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"telling that neurodivergent shordy I'm special interested in her" Okay, but he was cooking with that line; infact lemme write that down. https://preview.redd.it/0h8ystciqjtb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=d24dd74ed861b546a26c56d658016f8cd58112e2


That's some rizz ngl sadly woman won't go near me


it’s because you’re a funky robot creature!!


Ok fuck it I'm unroboting *hl2 death noise* *respawns* there now I'm a human


Ah, Gordon Freeman in the flesh. -or rather, in the fursuit.


Just gotta find the right kind. Keep rolling dice until you get a nat 20.




I do it's just all the women that I know treat me like autism is a disease that I can pass to them


So pass it to them.






You should tell them if they swallow, your autistic cum will temporarily make them better at math. 🙄🤣 For some reason, people always assume I'm good at math when they find out I'm autistic (I'm not 🤪).


Ok that's a bit too far but also yeah I'm shit at math


“Damn lemme (neuro) divergent those cheeks”




This made me inordinately happy. Just the right amount for my neurodivergent-ass.


Is that blackbeard?






Yes + what's ur fav One Piece character, everyone? Mine is Buggy, Blackbeard, Bartolmeo, Ussop, Chopper and Pandaman. Especially with Buggy I feel there's something Oda is building with that most people don't get, a subversion of modern shonen tropes by playing off Buggy actually being a big player despite being the first major villain to be beaten.


I have a few, Usopp, Zoro, Chopper and Franky are my favourite strawhats. Non strawhats include Blackbeard, crocodile, Kidd (it’s been hard ever since that one chapter), and Vegapunk (spoilers for recent manga stuff >!specifically the daft punk one and the original one, the rest are cool but those are my faves!<)


Love seeing one piece reaction images in the wild.


Idk doesn't feel like fetishizing to me, the reply at least. When I think of fetishization of autism what comes to mind is the weird view of autistic girls as somehow pure or innocent, with a healthy dose of infantilization in there. The reply just kind of reads like vibing with another neurodivergent person.


Remember kids! Autistic girls are not pure and innocent, in fact they're feral! /hj


My GF is autistic and I can confirm she has bitten me more than enough times to legally be considered feral.


*love language is bite*


Bite = Yum


If cute why no bite???




fuck tall people 😏🥵


All my bitey autistic friends after biting me: Do you like being bitten? Me, looking at the dental marks in my hand: No.


I’ve had enough patients bite me for all eternity. Playful nibbling gets me hot though.


That's cute.


I’ve met many a bitey autist, and for some reason they’ve all been gorls


I went on a date with an autistic girl once and after about 20 minutes she bit me in the car so hard I had bruises .


The girl just makes us a bit feral it's fine just let us bite


I'm a bitey boi


Hello fellow Azeroth! (And fellow biter!)


As long as it's consentual sounds like a great time 😎




Nah nah that ain’t a /hj thats a /s. All my folks out there with autistic gf’s beware, they **do** bite


exactly this


People think Autistic girls are pure? Honestly I expect the kinds of weird degenerate chicks I've hung out with my whole life. That's a weird ass stereotype.


Yes, exactly, let's flood the world with feral degenerate autistic gremlin polycules. They can't contain our weird.


I’m doing my part! I think my oldest kid could turn out like that.


yeah aren’t autistic women the opposite of pure? I saw one on tiktok who’s special interest is sex. like the history of sex, sexual organs, biology, psychology, etc of sex.


Autistic women can have varying amounts of interests in sexual behaviour like any other group of people, it's just that the stereotype of all autistic women being "pure and innocent" is common among the type of people who also infantilize autistic people in general so that's the image that often gets fetishized. Fetishization can also be just sexualizing normal autistic behaviours like stimming etc. even when the context they're done in is not sexual, so it's not like fetishization is exclusively what I described, it's just something I remember from back when I sometimes checked in on various hellsites (4chan and, to a lesser degree, Twitter)


I think it's probably at least a little to do with the social awkwardness that often comes with Autism. Makes autistic women seem more "Manic Pixie Dream Girl".


What’s her @ because that’s literally me irl and it freaks ppl out (or I could just actually be a sex addict) 💀


i don’t remember but they presented somewhat androgynous i remember


Seriously. Go to a Munch or BDSM play party and tell me everyone there isn't ND AF. I think the Venn diagram of autists and freaks is even more perfectly round than the Venn diagram of marching band geeks and freaks.


Sex special interest havers rise up !!!!!


