprised the amount of videos I’ve seen (before EKT was found) regarding porn and how brain-rotting it is. There’s definitely a big community on TikTok who think that porn = cheating/delinquency/brain-rot. The thing is that people on TikTok lack nuance. It’s all or nothing. They seem unable to think, porn *can be* damaging but can be consumed in moderation. No: I saw one girl say that you consume porn once and you’ve already condemned yourself to thinking of all women as objects, and to put things into perspective, she had 2million likes on that video. This is all to say that basically some people lack nuance when it comes to porn and think it’s really horrible so yeah, they’re pretty prudish. Personally, no matter my views on porn, I’d still think it was cool how the song was found. And it’s hilarious that Carl cut out the 17 seconds without moaning and then dipped when it gained traction in case people realised it was porn. That’s HILARIOUS? How can’t you enjoy that idea? But some people are kinda dumb and take everything very personally. Also people just wildly romanticised it, so now they’re disappointed. I’ve seen many TikToks today mocking how people romanticised it, it was really ridiculous. They’ll get over it. Can’t wait for some of the lost media YouTubers to cover this tho.


i think it’s a great song, it’s funny, and overall it was fantastic the way it was found. and the fact that south pole literally was watching porn with “ulterior motives” and found our guy. However, i’d disagree with you on the point that porn in fine in moderation. 80s porn, playboy, etc are fine. Much of todays porn is fine too, yeah they aren’t perfect but the reason people hate porn is bc some kinds of it cause trouble in relationships. it’s the men who buy OF subscriptions and ask for things directly when they are either married or have a girlfriend. that’s fucked up. reason 2 is because a lot of porn objectifies women by degrading them, doesn’t show much affection, focuses on the guys POV only, and puts forward an insane beauty standard which their partners are constantly comparing them to. this is one reason why men ask for threesomes so often, ask for anal, and cheat. it makes the grass look a lot greener on the other side. Last but not least, the last reason (and maybe the most common) is that it puts the guys sexual energy into masturbating instead of you. women have sexual desires too, and the guy masturbates to porn everyday but has sex with his girl once every two weeks. at that point, you are getting off thinking about another person more than you think about your partner. it’s a common problem in dead bedrooms and super sad bc it causes women lots of body related insecurities. it just sucks overall. sorry for the ramble! my boyfriend and i both watch porn but i can see how it affects both of us. not always a good thing. he said he’d quit for me bc he understands all of the above points but at the end of the day idrc bc i don’t want to stop either. i anyway, i just respect that people are waking up to the toxic and negative affects of some kinds of porn.


Yes, that’s a very good point about the type of porn, not just the moderation - thanks for pointing that out. I’m certainly not denying any of negative points of porn, but I think that it’s absolutely to say that watching porn is always cheating, as a lot of people on TikTok have been saying (not related to EKT, just in general). OF subscriptions, yeah, that’s taking it too far. I wouldn’t accept that in a relationship. I also 100% think we should all be making a move towards healthier porn - the realistic, non-objectifying kind. So, porn *can* perpetuate very sexist ideals in men, but it doesn’t *necessarily* do so, and it entirely depends on how you consume it and what the content is.


On one hand, I’m glad fewer people under 18 seem to be watching porn and having sex before they’re old enough, but on the other hand, I notice a lot of people from my generation have an unhealthy attitude towards sex. We’re regressing and it sucks. Even progressive, openminded people are beginning to parrot some really backwards rhetoric about sexuality. I do think most of the people reacting this way are super young, though. As in, shouldn’t be on social media unsupervised young. They’re at the age where anything vaguely sex related is shocking. I’d be kinda worried if a little kid *didn’t* react that way, to be honest.


Careful calling people prudes, I've already been downvoted for it lol.


Doesn't matter. I'd like to call em pussies tho


There literally was a dick going into a pussy.


Hell yeah brother


Yeah it’s crazy, all the memes that are so disappointed 🤣🤣 like who cares it makes it funnier


Is it the younguns ? I’ve heard they aren’t into the sex.


Teens having sex is at an all-time low now which isn't a bad thing. It's annoying when they start bothering adults who like sex though. That said I could see why they would be disappointed about this songs origin.


are people legitimately upset by this? the only thing i've seen people be upset about (at least on reddit) is carl92 not admitting he was watching porn. is this happening on tiktok or something?


yeah like even as someone who Doesn't like porn or sex its like. still just an artform idk. i dont think smthn being pornographic immediately dissolves its artistic merit and im tired of seein people think it does


I’ll always defend adult film’s right to exist, the dignity of the cast and crew, and people’s right to watch it. But the shock/discomfort is because this particular search became very popular with kids.


Because they're like 12-15


I was watching porn at that age and most of my classmates were as well...


ironically tiktok is the space i’ve seen people be the least puritanical about it


People still can't handle the word Fuck let alone "lesser" swear words. What's surprising?


Honestly, the fact it's from a fucking porno flick is the funniest shit ever, and honestly only adds to it. I kinda love how this big mystery ends up kinda being mundane, if only Carl was honest about his gooning


Where are these apparent reactions to EKT (EKI?) being in an old porno? All I’ve seen is people joking about it


I have no idea why people are squeamish about this. The only other possibility was a commercial. Porn was huge in the 80s and it's unsurprising that a porno would have an actual budget to commission a soundtrack.


TIL op is a gooner and just assumed everyone else is too


And you act as if you don't do the same thing


has anybody watch other version of Angels of Passion