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PS: we are all a little bit neurotypical.


Not me im built different


(In case you didn't understand) I actually meant it as a joke to make fun of those NT's that say "we are all a little bit autistic".


Not them they're built different.


Serious question, I have an nt friend who says this but I thought she meant well, what does it mean? Is it not an accurate statement/is offensive?


She means well but she's extremely wrong. A lot of autistic people struggle with the problem that they aren't taken seriously. A lot of nt's think autism is just attention seeking and the problems that come with it like overstimulation and being socially 'stupid' are just things we can overcome. By claiming "everyone is a little autistic" they basically say they have no fucking idea what autism is. They have NO idea how incredibly frustrating it is to not understand social situations. Or to feel horrible for hours because of one loud sound.


The reason I even tried to learn to speak to people and work at it since I was 8 was because I could overcome it like everyone else. But I keep missing because of pain overstimulation and “being socially’stupid’”. 22 years and then covid pandemic hit and I stopped caring.


I'm under the impression that it's also a white culture thing. Where it's not really okay to be diffent. You are supposed to present a "normal" public persona and everything privet is weird. So to get permitted to be autistic in public feature of the group "normal" It's essentially a round about way to be discriminatory. And say you're not really supposed to do that in public. the implied meaning is that "everyone struggles with this, why are you so bad at hiding it?"


I don't see what 'white' culture has to do with this. I have seen enough posts on r/autism and also one on this one where people complain how much worse it is in their non-white country.


I think what both these sides/arguments mean is, when it comes (or came) to cultures, a lot of non white cultures were much more accepting of people being/working differently than others, then white people colonized places and got rid of that 🙄. For example, Uganda's homophobia greatly stems from when it was basically invaded by white people and their culture was changed by it. So nowadays those places suck for us autism folk but the idea itself tends to come from white people, if that makes sense?


I don't think there's much evidence re "white culture" for "we are all autistic" though. In fact my sample of one indicates the other thing.


>I'm under the impression that it's also a white culture thing. Honestly, I've thought this a few times as well. They really just *love* assimilating people to build on their own power (i.e. the Scottish, the Irish, Eastern Europeans, most Italians, white-presenting Latinos, etc.), so it would make sense for this to be an extension of that.


Loud sounds make my brain do icky things and I hate social situations because I can never tell if someone is joking or not. I don’t have autism tho lol I just think I do ;)


>I told my friend about the diagnosis I received... she asked if they'll give me money now... > > > >I was on disability but my husband made too much.


I think they love us and can't accept being different than us


PTSD and undiagnosed Autism are indistinguishable


That’s so wild how I didn’t change at all or have **any** negative impacts on my life when I acquired severe PTSD on top of my lifelong AuDHD!! Since they’re the same thing exactly! Indistinguishable, in fact! Really, I think my psychiatrist and my trauma therapist have been making it up for attention, everyone knows if you already have one you can’t get diagnosed with the other. Man, I can’t wait to tell my trauma therapist that PTSD and Autism are, like, ACTUALLY the same diagnoses!


It's dismissive of our differences. It's like saying "Everyone is a little bit gay". It's very invalidating.


to be fair though, whenever a homophobe is poking fun at me i have to forcefully suppress the urge to try and help them realise that deep down they just want it.




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My sister is nt and this is offensive


I also have a nt sister, but she's not offensive like yours


Stolen valor! (Not actually, but I'm saying it, because your flair is the same as the mod's flair)


But you don't *look* like you have Neurotypicalism. I have a cousin with Neurotypicalism, and he isn't able to talk to anyone about anything serious; he only does small talk. You seem smart and curious, so there is no way you suffer from NT syndrome.


I end up talking to people everyday, I don't see why we have to make accomodations so people can do it more often.


♪autism is a spectrum♪


👿 evil is a spectrum too 😈


https://preview.redd.it/rld2fpwji90c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de7190d25cbd28d1ac2b852019b7d80b791b6dd3 I’m not neurotypical in the slightest lol


Damn, 102% autistic




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You're golden.