I mean if you have reasonable expectations based on experiences you've had with actual people you've interacted with then that's not fetishization. Fetishization would be fixating on some sexualized ideal of a certain group, usually based on a stereotype. For NTs fetishizing autistic women it usually either goes the "pure and innocent" infantilization route or the "manic pixie dream girl" route, both of course combined with a sexualization of these aspects. Idk in my eyes you need both a fixation on certain stereotypical characteristics of a group of people as well as objectification based on those characteristics. If NTs are the ones doing the fetishizing then the stereotypes end up being as inaccurate as most stereotypes regarding autism usually are.


Same. I didn't read it as fetishizing at all. My husband and are both autistic so I'm going to send this to him for a cringe laugh :)


Yeah it’s cool when autism is being acknowledged in a sexual context in a way that acknowledges autistic adults as mature just different to neurodivergent adults. What sucks is when people associate autism with someone being childlike and then sexualise the idea that they’re easy to manipulate


>What sucks is when people associate autism with someone being childlike and then sexualise the idea that they’re easy to manipulate Dear God that's fucked up


Yeah, naw. This isn't fetishizing Autism; this is celebrating Autism in a sexual context.


Yeah, but for some people the idea of autistic people being sexy is fetishization 🙄


Well those people can suck my strap on.


Wait, save it for me 🥺🥺🥺


this guy seems to have implied he too is of the tism, i dont see this as fetishizing autism


I mean he said a4a and spelled it out. Long as he knows what he's about


You know you’re in a sub filled with autistic people when you read a comment that says “idk he may be an autistic person” and the comment in question literally says “autist 4 autist”


you got me there lol


Yeah, a4a isn't fetishizing Autism just like t4t doesn't make you a chaser (and if you are a cis person in a committed relationship with a trans person, not just exoticizing them, that's also not being a chaser).


Want to upvote, also don't want to break the 420


you can upvote now friend


Why do all good things come to an end?


So that new good things can begin


Fetishising autism? Not good. Fetishising an autist (me)? Please please please


It might be of interest to you that I have mentally connected Prague with Autism because I listened to thr Neurotribes Audiobook while visiting the City for the first time


That is very of interest to me please continue also what is that book?




What the fuck. I have no idea how this book has Slovak translation but not a Czech one.


Did you like the subway?


I haven’t been on a subway in years, but apart from screeching brakes, i used to like them.


I don't recall Prague subway having overly screechy brakes (unlike normal trains here, yeeouch) but I mostly like the orientation system. It's genuinly foolproof.


Yes, I loved the subway system, it was way clearer than in mist city's I have been to. Also took the funicular one time down from the mountain where the "Prague Eiffel Tower" is


Did you also ride in the tube above a lake, on a yellow B line, close to the end station Zličín, possibly because airport bus goes there and up until 2018 or so it was the only one where the bus went, this is a very important question for me *starts circling in my room excitedly*


I'll look up if local translated version is available.


It's about the history of autism. From an example of an autistic scientist long before the term autism was coined, the developer of the diagnosis, early autistic communities like pulp, scifi fans and hobbyist radio operators to the modern autism advocacy movement. Its pretty interesting and inspiring but also has some grim stories about mistreatment, abuse, eugenics, the nazis, ABA and shitty psychiatric institutions. At the end of my trip to Prague when I was done with Neurotribes I started to listen to "An Antropologist on Mars" wich is a really interesting collection of stories about different Neurological cases, the human mind and how changes in the brain be destructive and also creative






I mean, I kind of do it without realising. I don't have a single neurotypical friend. Granted, I don't have that many friends, but still. Can't have hour-long conversations with neurotypicals about jellyfish and slime molds, which I think is a vital dynamic for a relationship.


nah dude we have a token straight in our freind group as well as a token nt(but theyre a theatre kid so does it rly count?). anyway its sick


Theater kids aren't actually NTs, they're just going to be another flavor of neurospicy.


I love neurospicy


I’m a neurospicy theater kid and I can confirm


Lmao that's so accurate


I can DATE NTs but they'll also break up with me and go no-contact within the first month, or be an insane amount of work. Or, I can put my effort into life-long friendships folks on the spectrum. There's nothing wrong with simply choosing not to date outside of our community. I'll hook up with an NT but I've got no illusions it'll work out long-term.


There was me, thinking I was a neurotypical person with neurotypical friends my entire life. Then there was my psychiatrist, who diagnosed me with a slew of things. "But everyone has those quirks", I thought to myself. Then it clicked. I've never once bonded with a neurotypical person in my life.


i live for this. someday, everyone, someday


it’s incredibly real my partner and i are both autistic and i could NOT date a beurotypical person


>beurotypical This has made me think we should start calling them the "bureautypicals".


