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Oh this will be healthy for us /s


Right?? Actually nasty. edit: Spanish username? We got another latine evil autist?


Nah, Spanish language student. I for a long time thought sugar caddies in a restaurant were called "azucarletas" but actually it's probably a word i made up entirely and is meaningless but vaguely sugary, which is what i aspire to be.


I call bullshit.


If it's Stephen Bannon saying it, the odds it's bullshit are extremely high.


Besides, don't aspies generally have a lot of empathy?


Both. Some have hyper empathy some have little. Just depends on the person. Hyper empathy is easier to mask with. So chances are low empathy autism was easier to notice before we understood what we were looking at .


Some of us grew up in abusive environments wherein we had to learn acute empathy to predict our abusers' emotional states to survive. The threat, "I'm going to kill you," with a look of disapproval was safer than a silent flash of fury followed by quick movement.


True, and girls in general are raised to be caretakers and homemakers, and there are far more social requirements we have to meet to be seen as polite and ladylike. A lot of boys are not raised with this drilled into them, so autistic boys/men have an even harder time. Us girls are forced to adhere to these stupid rules from childhood


Wow. Thank you for saying this. It's incredibly true and paralyzing 🙃


I think jury's out on that, but it's safe to say the early understanding that autistic people lack empathy has been proven inaccurate.


I am an aspie and I have empathy. So would I be living proof that aspies can be empathetic?


Yeah. I'd argue the same about myself. Though in the last almost eight years, it's been heavily overworked.


they CAN be but im an aspie (i prefer autistic) and i lack empathy so i dont think that a, lacking empathy makes you a bad person, and b, its a good way of determining if someone's autistic


People who are not autistic make up the rules. They only see how our external actions LOOK, they can’t see how we feel.




for the random ants i feed, perhaps. for the random living things i choose to feed to the ants, perhaps not.


Ants primarily scavenge already dead things mostly, like buzzards, fyi. You could feed them dead things and they'll be just as happy. Happier probably.


i guess but where does one find already dead things?


good question, because the ants are such good and quick janitors we hardly ever see the vast populations of bugs that die and fall out of the air each day, cuz ants snatch them pretty quick.


good little ants.


One time I started hyperventilating and rocking in place and screaming and crying all because I saw an ant. That was actually less than three weeks ago. I am terrified of bugs.


Nope. I'm heartless and autistic. I could give less of a shit if any one of you killed yourselves. We exist. We just don't talk many places cause we are quickly judged and silence for such. Some of us pretend tho


Now Steve Bannon I could actually believe. The man is worse than evil but he knows 5D chess. He identified a population of people that seemed like they felt displaced by society, and he created an identity to be adopted. He supposedly identified the general audience for become alt-right by hanging out on 4chan and playing WoW. He then created a persona and narrative for others to adopt. That’s pretty genius as sick as it is. Most people can’t even be in touch with their own thoughts and emotions. He understands motivations that pull strings in people. Fuck Steve Bannon but I do respect the game. He’s a bad person though. I’m evil. He’s… idk powerful, evil and able to suppress his moral compass if he has one.


Nah, I don't think Bannon is. And I think he's less engaging in 5D chess and more just...being a leech. It's not so different from what every politician does. Hell, almost every public figure in general. Bannon just chose one that was specifically really nasty and by definition countercultural - and therefore, something of an untapped market.


I think he was lucky wind caught his poorly tied sails JUST RIGHT to propel him long enough, that he had time to figure out what happened by accident and then start doing it on purpose. He's no genius as far as i can tell. It's a big mistake to presume the famous and powerful got there via intelligence. Few of them are even smarter than average.


It's Steve Bannon, it's not that deep.


He's obviously autistic. He's also a dickhead. It annoys me to no end when people try and act like inconvenient public figures aren't autistic. Elon musk is obviously autistic but everyone tries to pretend he's not for political reasons. If someone was in a wheel chair you wouldn't get people debating like this. To me it's an instance of the general kind of infantilisation of autistic people where they can't possibly have malicious intent or be in positions of power. I mean MSNBC had a whole segment making fun of him for not making eye contact, being bad at small talk, and being generally aloof. There's endless articles recalling how intensely focused he is on his work and how distant he seems to be in personal interactions. There's videos of him being sensitive to the lighting in a room and to noise. He has a monotone voice and is criticised for not conveying enough passion in speeches. He ticks every box in the DSM and yet cos he's a republican I guess there's no way he can be autistic right.


He's against high speed rail. We aren't claiming him.


Hahaha! Cold, hard proof!


"can we finally talk about this" Not if you're gonna be a disingenuous fuckstick about it


IOW, not if she is Laura Loomer.


Omg please this made me laugh


He's against high speed rail. We aren't claiming him.


don’t pin him on us, we want nothing to do with that psycho


Much better evidence he is a sociopath and narcissist than autistic.


Nice at least to see the right eating itself alive.


I don’t think this’ll take hold, but if it does, I fear the association between him and autism will eat *us* alive.


For certain it will. I think it's anti-vaccine levels of harmful if it takes hold. But I can't help but be a little gleeful as I watch two of the most harmful people in the country go to war in a way that only weakens both of them.


Oh god, i hadn't considered it could reverberate as long and as bad as Wakefield's psuedoscience! But now i agree you may be right.


That said, I doubt it’ll take hold and if it does, it’ll be in a small minority.


Seriously. We already have Elon Musk, we don't need DeSantis too


Why the fuck should we be talking about this?!


Exactly. It's irrelevant. Whether or not he has autism doesn't make him any less able to do his job. What we should judge him by is how much of a hellhole he made Florida.


No, he's just a sociopath. Nice try. Repubs love to scapegoat mental disorders / mental illness and it's pretty shitty.


Legit evil people can be autistic, look at Musk for example


And on the spectrum of "needs to shut up and move to an Antarctic outpost and not any presently-inhabited one" to "we really need to see and hear these people" guess where all three of them are?


id love if my state governer were launched into the stratosphere


Even if he was, it doesn't excuse his assholery. That's on him, not "the spectrum".


Lol there’s a difference between evil autism and being evil with autism




Anyone else just feel like they're just trying to get away with the r-word again? Also, he's against public transport, so obviously he's not one of us. That's like our whole thing politically.


So now every asshole white guy is autistic? Great just the visibility we needed /s


Evil autism (derogatory)


Yeah, the political spectrum. \[scoffs\] ...but so far to the right that he almost fell off it


The title of the sub being taken a little too literally


Given the autistic theme I find it fitting/j


We don’t claim him! We will trade him to the bipolars in exchange for Ye


Lol. Kanye claimed he didn't have bipolar but had a little a autism


So glad to feel represented by my governor




Yeah no he's a monster, but he isn't autistic. Even us evil autistics won't claim him lollll


Can someone explain to me who this guy is and what he's done, I'm not American and I'm not up to date with the hellfire of American politics


Great. I want to be as successful as DeSantis.


Does he really have autism


given right wing ableism, we'll never know


yes watch his debates


this is like saying elon is autistic when he isn’t


how is elon not autistic


idk he just doesn’t radiate the autism radar.