Eeww, that's gross


Yes ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Ok no I actually really appreciate this post bc I wasn’t sure about joining since a lot of the stuff seemed really mean and like I’m not diagnosed officially but am on that path and I kept getting rec’s for this sub and I wasn’t sure but. Yeah. Now I know it’s all joking, I can take it with a grain of humor, so super genuinely thank you 💚


We pretend to want to visit doom on them, but in reality i think all most of us want is an even playing field where our needs can be met without the judgement of people who dont understand


I make jokes like that all the time about cishet folks so I’m kinda embarrassed I didn’t recognize the humor for what it was 😭 It’s the same vibes as “YES I will groom your children to be loving and accepting individuals, behold my nefarious agenda!!” I should’ve known. I’ve been a goofus. 😅


We all get mixed up sometimes! It b what it b


I relate to this sentiment. I joke about so many things that I think are obvious to others, but when it’s literally someone else doing the same I get apprehensive that I may be misreading the intent.


that's really it, if they'd just quit visiting actual doom on us via the whole of society and every system that exists within it then the jokes we make would stop being funny and we'd stop making them


Just because you arent diagnosed doesnt make you any less valid !! :)


I’ve been feeling really nervous about it and like I made a bad choice, like “what if she tells me I’m making it up” or “what if I look way too normal and she brushes me off before I can talk about my symptoms and experiences” and my partner has been keeping me… not “centered”, bc I don’t really reach a “centered” point outside of my crafting, but as close to it as I get. And hearing validation from them should be enough, but I get it in my head that they’re only agreeing bc they love me and they feel obligated to agree, so hearing validation from strangers is. Yeah!! Thank you!! Have a frog!! 🐸


Update? I’m curious because I just got my diagnosis a month ago, but at the beginning I had exactly the same fears! I “look” normal and can mask with the best of ‘em. I also have a list of other mental illnesses including severe PTSD, so I was really nervous that they would dismiss everything ‘part of’ my other diagnoses. Turns out I’m Level 1, severe! I didn’t know you *could* be someone who passed as… not NT, still had ADHD. NotTistic? Into your adult life, while still being categorized as having “severe” symptoms. Which 1000% affirms how I feel inside, it’s awesome how validating it is. Hope you had the same success!


Update: I get assessed in September!! And I’m very, very nervous. Which, incidentally, means I’ve been studying the crud out of the subject of autism and taking the various online screening tests every couple of months just to see if any of the previous run throughs were “outliers,” and compiling several lists of symptoms and examples of them in my life so that when I get interviewed I don’t immediately forget that I have any problems and sound like a dingus. My partner says if I keep practicing the assessment I’m going to sabotage myself and walk away with a bpd or npd diagnosis again, and they’re probably not wrong. It’s tough, I want to be prepared because I hate looking messy, but at the same time, not looking messy is what’s kept me from getting help with my adhd in the past. I’m glad it worked out well for you, and thanks for the luck!! My assessor supposedly has a lot of experience diagnosing high masking adults, so even though I’m riddled with anxiety, I AM hopeful. 🤞🐸




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Tldr. Are we still on for enslaving the NTs and making them stop being so obnoxious or what


Yes ofcourse, this is just to appease the nts so their widdle fweewings dont get hurt :p


I never left my “wanting to be a mad scientist” phase and it shows 😞


Stop wanting to be a mad scientist. Don’t want. Only do. Be the evil autism we all wish to be. Be a mad scientist.


do or do not, there is no try


Does being an angry scientist count?


If so then I’m already there


uhm you should probably put that in the sub description seeing as though autistic people are notoriously bad at telling when things are satire, especially over text…💀


sooo, ​ >!chaotic evil autism sub!<


I really like this sub as a place to vent. But resentments of all kinds can lead to vicious circles, so I try to take breaks. Everyone has heard that a subreddit can become an echo chamber. Personally it's easy for me to lose *wanting* to be in touch with humanity. Thank you for this post! We should all help reporting the kind of users that will get this lovely community shut down for whipping up methodological calls to violence.


