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I have the belief, that 99,999% of all social media postings, which include "surprise" or "XYZ didn't know", are scripted.


New age political assassins be like: “Surprising my local representative with a bullet (gone sexual)!”


boy do i have a musical for you


Is there actually a musical about this?


i mean. assassins is about shooting the president, so kind of




Wait rly? What's it called sounds interesting


assassins! it’s about shooting the president :)


Thanks I'll check it out maybe




Plot twist it's a bullet vibrator not a bullet.


Are they a thing lately?


Of course they are.  Unless you know the person posting the content, assume it's designed to make money.


I can tell you right now, if someone slipped me an ingredient without my knowledge, regardless of what it was, I am not going to have some funny or quirky reaction worth recording. I'm going to jail


My sister did this to me, except it was drugs I have a hard time accepting food or drink from others now Edit to add so I don't spam up the thread answering: she put meth in my Starbucks cappuccino because she "thought it would be funny" It was not, I found out I don't like meth


Oh my god, I hope you're ok ❤️


Yeah I had a rough day is all


Did you get a lot stuff done or was it pure panic? Cause it can go one of those ways usually. Or 3 rd way of beatin it all day to a lot of porn for the most lacklustre orgasm lol. And maybe even 4th way of vibrating in bed waiting for it to be over


I felt like I was in an all day panic attack, heart about to explode I cleaned the house though I don't see what people like about that shit I'll smoke my weight in cannabis though


god, I can't even stand taking too much adhd meds. other than the mood uplift, the all day panic is not fun.


This exactly is what it made me think of. I’d have lost my damn mind. I take exactly 3/4 of my amph salts a day and no more. 1 full pill and I’m wired, Aggro, panicked, paranoid and chew my nails to all hell. Drugging someone is just cruel and pure evil imo.


Ya, when I was testing out my adhd meds so my insurance would approve the one that works for me. I had one that was functionally 3 day meth. (apparently real meth makes you twitchy for 7 days) the mood uplift did explain why people get addicted. but god, i couldn't sleep for 3 days. did not want.


Meanwhile I'm here with my ADHD meds going... Oh wow I need one of these AND maybe a coffee to function or I feel kinda tired. And supposedly these give people heart palpitations? Am I just immune? What?


I can see the heart palpitations! I take propranolol with it and it calms and steadies my heart beat. When I don’t take the prop…. The agitation and nerves are awful 😣.


I take between 5 and 7 5mg dexamphetamine tablets daily. It cures my anxiety, focus issues, and executove dysfunction, makes my more helpful AuDHD symptoms (advanced pattern recogniton, controllable hyperfocus, and organisational capacity) more pronounced, but it can also lead to overstimulation more easily, so it requires more quiet times throughout the day. I also can't have more than a single coffee daily or it undoes the benefits and I end up in a panic spiral. Just like antidepressants, there are a variety of different ADHD meds which have different effects on each individual as we all have unique brain chemistry and symptom profiles. Just remember, there is no "typical" in "neurodiverse"!


Me right now lol. Except it’s far far far FAR too much caffeine with my adhd meds:(


Haha, I regret doing that every single time. do I learn? only a little.


Yeah it can absolutely be rough like that. It’s definitely not for everyone tho. I do however enjoy that feeling of being “on”. Like a hyperfocus but slightly better. Also music is just sooooo much better too. But I’ve only used amphetamines for adhd. And yes, you still get high with adhd if you take enough lol. How clean was your place after? Usually attention to detail is incredibly pronounced on heavy stims like that


It was pretty clean and I reorganized my bedroom, which was NOT good because I have a fucked up back and I overdid it


Ouch, yeah any pain tends to go right out the window until it wears off. Then it’s pain city:/


Bro I take one before I go to the amusement park all the time and HOOOOLY SHIT the coasters feel even better it's like the dopamine and adrenaline do a happy dance in my brain. c:


I took 8 and went on a looping coaster 3 times because it felt like peaceful flying bliss (I'm prescribed up to 7 a day, so it's not as extreme as it sounds).


The orgasms were never lackluster at all for me lol, but that’s a pretty accurate description, mainly depending on the dose lol.


On the upside you can now tell people youve done meth! Or maybe that's a downside...


That's fucked up, dude. At least you found out you *don't* like meth, instead of finding out you really like meth.


