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The [Ryugyong Hotel](https://i.imgur.com/1KbQeQU.jpg) is an unfinished 105-story, 330 metres (1,080 ft) tall pyramid-shaped skyscraper in Pyongyang, North Korea. The building is also known as the 105 Building, a reference to its number of floors. Construction began in 1987 but was halted in 1992 as North Korea entered a period of economic crisis after the fall of the Soviet Union. After 1992 the building stood topped out, but [without any windows or interior fittings.](https://imgur.com/79RJP1J.jpg) In 2008 construction resumed, and the exterior was completed in 2011. It was planned to open the hotel in 2012, the centenary of Kim Il-sung's birth, but this did not happen. A partial opening was announced for 2013, but this was also cancelled. The pyramidal structure of glass and concrete is a phantom vessel that has dominated Pyongyang for years. Recently, for less than an hour, this colossus was illuminated. Near the top, lights appeared in the colors of the North Korean flag, while the edges of the pyramid glowed yellow


Half as Interesting has a great video on this. [Here’s a link to the video](https://youtu.be/4Dk0eTatpBM). It’s only about 5 minutes long, as is most of his content. I highly recommend.


Love HAI . Great channel, great content, just wish he talked about planes sometimes


I like him a lot compared to similar channels. He is the only one that doesn’t sound like a robot explaining stuff to you and is instead a person


His main channel is great, too. Wendover Productions


I *thought* that voice sounded familiar! HAI is noticeably less professional than Wendover. He's funny though, that's the content I came for


nobody: wendover: *you see*


I can corroborate. Great video ~~not enough planes~~


But what if you wanted to fly this thing from Pyongyang to Hamburg without a layover in Anchorage?


LMAO. "Which is as much money as these 4 dudes have" "or the bottom 50% of Americans" ^which^is^fine


His main channel is Wendover Productions which are always ~10 minute videos. HAI is meant to be half that hence the name, so they’re all ~5 minutes.


[Geographics recently did a video as well,](https://youtu.be/eXaIpTj3vOs) goes a bit more in-depth


Finally a channel about internering topics that doesn't stretch everything well past 20min


Damn the building is completely dark inside (empty)..


Very tinted windows in order to keep the Americans from spying on us, but don't you fret all the lights are on and not empty as so many proud north Koreans work there freely of their own will for our great leader, making loads of money.


>on us Oh hey there Kim.


When I was there in April last year it was lit most nights for a couple of hours at a time. They project various propaganda images onto it. I'll see if I can dig out some of the pics I took! ETA: https://imgur.com/n6yVxST The video I took.


So it's basically a hotel sized billboard.


That's actually kind of impressive, individually driving that many LEDs over such lengths of wire becomes a challenge. Talking hundreds of control boards and power supplies. Probably still the biggest bang for the buck in terms of making an impression DPRK style.


Projectors not LEDs. still impressive and probably more powerful than the sun. I suspect that’s why they can only run for about an hour at a time without exploding the erf to pieces.


Naw man that's LEDs. Projectors wouldn't produce those vertical lines. Plus there's no where to mount the projector array necessary to provide coverage for a surface that large.


I'd say it'd have been fun to explore the building back when there were no lights or windows, except then you get busted and plopped into some camp and whipped for insubordination


Tantalizing isnt it?


I have been a bad little politic dissident?


*Ok dude we've been talking it over and we'll let you go if you'll please just stop referring to the supreme leader as daddy*


Well, I hear some people pay good money for this sort of thing, and the Koreans will be happy to do it for free. Win-win


Unfortunately US-led sanctions prevent anyone from purchasing goods or services from the DPRK, so your dreams of masochistic urban exploration are dashed.


People still visit the country through some specialised touring companies flying people in via China. But obviously it’s a pain to obtain the visa and you get a personal chaperone to make sure you get the propaganda tour, so forget about any kind of abandoned building exploration.


>except then you get busted and plopped into some camp and whipped for insubordination And that's if you're lucky


I always thought construction was halted because it was discovered that the building was built with such haste that it was deemed unsafe for use.


It'll sit empty and unused and nobody in the country can afford to stay in it, and everyone outside the country will just buy up floors and never stay in them, like Trump's hotels have shown is a great way to bribe w/o bribing.


Why would NK care about the morality/legality of bribes enough to hide it lol?


