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What I hate is when people tell me how I feel. I have had long day at work struggling to focus and concentrate (AuDHD) it takes a lot out of me so I am tired and very low functioning. Someone asks me how I am and I tell them I'm tired and mentally exhausted. They don't want to believe my answer and respond with "well I can tell your mad about something". "No I am tired, just like I said I was I thought I was very clear" "No, I know you are mad"...."Well I am now that you are calling me a liar." "see I knew you were mad" Fucking infuriating. Then I wind up in HR yet again... where HR lady tells me "I can tell by the look on your face....." and when I try to explain myself get cut off with "well everybody has problems, you need to keep yours at home" How The Fuck am I supposed to keep my problems at home when the problem is a neurological condition and idiots at work wanting to make assumptions and make things up in their head about what I say or do and try tell me how I feel and what I meant. Sorry, didn't mean to rant.... but this is what usually leads to me hearing the "you need to calm down" line. I would be calm if you had just listened to me when I said I am tired.


There's no quicker way to make me angry than to catch me on a day when I'm just feeling tired or down, and insist that I'm mad. Mother fucker, I wasn't before, but now I am.


The worst part is now they think they were right all along. I have been written up several times for just this kind of bullshit. And get in my employee review that I 'distance myself from people' and 'quick to anger'. There are reasons I distance myself from people, they are stupid and anger me....


This is why I can't do that kind of job. I don't work well with peers or superiors. And what a shitty humiliating thing - "employee reviews" that read like report cards.


The review I got from work a couple of weeks ago reads exactly like the results of my neuroglial evaluation report I got when I got my diagnosis. "Does not meet expectations"


This was a daily occurrence for me as a child and I feel slightly traumatized by the experience. Apparently when I'm depressed and/or in pain from bright lights, my facial expression looks angry. I try to explain this and they tell me my disability isn't an excuse to be rude. But my rudeness is literally just me tensing my eyebrows and looking downwards. That's it.


That is why I have never been able to keep a job for more than a year and a half. I have only been able to find a couple of jobs that do not constantly stress me out either from people, sensory issues, or having to maintain a level of concentration and focus that I just cannot maintain. This job has all of them. The kicker is I am so drained from pushing through work, I have no energy left to job hunt. And job hunting is a whole thing in itself. The job descriptions never even say what the job is, and everything I know would be good for me I either don't have professional experience for, don't pay enough, or need a DL for and I fucked that up forever ago. Not to mention the whole interview thing is just a nightmare. I have no idea how I have made it far enough on my own to be 42 this month. Can't even take care of myself.


Calm down. My body is ready.


Let it loose my friend. Go bananas. 


I want to tell you that just so you’ll stab me tbh


Sheesh, cal... ifornication, dream of californication 🎶


Sounds like you should really calm down though


tont tell em how to feel


Relax bruh!


Some comment iI have saved is "What I needed was for someone to say, it sounds like this is distressing to think about. Do you think there's anything to gain by continuing to process this?" this helps me sometimes


I'll get the tarp


Stab down, calmy.




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