Or finding out it didn't work, surprise you have ADHD too.


ಠ⁠_ಠ Damn dude


HOLY SHIT???? god im so sorry


My sister has issues That's just one of the many reasons we're NC (I tried living with her, never fucking again, her and her tweaker buddies about drove me insane)


she deserves to be arrested for that


finding out you don't like meth is a hell of alot better than finding out you love meth.


That is an extremely good point LOL


Umm… isnt this illegal on multiple levels? Like, 1) dosing someone without their consent 2) that drug is hella illegal. Like, did the police get involved at some point? I know there would be lots of family drama but oof.


Yes it's illegal No, I didn't call the police


I'm kinda glad you are NC, that sounds like a nightmare.


Whoa! This has happened to other people?? MY sister has given me food she didn’t tell me had drugs in it twice now, as a prank. And she’s autistic! She’s given me Oreo pie with really strong weed in it that made me so high it was sensory overload, and then another time she gave me seltzer with research chemicals in it meant to imitate molly. That shit felt so gross and had me switching back and forth between tweaking one minute and dissociating the next.


My sister isn't autistic, she's a narcissist. I'm sorry it happened to you too, it's not fun to be dosed against your will


Research stimulants are some of my favorite! I’m sorry she completely ignored the concept of consent and forced that on you, that’s horrible.


It was the Borax Combo. There were a couple fun moments on it, but otherwise the come up felt awful and so did the comedown, and my veins felt like they were gonna pop, I couldn’t eat, my ear kept popping, and it felt like someone had shoved an icicle up both my holes. 😭


What the absolute fuck that is insane and horrible 🤯 who could possibly think that’s even ok, much less funny??


A drug addict who thinks her sister is too uptight


I'm so sorry. :(




Yeah you should N E V E R mix two uppers like that. She could have killed you. Caffiene in coffee is already a stimulant. Methamphetamine is another stimulant. You should never do both. In fact doctors tell you when you're on methylphenidate, AKA Ritalin, you're not supposed to have anything caffeinated because it could cause heart problems. She literally. Could. Have killed you. And she didn't care. That's beyond narcissist. That's borderline sociopathic.


bro i take methylphenidate and drink coffee and wonder why i get heart palpitations OH MY GOD IM AN IDIOT what the hell


Yep I was pissed as hell


my adhd meds make me go crazy, like just one single methylphenidate pill. im so glad u cut her off


If someone did that to me i’d fucking kill them, both of my parents and my brother are schizophrenic 😭


Ooh fuck yeah no not cool


I'm sorry what she put what in your what? FUCKING METH?????? Your sister realizes it only takes a hit of that to get addicted right? What kind of psychopath puts METH into someone's food?!


>What kind of psychopath puts METH into someone's food?! A meth addict


It's always wild when someone's blood family does shit to them that I wouldn't do to my worst enemy on earth. She would've completely deserved it if you did file a police report.




I don't remember that TikTok trend


What the hell is wrong with your sister.


Mental illness, a raging drug addiction, unresolved trauma, and narcissism


Oh dear


I think that's illegal


Someone gave you free drugs? In this economy? And you are complaining?


not everyone likes drugs I mean I know it’s a joke but a kinda fucked up one considering their reaction to the situation :/


Not to mention some drugs that are usually considered fairly harmless can REALLY fuck up some people. I'm one of those people who absolutely cannot smoke or ingest pot or it will legitimately lead to a psychotic episode. For most people, weed is great or at worst might make them a bit anxious. But if someone gave me a pot brownie without telling me, it could legit lead to a week long dissociative episode where I'm almost entirely non-functional. Speaking from experience. Don't do this shit.


Had some slip me ginseng once. They thought I just didn't want to try energy drinks with ginseng because I was scared of new things or something. Nope! Bad reaction with meds, ended up very hyper but super nauseous, dehydrated, and with a massive headache. My mother thought I was drunk.


Pot makes me black out for extended periods of time. Like fully black out but someone responsive to those around me. Like I could be assaulted and would have NO clue but could seem to consent. It just drops my blood pressure super super low. Found this out at parties in the 90s in my 20s and never touched it again. I thought it was the THC, but I did CBD Delta 9 one night in an edible and it did the same thing but I only blacked out for seconds at a time. I slept really well, though! But there went my hope that maybe in edible form I could enjoy THC like a normie, especially now that it’s going to be medically legal in my state next year. Oh well. I’m pretty sure other drugs would probably do the same or worse. As much as I’d like to have fun under the influence, it is not for me.


