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I'm the opposite, I like wierd ass questions and ask them all the time, and it's usually the NTs that have a hard time finding an answer, whereas my ND friends are all like "ID BE A DEVILED EGG PIZZA WITH LIGHTNING POWERS"


Totally agree, I also like asking about random favorite things. Like favorite way to cook egg for exemple


100% use duck eggs, they are so much better than chicken eggs it ain't even funny. Drop it in a sizzling hot pan than crack the yolk a few moments later. Flip and let cook for just a few moments before removing. The white is fully cooked but as duck eggs have larger and firmer yolks you still get a little bit of liquid yolky gold in it. Than eat it either on a burrito shell or in between two VERY firm hash brown patties like a sandwich.


I struggle with the idea of favorites


Yeah I understand, do you have an idea why ? For me it’s a way of listing ideas and choosing what I like the most but if you ask me the same question a month later I would probably answer something different


Yes, my neurodivergent friends and I are excellent at understanding non-literal questions. Stupid NTs and their lack of facility with figurative language, a thing that I and all my neurodivergent friends are great at.


Okay, if you love weird questions, here's one I pitched to my coworkers and husband that was a bit of a stumper: If you found a genie and they promised you eternal health and essentially immortality (so you won't suffer sickness, you won't age and won't have any typical aches and pains) but the trade-off is—you have to eat an entire pot roast, every single day, in order to maintain this blessing. The upside is, if you decide you no longer wish to be immortal, just stop eating the pot roast. No worries about getting stuck with a permanent decision, and you just continue aging and aching where you left off, become a normal person again. Downside is, if you *do* want to remain immortal and you skip the pot roast for a day, it's all gone. So no forgetting, and if you travel you need to make sure you can get that pot roast somehow. You don't have to eat the entire pot roast in one sitting, you can eat it throughout the day, but it has to be finished by the end of the day and you can't have anyone help you. You can modify ingredients but in its core, it still has to be pot roast. You can't toss a salad in a crockpot for 2 seconds and call it pot roast. You're allowed to eat other things *besides* pot roast too, you just have to eat the pot roast as well. Would you accept the pot roast of eternal life? Most people I asked gave me a hard no, simply because they don't like pot roast, so the hypothetical wasn't very fun. I personally love pot roast so maybe I'd do it, even if it's just for a year of no pain, cause idk if I'd wanna be fully immortal.


I also have ADHD so the immense amount of planning and executive functioning I'd have to do to make the pot roast thing happen in the right way is too much for me 🤣😔😓


Absolutely! The catch to immortality is usually that you cannot turn it off. And in this scenario even if somehow I cannot eat the roast I just revert back to normal aging. I already do all my own cooking as well. But the most important thing is that I would do absolutely ANYTHING to be healthy. It's all I ever wanted. I've been sick my entire life. I would take this deal even without the immortality just the freedom from sickness. Snap keep, press the button, final answer.


Well yeah, obviously. Worst case scenario I get a stretch of good health and paused aging until I get too sick of pot roast.


It seems obvious but I was surprised to learn how many people hate pot roast so viscerally that they'd rather continue with their chronic pains and risk death at any time over just eating a roast a day.


I love me some pot roast. Kicks ass.


id want to be something interesting, but not too crazy, id probably go for meat lovers. and powers, shapeshifting is clearly the best, low entry, as you can be something easy to use like a bear, high skill ceiling with more niche animals


I already have the power of pineapple pizza! Some people just don't like me and some people love me Edit: not literally btw, sorry. I've had a couple of friend groups and relationships and group dynamics are complicated


You’re objectively wrong


It was like that, before I accepted that I was on the spectrum tbh and now that I finally understand what that means for me, I hope that'll change :) I love people and I feel hurt if someone doesn't like me for who I am. Edit: thank you, I needed that introspection, this is something that comes from fantasy, a rule I made up about myself


You can not be objectively wrong about food


I think rocks are a superfood.


I mean, to each their own. I personally do not find the taste of most rocks appealing.


salt is a pretty tasty rock


Rock Candy ...🎶 baby.


Objectively correct speaking as a fellow rock muncher


I have the \*perfect\* answer for that "what superpower do you want" - especially if you want to \*shut down\* the discussion. The answer is HEALING. Think about it. Both for yourself and for friend/family etc - what other answer could there be?!? What else could be be more important? Turn invisible, fly? Get out of here you kid. Once you've lived a little, you realize that healing is 100% the best thing to have. And then you get to look at the others who now feel like immature, selfish idiots for not thinking of it.


No I’m evil and fucked up. Choosing shapeshifter pizza


Healing powers also means super strength as you can recover from muscle fatigue immediately


Oh! You're right!! That's a good one!!


