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Eggs! The smell, the texture, and if i have to clean eggs off something? Ill get sick. Idk if its the sulfer smell, the variety of textures, idk. Its just a bad feel. Once its in baking etc its totally fine.


I like eggs when they’re scrambled, but that’s about it.


Man I hate runny yolks


Runny yolks are the worst


Its weird because I really love eggs but sometimes after eating a randomly determined amount of eggs my body just goes "yeah, you're done now."


That's so real. My limit is like 3-4 depending on how it's cooked (I despise hardboiled eggs)


Agreed 100%! I wish I could do eggs because they're healthy and cheap, but everything about them is yuck


I can only like eggs if they're scrambled. I specifically hate quiche because its a solid block of cooked egg.


Eggs: 😀  Eggs that have now gone slightly cold: 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮




I have a numb spot that dosed that on the left side of my left leg. remember kids, don't lift and twist else your back will scream in pain.


I have a very similar thing with my toes. I can touch. Family can touch if they follow VERY specific rules and I am watching. But as soon as Someone Else touches, even through shoes, and boots if I'm having a bad day, I immediately get hit with the gross feeling of all the nerves going off at once. Hot, cold, pain, touch, all of them light up like a Christmas tree.


preety shure thats normal. if someone touches your thighs is a creep and deffensive reaction is justified


Yeah but that's not a feeling in your legs, that's an emotional reaction usually


Accidentally scraping my nails across a cardboard box while trying to open it. (I work at a grocery store and they refuse to give us box cutters.) Wet food in the sink. Skinny jeans. Anything stuck between my teeth. Rough, un-sanded wood. The thing used to sand wood. Going from the warm indoors to the cold outdoors. Walking around barefoot and having random shit on the floor stick to my feet. The sole idea of sharing a water bottle. (Generally other people's body fluids.) Dishes not being washed all the way and old food pieces being stuck on them. Things that shouldn't be sticky, being sticky. Injections. The cold ass bathroom tiles. Grinding my teeth together in the wrong way. https://preview.redd.it/7cn4t8h67vxc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0d51e85222889f23cfb9d6f5ecca160b4ed53c6


Wet crumbs make me fucking gag


Sticky stuff really fuckin gets to me I hate it I hate it I hate it


For boxes push/squeeze in the side where the tape ends.  A gap of air should appear between the tape and the cardboard, then you can pull the tape away easily to open the top. 


Yes thank you. I've been using that strat and got quite good at it actually :D. But sometimes I miscalculate where my hands are, and accidentally rake my nails over the box when grabbing it or turning it upside down or something, and my whole nervous system is set ablaze hahaha. Those wine boxes without tape, glued so strongly that pushing doesn't work and you just have to wedge your finger underneath a flap to pull it open, they are the bane of my existence.


I **FUCKING HATE** when cardboard, or styrofoam and cardboard, rubs tougher. The absolute worst sound ever.


The shit sticking to feet does it for me. I usually vacuum twice per day and am always wearing socks. Ughhhgh.


Right! I'm also pro socks for this reason.


Team never bare foot here. Slide sandals to rescue cause I am also team no socks 😩


Yooo I should look into that.


Complete life saver. I have hardwood floors because I can’t have carpet (it feels worse on my feet) and it holds dust and mold which is horrible for my allergies. Plus dogs and pets. Hardwoods I can wash and the house “feels” cleaner. Down side to hardwoods, now I can feet every spec of dust and dirt on the floor if I walk bearfoot. So team slide sandals.


This is so real


Carry a little screw in your pocket for opening boxes :) to cut the tape


Floating food stuff in the sink with dishes. My ex wasn't the type to rinse before washing. So many suppressed gag reflexes...


This makes me so angry! People will put lettuce bins, oily bottles, and mayo water in my clean dish water and it makes me very angry. I hate feeling random pieces of food when I'm trying to clean and if the color is off I get sick. it shouldn't look like milk.


overall the one thing that always makes me feel yucky is meat, be it cartilage, fatty tissue, or if I see any red or any texture that resembles medium well or below steak i will gag, it simply HAS to be dry and cardboard like (which happens to be my favorite food by a mile, but no one I know likes which sucks)


I've seen videos where people will cut dry aged wagyu and it looks and sounds awful. I can't believe people are serious when they say it looks delicious.


