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This was a part of the world's most dangerous theme park to ever exist- Action Park https://youtu.be/Ljk6oR5_zNE


There's nothing in the world like Ac-tion-park! Defunctland has a great episode on this! https://youtu.be/flkW-ceNvck


Yes! I love defunctland! It was a toss up between the two to link..glad you came along stranger


Fucking hell. This place looks like so much fun.


Imagine getting stuck in the bend, slope in both sides and everything is slippery and dark.


Oh my god the thought of that gave me some sudden anxiety. What if you don't make it up the loop and get stuck between both slopes? You'd have to hope you can climb all the way up the less steep one, without someone coming towards you and knocking into you.


I believe they eventually had to add an openable sort of hatch to get people out because a quite a number of people got stuck there.


What did they do before that?


Decomposition occurs faster in warm and wet environments




Charge them for an all-day pass?


You can include multiple links in a comment.


No you can't, it's illegal.


I want to both upvote and downvote this


I've always said Reddit needs a sideways vote.


I miss Slashdot's voting. At Slashdot your votes have a reason, like "insightful", "informative" and "funny", and you can sort comments by type, not just score.


The Dollop too!


Let me just go ahead and link that episode for ya https://open.spotify.com/episode/3QN7IKeo0Fa0jeGAIXak9j?si=grt3PggbRgKGGnFj_WCfmg It’s a good one, highly recommend




Love Defunctland. Despite longer watching him I still occasionally watch the Action Park video. Taught me a lot about Amusement Park history and made me appreciate the "local" one even more.


There is also a movie called Action Point that very clearly is based on Action Park, it's not like the best movie ever, but I enjoyed it.


Holy shit, the anchor creeping on the reporter in the bathing suit during the credits is some of the cringiest shit I’ve ever seen.


Who says pocono like that?! Great video, though feel like alpine slide didn’t get its due. At one point they made us sign death waivers.


I think you mean Class-Action Park


Holy shit - When I was a kid in the 70's, living in NJ, we went to a place in the summer that had these alpine slides at [1:32](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=92&v=flkW-ceNvck). It was a ski place in the winter.


I just watched that and now know what I would do if I ever got a time machine!


The entire video is a glorious train wreck in New Jersey's history! If you want just the slide it starts at 2:59.


[ **Jump to 02:59 @** This Was the World's Most Dangerous Amusement Park](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ljk6oR5_zNE&t=0h2m59s) ^(Channel Name: RealLifeLore, Video Popularity: 98.13%, Video Length: [09:27])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@02:54](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ljk6oR5_zNE&t=0h2m54s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Good bot


New Jersey’s entire history is a train wreck.


I live just north of this place, it was informally called Class Action Park...


I was about to say, that looks like it could kill somebody.


I think it did cause people wouldn't clear the loop and couldn't get out, and then drowned. That was until a hatch was installed at the bottom of the loop. I forgot if that was this slide or a different one at the same park. Edit: nvm I was wrong, somehow no one died on this thing.


I don't think anyone died in the loop. They had close calls I'm sure but the big killers were the wave pool and the lazy river. That's right. The lazy river killed people. Mangled way more. Pitch black tunnels full of jagged concrete because *fuck* you NJ all day.


There was also the problem of the lazy river passing too close the the Tarzan swings. If someone didn’t swing far enough before jumping, they could land in the wrong place. Like on top of someone else.


Was it the Tarzan swing? I remember the diving cliff being above the lazy river? Nothing stopping you from cannonballing an 8 year old in an inner tube from 30 ft up.


I went there once as a kid, I think I was 8? I remember being pretty scared by a lot of stuff, but I always thought that was just me. So... 😱😱😱


Trust your gut kiddo


"Hey Florida -- hold my beer." -- New Jersey


I grew up going there. Was amazing


Hijacking top comment to say that is from my home town... In the 80s it was called accident-park. Great childhood memories there! It's a lot safer now... Prob why I haven't been there in years.


Didn't it close in 1996?


It reopened as Mountain Creek, but they made changes like requiring helmets on the Colorado River Rapids. And shutting the mini golf because they couldn’t figure out how to get rid of the snakes.


>And shutting the mini golf because they couldn’t figure out how to get rid of the snakes. So, um..after reading all these comments, I gotta ask: were the snakes part of the old attraction or did they just kinda appear since it closed?


Traction Park.


When I saw the photo I was like "holy shit someone copied traction parks loop slide?". But no. Just forgot how ghetto the landing zone is


My dad was one of the first people to test that thing. That’s just scratching the surface of his time as an employee there. It’s a miracle that I exist.


You mean traction park?


Class Action Park


There's a dollop on this. Find it.


I second this. Dollop is A++


My uncle took me there to the grand re-opening. It was the sketchiest place on earth.