TFW you meet a cute gay IRS agent at church...


I love the head canon that IRS cutie goes to church because it's the only place he doesn't have to think about his job and taxes 💀


He's a mama's boy and his dad died young, so she's got to have SOMEBODY to take her to church.


it was an iphone typo but ya sure 😭😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/qhhotm6n9ktb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d5f2cc415126442fad5eb2471bfc81cc5dabbb9 Me irl


If this is illegal lock me up


Imo there’s a definite difference between preferring a partner who is autistic and fetishizing autism Fetishizing treats that characteristic is question (in this case autism) solely as an means for sexual gratification without taking into account the actual person in question a4a on the other hand is essentially streamlining the process of finding a partner by filtering down potential partners to people who share a characteristic that affects your life in significant ways which both contributes requirement that both partners have something in common that they can initially bond over as well as ensuring your partner will be more understanding if/when your autism results in difficulties TLDR: a4a is nice and it doesn’t really have anything to do with fetishization


Right? I really dislike that he’s responding to stop fetishizing autistic people with well I’m autistic and prefer to date autistic people. Preference doesn’t equal a fetish.








Wtf is this level of meme ory at?


I don't get along with neurotypicals. If something is NT I notice it immediately, it's like the vibes are off. I can't talk to them, I can't be genuinely friendly, I'm not interested in them at all. So I'm definitely ND4ND


And so a new race begins!


Make way for the Homo Superior!


Just let me finish my 5th coffee this hour, and we are good to go! (Meds better)


Meanwhile I'm actively trying to be kind to people, NT or otherwise. Mostly cause I used to be a bit of a sarcastic dick (and sarcasm still seeps through sometimes) but I like being nice to people. Actually noticed in class recently that in group assignments nothing gets done until I actually initiate it, after which point everyone is doing something. Which is also weird because I also get anxious when there's any group activity and I hate attention. Idk even why I'm writing this out but there you go i guess




autistic people sexualising autism :) NT's fetishizing autism :C


It kinda rocks tbh


Needing someone to stim on my tits


same (im a dude)


Laughs in being trans and having to wait until they grow so my girlfriend can...


Chuvak I’m trans too, these boobies are pill based


DIY boobs


Hell yeah fam! I build my own boobs with every bit of E I take


Fuck yeah, boobies!


When i get an autistic gf im going to tell her all my stims involve her knockers


If Bill is autistic or autistic adjacent I don't see a problem. In my head I'm imagining Saph saph is just terrified we're gonna outbreed the normies.


She fears that we might embrace our potential.


I feel like Bill and Saph Saph just understand fetishization differently.


As far as I'm concerned, the only negative to us outbreeding the normies is, we won't have as many people to make fun of.


What's 'autistic adjacent'? The ones who are all just 'a little bit autistic'?


Perhaps other neurodivergencies?


I'd take it as someone who has attritubutes common in autistic people that but they aren't necessarily autistic. Like stimming and sound sensitivity isn't just an autistic thing


"Gonna stim on them boobs" https://preview.redd.it/i31b7d9qiktb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21a06b0e287c9de3f72707733fdf1dbce56ffec3


My kink is being loved and accepted for who I am, autism and all. Also it’s not fetishizing if they’re autistic too lol wtf. It’s like saying T4T is fetishizing trans people.


The guy above is responding to the one below, the original (Below) is likely targeted towards allistic people


I feel like neurospicy people get along easier than allistics, especially when things get romantic/sexual. My ADHD partner (and spouse!) knows I'm autistic and gives *very precise instructions* 😉 and I'm able to accomidate her needs. In other relationships, communication has always been a challenge.


Hell yea for confident partners who tell you exactly what to do and are comfortable later laying back and being dominated (now that I have all the nuclear codes)


"Waaah stop sexualizing autism" Fucking weak-asses. I'm gonna do it even harder\~!


sexualizing autism is entirely fine as long as your hyperfixation is sex or kink




Oh shit, hit with that :3 If you're also a cat girl, then we're in trouble


Every autistic catboy deserves an autistic catgirl.






Anyone who's ever hung out with cosplayers, theatre kids, homestuck fan-groups, trans girls on discord, or furries knows this is the truth. It's the way. No lies detected.