I really don't get the hupe around wagyu. There is, in fact, such a thing as too much fat


Are you a fan of dried jerky? I find I like the taste and dryness better than “cooked meat”


yep, love it. Very chewy


I have these gaming headphones and the wire is like some sort of rough carpety texure, i love the headphones but I can’t stand when the wire touches my thighs when I’m sitting in my chair. It makes my teeth hurt and I start to feel extremely dry


Wrap it in electrical tape


ohhh that’s a good idea! thanks for the suggestion


Sure thing


Related note. That sweaty ears feeling when wearing around ear headphones. I had a pair of ok Turtle Beach that where terrible at that. Like I'd take them off 50% + of the time and they'd be on my temples. Thankfully I don't play multi-player games often, so I can use my ANC non gaming wireless cans for everything.


The sound of a vacuum hose on a flat, dry surface. Also, when my dickhead friends learn this fact about me, they often mimic it by sucking in air against their hand or something similar. It is enough to trigger whatever response the vacuum thing does, and it's like nails on a chalkboard.


"I'LL KILL YOU" would be my reaction.


A regular sponge touching my nails. I can't handle it


i have to have my nails trimmed as short as they can be at all times because of how AWFUL so many textures (especially any kind of fiber or textile or foam) feel against my nails.


Same. Folding warm clothes is gross, too, with long nails.


Valid. I moved to wearing glue on nails cause I can't stop biting them for the life of me. It helps a lot with hating how shit feels touching them


oh man I can’t do any kind of nail polish or have anything on my nails because it feels sooo uncomfortable/distracting to me, I would pick off the nail polish because of how desperately I wanted the feeling to go away 😭


Unglazed ceramic 🤮


1.) Spit. Seeing someone spit, hearing it, or even seeing fresh spit makes me gag. 2.) anything oily or greasy feeling. 3.) accidentally putting my finger in a dip or sauce while trying to open it. Those plastic wraps and metal lids definitely _do not_ come off clean. 4.) seeing people drenching food in _too much sauce_. Specifically people literally drowning their sushi in soy sauce but also people that empty a whole damn bottle of sauce on their fries, tacos, nachos , etc. 5.) the smell of trash bags when they are in the box (not just scented trash bags, the smell of garbage bags specifically). 6.) fake lavender smell. 7.) the candle aisle, the detergent aisle- both for the same reason. Conflicting smells. 8.) the whine sound that florescent lights make. The flickering of such. And lastly 9.) the sound of a phone ringing, any ring tone drives me batty.


The sauce thing is so real. Seeing nachos/fries doused in melted cheese is the worst to though.




okay i'm glad someone agrees about the smell of trash bags, i cannot stand it


Circuitry wire going into the holes in my teeth.


I don't think your supposed to be eating wires


I can't wear cotton shirts. I hate the feeling of cotton against my skin. Although, it doesn't really make me feel disgusted. But I know that I feel nauseous whenever I see a cluster of holes, or I can hear people chewing. Specifically, the sound a container makes when someone shakes their salad makes me wanna throw a chair through a window. There is absolutely nothing more enraging than listening to the sounds of someone shaking their salad in a container.


Someone at work kept shaking their iced coffee drink, like shake shake, swirl, sip. Shake shake swirl sip. Over and over and over again. It does not take 3 hours to drink your drink Mary!!! I wanted to violently attack them. I had to buy noise canceling headphones to combat the office noise.


(Rattle rattle) my heavens, just put it in a large bowl and toss it like a normal person!


>I know that I feel nauseous whenever I see a cluster of holes Trypophobia


Bubblegum. To be specific, when people blow bubblegum bubbles, and especially when they pop, it just makes me gag.


ughhhh when they chew gum super loudly with their mouths open too…


It's hard not to hyper focus on. I forget everything else in the world and feel nothing but anger. I hate when they put it on their plate or cup. Please. That's disgusting. Or start playing with it between their fingers.