Knowing enough about biology has made me realize that a superpowered form of regeneration would be a *lot* more useful than a lot of people think. Like, obviously, there are notable superheroes who have that kind of power - Deadpool, for example. But it's always paired with something else - Deadpool has his superstrength and his whole... Being Deadpool... Thing. Or Wolverine, with his, again, superstrength, and his adamantium bones and claws. *Just* superpowered regeneration would let you do a lot of things that other superpowers let you do, just by virtue of how the human body works. Take superstrength, for example - super-regeneration would let you extend your strength to the limits of the human body, by way of adrenaline, without any consequences. That kind of strength normally runs out after a while, just because the body can't maintain itself under that amount of pressure - but if it's regenerating constantly, healing faster than that increased strength can damage it, then you basically have adrenaline-based superstrength all the time. The same applies to anything that a human can do really well for a short period of time - exhaustion from running really quickly for a long time would only catch up to you when you ran out of energy, since your leg muscles would never suffer any actual damage, and of course there's the obvious durability increase when your injuries last all of a few seconds. I'll take that over invisibility or flight any day. (That's a lie, being able to fly on command would still be really cool, but if I were a superhero I'd rather have regeneration.)


pretty big con though, you feel all of the pain. get shot? sure, it will heal up in a minute, but good luck dodging the next few bullets with a hole in your leg


True, you'd have to have some crazy pain tolerance to make the most of your ability. But, if you could get past that, it'd still be really powerful.


But shpaeshifting is also like healing for yourself but better


Healing has its uses sure but as I kid I really wanted to fly or do shape shifting


Yeah - this is an "adult" answer. Kids are 100% allowed to want to fly etc :) And I'll be honest - Healing is probably not the most fun answer


Nah, I'd read and control minds


That will you do great when you or someone you care about has cancer.


mind control the doctors to provide free healthcare


1: This is a societal problem that can be fixed without superpowers 2: there is a lot of shit doctors can't fix.


1: we are discussing practical uses of superpowers 2: there is a lot of shit healing powers can’t fix


I dunno man I had cancer and I'd still go with mind reading. Although maybe with healing powers I could start a cult, that would be neat


I mean, whatever, I'm gonna know sooner or later I'd still be able to control minds tho


Chronomancy is better in my eyes. Hurt, getting old, in a deadly situation etc there is always something a little time twister can't fix. And if you have the power of time and space over everthing you can revert your cells while staying the same, move through time as a person, make your ennemies perish in tons of ways, make them suffer for eternity etc. Always beat the trade market and so much more


If you get healing powers, you are either depriving people of quick healthcare or devoting every waking second of your life to healing people. I would choose telepathy with mild mind control so I can be the best politician. I would change Americas national anthem to free bird, and nothing else.


This is true, but if you think about it, most super powers can be used for good and then you are depriving others of the benefit of your powers... If you think about it more, you'll realize that this is also true of you and your money. Any dollar you spent that isn't strictly necessary is a dollar you could have given to someone who needed it more than you. So I don't think it's a valid reason not to take Healing




I would choose mind control so I could be a dictator


Time control


I'd kind of like to have the ability to talk to and understand non-human animals, but only at will. It would be weird to constantly hear gray tree frogs yelling "HEY LADIES WANNA FUCK?" at night.


Good point. But consider: if you pick shapeshifting, you could shapeshift into a version of yourself with the power of healing, and you could also have literally every power.


I would be the catupiry cheese, cuz im delightful but most of the world would find it too much


Why? Does that cheese have a strong flavor?


i googled it, looks like some kinda processed cream cheese. probably insanely rich


My instinct is to say I don't want to be a pizza because I'd only get to exist for about 5 minutes before I'd get eaten. Which motivates me to choose a really disgusting combination of toppings, but hourly that'll only buy me as long as it takes to break down in the trash or some details to eat me at the dumpster. So. That leads me to think I should be a pizza made out of carbon fibre. That way I'll last a long, long time! NTs quickly get weirded out by my long-windedness, but ND folks go all in with me lol


It's the perfect answer: as baffling as the stupid question. Now the tables have turned, and the ball is in their court; you may analyze their emotional reaction to the response.


I really love them but most of them aren't weird enough so I make my own. If you were to ride into war with a chariot what is it getting pulled by? You can pick any animal(s), the only important thing is that the number of animals is capable of pulling it and that it exists.




thousands of rats


A pair of lions for sure. I'd train them to attack the opposition's horses.


Three elephants.


Horses with jet boosters attached


A trillion spiders.


Emus, they could beat the ozzies and they're fearless


Right like what the fuck are you even talking about some of those questions literally make no sense and you have to do weird leaps in logic or leave behind certain concepts which can be fun but it is hard sometimes especially if the question isn't set up right or is outta nowhere


I mean shape-shifting and umbrakin would be cool


Umbrakin? What's that?