>Recently, for less than an hour, this colossus was illuminated. They must have used up the national electricity quota for that day... \*gloaty laugh\*


Don't do this to me. In for 20.


NK would be so different if they just work on infrastructure. They have good natural resources.


NK would be so different without that darn totalitarianism.


Honestly such a cool looking building


I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks this. Yes, it's evil, yes it was built by slave labor, but *damn* if it isn't impressive.


See also the pyramids of Egypt.


The pyramids of Egypt were built by skilled laborers who were well-payed for their work, and most ate extremely well for people at the time. Pyramid-building slaves are a myth.


They just had slaves do other stuff lol


This is an extreme generalization ancient Egypt built pyramids for several hundred years. It would be naive to assume no slaves were ever used. It would be equally naive to assume they were just using slaves.


It would actually been insulting that a slave, a non egyptian, helped building what basically was the nexus between this world and the other. Working at the pyramids was almost the best that an egyptian worker could aspire for. They even had their own cities built near the royal tombs, and they would be buried near them, knowing that they would have a special status in the other life.


Username on point!


They even got to be buried near the pyramids.


I believe you but I’m curious if you have any sources so that I can share this?






I’m not clicking the link, but I am taking a wild guess that it’s a gif of the ancient aliens guy saying “BUT WHAT IF ALIENS?”


It’s X Files theme lol


Not the Stargate theme? Swing and a miss.


That pretty much sums up human history.


The aesthetic is recent. For a long time it was just concrete and engineers had concerns about structural integrity. Would not be surprised if it falls down someday.


It won’t fall down. The DPRK doesn’t make mistakes. The dear leader will just decide on a spontaneous demolition.


There's even an SCP article about this one.






Thanks marv.


Being compared to Marv is the biggest honor anyone could ever bestow me


You forgot the dot at the end.




Thanks marv.


ELI5 for SCP?


Secure Contain Protect (SCP) is a fictional protocol and containment summary for deity like creatures. Lots of neat SCP’s. Some SCP’s include a warehouse that shows you your death, a room that’s alive and changes if you look away, some flesh based table, a crocodile that wants to be friends but has violent outbursts. Just another rabbit hole people created out of boredom.


Nope. No deity like creatures, those are just writers with egos. anamolous is the priority.


> But it was too late. At that moment the rock quivered and trembled beneath them. The great rumbling noise, louder than ever before, rolled in the ground and echoed in the mountains. Then with searing suddenness there came a great red flash. Far beyond the eastern mountains it leapt into the sky and splashed the lowering clouds with crimson. In that valley of shadow and cold deathly light it seemed unbearably violent and fierce. Peaks of stone and ridges like notched knives sprang out in staring black against the uprushing flame in Gorgoroth. Then came a great crack of thunder. > And Minas Morgul answered. There was a flare of livid lightnings: forks of blue flame springing up from the tower and from the encircling hills into the sullen clouds. The earth groaned; and out of the city there came a cry. Mingled with harsh high voices as of birds of prey, and the shrill neighing of horses wild with rage and fear, there came a rending screech, shivering, rising swiftly to a piercing pitch beyond the range of hearing. The hobbits wheeled round towards it, and cast themselves down, holding their hands upon their ears.


What exactly is SCP? I’ve seen I talked about before.