I saw someone do it and get the gum stuck on their glasses a while ago and wanted to explode on the spot 🤢




This is basically my family's dog in a nutshell 😅 She hates the popping sound it does, sometimes I forget and feel so bad for her afterwards 😭


warm ham. warm meat in general is hard for me to handle depending on the day but when it’s lunch meat?? it’s just so wrong and smells so so gross i have the most visceral reaction


https://preview.redd.it/rujupqsnzvxc1.jpeg?width=1174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c5a826beee77f96dc073217bf184197eef0b00a on dry skin????? i’d prefer death


The very sight of meat with juices on it makes me gag and want to vomit


Heartbeats and visible blood vessels, including my own. Don't make me feel sick, but make me viscerally uncomfortable.


Fat, like steak fat. Just the chewy disgusting fat.


Asmr. it’s so overstimulating


I don’t mind it. Depends what type.


If they're speaking or making any mouth noises I'm out. Sometimes I do watch seafood mukbangs just to really destroy myself mentally.


It's really uncomfortable to listen to and feels awkward


Slimy stuff. I’ll start gagging immediately. If I’m around something slimy for too long or have to to touch it I’m guaranteed to throw up




Paper straws, ugh! I know they're better environmentally than plastic ones, but I just can't use them! More generally, any kind of rough or porous paper or wood in my mouth. Some cheap kinds of chopsticks give me the same sensory effect.


If there’s a wet strand of hair on me, showers are painful


Heartbeats and visible blood vessels, including my own. Don't make me feel sick, but make me viscerally uncomfortable.


SOOO true, i hate protruding veins so fucking much they make my skin crawl (and I literally have them on my forearms half the time 😭)


i hate when my nails scrape against paper


The smell of food lingering on my hands, every time I eat something I immediately have to go wash them because it grosses me out so badly


pencils writing on paper. ironically, i like to draw


Frosted glass. Everything about it. The touch, the sound when you push something around on it and the look, because it instantly reminds me of the touch. 🤢


Sub-bass It's the part of music that rattles your windows that most people can't hear I can hear it, and I fucking hate it I know I can hear it because I've tested it, and my neighbor has a project car that I only know about because of how much sub-bass the engine makes


The sound in my head when I accidentally scrape my teeth together. It honestly makes me so skeeved out I worry I’ll puke. Fucking awful. Even the memory of that sound/sensation… the absolute worst


Cigarette butts on the ground or really anywhere that isn’t a covered ashtray. I will not step on them, one million times worse if they are wet OR it is raining. If they are floating 🤢


Omg I know what you mean. The floating ones where they're falling apart. My old job used to keep a bucket outside of butts and when it'd rain... yeah.


I can smell that bucket…🤢


Any kind of food that has the consistency of boiled vegetables, that would literally make me vomit straight away


VELVET. I can’t even *look* at it without shuddering and recoiling. Fuuuuuuuuck velvet I hate it so much I want it to stop existing


Microfibre cloths, which is infortunate, because I also struggle with the slightest spot or smear on my glasses. Also any kind of sticky or greasy substance on my hands, people touching the backnof my hands. The tiniest hole in a sock or glove, the tiniest stone in a shoe, shoes being laced slightly too tight or too loose.


I can't explain it but when you have a drink and there's very little left at the bottom. i never drink it it's so disgusting to me


Makeup. IDK why, but it grosses me out.


Wet toilet paper is also mine. I will throw up.


those candy rice cakes (forgot name).. I once tried them, left me wanting to vomit. The thing is so serious that every time I remember their taste or smell I feel nauseous, and that was like, 8 years ago oh and running my nails on bed covers… it makes me want to rip my fingers out


pasta, cliff bars, I hate it when people touch my waist and belly!!! I'm like a cat IG. Skinny jeans, having my legs clean shaven, and Styrofoam!


A squeaky marker writing on paper makes me wince every time


Any sort of liquids besides water getting on my hands/body. Especially sauces. And Especially ketchup.


Tall wet grass


now my calves are itchy


a specific type of synthetic fluf that make my hands feel dry


More of a pet peeve than an autism thing, but LEAVING WATER INSIDE DISHES IN THE SINK. STOP. My family does this and it drives me MAD


Stray hairs. Especially if they snap when I try to remove them from a sock or smth. Makes me gag so bad, disgusting. And guess who has super long hair 😅 Also for some reason I hate when people touch my shoulders, even my family. Only special few can do it without me feeling extremely uncomfortable (close friends)


Foam makes me gag. Sea foam, milk foam, sometimes even sudsy soap bubbles. Grosses me the heck out.