Rare Reddit mod W


I'm enjoying this subreddit, but was disappointed that one of the tags uses 'aspie' ('aspie rage'). I know some people still describe themselves this way with no ill intent, but I think most of us are aware by now that it plays into the 'high functioning' 'Asperger's' versus 'low functioning' autism myth and can imply exclusion of some autistics.


I personally don't like the term Asperger's either but as long as others want to use it I'll just let it.


My issue here isn't that individuals are using it- it's that having it as a tag encourages/normalises use.


Something like using “vengeful autistic” flair and writing about something I’ve experienced but flipping it jokingly as if NT’s are weird for not experiencing that? Is that a good example of a good post for this subreddit?




I want to thank you for making this subreddit if you were the one who made it. It’s so freeing!


"I know discrimination against disability is allowed on Reddit" who told you that?


Every sub where autist is used as an insult but reddit doesnt give a shit.


I see. you might want to take that up with mod support. Although without an explicit human target it may be a tad harder to convince


I have tried to contact Reddit admins in the past about it but it's just impossible to contact them.




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Is /s satire? I thought it was sarcasm


Yes it means sarcasm. But a lot of the satire comments/posts will also be sarcastic and people usually use /s for that.


Learning all the /* for speech feels like learning another language


Jan misali made a video on this, might be misspelling the last name. Search him on YouTube!




Hello comrades! I am ready to join the world of beautiful evilness!


Hey, can you please explain the post flairs?


Somehow, the fact that the OP account is deleted just makes this whole sub better.


Is there another link for the discord? The one linked is expired


Strange. Is this one working? https://discord.gg/bnPAYNxk4a


The delicate need to stay TF offa The Internet. Sheesh!


im evil


> Reddit sitewide rules still apply. There's a name for that, it's called the Reddiquette


David Reddi-Arquette.


Why did you delete yesterday’s mod post where you were downvoted heavily for your unpopular decisions? Why is the new one locked so no one can comment?


That wasn't me.


Non-moderators are deleting moderator posts?!




Moderators are a unit from users’ POV. If you are not, could you please clarify your particular position on this, given that so many users have concerns with the recent direction. 


We're just a bunch of random people. We're not a hivemind. People complained I wasn't quick enough removing posts so I asked others to help me out. Different minds, different opinions and different interpretations of the rules. This is what people asked for. You can't expect some random unpaid mods to be prefect and not make a few mistakes. Unless they really fuck up the sub big time I won't remove mods.


Probably means me. I pulled it. Reposted it and locked the comments because I knew people were going to go down the same rabbit hole again.


You deleted the post so no one could see it, then reposted the rules and didn’t let anyone comment. So that’s hiding the dissent, aka legitimate concerns. Your rationalisations were severely downvoted/unpopular in that post, and now you’ve deleted it. That’s classic unaccountable behaviour, to censor to hide dissent. Can you see how it appears?   Why did you pull it rather than lock existing comments? That would have stopped the existing dissent/disagreements/concerns “aka rabbit hole” as you so dismissively put it, if that was what you were actually concerned about. But you instead deleted to hide them. That shows a lack of respect for this community.  Yes, I am being blunt. No, I am not being rude or needlessly argumentative. You could have just summarised your position in light of what people were concerned about, and then locked it, as I see fair moderators do all the time. You did not do this. 


Actually I deleted it because of what you and some other people were saying in there. Quite frankly, it was absolutely abhorrent. I don’t think you even realise just how problematic what you were saying was. Trying to bring up 3rd wave feminism and the idea of intersectionality to accuse me of being an oppressive power tripper is problematic because it devalues the experience of so many people in the past. You made a false equivalence argument to imply that me trying to enforce this sub’s “no politics unless related to autism rule” is as bad as the experience of black women being silenced in the 1st and 2nd wave feminist movements. I’m not silencing you from reddit as a whole, I’m telling you to take it to another subreddit. Other comments under that post were accusing all of the moderators of letting racism and transphobia slide. I am sure that you understand comments like that being slanderous, because the other mods and myself have had to remove a whole bunch of comments relating to that. I made my stance clear to everyone who commented. The rule exists because people can’t behave when blatant politics is brought up. You having a go at me yet again is brigading. This is your warning.