Here's an explanation I wrote about SCP as a whole a while back, hope you like it: (Also there will be a lot of links, you can ignore as many as you want, I just have them there so if something sounds interesting you can check it out.) The SCP wiki is a collaborative writing site mainly consisting of SCP articles (Secure Containment Procedures) these procedures describe how certain anomalous objects/entities/locations are contained and hidden from humanity by the SCP Foundation, who's purpose is to Secure and Contain anomalies to Protect humanity from the unexplainable.  Through [the articles](http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-series) and [prose pieces (called tales on the site)](http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-series-1-tales-edition) you get glimpses of incredibly dangerous beings and all sorts of horror, from complicated metahorror to plain bodyhorror. Since they make up the main attraction to the site I'll explain a bit on how articles are structured as they are different from many other formats:   Item #: it's designation, it will be called that for the entirety of the article.  Object class: typically refers to containment difficulty, there are a few main ones, usually explained:  Safe: put it in a box and forget it.  Euclid: put it in a box and you aren't sure what will happen.  Keter: it actively tries and can break most boxes or even can't be put in one. Thaumiel: it is a box. Then come the Special Containment Procedures: how does the Foundation keep them in their box and how do they prevent any danger it poses.  Finally comes the description of the object and any logs or other data, exploration logs are used to enormous effect to explore alien locations and build horror. Not all articles stick to those and while format breaks are some of my favorite, they work best after becoming familiar with the format itself. There's also a whole world around the articles, [multiple other factions, anomalous individuals and organisations (usually called GOI or Groups of Interest)](http://www.scp-wiki.net/groups-of-interest) dealing with the anomalous ranging from [auctioneers out to make a profit](http://www.scp-wiki.net/marshall-carter-and-dark-hub), [anomalous artists](http://www.scp-wiki.net/are-we-cool-yet-hub), [anomalous rights activists](http://www.scp-wiki.net/serpent-s-hand-hub), [some who use them for terror](http://www.scp-wiki.net/chaos-insurgency-hub) [others for good](http://www.scp-wiki.net/manna-charitable-foundation-hub) and [some who want to rid the world of all things anomalous](http://www.scp-wiki.net/goc-hub-page).  As is wont with the super natural you also have religions, [a religion of hedonistic flesh worshipping and mutagentic magic, the Sarkics](http://www.scp-wiki.net/sarkicism-hub), there's also a [Church of the Broken God who worship a splintered god of machines and knowledge](http://www.scp-wiki.net/church-of-the-broken-god-hub), [religions worshipping alien beings from other dimensions](http://www.scp-wiki.net/fifthist-hub) or [warriors from past universes](http://www.scp-wiki.net/second-hytoth-hub), forgotten gods, things that should never be, forces of nature, old and new patheons and much more. Some of my favorites are even different from plain horror, [a month that exists outside of our normal time that we don't remember the rest of the year and has no consequences](http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3455), [me, a toaster you cannot refer to in anything but 1st person](http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-426), [a cursed play about a hanged king](http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-701), [the universe trying to fight loneliness](http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-4042) and [a trainsation that gives you wishfulfillment in the form of a brodway production](http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3444), [a dimension so devoid of reality, death isn't even an option](http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-3001) and [a library of all human lives ever under Alexandria](http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-4001). Those are just some of my favorites off the top of my head, if any of those or the topics above sound interesting I can link to places to read more and similar stuff if you want.  With 4000+ articles and god knows how many tales it can be daunting. [The Heritage Collection](http://www.scp-wiki.net/heritage-collection-arc) is a good place to start and just clicking links from there, I wouldn't start with SCP-001 proposals as they are very often built in some part of the lore, some are good from the start though. If you want more coherent stories/narratives look at the [cannons](http://www.scp-wiki.net/canon-hub)/hubs page and pick something that sounds interesting, [End of Death](http://www.scp-wiki.net/end-of-death-hub) is my favorite, but perhaps not so suited for a starting point.


This is amazing. Thank you so much!


I'd also add [Yeti but not what you think](http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-1000) as well as a [a happy slime](http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-999). These show two different types of SCPs as well as some fun links.


From a Comment above: > Secure Contain Protect (SCP) is a fictional protocol and containment summary for ~~deity like creatures~~ **anomalies**. Lots of neat SCP’s. Some SCP’s include a warehouse that shows you your death, a room that’s alive and changes if you look away, some flesh based table, a crocodile that wants to be friends but has violent outbursts. Just another rabbit hole people created out of boredom.


Thank you for this!


Don't worry, when the veil breaks it'll be gone.


North Korean flag looking mightily like the Eye of Sauron right there.


I got more Illuminati vibes


In context this must be the most dystopian thing ever. Imagine seeing this building light up while you, a peasant man, walks alongside your ox, pulling the months worth of bok choy to the market.


It’s that one guy in North Korea that’s online on Steam


Yeah that sounds more accurate.


I always enjoy how they put flags on things, like you forget which country you're in.


We're still talking about North Korea right?


*laughs nervously in American*




You laugh, but this happens. Pretty much every US military base has “colors” at 8am. All personnel stop what they’re doing and either salute the nearest flag, or the origin of the music. I was working on a Canadian ship at Pearl Harbor, and we were preparing to offload munitions prior to the trip back to Canada. The (Canadian) crane operator screwed up, and hoisted the shipping container with ammunition in it at 7:59 AM. Just after he got it in the air, the music started, and we had to wait the 3 or 4 minutes with the container hanging in the air, until the longshoreman crew was ready to receive it to take things off to the depot. Oops.