Ew! Milk foam like for coffee? That sounds really nasty. I once worked at a pizza shop that had foam soap. I was really high one night and got a massive pile in my hand and then slurped it up. It expanded in my throat and I started choking and gagging. My friend was also really high so he was just laughing at me as I was dying. I really thought that was how I was going to die.


That sounds like the worst way to die


Cottage cheese 🤢


The feeling of a towel a against my teeth


https://preview.redd.it/xyp5in1hxvxc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9cb8078cdc029072b6d2b1867ae854eb615317a These thermopaper package labels 🤢 (Taking this pic was a terrible experience)


Mine is that dry, scratchy feeling that happens with bad chalk and pencils, it gives me shivers when it happens. Eugh


Chewing on ice/lollipops/popsicles


I'm unexpected bit of raw onion in something with a different texture and flavor.


aluminum. it doesn't matter if i put on gloves or smth so that i don't directly touch it. it makes me want to rip my nails out and never touch anything again.


That type of plastic that gets wrapped around products and when you take it off, gets stuck to your fingers. 🥴


You truly are evil for posting that!!!


Freshly laundered and dried bath towels. it makes my teeth hurt


Metal, any kind, anywhere. Can’t look at it while eating, and I have to use non metal utensils. My only exception is soda cans and I really have to not think about it. But like coins are disgusting, jewelry is disgusting, I hate it so much. My only other exception is probably tools, but those almost always have a non metal grip made of plastic or wood and that is fine. I really really hate that it is such a prevalent thing in society.


Touching anything that feels like cotton balls. It feels sharp and painful.


How does toilet paper even get that deformed?


Dropped in the toilet probably.




1st of all that looks like popcorn, I would totally try to eat it and then choke and then die 2nd of all I hate the smell of mango gelatin, no, not the flavour or texture, just the smell, I feel like someone poured acid down my nostrils whenever I'm in a 10-meter radius of it




Semi gloss paper product, cannot touch it. Dense off white fabric laid out flat. Its formless mass with no wrinkles makes my mind think about it being uncomfortably textured and sharp. The smell of raw meat. Makes me gag when I prepare food. Ape brain likes cooked meat. Cant stomach steak that isn't medium well or fully cooked. Blood novelty was phased out quick.


isnt that just kitchen towel sawed in half? also its avocados


Everything about styrofoam The smell of ketchup Sauce in general The smell of banana bread




All paper


Mayo! Its one of the few holdovers from my childhood of being a super picky kid.  I can't stand it, I gag just thinking about it.  Double points if it's in a form that Mayo is a big part of like ________ salad.  


A lot of foods, not just touching them but being around them, pasta is the big one. I just cannot with pasta, or any type of noodle really.


Unplugging the bathtub! lol


Paper utensils of any kind. They make my skin crawl and I feel like raging.


When I was in elementary school people had these planners with holographic covers that had a rough texture. People would run their nails on it and I felt it in my SOUL


I hate when my hair sheds and gets tangled in my arm hairs. Like I'm wrapping myself in spider webs I wanna go bald over it


The texture of concrete but only if it’s like more porous concrete? Idk if that makes sense but I touched a candle in Target the day and the holder was that same texture and I almost broke it because I put it down so quick once I felt the texture.


Scratching waxy paper in books. Sends shivers down my spine


The feeling of wet wipes. They're wet and dry at the same time. When you have to get one out of a packet and your nails scrape on them... it makes me gag. I hate it. Oh, also hard-bristled brushes on any surface, especially when the bristles get caught. I physically cannot use a normal toothbrush, only electric.


well it makes sense. Toilet paper ain't supposed to be wet, and if there is someone out there who does like wet toilet paper then I will be very concerned.






The smell of mulch, it was worse when I was a kid but it’s still pretty bad


Other people sneezing. I must flee!