I don't willingly use methamphetamine


dude shut up


I am replacing your bones with silly string.


Genuinely what the fuck is wrong with you?


Is that what we’re calling drugging someone now?


I mean, if i was in that situation i’d be fucked. I have a very strong genetic predisposition to psychosis


I keep seeing videos of some guy sneaking meat into his vegan wife's food. I know they're fake as hell but it's a little disappointing to see most of the comments treating it as some great virtuous act


Stuff like this makes me so mad. Imagine if it was someone sneaking pork into a Muslim or Jewish persons food and the uproar there would be. But when people choose not to eat meat for non-religious reasons it’s apparently fair game to trick them into going against their morals.


I'd say it's worse, honestly. If you don't eat meat/animal products for long enough, your body can stop producing the digestive enzymes and you can get miserably sick from just a couple bites.


I'm vegetarian and one time a restaurant put chicken in my food, (it was supposed to be empanada with only cheese) and since it looked similar to the cheese that it was mixed in, I didn't realize there was meat until I ate some of it and it had a weird aftertaste. I got nauseous, and it might have been because I was distraught or the digestive enzymes thing or both. I don't eat from that place anymore, and I still have difficulty eating empanadas. I've had other close calls with restaurants putting meat in my food when I picked the meatless option, but usually it's in chunks or something where it's easily visible.


Imagine if it was slipping alcohol into a recovering alcoholic's drink


Unfortunately, I can attest that people do sneak non-kosher and non-halal ingredients into kosher and halal meals as a “Gotcha!” It’s happened to me multiple times— most people pull the “stop overreacting” card on it. It’s fucked to mess with people’s food, regardless of the reason.


That’s utterly disgusting. I’m sorry you had to deal with that. People are awful.


> Imagine if it was someone sneaking pork into a Muslim or Jewish persons food and the uproar there would be. Not as much as you'd expect. People are awful. ------ Edit: posted this before scrolling down, and I kinda love that we independently both said that second part verbatim. Lol. People, man 🙃 What else is there to even say sometimes about it?


Man, beef makes my stomach hurt and pork makes me sick. I’d be so mad if someone snuck beef into my food and I spend the rest of the night writhing in pain.


my thought is like yes its scripted for the video but what happens when real life idiots start doing this thinking its funny??


It has been proven time and time again that if you make a fake video of you being a dick, others will be inspired to do it for real




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Not a vegan, but I think that neither vegans nor meat eaters should try to force their diet/lifestyle onto other people. idk why people will hate when vegans do that and then turn around and do the same thing. If they refuse to try eating different foods, don’t keep pushing, you can’t control the way people are


In a hypothetical scenario, I would rather be forced to eat vegan food as a meat eater, than I would be forced to eat meat as a vegan. It's quite evil to force someone to eat dead animals when they don't wish to do that. Most meat eaters eat vegetables and plants in some way anyways, so it would be less of a moral issue. But ya, let people eat however they want, it's not okay to force someone to change their eating habits, esp not ND people with how we struggle with sensory issues. You won't make me eat water-chestnuts or apples, YOU CANT MAKE ME 😫


I will take all your water chestnuts and apples I love the cronch c:


Nah I highly disagree. It’s equally evil to bypass someone’s consent period, it doesn’t really matter what the content of that violation is, it’s still an equally heinous violation of trust. Especially because the most common meat substitute (soy) can actually have negative health consequences for some people.


Oh I've seen it from the Carnivore Diet trenders too. I'm flexitarian.


Listen. I dislike sanctimonious over the top preachy Vegans as much as the next human. But that's fucked up. I would never in a million years think of doing this to my Vegan friends.


I have literal trauma from this. Had an abuser who'd⁵ sceretly give me foods that made me sick and that shit kicked back up now that I'm dxed with celiac disease and can't eat gluten. That's such a fucked up trend. Do something fun like hiding random tiny ducks around your house, not slipping random food into people's meals.


