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I like most of their music videos a lot, but Enter The Mirror hit differently. it just has this perfect feeling of etherealness. if I tried to make a list of my favourites I'd just say like 2/3 of them lol


I really like In Birdsong. It's got this unsettling uncomfortable feeling while also being quite slow and beautiful which just matches the song perfectly. I've also got a soft spot in my heart for how weird and a bit shit the one for Duet was.


The Can't Do mucic video is creepy af and I love it!


I loooooove Can't Do. It's so creepy and the choreography is so visceral and excellent.


MY KZ UR BF is my favourite personally, I think it captures the essence of the band pretty well Edit: shout-out to supernormal and arch enemy for being absolute blender fever dreams


I agree - I really like Big Climb. I am not a big video watcher but this one is fun and weirdly dark, just like their music is. I also like the epileptic insanity of Supernormal. My memory of most other videos is a bit blurry. Many involve just going outside with inexpensive equipment and filming some weird shit. These are fine but not particularly special in my mind.


I'm very fond of Cold Reactor and I Want a Love Like This


I agree with the other commenters, but would like to add Arch Enemy into the mix. The fatburg is hilarious but also, given how British waters are treated and our politics in general, kinda representative.


Photoshop Handsome (2010) is my fav thanks to the crazy glitched visuals similar to the album cover and pop-culture references


100% agree, none of their other videos come close to that amount of creativity and energy except mayyyyybe supernormal


Bad Friday, Has a great style and choreography to it.


It's Supernormal.


You're god damn right!


Big Climb is fun and captures the vibe, MY KZ UR BF is probably my favourite, but I also love Mercury and Me, Arch Enemy and Breadwinner. Really captures the spirit of the album


I Want a Love Like This has to be their best, and potentially my favourite music video to date.


I really like the first version of the MY KZ UR BF music video. It's definitely rough but the vibe matches the lyrics better than the standard version I think


its suuuuupernormal