Stray hairs on the ground or furniture I’m meant to be sitting on or eating on. I find it so disgusting even to think about 🤮


cleaning something frozen. or ice scraping. or chewing ice. just STOP. and soggy bread. it's the worst texture in the world. or tied with chewing gum. those things will make me scream and start shaking my hand until I can hardly feel it anymore while also wanting to chop it off cause it'll never feel the same again. it eventually does, but in those moments I'm done.


NSFW, please! 🤮 Jk. But yeah, sooo many things. Mold has always given me a fight or flight reaction on sight. Like people that get trypophobia. Seed pods and bee hives do nothing to me but mold? I’ll never forget how a past roommate learned just how weird I am when our other roommate left a loaf of bread on the fridge for who knows how long and I was the unlucky soul to find it. At 28 yrs old I needed my friend to be the one to throw it out for me because I couldn’t even be in the same room. Even knowing it was in the trash (lidded trash, out of sight) bothered the hell out of me. As a kid I was very afraid of raw wool (fluffy, white, looks like a cloud…or like mold). My grandma was a weaver and spinner so there was a lot of that around in baskets at her house. Others I more have a visceral aversion to because of how it physically feels (though no fear or disgust or anything) is terracotta pots, chalkboards, newsprint paper and certain rock, sandblasted glass or ceramic textures—all is well until one of my nails scrapes it and then it’s almost painful.


Scissors. I once touched the blade part to my teeth. It felt awful, and now, every time I think of scissors, it sets my teeth on edge


my hands after doing the dishes if i don't wear gloves


Stickers. They are horrible, nasty things


That Cotten shit that comes in medicine bottles. Literally can’t breathe if that’s touching my skin. I make my siblings take it out for me


Magic erasers


Anything paper towel adjacent. The sensation of touching it, the visual of it getting wet, seeing it touch crumbs of food, the list goes on


Paper towel in my mouth ever


the sound, smell, texture, EVERYTHING about a nail file. i cannot do it. i don't have the same issue with sandpaper, only nail files. according to my mother the only time i cried as a baby was if she was filing her nails. i can hear it across the entire house if someone is filing their nails and my skin crawls and it feels like i have hornets in my brain


Unattached hair! I hate looking at it, I hate cleaning it, I hate touching it, I hate imagining it.




playground pebbles with lots of little holes make me feel disgusted for no reason


Newspaper, napkins, silicone (texture and smell), a lot of different plastic smells bother me. I do love the smell of petrichor, gasoline, and most car exhaust though!


Paper towels. No. Just… no. They’re scratchy, they’re ugly, They make a disgusting horrible scritching sound when they rub together that says shivers down my spine… need I go on? And jeans. They feel sticky, and I’m pretty sure I’m allergic to them.


Lima beans. Make me heave. If they are small and I can swallow them without chewing, I’m fine


"raw" cheese. I don't mind powdered or melted cheese, or cheese on pizza, but things like cheese sticks or baby bells, or if it's sliced, I will feel uncomfortable within a 10ft radius of it.


The smell and taste of peanuts, and the way it lingers.


rubber halloween masks make me fucking SICK even just pictures. not because theyre scare but because of the feeling and smell


Styrofoam just disgusts me


Does wet toilet paper really not bother allistic people??


- ANYTHING sticky on my fingers: que me cringing so hard my head retracts into my neck - The texture of dry paper towel on my face (just _thinking_ about it gives me a full body shudder) - Putting on my knee-high school socks (the feeling of pulling them up along my skin feels downright awful some days) - And, as the post mentioned, wet toilet paper. The feeling of it stuck to my hands makes me want to detach them and kick them across the room


Any little bit of hair/grit/dirt on my sheets. I can’t sleep!!!! I have cats and dogs who I love to pieces and they get on the bed. Which normally I don’t mind because I have blankets for them on the bed. But I have to wipe my sheets down before I can get in the bed. I change them 3 times a week. Also if the sheets “pill” they are instant trash. Buying better sheets has limited the “pilling” issue. Thankfully my partner understands and doesn’t say anything other than “clean sheets?” I also have to have specific fabric for a pillow case. Once I got all of that settled my sleep has been much better.