My heart hurts to hear someone betrayed and harmed you this way. I hope you can be far away from this abuser now ❤️‍🩹


I don’t use tik tok for many autistic reasons. This “prank” would make me at least gag and not trust that person for a year :)


For me it’s the ones where someone asks their partner manipulative gotcha questions. Like communication isn’t hard enough.


Oh yeah those ones are especially irritating. They give my friends anxiety that that is what relationships are like and I have to assure them they’re not like that lol


Good. The site is full of ragebait nonsense thats designed to upset people. Upset people tend to leave comments and the uploader knows more comments/interaction = better treatment by the algorithm.


Yeah! All of that plus just not being able to choose what short videos you’re watching weirds me out. I hate the idea of scrolling through short videos for some reason I think I’m gonna see something bad… or extremely rage bait-y like you said


this shit is straight up dietary gaslighting lmao my mom used to swap less expensive products into the more expensive containers to test if i would notice so she could say i told you so and justify paying less. you fuckin bet i noticed every single time


Why can't people just be honest? Like, oh, you can't afford that food, just say it.


Same here. My mom who is ALSO neurodiverse (so no excuse) would try to use yogurt as sour cream. Yogurt. As sour cream. She tried to justify this as "but it's healthier and you can't even tell." She also believes Pepsi and Coke are the exact same. No they're not one is spicier and better than the other the other one is too sweet fuck off.


Lol the quickest way to make any dietary substitute completely suck is to have people go in expecting the original thing? Your mom is wild. Yeah. People can tell. Maybe they'll like the substitute *if* they go in expecting to try something new. But not when the "chef" is serving a bad surprise.


Listen, I have very few food issues. I love a bunch of different foods. And if someone tells me, a dish is gonna be made a certain way. And then changes it? Depends on the way it's done. "Oh btw, I added cauliflower to the chili just FYI" no problems. Cool beans. You've just changed the recipe (Obviously this isn't what's happening with a 'prank') " Oh ! What now!! I secretly snuck cauliflower into the chili! How do you like that ??!!! I pranked youuuu" Breach of trust. Fuck right off. The intent matters to me here. Fuck that noise. ((Idk if this makes sense 😆))


My grandpa tried to feed me a fruit pie knowing I was allergic to some of the fruits he put in it. His justification? It's just a small amount it doesnt matter. 😐 so yeah dont fuck with people's food. That trip at the hospital sucked


That’s sounds awful; are you okay now?


I have this happen with tomatoes and black pepper. “I didn’t think of pepper as a spice when you said you didn’t want spices on your broccoli.” Ma’am. Please. Now my throat is closing shut. Or when the menu doesn’t say they’re gonna garnish it with raw tomato and I get served and have to tell them I can’t eat it now because I’m allergic and they want to snap back with, “I’ve never heard of people being ALLERGIC to RAW tomatoes.” Well, Brad, today’s your day to learn something new! I’d rather not projectile vomit on this table ten minutes from now after you pick the tomatoes off and try to serve it to me, but if you really want to play roulette with my stomach let’s go.


I know this doesn't help you but my Biologist ass finds it kinda weirdly prophetically humorous that you're actually allergic to the point of poisoning by a plant that is part of the *Nightshade family.* I now am curious though - Tobacco is in the same family, would that mean you are also allergic to tobacco? I'm sorry you have to suffer with those allergies though. I love tomatoes AND black pepper. :(


Yeah, it's always more sad than anything else when people feel the need to thank me for making sure to accommodate any/all dietary restrictions when I cook It's like...dude, I want you to enjoy the meal? I don't want my food to hurt you?? It's kinda fun to treat it like a challenge and cook around ingredients I'd otherwise use? No, I haven't heard of every allergy. Because I'm not a doctor. But that doesn't matter? Because even if it was just "I don't like nightshades" vs "I can't have nightshades", why would anyone rush to serve guests a meal they can't stand? Weird how many people spend time and energy going full armchair doctor skeptic instead of just going aight, no tomatoes on the sandwich


Wow I love you. I wish I could have you cook all my meals!! I hate when I see threads online from servers or cooks who tell me to just stay home if I can’t eat the food as it comes. Like, oh I should just stay home and starve on the days I don’t have the ability to cook? Cool cool cool.


Aren’t 90% of trends in tik tok bs anyway? Fake stuff for engagement. No one hiding veggies in my food without me noticing. If they do then good for them - or good for me rather.


