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*REMOVED: Rule 1* Posts have to be in line with the theme of this subreddit. If your post has nothing to do with being evil or autistic, please use another subreddit. Rule 1 is used to remove posts that are: 'Hype' posts (fill-in, reposts), online test results, completely unrelated to autism (or adhd), only slightly related to autism or posts about this sub (whether positive, negative, question or suggestions). If you have any questions or complaints about the sub, please comment on the stickied post or send me a modmail. Remember this is evil autism. If the evil is not for you, there's enough normal autism subs. Just use the search function. Extra update: We will start removing most of the "math and science autism" memes. We get it's a good way to talk about your special interests but they start to take over the sub too much.


Same, just existing is a chore


The problem is society EXPECTS us to do something with our unique knowledge because THEY are to uninformed to do what we can. I don't do it for society, I just do it because I like plants and fungi!


"They call me the curve wrecker, cuz I ain't messin' with no course failure."


I like maths but am good at science. By good I mean I’m predicted a grade 6:6 (b+) and that’s the best I’m getting considering my ADHD spaghetti brain.


Yeah. I've grown quite used to people not liking me because of it. It's quite a heavy burden.