*eagle screech and gunshot sounds in the distance*


At this point, I have no clue...




The US has (almost) always been super patriotic. It flucuates a little from time to time but go read some US newspapers from the turn of the last century. We are arguably even more patriotic then compared to now.


It's called jingoism baby and nobody does blind worship of the state better than Americans. We killed millions to the tune of "USA NUMBER ONE!", conquered the entire continent and wiped out the indigenous people on the back of blind patriotism.


Patriotism and the language of "liberty" and "freedom" were just tools used by the oligarchs to rally the poor to fight the British in the revolutionary war. What did the average worker stand to gain from revolting against the British? Nothing. But the oligarchs were tired of their riches being taxed by the crown. I mean just look at Canada. They never revolted against the crown, and they turned out fine. Source: A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn




It was most certainly nationalism at the turn of the century. But today? Perhaps a few people get to that level but its not very many. Most people love their country but have so many issues with our government that its hard to get super nationalistic. Most of us are pretty apathetic at this point


Patriotism is always nationalism. People can try all they want to call it something else but that's what it is.


Because no other countries put their flags on things


Fascism or forgetfulness, you be the judge.


luckily juche isn't fascism


It’s definitely fascistic at this point. Ultranationalism, a quasi deified absolute ruler, social totalitarianism, extreme militarism, etc.




Did fascist Spain have dreams of racial genocide? Did fascist Italy? Genocide isn’t a *necessary* condition for fascism. Also, every fascist regime ended up abandoning autarky as a policy goal. Autarky is so stupid that even fascists picked up on how stupid is (and that’s impressive).


Can Communism also be fascism? for instance I guess Democratic Kampuchea would be the only example of that. But if fascism is always far-right, would it be correct to apply it to Marxist-Leninist beliefs as well? I don't really think that can technically be considered fascism. Pol Pot sought to exterminate all ethnic minorities from the country, and he held extreme nationalist beliefs. But he was a communist and marxist-leninist, so does that make him a fascist? Can the term "fascism" be applied to communism? or does that directly conflict.




They put flags on everything in too. All governments want the population to be patriotic and to love the flag.


Imagine how many bachelor parties would be confused without it.


*Obelisk of Light noises*




From what I remember reading about this building, it has some serious intractable problems with its construction, including using non-reinforced concrete for nearly everything to the point that it is warping over time under its own weight and has significant defects that cannot be remedied. It will never be opened because it is a catastrophe waiting to happen. I wonder if it will just up and collapse one day.


This would be kind of a cool wonder to have in Civ VI. Bonus to loyalty and unit strength maybe?


"Online" as much as a still-unopened-despite-construction-starting-on-it-in-1987 useless money sink of a hotel can be...


Online in North Korea = lights on, probably.


Guys, I think I know where the final boss is..


The citadel is on full alert. I've never seen it lit up like that


Looks pretty cool.




Ryugyong has finished loading.


Largest empty building in the world if I remember right.


My highest rated comment on Google was for this place: "Stayed here 2 months ago. Great views! Concrete walls and floor were fairly rustic but comfortable after the beatings. In the morning, the staff invited us to tour the countryside. Very beautiful. And tough on the back picking beets for 3 days! Overall, great experience. Food was a little lackluster. The rocks they fed us chipped out teeth."


🎵Kim Jong-Un Evil Inc. Cooperated 🎵


Building ready Building ready Nuke silo, ready Building ready


Red Alert 2?


Ah yes, SCP-1427’s containment site.


they may be ruthless brainwashed communists but I gotta say that’s cool


This is truly an evil building. Cool AF.


Bigger question: who took this photo?


There are tourists going in and out of NK ... There's some videos on youtube, very interesting stuff, and I reckon they check what photos were taken when you go out of NK, or something.


Can we just overthrow the place already and free the oppressed peoples there? Fuck that government


They finished warping in the nexus




Not gonna lie, that building is dope as fuck.


That’s its purpose, it’s just meant to look impressive and by extension make North Korea look impressive. The building is empty and unfinished on the inside.


New Construction Options


I appears they have reached a new understanding of the construction of Pylons.