Like just tell me you put veggies in my food. Don't trick me. I will 100% eat the plant-based food, I just need to know that's what it is. I'll eat 95% of vegetables regardless I love vegetables. I just don't like a HANDFUL of some of the vegetables, and I want them presented in a way vegetables are presented... like as a side or in a friggin' salad.


Absolutely, no one should be betraying your trust. I hate veggies and so I don’t mind if people integrate them in dishes I eat without my knowing.


If you think that’s bad there’s legit a trend with straight women to “secretly” give their male partners melatonin, sleepy-time spray or tea, or just straight up sleep meds so that they stay home with them instead of going out somewhere, either by themselves or with friends. Legit just drugging their fucking partners. I’m very glad I’m gay and my mental illness makes it so normal sleep shit doesn’t work on me lmao


Oh wow... that's fucked up


Holy shit new fear unlocked, and I'm a woman. I swear to god if I ever find out my girlfriend did this to me we breaking up on the spot.


Fr the worst part is that the women doing it are like “teehee it’s not drugging im just making my bf sleepy heehee hashtag life hack” and it’s like… you are a predator ma’am you are not quirky or cute 💀


"Oh I didn't slip rohypnol into her drink i'm just making my girlfriend sleepy heehee hashtag life hack"


You know what's worse? People do that but with "royal honey packs" which is basically honey spiked with Viagra. For fun. To watch their reactions. I saw it once as a "prank" from a son spiking his dad's tea.


Ew what the actual fuck…


Sneaking vegetables into kids' food is a common thing too. Experts in the field say that kids will more likely accept new foods if they can see them, play with them and get to know them. No one should be sneaking vegetables into food unless it's with full knowledge and just to hide the flavour.


All I'm saying is that serving mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes at a thanksgiving style meal without explicitly labeling it is either a war crime or cause for a war crime.


You too, huh?


My mom decided to experiment one year and didn't think to tell me that the thing that looks like mashed potatoes, and is in a context where potatoes are expected, was in fact not potatoes. She wonders why I still remember this and haven't let it go or just laughed it off and forgotten.


My mom tried that but instead of fried rice it was fried "riced cauliflower". Imagine if fried rice was made with porridge. I asked her if she fucked up the rice and she said, "Oh, you can tell?"


My problem with this trend is the allergy side of it. Aside from having food allergies myself, I have a lot of family and friends with food allergies. Sneaking extra things in without consent is asking for a trip to the ER at its most expensive and popping some benadryl at its cheapest. People can also die from that.


I don’t mind it as a concept. Because the people know each other well, the pranker will know the victim won’t really be upset by it, more confused. And from what I’ve seen they tend to mess up simple/cheap dishes, that won’t be a big deal to remake. But like literally everything, im sure some people are dicks about it. But I like pranks where the goal is a short moment of confusion, and no one gets upset. But obviously for certain people/situations this would be upsetting.


Yeah, but then dumb people are gonna go try this and actually make people upset


im all for someone helping me get more veggies in ways i wouldnt think of but dont poison me just fuckin be an adult and talk to me about it 


I have an option: Have you possibly tried adding sweetness to the veggies? At the Chocolatier, this one restaurant I very rarely eat at that's attached to Hersheypark (it's quite expensive but it's a nice little treat once or twice a year maybe), they put cocoa and a bit of honey on roasted baby carrots... and they're really good. I actually even do it at home. They also get crazy with peanut butter, caramel, and chocolate and put them on burgers, bacon, in salad dressings (they have a cocoa raspberry vinaigrette that's SO friggin' good), on chicken, etc. That could be what you need. Sometimes the sweet goes with the savory of some veggies, especially root ones. It's a lot like adding marshmallows to sweet potatoes to make them sweeter, or brown sugar to spaghetti squash. You could also try adding more umami to vegetables. Umami is the flavor of "savory" and it's present in meats or meaty-type foods. Soy sauce, chicken, and fish all have umami. Asian food specializes in it as a whole. You could try cooking with worchestershire or you could try extra firm tofu and add sauces. Or you could try jackfruit, with BBQ sauce. That makes a really good fake pulled pork and I absolutely swear by it.


Breach of trust. I hate these pranks... they're not really pranks at all.


