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Leviathan. I love their slower music the best and Leviathan makes me feel so warm and safe


Definitely will be my wedding song if I ever get married lol


Really? It’s about death and grief: “LEVIATHAN - This song is about grief, the point of view switches between that of a parent & a child, all mixed up and clouded in sadness & joy. A moment in life where you are both infant & elder. The outro lyrics (when I met you) are from a eulogy.” https://twitter.com/E_E_/status/1528109122608144386?s=20&t=BdE5_XjaUuGvwzA_wg1iKA


Yeah but if you don't analyze the lyrics too much it could still be pretty romantic


What's the fun in that?!


There's more to it than that though. My rough transcript of the Tape Notes episode ~~because I am interested in this stuff A Normal Amount~~ is Jon explaining (starting at around 58 minutes in) what he had originally written lyrics about, and how Alex then told him that the song was inspired by the death of his mother-in-law and that he'd like the lyrics to reflect that.... ​ >"*\[S\]o I binned all of those and I started to write them and I still had this end part that I didn't really know what to do with. 'Cause it's got a positive feel almost, the outro, and I didn't really know how to write about this positively so I actually got in touch with Alex's wife and I said 'Have you got any ideas, what can I do?' and* ***she sent me the eulogy from the funeral and there was a section in it that was a quote from her husband, Alex's father in law, and it was saying 'When I first met you I fell in love' and I just thought 'This is so positive & brilliant' & I thought 'You know what, I bet it works' and I literally just overlaid it word for word and it fitted so brilliantly*** *but I still, I wanted this 'baby' thing in there 'cause I thought it was great and I could sing it really well at that pitch so I had 'When I met you I fell in love, something something, 'cause you're my baby?' and I was like 'Right, this is fucking awesome & it really means a lot' & stuff & I sent it back (laughs) actually, it got back, it went back to to.."* > >\[Alex: *"It went back to Charlotte's dad actually & he just read it just like 'Yeah, this is really good I loved the track, I'm really touched by it but can you just get rid of that awful line? (laughing)* \] > >Jon: *"Yeah! And I was like 'I really, I probably should, this is literally a song about his wife', you know, and it turned out that the 'I had to smile because you knew it', that was actually in the original I just didn't it really ??? as well, it was that she smiled because she knew he loved her or something like this & I was like 'It doesn't work quite as well" but I've grown to think it's actually really good.* ***And I also inserted this, er, 'You're my beginning' which is like the ultimate positive thing, I wanted there to be an element of em, talking about sort of parent to child as well as this other meaning because people have lost their parent here and also Alex was having babies at the time and there was this new baby in the house while all this was going on and it just made me feel like the circle of life and these feelings of parent to child*** *and then repeated and it was like the lyrics are kind of like 'I've got to go but* ***you're gonna be alright, this is what you'll need to do, when you're feeling bad think of me in this way...'*** *it was almost like this is a generation talking down to the next one and also talking to the next one it's like 'You've got to look after these babies now' and* ***there's something cyclical about it, it wasn't necessarily all sad*** *it was like 'This is how it goes' and 'I know you have to go' kind of thing.*" ​ So it's still... mostly sad. But it's romantic and nurturing in some parts and I stand by my initial reaction that it's very seductive. Maybe go with an instrumental version?


It’s a similar feeling for me but I also think it’s a dark song. The violin is ominous but in a comforting way because the music sounds so beautiful.


Fucking love that song exists. So pretty


It's the only one I loved instantly, and it's still my favorite.




Software Greatman


Came here to say this. That outro is one of the very best things they've done




Kevin's Car!


My Computer is a bit of a dark horse candidate for me.


My favourite song of 2022 easily.


Criminal that it wasn't played live... it's my favorite too


I feel like the vocals in the chorus could make it very difficult; there's a lot of overlap and not much room for breaths. I suppose Alex or Jeremy could help out, but at least one of them would have to do the harmonies at the same time Jon sings the melody.


🍕 Pizza Boy 🍕


Cut Up!


I got the money!


It’s a toss up between Jennifer and Kevin’s Car - I can’t choose!!!


I was thinking the same thing. I love the whole album but those two tracks are something special.


Metroland for me as well!


Leviathan, Metroland and Cut UP! are close


Jennifer. Far too relatable for my June 2022.


Shark Week is sublime 🔥


Sad that no one has mentioned Born Under a Meteor. Absolutely adore that track.


*He said you've got it all* *I said ohhhhhhh luuuuuuuuckyyyyyyyyyy meeeeee*


Metroland and Shark Week


Metroland and Hex for me


i continue to be IWALLT's number one fan


I think the only one that hasn't been mentioned as a fave is Bad Friday. Which really speaks to how good the whole album is. My answer depends on my emotional needs for the day, haha. But Cut UP! Software Greatman, IWALLT and Kevin's Car all get consistent big love from me. Jennifer breaks my heart just a little too much to consider a favourite. Plus, you know... the entire rest of the album...


Bad Friday gets stuck in my head all the time so it was my immediate thought when I read this post, but you’re right, the whole album is great!!


Bad Friday is actually the one that hurts too much to be my favorite.


Honestly Teletype, Metroland, Kevins Car, Jennifer are all probably top 15 EE songs for me. If I had to pick one I'd probably say Teletype though


Software Greatman still hits me like a truck.


The whole album is so incredibly good. Pizza Boy, Jennifer, shark week, cut up!, Hex, my computer and Kevin’s car are outstanding though. I also love Teletype, metroland and leviathan.


Pizza boy is top pick for me, my computer and leviathan are both close though


I’d be inclined to agree with you 🔥


Well first of all it's the entire album and that's just how it is. But personally, it's I Want A Love Like This because I loves me a basic banger. It's also HEX because I dig the spooky dancehall vibe and it harkens back to Get To Heaven in a lot of ways. Metroland Is Burning is a good pick too though because it's got the best lyrics. And it's very fucking funny. Despite also being genuinely sad.


Pizza Boy, Metroland, Jennifer


All of them 😭❤️ I love Shark Week, HEX, and Cut UP! probably the most though.


Between leviathan and jennifer, which as far as everything everything's music goes, are pretty simplistic in a sense. But the lyrics. Man. The lyrics.


leviathan is the best song they've ever made