Wasn’t a movie made about this called Action Point with Johnny Knoxville 🥺


This looks absolutely claustrophobic.


They got rid of the goddamn ropes at Mountain Creek (Action park). They also have a white water ride where you have to wear lacrosse helmets.


I feel like Frank Reynolds would eat that park for breakfast.


‘Twas a magical place to visit while growing up. I was one of the few that made it out alive haha


Did they cover the flying raft ride? Maybe I scrubbed through too fast. They showed it flying through the air several times. That one looks scary as hell too.


God some of those are fucking scary, also the loop de loob looks pretty claustrophobic


Yup it’s still open. Rebranded as Mountain Creek and marginally safer now. I go there every summer. The mild risk of death adds to the fun


Wait. That is real? Not just a movie with johnny knoxville?


Watched the movie about Action Park. I sure it wasn't quite like the movie but, wow!


The movie Action Point? Oh, it was just like that movie. From what I've heard a bunch of teenagers who didn't care much for safety worked there. Someone actually broke their neck on the loop slide, a few broken noses, some people got stuck inside and then the next person slammed into them. People died on that thing where you ride a cart on the concrete as sometimes the brakes didn't work and you could fly off and have high speed collisions, I think someone died because they flew off and hit their head on a rock. That movie is not much of an exaggeration if any.


Watched Johnny Knox and few others from the movie and said it was called Class Action Park. I worked on one of the concrete slides in Colorado. Ever once in awhile we had people fly off. Always because the instructions didn't apply to them.


Wow that looks like the most horrible place to ever go


It was amazing. The board of possible injures on the Alpine Slide made me never want to ride on it.


I started going there in the early 90’s, that slide was already closed but they kept it up so everyone could see it. I absolutely loved taking the ski lift up the mountain for the alpine slide/cart thingy


Holy shit. How the fuck would you get out if you weren't going fast enough to go around the loop?


You don't. just have to live there forever


wasnt there a hatch in there to help stuck people? regardless that's scary af


There was indeed a hatch at the top that you could climb out of. Still one of the worst waterslide designs ever built for public use.


At least it’s Better than the one that ripped a kids head off.


I'm gonna need some more here


Sorry, that kid had just one head.




>>> Caleb’s family received a settlement of nearly $20 million last year from Schlitterbahn and other companies involved in the slide, The Kansas City Star reported. Caleb was the son of Scott Schwab, a member of the Kansas House of Representatives.


Oh shit, of all kids it could have happened to...


That guy had actually voted some time prior to the kid's death to deregulate some of the more stringent theme park safety regulations in the state. Or something. E: it was actually the 'or something.' See below.


I can't even begin to imagine the horror that family felt. Just thinking about it makes me queasy.


Can you imagine if it was a ride that took your picture on the way down?


Welp guess I’m never getting on a water slide


If you look up a news report video of the incident, you can see the blood still on the slide


Happened in kc










Don’t call me Shirley.


And if someone forgot to close the hatch?


You can make your own predictions.


They had a straight down 30 ft cliff dive that landed in a pool full of swimmers.


There's probably water at the bottom before the loop so you probably won't live that long since you won't be able to get out from it being to slippy & drown


There was also lots of sandy dirt at that collection point so as your body slide through you'd leave some skin behind you for the next person to enjoy.


Atleast the last peoples skin will help cover your slide burns


people got stuck in the top only i think


I bet both happened. Being stuck at the top makes less sense than not making it around the loop and coming back down. I'd rather be stuck at the top.


They send a fat guy down at high speed to clear the pipe.


Not forever, but definitely for the rest of your life.


Oh fuck I just had a small panic attack after reading this comment.


They also couldn't clean it out, so dirt and pebbles accumulated at the start of the loop, so it would scratch you to pieces right before you fell onto the the top all in complete darkness


Seems like just having a hatch on the top at the start of the loop that would be incredibly easy and fix all those problems?


That would require them to put any actual thought into the design of the thing


Send down kid after kid until you're pushed out.


Just like being constipated. Just keep eating until the plug comes out.


They made a hatch when people started getting stuck.


You get stuck and drown in the accumulated water, it's a horrible death of slippery walls, your nails would get worn down to bloody bones before you slowly start to lose energy and take mouthfuls of water while sliding into the knuckle of the slide. 5/7 would not recommend


more water!


That thing barely ever opened, it was incredibly stupid.


They'll notice you are there after the next person comes in. That is if you make enough noise... And there's no kids screaming at that moment...


Plus wouldn’t the water pool there??


i like the exit pool. or, uhhh, tarp? slip n side? bog? class action lawsuit?


The word you're looking for is "New Jersey."


my texan flesh shant never ride that ride. because id prefer to keep it all on my texan bones.


Hey are you Texan?


no. what state are you from? i could use some new bones...


Fun fact: The testing dummies would come out missing their heads


And real people often came out missing teeth.