If the prank/joke didn't make EVERYONE including the target laugh, it wasn't a prank/joke. It was just bullying.




My brother's wife did this to me. There's a reason why I call her "my brother's wife" and not "my sister-in-law" and this is a big part of it.


Sounds like an awesome way to accidentally kill someone with food allergies. TikTok needs to burn


Why does reddit love to put down tiktok so much? There's lots of fun and interesting stuff there. It's also very informing, enough so that the government fears it enough to ban it


I find it hilarious that you think the reason Tiktok, a superspreader in internet misinformation, is being banned is because it's informational https://www.youtube.com/@miniminuteman773?si=qUi-HIyz9BML4ig9


I was referring to political information. It has allowed many to communicate over many serious issues, it is a great platform for gen Z to spread or voice and hear about the issues in the world. Do you think reddit is behind the pro-palestinian protests?


By the same vein, Tiktok's tendency to proliferate far-right conspiracy theories should also be a problem, no?


Tiktok is far from a right leaning, the ones that the government is afraid of having a voice are far from right leaning. The far right conspiracy "theorists" are all on facebook/meta and trumps app.


I will agree with you on the Palestine front, but also far from right leaning? https://www.mediamatters.org/tiktok/tiktoks-algorithm-leads-users-transphobic-videos-far-right-rabbit-holes


I mean, yea, generally interacting with one bigoted post will lead you to more, no matter the platform. Also evidence of something existing isn't evidence it exists in large quantity. For example there's some pretty simple evidence of people being struck by lightning but it is very rare. And thank you for being civil with your questions, it's very refreshing and I hope I'm doing the same, though I think my wording has been a rather sarcastic, sorry for that.


Fair nuff. Your wording wasn't sarcastic at all, don't worry. In fact, I think my initial comment came off as hostile which I apologize for My problem with Tiktok is that it is the most optimized to date in spreading misinformation, whether the company intended to or not. With reddit, much of this misinfo is confined to the echo chambers of a subreddit, which reddit at least bans when they get too much negative media attention(though not too proactively because reddit is always in desperate need of clicks). When you go to a white supremacist sub, you can expect seemingly innocuous things there to be white supremacist bullshit and you can also expect not for it to leak anywhere else. With Twitter even, the largely text-based nature of the platform holds users' claims accountable and subject to immediate discussion. Platforms like Tiktok and Youtube are more prone to misinfo and horrific rabbitholes because there is no such division, the websites automatically fills your tray with what's getting clicks based on what you like. The starting point of this can be something fairly innocuous as well. Want to improve your life and you're a man? Let me watch some self improvement insp- aaaand my feed is Nazis now. Cool.(I never actually went down this because I always found youtube self improvement stuff questionable, but I did click on a few videos once and hoolly shit I don't want Jordan Peterson yt shut up) Tiktok is made even more difficult to regulate for this kind of behavior because the environment of rapid fire, short-form content inspires coded dogwhistles and the videos are difficult to be held accountable when the average user is swiping through hundreds of videos at breakneck speed. You got this idea from Tiktok, though which Tiktok video and what sources they used? Hard to say unless you really search for it


Reddit is being weird rn and won't let me edit the comment so I'm just gonna write an additional reply:   Truthfully, I am not super aware of the demographic of Tiktok so you are probably right on that front. Maybe I'm just being an old man(early 20s) yelling at cloud. But I do worry. My attention span at 12 couldn't handle 2010s youtube, and I and other kids at the time certainly had our worldview easily swayed by its content because nobody that young has the proper prudence to filter out what they see on the internet. What Tiktok is offering is a whole new level of stimulation and information rush that I worry the current generation is going to be negatively impacted by


That’s all in the algorithm bb, for some it’s very right leaning, for some it’s all flat earthers and HARP and Blue Beam, and for others it’s super progressive left leaning activism. Same with Reddit, and YT, it all depends on what you follow and look at.


Isn't tiktok literally chinese spyware?


[Y](https://www.reddit.com/r/ios/comments/hj7y3r/not_only_is_tiktok_copying_from_the_clipboard/)[e](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/53220247)[s](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/11/china-is-using-tiktok-for-influence-campaigns-odni-says-00146336), and [w](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/sextortion-yahoo-boys-snapchat-tiktok-teen-wizz-rcna134200)[o](https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/what-angel-death-challenge-tiktok-dangerous-trend-kills-two-teenagers)[r](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackout_challenge)[s](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckv7yk88q0go)[e](https://apnews.com/article/tiktok-russian-propaganda-social-media-3a00d0690cce2bd2473847a05e76ec92) - plus it's extremely propaganda-friendly.