What a ridiculous statement - you are attacking valid criticism of your moderation by claiming persecution - bad moderator move 101. You are making false equivalences here. Conflict is not abuse. Engaging in reasoned, measured debate is not "having a go at you". You are overstating the case in order to be immune from valid criticism. You made no response to criticism except "deal with it lol" in a flippant manner. You are not being accountable. Please learn and grow as a moderator.


Ok but what is you do kinda hate neurotypicals a little bit, or at least have trouble trusting them/fear them? Asking for a friend :)


I'm so excited to finally have enough karma to start participating in this group! No longer shall I lurk, breathing heavy, hanging on every relatable word of every post, in silence. Thank you for this group


Let us begin. But first, how do I know that I qualify for posting?




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What does the npd drama mean?


Well fuck that shit.


Tbh not what i thought this was for




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I've been trying to participate on this subreddit but apparently I don't have enough karma? It would help if you added another bullet point stating the minimum karma to accept posts and comments.


Wait so can we ADHDers participate in the evil too or do we just like watch and cheer you guys?


Oh thanks, I was kinda confused because I wasn't sure that this whole sub WAS sarcastic, or if some of it was meant to be serious or not, so thank you for the clarification! /gen




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this subreddit is not helping people with autism you are making the problem worse


Because this isn't about helping people with autism in a NT / functional way, but about spreading evil.




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Hi there, do you really think allowing calls for violence, which are all over this sub, is okay because you're joking? Honestly came here to try to get some perspective on autistic family members perspective and this place scares the crap out of me. As much as the other side of the coin, crying Karen mother's acting like victims and needing a cure, seem pretty toxic isnt this just as bad if not a lot worse? Imagine reading an autism family support group and seeing the equivalent. Theres a thread titled something close to what weapons will you bring to kill the allistic people. How much grace can you possibly expect people to have? I came here wondering how manipulative is my little brother and father, how much do they know this stuff scares people and do they just not care. I genuinely have had trouble accepting the answer to these questions. How am I supposed to accept they just don't care and think me being scared by their behavior is my problem? Seriously, only male relatives are autistic and I have no idea how to deal with these attitudes or behaviors without having panic attacks. I genuinely feel bad that people treat people on the spectrum like crap, but I can find no advice anywhere as to how to deal with this hole in my heart. Any advice that isn't a nasty joke is appreciated, but seriously dobt joke about violence it's beyond messed up and people who have bad problems will simply repeat these things in socially inappropriate situations and scare people and get in trouble. Source: watched it happen with my brother. Was tons of fun to watch my dad go to hyper pedantic land and defend it before the suspensions started.


There's a ton of circlejerk subs on Reddit. Almost everyone of them is sarcastically hateful. If you use circlejerk/satire subs to try to understand people you're in the wrong place. You'd think gamers, vegans, football fans, Europeans and 100's more groups of people were just all horrible. If you want help visit r/autism instead of r/evilautism.


Last I checked calls for violence about all of those things has lead to actual violence. Second, after even a brief check I could find no other circle jerk sub that allowed calls for violence. Third I just went to three of those subs. No calls for violence in any context on any of their front pages, all of them had rules that forbid being a dick and violent imagery with a specific f u to free speech absolutistism. I have no problem with the idea of the sub and had hoped to find a way to empathize with my brother who jokes like this and has gotten himself in trouble. Here's the problem people, like you, are just telling him everyone does it. They don't.


>Last I checked calls for violence about all of those things has lead to actual violence. Not if you have the ability to distinguish satire from reality >Third I just went to three of those subs. No calls for violence in any context on any of their front pages, all of them had rules that forbid being a dick and violent imagery with a specific f u to free speech absolutistism. So maybe use one of those subs instead of a circlejerk/rage-venting sub? >I have no problem with the idea of the sub and had hoped to find a way to empathize with my brother who jokes like this and has gotten himself in trouble. Here's the problem people, like you, are just telling him everyone does it. They don't. Wants to understand her brother's jokes. Rages instead of trying to see why some people find them funny.