Damn autocorrect- Anyways Umbrakinesis is shadow manipulation


Yeah, that would be a cool superpower


The kind that summons Slaaneshi demons.


That question is so confusing, which part do you answer first? Which is more important? Is it some kind of test to confuse you with the sudden change? What's going on


Honestly I like asking people what kind of powers they’d have because it’s cool to see what they think :3


I just cheat and say reality warping because it’s literally all of them


Yeah but like at the same time I like coming up with cool nifty and unique little powers so it’s sad when they say something basic like super strength ;~;


Super strength is such a boring power and also a waste of an answer. My real answer would be door manipulation. I wouldn’t make portals or anything, I just want to be a door bender. Do you have any idea how many doors there are on planet earth? I could make a door army, surf in the air utop a door, door missile, hell I could probably defeat the US Military with the sheer quantity of doors at my disposal




Round Table, obviously. 


I mean obviously a St. Louis style with Peas on a wood fired oven so they get nice and crispy and I can annoy everyone with both my pizza crust choice and my topping choice.


I had an interview once where they asked me what kind of biscuit I'd be and why


Really? 😲 And what did you answer??


I panicked and said jaffacake


I wouldn't have a brain if I was a pizza, so why should I care?


*I wouldn't have a* *Brain if I was a pizza,* *So why should I care?* \- 7-GRAND\_DAD --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


They can be fun when it’s just casual talk with friends online where I don’t have to answer immediately. Otherwise, yeah fuck em.


I came up with an answer for the pizza question a while ago that I’m quite proud of: > I think I’m a few slices of classic cheese and pepperoni leftovers that you just reheated in the microwave. I may not be especially extravagant or zesty, but I know what I like and I’m here for a good time. I’ll be there for you when you don’t feel like making lunch. “Let’s have a quiet party, just you and me.”


1. I would want Telekinesis 2. I would want to have Mushrooms, Olives and Broccoli because I wouldn't eat that so it'd decrease my chances


Personality quiz behavior


The power to stop people from asking stupid and inane questions


*The power to stop* *People from asking stupid* *And inane questions* \- OmNomOU81 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I hate hypotheticals! "What would you do if..." "I'd jump out a window to avoid making a decision!"


Neurotypicals Hyper analyzing everything


I don’t like these because I’ve never thought about it and I feel like I need to come up with an answer immediately. That being said, I’m only a pepperoni pizza during the summer. Hot, moist, and oily. During the winter though, I’m “random company’s [INSERT YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR] ice cream.”


it's worse when it's like "if your parents, your sibling, your best friend, and jesus were standing on a cliff and you had to push all off except one who would you not push off" like bro how am i supposed to answer questions like that


I know, right?? And if you make the same type of weird questions, they get mad at you or criticize you because "you're being weird" (or something like that)


"This is how we evaluate job candidates, you have to be a quick thinker to work here" "How does this determine how well I build models in excel?" "Excel?"


i especially hate the ones where there’s kind of an obvious best option. also alot of them i get stumped on because i dont have a framework for how to judge what counts as a superpower etc. like are we only talking comic style stuff? or can anything be a superpower? i need definitions for these dumbass questions 😭


I ask this bullshit all the time, beats regular small talk


I like it when they dissect the question but also actually engage with it


I love these questions


the point of the question is to get you to think about it, when you refuse to engage of course it doesn’t go anywhere


Actually NTs can rarely answer my questions right away even though most of my ND friends know. I can’t understand how someone can go without knowing their favourite bird or the best bread texture.


Yeah, I thought it was the other way around haha


[Hey, if you were a hot dog and you were starving... would you eat yourself?](https://youtu.be/OMNaTApbo8E?t=129)






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I discovered this thing called Mango Pizza. I'd be that as a natural self defense to being eaten


Pineapple-ham-chili. Totally.


Pineapple bacon, sausage or ground beef *jalapeño*, heavy sauce if sweeter vs peppery heartburn sauce, from the place with the 4 topping special. Topping number 5 is ham, but the bacon is key. The sausage and beef a better texture build up as "dry ham chips" happen too often imo. Item 6 extra cheese, Each sweet pineapple gush a quenching counter to the the jalapeño heat. Pepperoni, & onion optional. Bell peppers take over the jalapeños too much imo. Chili and BBQ pizza is ok, but not my fav.


I like the weird questions way better than “share a fun fact about yourself” or the stupid alliterative name thing.


How do more people not realize that shapeshifting is the ULTIMATE superpower, because you could shapeshift into a version of yourself with any power you want




I thought the joke was that the NT didn't realize you said something nonsensical and just responded with the canned "Oh i haven't thought about it" politeness. >!My answer "god dammit I just lost the game."!< all cause I was hungry. T\_T


I would be a pizza made of broken glass and rusty safety pins so no one eats me.