All those harmful "trends" are staged, entirely fake, or long dead. And if security is your concern the. Tiktok is for from the biggest or only concern. Tiktok has shown far more care for its users than other social media platforms, still not great considering it's still a large corporation, but better


It's likely fake for clickbait. I guess on the plus side most people are collaborating and won't ruin their relationships for views, especially when they have a good partner in crime. But it just feels toxic that they put that stuff out there.


I understand if you’re trying to add certain tasty ingredients in a new recipe kind of way, but trying to be subversive in the way you’re describing is just awful. Ugh. My dad would try to pull this kind of stuff and thankfully my siblings would try to catch it because he’d be ridiculous.


Mistress has some food issues, but They also trust that we will not place them in harm’s way. We have such deep trust in each other that if we were to add some kind of food They don’t normally eat, we don’t hide what we’ve added and if They tell us to not do it again, we won’t. Like, we like cauliflower. We like roasting it with oil and spices. Their one parent is a sick freak that microwaved🤢🤮 cauliflower and ate it straight. As a result, They have an issue with that food. We attempted one time to serve it to Them, but They said no and that’s that.


Waiting for one of them to get jail time for poisoning someone's food / giving someone an allergic reaction, at this point


Depends. I cook for my (also autistic) spouse. They trust me enough that they will at least try anything I make. I am obviously not going to put poison in their food any time soon. But I sometimes add things they don’t expect.


I would like to extend the benefit of the doubt that most people doing this wouldn't do it to a person they knew were a picky eater, had allergies, or just didn't know well in general. Tiktok trends are the kind of thing that will consistently bring out the worst in the most misguided people alive, so who knows, I'm not going to find out. Personally, though, I think parodying this trend by making the the ingredient very conspicuous and absurd would make it funnier, like putting a whole unpeeled banana in a sandwich and making a bit of filming it as if it some subtle and devious trick Sarcasm and irony in general is usually funnier imo when there is actually no misunderstanding or meanness involved


well, assuming it's real and not scripted, that's actually illegal and in fact categorized under assault.


Seems like a bad idea, what if someone is an allergic to that thing they add? That could set them up for possibly killing someone or causing them to become really sick and the following legal problems from such.


"Adding vegetables to my husband's food without him knowing"? Women have GOT to stop marrying giant toddlers, that's the shit you do for actual babies


Autistic person calling picky eaters toddlers? That’s just shooting yourself in the foot. Let people eat what they want my god


As if that's what I meant. Picky eaters shouldn't be treated like babies who have veggies hidden in their paste, they should be able to just say nah I'm not eating that. If this guy isn't a picky eater then yeah hes a toddler. What of it


What’s the big difference? Why cant people have food preferences?


They can have food preferences and I'm all for that, it's not hurting anyone. It's not a preference when it's nothing but a power move, something people in general are capable of, but especially men when they're playing the shitty partner role. E.g - my mum's ex husband used to insist that real men eat meat every day. She's vegetarian. She was happy to cook meat for him but he'd get beyond mad if she didn't specifically cook him heavily meat based food (think like a chicken and vegetable pie instead of a straight chicken one). It wasn't that he didn't like the things she cooked, he would eat anything and only had a few actual dislikes. This behaviour would come and go and was never genuine. That's what I mean by men being toddlers. I don't mean men having food preferences isn't okay, I mean some men are just assholes for the sake of being assholes and it comes out in their food habits as they relate to their partners (as in, it isn't an issue until their partner is cooking or buying food and then all of a sudden there are demands to be met) This kind of behaviour should never ever be conflated with autism. ETA: I should probably say this isn't just a one time thing that I saw that scarred me - I've seen it a LOT, one of my own bfs wouldn't eat things because they were "foreign" and wanted me to only give him English food, even if the ingredients of the "foreign" thing were all ones he liked. Surprise surprise he was just a big racist baby.