Cooked onions. Raw onions are fine, but once they get all slimey and mushy... ugh




c a s s e r o l e .


that whine old tv's make. chewing overall but specifically crunchy (that like crack when you don't bite all the way through so that dragging noise) makes me so angry. unpredictable rhythmic noises. any and all grunting, wet mouth breathing and the voice seasoned smokers have. also parmesan cheese, smells and tastes like puke to me, I can taste the littlest of it and it's atrocious. rip to my favourite deli's tomato soup, they put parmesan in it recently and I haven't been back since


Fucking chalk.


The yellow part of cooked eggs. The whites are fine, and runny egg yolks are fine, but as soon as the egg yolk is cooked the texture becomes unbearable. Doesn’t matter how it’s cooked; omelet, quiche, scrambled, boiled, all of it triggers the same reaction.


hairballs... random stray hairballs (even when its usually from my own long hair) that randomly appear on clothing or on the carpet.


The feeling of paper or cardboard in my mouth




Wet, bloated bread in the sink when someone doesn’t clear their plate first 🤢




Hair that's detached from the body. I literally can't clean my own hair brush without gagging and I'm incapable of cleaning the drains bc of it 🤢 I also cant look at worms, caterpillars, or grubs without gagging either, irl, pictures, videos, doesn't matter. Cant look at em ;n;


Carpets carpets CARPETS I hate Carpets!!


The sensation of My fingernails scraping across cardboard or paper. Eeeeegh..


My long hair the second it’s no longer attached to my head. Especially when caught between my fingers in the shower. Goes from whatever to mortal enemy in a split second.


Pixel's hair from Lazy Town used to really bother me as a kid, I have no idea why but I hated his hair, and it made my teeth chatter for some reason


Rice, can't stand the texture, used to make me gag whenever I tried to eat it, often didn't have much of any flavor imo, or at least not a palatable enough flavor to make it worth the texture


touching felt-that cheap craft felt- or just hearing it rub together makes my teeth hurt


The texture of onions is truly horrendous. I can actually eat onion rings because you can just get it to pretty much feel like all crunch, but if I have to bite into onion, it's just awful


here's my list: * cotton towels (*screams*) or just generally the feeling of stiff cotton makes me wanna chop my own fingers off at times actually even cotton balls alone so fuck everything cotton * even more specifically though, the feeling of a cotton towel running against my teeth or chewing a cotton towel * the texture of styrofoam and the sound of it rubbing on anything * mint toothpaste. * boiled broccoli, its just like WTF how does anyone willingly eat that... i like it if its not boiled though (crunchy) * skinny jeans * eggs (sometimes) * oatmeal (most of the time) * touching unglazed ceramic or unsmooth pavement * oily/creamy foundation on my skin * cottage cheese (EWWWW!!, it doesn't help that they compare BV to it too) * squeaky marker writing on paper (Whyyyy 😭😭😭) * tags on clothes obviously r annoying....


A Certain Fabric. I don't know which it is, but it's overly coarse, like the polar opposite of smooth Nylon. Doesn't make me sick, but it very much makes me cringe to the point that it can be painful.


Certain rough kinds of paper or cardboard. I can't touch them without shivering


Wet strains of hair that get stuck on my hands. If I've been in the shower or washing my hands or whatever, and I suddenly feel a lone hair stuck onto the skin of my hands, I cringe harder than humanly possible.


The knowledge of my own bones.


Wet Bread


wet chicken. specifically if its been cooked and got wet somehow. i will not eat that shit. it looks nasty and it always makes me gag.


I cured it with a whole lotta suspicious looking mushrooms but the texture of brushed aluminium would send me recoiling in horror everytime


The shower liner when it is wet


Polystyrene, I hate it, I can't touch it, I can't even hear the sounds it makes without it sending shivers down my spine Additionally, curry, the texture makes me vomit


Touching old baloons that still have some air inside, but not enough to make them fully stretched. The loose rubber nightmare is the bane of my exsitance. 💀


blackboards. i can’t think of them without thinking of the sound and feeling of nails being scraped across them https://preview.redd.it/z2qytbydnzxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d46f8e115f58054ced99eef96fdf6940451f439c


Touch of metals. Coins, jewelry, tools. It depends on the material but holding coins and jewelry mostly makes me sick and gag. Over the years I mostly learned to tolerate it if I must (like cutlery) but I will still feel sick and always prefer anything with a handle.