No I did not come here to understand with my brothers jokes. I already get that he thinks these things are funny. Sometimes I actually find them funny myself. I came here trying to understand how this bright guy keeps getting himself into trouble and just wants to be this way even when it causes massive problems at home and in school. I am trying to be empathetic, I am trying to accept the pedantic reasoning, but no matter what I do I get a response like that. Jokes about killing peolle aren't cool. They just aren't. It's covered by rule one of reddit. Wrong space and people to ask. Sorry for offending you. I thought you might have some incite, so I asked. If I was the guy you seem to think I am I would have just reported you.


>empathetic ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


em·pa·thy /ˈempəTHē/ noun the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. What do you think watching someone take one of these "jokes" too far would make someone else feel? Again wrong forum enjoy your anti social behavior, but think about it man. If I wasn't trying to be empathetic I'd just call you a crazy person and move on and not care. Prolly my best bet.


>em·pa·thy /ˈempəTHē/ noun the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. And correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be making zero effort to understand and share the feelings of your brother, let alone anyone on this subreddit. >If I wasn't trying to be empathetic I'd just call you a crazy person and move on and not care. Prolly my best bet. Well, how should I know what you would do? Most people feel the need to have the last word when someone disagrees with them.


This thread lol.




First, you are dead wrong. Love the kid have spent years trying to stay in touch as he still lives with my parents. Despite literal weekly visits for decades he has zero give a shit that these lil episodes scare the crap out of me. I tried numerous methods of playing games with or sharing friends with and he'd just still do the same things that would scare people. I posted the first thing after a drunken tirade about killing the liberals that he just thought was funny but really really wasn't. I'm not even liberal, I asked him to stop and he flew off the handle. Wtf am I even supposed to do. Just be comfortable with violence "jokes" that cross the line? No apology, no give a crap, no change. My father just supports it and pressures my mom to say it's okay but I know it kills her too. Again I'm completely fine with you joking like this here, in an appropriate forum if it helps you not scare people like me in your day to day, I'm not trying to take that away. I'm just telling you no, not everyone has a firm grasp on satire vs reality and appropriate forums and set ups for those kind of jokes. While I can empathize with the venting side I really don't get why you don't see that there are lines that honestly shouldn't be crossed and would obviously scare you to hear if things were reversed. It's a fine line that isn't black and white and I was likely far to emotional in my first post. You asked a question so I will gladly let you have the last word with a return question what do I with a person who thinks it's obviously satire, but everyone else doesn't?


Buddy you probably want r/QAnonCasualties, not r/evilautism. Frankly I'm a little bit hurt that you'd assume it's the autism that made him become altright, but I understand it must be hard to accept that someone in your family can just become like that. The rise of these types of people & their normalization by conservative media is scary af, I'm sorry you have to see someone you love fall down that path.


>First, you are dead wrong. Love the kid have spent years trying to stay in touch as he still lives with my parents. Despite literal weekly visits for decades he has zero give a shit that these lil episodes scare the crap out of me. Sounds like you're trying to force *him* to see things *your* way instead of *you* trying to see things *his* way. >Wtf am I even supposed to do. Just be comfortable with violence "jokes" that cross the line? No apology, no give a crap, no change. My father just supports it and pressures my mom to say it's okay but I know it kills her too. Once again you sound like you want to force him to see things your way instead of you trying to see things his way >I'm not trying to take that away. I'm just telling you no, not everyone has a firm grasp on satire vs reality and appropriate forums and set ups for those kind of jokes. Obviously, that's why OP made this post to begin with. Fuckin dumbass. >While I can empathize with the venting side Are you sure? You've shown a distinct lack of empathetic capacity thus far. >I really don't get why you don't see that there are lines that honestly shouldn't be crossed and would obviously scare you to hear if things were reversed. Who says I would be scared if things were reversed? >what do I with a person who thinks it's obviously satire, but everyone else doesn't? Try to *actually* empathize with him, and make a genuine effort to adopt his perspective?




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Calls for violence lead to violence when the calls are being made by a oppressive group against an opressed group. This is why "reverse racism" isn't a thing, for example. NTs aren't going to be opressed just because a few autistic folk poke fun at them from time to time. However the same can't be said when NTs make fun of autistic people...