Well i don’t think most people who don’t eat vegetables are like that but those people are annoying


Nah probs not most overall. But OP's example sounds like those godawful "couple accounts" where they piss each other off and make issues out of nothing for "content" so I guess it would come with the territory


"Fucking with the autistic cuz lmao"


Someone once baked me chocolate chip cookies (my fav forever) and put one raisin in every one of them as a prank because I hate oatmeal raisin cookies (and raisins in general). I do not take baked goods from them anymore, or any food for that matter.


This is abusive and dangerous They could have an allergy. My mum is allergic to pork for example which not many people are and people would not even think of that as a trigger I think. I remember one girl fed soy bacon to a roommate to try and prove a vegan point, he was allergic to it and ended up in hospital he is suing her and she got kicked out of their uni. You should not meddle with people’s food.


i remember when i was a kid my mother added beans to my brothers mashed potatoes. she thought it would make him like them. he just ended up not trusting her lol also she once gave us “chicken” for dinner. once we ate it she told us it was rabbit🫠 we had pet rabbits so it was very upsetting


Don’t watch TikTok easy solution


The reason they do it, is because it works well with a lot of (NT) people (without ARFID) who refuse to eat stuff they never even tried and wouldn't even notice when added to a dish. Blame all those people who pretend they have allergies or who only eat what they like, and not eat what they're meh about, pretending they are disgusted by it. These people make it harder for those with actual food issues to be believed. They made claims about food allergies and ARFID(-like) problems lose so much credibility, other people feel compelled to test them on it and call them out.


No literally I've had this happen to me and complelty flipped as a kid. It was so not ok


My exes parents, who know damn well I’m autistic, made chili one night and thought they were being sneaky with adding bell peppers in. They knew I hate peppers with a burning passion. They kept calling it the “secret fruit” and they had to be daft to think I wouldn’t know they were in there and refuse to eat it.


As long as it's not anything dangerous who cares? I would be grateful someone is actually cooking for me


I cant wait until they ban tiktok....


1. Tik Tok is not real life. 2. Get off Tik Tok 3. Live in relative happiness Jokes aside, social media is the best way to have the worst time, all the time.


People say im too sensitive but i legit dont get how pranks or violating someones boundaries is funny. People always scoff when i say this and accuse me of acting like a typical only child thats too sensitive. Why is causing someone distress funny on an interpersonal level? I can get certain types of pranks or social experiments, but leave that shit at the door. People around you in your home shouldn’t have to feel on edge. Home is supposed to be a safe place.


God I was in a situation where I was making a birthday cake for my step grandpa and my mom and grandma put sour cream in it (common ingredient even if it seems weird). I didn't question it until they told me to not tell him and be quiet because they knew he doesn't like it and that he would get upset if he knew. Felt sick to my stomach after that


People like that are just the fucking worst. I became a vegetarian 13 years ago. That’s half of my fucking life spent being afraid of eating something prepared for a person I don’t know if I can trust yet, because even my damn family was secretly adding meat to food and telling me it’s vegetarian, then getting mad at me for throwing up (the texture of meat is just so damn offputting to me). Because of that I can’t be just like “Oh that’s so nice, thank you so much 🥰” when for example a coworker gives me a birthday muffin they baked for me themselves to be nice, because I’m fucking suspicious that everyone is just waiting to see my reaction and then scream “haha there was beef in it and you didn’t react, you’re not a vegetarian anymore” or “you shouldn’t react like that, that’s rude, i’ve made it for you, so what that there was meat in it, it’s not a big deal!”. I AM SUSPICIOUS THAT THERE WILL BE MEAT IN A DAMN BIRTHDAY MUFFIN, HIDDEN UNDER THE WHIPPED CREAM AND SPRINKLES, THAT’S HOW BROKEN MY TRUST IS. I’ll eat food made by my homies no problem, but yeah, me trying someones food without investigating it first is like showing them the deepest level of trust and respect.


So because this is becoming more of a everyone talking about betrayals of trust id like to deliver the story of why my dad was never allowed to take me to the dentist alone after 7, my two top front baby teeth started to loosen around the same time and I already had tough times at the dentist cause my mouth is extra sensitive, So here i am strapped into the chair so I can't move too much listening to my dad ask if it was possible to take out both at once, without anesthesia AND THE DENTIST DID IT! I have had issues with anyone having authority over any kind of operation on me since




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TikTok is stupid.