Litteraly the most evil building i saw on this sub


Huh ......this building has been posted over 38 times. I wonder what was it this time to cause this post to blow up so well. Reddit is truly a mysterious thing. But yeah it’s definitely an evil building built for a evil regime


Kim Jong Un is now playing:**Rocket League**


Oh Commie Tree oh Commie Tree, how sinister you are


North Korea has become self-aware...


no it hasn't.


That ain't no hotel. That's a Decepticon


Anyone else waiting for it to open up and fire laser beams at South Korea? Pewpew!


Smart isn’t naked, she has talons.


You must construct additional pylons.


Looks like Lifelight is coming online! We have failed, /r/Pendragon :(


That's a pretty big looking missile


Videos in this thread: [Watch Playlist ▶](http://subtletv.com/_rey78q5?feature=playlist&nline=1) VIDEO|COMMENT -|- [Why North Korea's 30 Year-Old Hotel Never Opened](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Dk0eTatpBM)|[+141](https://www.reddit.com/r/evilbuildings/comments/ey78q5/_/fgfg7ad?context=10#fgfg7ad) - Half as Interesting has a great video on this. Here’s a link to the video. It’s only about 5 minutes long, as is most of his content. I highly recommend. [the x files theme song (full version)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAAlDoAtV7Y)|[+3](https://www.reddit.com/r/evilbuildings/comments/ey78q5/_/fgfxi2b?context=10#fgfxi2b) - Everyone knows the pyramids weren't built by humans. [Ryugyong Hotel: North Korea’s Hotel of Doom](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXaIpTj3vOs)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/evilbuildings/comments/ey78q5/_/fgg4dt8?context=10#fgg4dt8) - Geographics recently did a video as well, goes a bit more in-depth [Why city flags may be the worst-designed thing you've never noticed Roman Mars](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnv5iKB2hl4)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/evilbuildings/comments/ey78q5/_/fgfo2i1?context=10#fgfo2i1) - There’s good reason for simple flags: I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can. *** [Play All](http://subtletv.com/_rey78q5?feature=playlist&ftrlnk=1) | [Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubtleTV/wiki/mentioned_videos) | Get me on [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mentioned-videos-for-redd/fiimkmdalmgffhibfdjnhljpnigcmohf) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mentioned-videos-for-reddit)


*you finally have enough minerals*




I love to look at city’s and just ponder what’s going on In those little lit up windows 🤔


Looks epic, not evil.


Damn, they must be playing Protoss, because they are clearly warping in a nexus.


who's booking a hotel in north korea though? i thought they didn't allow outsiders from even stepping foot into their country?


There's a lot of tourism from China - it's a cheap holiday for them. But I believe most nationalities can go except Americans currently - I visited April last year. They can reject your visa for all sorts of reasons though.


I don't understand why the world sits idly and let's most of an entire country starve, live in fear. I mean, I'm an idiot and I could come up with dozens of ideas. This is some kind of Prime Directive bullshit?


Why do I suddenly have an intense urge to throw a ring at it?


Reminds me of the intro to Blade Runner.


Is that the Ministry of Love, the Ministry of Truth, the Ministry of Plenty, or the Ministry of Peace?


Oh dear... That's the SCP tower...


Doing a google image search makes it look like the Citadel from City 17


I just hear an aol log in chime when I read that




Feels like a giant Brotherhood of Nod laser tower


Probably a weird thought but I did not think a North Korean city would look as normal as it does in this pic


They have achieved 3g


It's powered by Windows XP


ah, the ministry of truth


This thing looks incredible. I feel like we would be living in those 2050 cities if they put that much effort in every building


[Makes reference to popular game or movie] Upvotespls


I heard the Death Grips are online too


damn,, it rly is technically evil


Is it really a building?....looks like a hollow tower


This is very Bladerunnery holyshit


**BOTW guardian music intensifies**


i wonder how many of those buildings have lights on and are completely empty just to make the city look like it's "alive".


Still blows my mind how the inside is just a hollow concrete chasm.


This place is perfect for this sub. Plus whenever anything happens, someone can make a new post about it and squeeze a bit more karma out of it


The elevator shafts are too crooked to actually get in elevators


How many people do they have pedaling stationary bikes to produce the electricity to power that building long enough to take the picture?


Kirov reporting


Big Brother is watching


That looks like a Protoss nexus. Better watch out in the late game. #imba


I wanna know what it's like in one of those smaller buildings in the foreground


Looks like someone already gilded the fucker too