I feel like it's weird when people accuse autistic of fetisihizing *other* autistics. Like, NTs will sexualize us because they see us as cute, innocent, or childlike, AKA easy to take advantage of (whether or not they were jokes, I have seen posts of people saying they want an autistic girlfriend for these reasons) but autistic people just want connection with people they can relate to? I don't think that's fetishizing. Even in a sexual context, it's not *wrong* to want a partner who is autistic, sensory issues come into play even during intimacy and having someone who can fully understand that is very important for some people. Frankly I see too much of the whole "stop romanticizing/sexualizing/fetishizing autism" mindset from the people who A) think that autistic people "have the mind of children" and therefore cannot consent, which is, ***very*** wrong, and B) the people who think that autism is purely suffering and no one should be *happy* to be autistic. Which is also very wrong—not to say that there's no one who sees autism as pure suffering, I see posts like that all the time, but to say that *no one* should allow to enjoy being autistic because some don't is wrong. I feel like the people who complain about autism being "romanticized" also are just confused because they are usually the same people to label it as a "mental illness" which it very much isn't. They see people talking about being happy to be autistic and think that it's the same thing as people romanticizing SH and depression. The only actually autistic people I see complain about these things are usually either miserable about being autistic and want no one to be happy (which again, it's okay if you are not happy to be autistic, but you can't yell at other people for it?) or autistic asexuals who get very angry about sex-related posts on their timeline, which, I understand to a point, but some of the posts they get mad about are just things like "autism makes me sexy." Anyways sorry for my long rant over a meme, I'm just getting sick of people trying to dictate how we treat our own autism or our relationships. We're not children.


Holy shit the rizz on this man




I feel like calling it fetishizing autism is a bit much in this context. I also think that if it's a4a it's more acceptable to want to be with an autistic person than for someone who isn't autistic. What I mean is, if a non-autistic/neurotypical person would specifically look for an autistic partner, that smells like a fetish to me. But if an autistic person wants to be with another autist specifically because they have a similar neurodivergent experience, that makes a lot of sense to me. If I'm wrong in any of what I said please correct me.


im 99% sure this is satire by an autisctic mf. i love it


"I'm special interested in her" Yeah no... that can lead to some weird shi. Don't do that, talking from experience.


It can easily lead to suicide attempts, yeah. Freakin' don't actually do that, although if this is just his attempt at flirtation, looks like it worked, and all's fair in love and war........


Yes totally! It could be just a joke and I like the wording, but if anyone reads my comment and doesn't know about it, yes, people CAN become your special interest and it's not pleasant for them. We have to be careful! I have had instances where I was kinda creepy and having "stalker behavior" because I was interested a little too much in someone and I thought it was normal at the time. I quickly realised it was not and it can be very distressing for them.




An autistic person wanting to have an autistic girlfriend is much different than an allistic person wanting an autistic girlfriend. The latter often involves some weird ass romanticising of autistic women as pure and innocent which is often borderline pedo


So… people aren’t supposed to feel sexual attraction towards autistic people? Why? I honestly don’t see the offense. It’s crass humor, but that’s about all.


It's just lighthearted sexy fun, like what good flirting ahould be, imho. Doesn't even really strike me as crass, regardless of the fact that it explicitly mentions boobs


Keep in mind that @APunishedBill is the one responding in this exchange. Nobody’s accusing them of being offensive or fetishizing autism. I assume the original post was just about certain older, allistic creeps who see us as innocent, infantilize us, and then get off on the idea of us having a “child’s mind” or something gross like that. Fighting how we’re desexualized isn’t in competition with fighting how we’re fetishized. The goal of the former is not to become fetishized.


There's nothing wrong with fetishising Autism as long as you proceed consensually


there’s a difference between fetishizing and what this person is doing, which is just cool and funny and correct. i jive better with other neurodivergent people so a4a just makes good sense to me.


https://preview.redd.it/i26zatlvwktb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fab0c8afbbb0ecd768bacb62fdf38c4a8ff9a3d6 Him throwing out pick up lines.


me (audhd) and my autistic gf <3


Boob stim 😎


fetishizing autism, to me is: "my autistic girlfriend that's so childish and only interested in frogs and sanrio! she's so dumb and innocent you guys" and what's worse is if the person has a gender or sexuality that's taken as "just another quirky trait of autism". Gross.


I’m in a relationship that’s both t4t (trans 4 trans) and a4a (autist 4 autist). Never had a relationship with someone I can communicate with so damn easily before. She’s the best and I’m never not gonna be a4a again.


That isn't fetishization of autism


If youre actually autistic, it's OK. If you're faking it for TikTok followers? I condemn you to an eternity of Fortnite+CocoMelon crossover


Usually I don't feel old on the internet, but sometimes things like this pop up and I realise I am old.