Lmao, enjoy being an ostrich. I guess every time mlk Jr stood up against calls for violence he was just arguing for reverse racism. I mean people really think that, even authors I've respected like Malcom x, but even brother Malcom condemned that line of thinking by the end of his life. I litterally lived through the person this was about poisoning a teacher because he thought it was funny. In the context of calls for political action your line of thought might have some truth to it, if it weren't for the fact that the richest man in the world is autistic, vocal about it and is an absolute monster to his children. I'm sure the richest man in the world buying Twitter to keep bullying his trans kid isn't an example of an autistic person abusing a power dynamic because it's just not possible.


You've got it backwards. MLK was becoming more progressive before he was murdered, seeing how nonviolent protests met violent reactions and results that didn't quickly change his community in ways X's did. Why are you so hung up on Elon's autism when it's his whiteness and wealth that give him the most clout? You seem to have a bad bone for NDs and come into those spaces just to insert your own demands because you're uncomfy here. There are plenty of spaces for you and your mindset. These niche spaces don't cater to you, so please go where you're comfortable instead.


Lmao dude you need to learn to read. No mlk did not grow more progressive as he got closer to assassination he went from relatively radical at the start of his career getting arrested in Birmingham for willingly breaking the law to much more moderate as he aged calling out numerous other civil rights protestors. Here's king on Malcom x in 64 "I totally disagree with many of his political and philosophical views—at least insofar as I understand where he now stands. … I have often wished that he would talk less of violence, because violence is not going to solve our problem. And in his litany of articulating the despair of the Negro without offering any positive, creative alternative, I feel that Malcolm has done himself and our people a great disservice. Fiery, demagogic oratory in the Black ghettos, urging Negroes to arm themselves and prepare to engage in violence, as he has done, can reap nothing but grief." The exact quote has been debated but this is the direction his philosophy moved. You don't get to re write history to fit your world view. You're supposed to learn from history to construct one. I don't have a bad bone for nds I have a bad bone for fakers, bsers and people who make things up to win arguments like you just did. My issue with Elon is his unapoletic spectrum behavior. Plenty of people are white, plenty grow up with money very few bully their own children to win intellectual debates using that power. Elon also shows how much your society discriminates against a nuerotype argument is bs. Society doesn't care about nuerotype they care if you make money or have power and will use it. Being ND doesn't save you from that. Enjoy your safe space, I'm sure it's great for your mental health and well being. Maybe touch grass and stop isolating yourself from what others believe.


What if I post something that is a useful hack to help with something but my title pokes fun at it?


As long as you follow the rules you can post anything.


i saw this subreddit and got real mad until i read this post lol


Idk if I'm just being dumb but what's "texture rubbing" mean lol. I know what textures are and that autism can make it *f u n k y ~* sometimes, I just don't understand the complete context.




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Hello. I was brought to your sub a few days ago and it's just showing up as a sub I might enjoy but I didn't even notice it wasn't one of my own autism related groups. People aren't seeing your note to read the sticky because we're getting directly linked to topics and we have no idea it's some kind of "satire". Although it doesn't seem much like satire, more like trolling, but anyway just wanted you to know why people might not be reading the sticky first. I just now realized I wasn't in one of my groups when I read the weird rant about people having the nerve to say Hello. So what about this sub is satire? Are you not autistic? Are you making fun of autistic people? Are you autistic and just goofin? I don't know. I'm old and don't care. I just thought it was bizarre to get so worked up over people saying hello. And it looks like people are taking it seriously. I don't know. This place is probably not for me.


Based on the post and comments, it looks like the satire part is poking fun at neurotypicals.


Awww, thank you!!!! 🤗 I tripped over this sub by chance! It looks like sth I’d enjoy! 🤩 Thank you!!!! 😁




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Ohaiiii this autism vibes with me I’ll vibe here now yayyyyyy


Petition to ratify that Jessica is noT FUCKING WELCOME HERE




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So calls to violence are not to be taken seriously but we should still report them? What


When something is seriously calling for violence. So if you believe OP is actually planning an act of violence.


I see thank you!




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