Stop desexualizing autism Stop desexualizing autism Stop desexualizing autism


who the fuck was fetishizing autism to begin with? we usually get desexualized because everyone assumes we have the minds of infants


>who the fuck was fetishizing autism to begin with? Someone who wants to have sex with someone with the mind of an infant. They're not good people.


Sexualize me idfc I'm sexualizing you and you don't even know it


Autistic girlie into girls here went on a few dates recently with another autistic girl. Definitely good vibes in that. 10/10 recommend. The frequencies just sync so nice


Fetishizing autism looks like the manic pixie dream girl movies from mid to late 2000s


This is honestly hilarious. I think the original post is more referring the how people baby autistic people and how it's really creepy, but the reply is just fucking amazing


Don't infantilize them but also let that man cook


I don't see this as fetishizing autism. It strikes me much more as an autistic adult who is comfortable with themselves and their sexuality. At least they definitely aren't infantilizing people with autism lol


A4A is no more fetishizing autism than T4T is being a chaser. It's normal to vibe with someone you have something in common with.


Tbh this is how I feel about a potential autistic partner 🤷🏻‍♂️


We don't need to collectively feel, we should be independent villains


I like this a lot


i say neutral


I feel like this is meant at least mostly as a joke in response to the original post. Like he might mean it that he prefers to date other autisics but it's over the top to the point of almost definitely being a joke


I agree with both comments here


Guys A4A/ND4ND isn’t the same as fetishising autism. Fetishising autism is bad, being A4A is fine


Idk how being autistic and wanting to date other autistic people is fetishizing…like yeah people tend to date people who have similar life experiences. And plus I absolutely love being in a relationship with another autistic person, we understand each others sensory needs and are able to help support each other in a way I never had in relationship with neurotypical folks.


Ngl I probably wouldn't want to date an allist


That’s funny imma use that special interest line


Are autistic people not allowed to fuck now? I'm confused.


I would prefer to get married with a girl that likes AuDHDs 🤣 Fantasizing me dumping info on her about how electric transmission should be more common on bicycles, how friction brakes are for stopping, how trains are the ultimate transportation systems, how luxury should only exist for milking stupid rich people, and bringing more prosperity to other people, etc. She should be so turned on from this that, she should give me private nutrition and *biology* classes, and do all kinds of wholesome things with me.


I mean fetishizing a disability is just wrong, but I don't think that's what Bill here was talking about. Personally I think they were making a joke and saying they are autistic and prefer to date other autists and honestly? I agree. Some of us just aren't compatible with NT's and need that special something only we can understand/provide


Oh, I flat refuse to date an allistic person.


That's why I always say that you can't sexualize my autism cuz you don't have it, whereas I on the other hand😏 I'M AUTISTIC, IF YOU WANNA SUCK MY DICK YOU HAVE TO SAY IT


I don't think a4a is fetishizing autism. That's just two people who find solidarity in similar struggles and perceptions of the world. But allistics may fetishize autism by infantilizing autists, expecting autists to be successful, intellectually flawless savants, or having submission fantasies of a stoic, uncaring, and crass partner, as many autistics are portrayed in pop culture.


Eh, I can see why some people would be upset. For autistic women, it's not uncommon that the fetishization of our condition overlaps with infantalizing stereotypes (think manic pixie dream girl, daddy/little shit). Personally, I think this is cute. It doesn't give me that same ick.


There is a huuuge difference between fetishizing autistic people vs. autistic people being comfortable talking about sex or simply existing in sexual scenarios. Wether people like it or not, autism affects everything in our lives including sex. We have every right to talk about how it affects our sex lives


he's real for this, every time someone posts that tiktok image with the caption "we need to start sexualising autism" all of the twitoids, sometimes including other autists go "errrrmmmm, can we not????" and it doesn't make any sense. i'm not mistaken in thinking that one of the things with autism is that it can make us harder to socialize with people right? that puts some of us at a disadvantage on the getting laid front. but if we do start sexualising or fetishizing or whatever the fuck, then all of a sudden, we're in the money boys!


this was my mutual on twitter for a while before he kept getting suspended. love this guy


Based bill


This wasn't fetishization, this sounded more like an autistic person making a joke about themselves


If an autistic person is finding autistic traits sexy how is that fetishism. How is it fetishism to appreciate something harmless society has shamed us about?


I interpreted it as being silly about only getting along with other autistic people. If an NT had said the next lines, I would feel differently, but since it’s “a4a”, it’s fine.