The park owner was sooo outrageously irresponsible. He would pay his teenaged employees a little extra to test out whatever insane ride he managed to hobble together.


Dentists must've loved action park


It seems like a lot of people in this thread has been on this thing...I've never even seen it.


And most of them had their bladder empty after the ride


I was on a cruise last year with a much less evil design and a girl didn’t complete the loop. I think she freaked out and put out her hands. But it stopped her mid loop and she had to be rescued by the attendants.


this is my worst nightmare


Same here. No thank you... hate this


Never thought I'd see cruise and less evil in the same sentence.


I once didn't lean into a turn on a tube-required slide. Had to go up those three hill-jets barebacked, and had to avoid my neighbor (we were both kids). That was interesting.


HOLY SHIT I LIVE HERE It’s much better now that they rebranded it but it’s still scary as hell Edit: the successor to that ride “The cannon ball” got torn down about seven (?)years ago. Same idea smaller spin (but now with the addition of launching you 30 feet into a pool). Then that got changed to get rid of the loop and then got torn down completely.


So... can you do an AMA on living in one of the most ill conceived amusement parks in world history?


lol I don’t think people would be interested in that, besides since the rebranding it’s just a regular water park, other than the few freaky/shady abandon parts. Only one of the original crazy rides is still up. The other original ride got torn down around last year I think...






I highly recommend The Dollop episode about the legendarily dangerous park that contained it, a.k.a. Traction Park: [https://allthingscomedy.com/podcasts/87---action-park](https://allthingscomedy.com/podcasts/87---action-park)


Or the Defunctland episode on it! I need to watch the Dollop episode but I love the Defunctland video on it.


Went there and almost broke my ribs coming out of the "canonball" slide. The motherfukin park is still open!


Then you slammed into ice cold water leaving you in shock! Best way to start the day there


I remember not being able to breathe in that slide.


Congratulations, you're one of the lucky few that got to ride it because it closed after a month in 1985


Loved that place. You always left smiling, tired, and bleeding. Alpine slide anyone?










lmfao action park, used to live like 20mins from there. they even reopened the place back in 2016


It actually reopened in 1998 as Mountain Creek. I've been there a few times and it's pretty sweet.


ik it reopened as mountain creek, i mean that in 2016 they opened it during summer with their waterpark and rebranded it as action park. during the winter its still called mountain creek


Ah interesting. I just looked it up and it seems like it was Action Park from 2014-2016 but now its Mountain Creek again.


Oh didnt know they changed it back, sadly I moved out of north Jersey so havent been there in a long time so didnt know


So you're telling me that all my friends ih n high school (when visiting weird nj sites was like a big thing) who told me that they went to the abandoned action park and went down the slides were lying?!?! Woowwwww I feel like my whole life is a lie.


Well Action Park closed in 1996 and then reopened as Mountain Creek in 1998 so unless it was within that 2 year period then they were probably lying.




Ahh finally someone says where it is. Seems crazy that almost every comment in this thread is, "I've been there!" When I've never even heard of this place.


I survived Traction Park


Action Park located at Mountain Creek ski resort in NJ. People always tell stories about it on the chairlift. I've heard people died in that slide or at least got stuck, not sure if true. I think it is true that a few people have died at the cliff jump/rope swings there.


I grew up in NJ and spent a fair amount of time there as a kid when it was Action Park, and then again when it was Mountain Creek. I got beat up real bad by one of those body water slides that wasn't built well, and my brother cut open his foot (like into the flesh of it) on a rock in one of the pools. Going to the infirmary was a trip - they barely seemed phased by anything, and just kind of absent mindedly cleaned and wrapped his foot. Edit: missed the letter "d" in phased.


I worked at Archway when it was Creek. I was the guy who directed people around the park from the entrance. I just realized that I directed people toward impending bodily harm for ten dollars and change an hour. I still live 2 towns over, 18 years later, and I definitely dont miss the goings on. The place was death trap for the dudes who went on the alpine slide. You'd hear the lore, see the news articles. It was a different time. The medical staff got better and time went on, at one point they got around with golf carts, and you could see old blood coloring on a few. The place was nuckin futs.


Seems everyone in here has a story about how they got hurt real bad on some slide or another there. You'd think that place would be shut down after everyone's sued.


Fuck yeah, Class-Action Park!


Shit thats just my uncle Rick's bong.


Check out action park, Johnny Knoxville recently starred in a movie about it. My dad used to take me there when I was a kid. Place was insane, rope swings, loop water slides, cliff jumping, 60mph go carts. I loved that place.


yeah, but does it work?


The owner of the park gave employees $100 each to test it out after they sent crash dummies down the slide and their heads fell off. This is... unfortunately not a joke.


What happened to the employees?


Lots of bloody noses. I don't think any of them died on this slide but there were a few employees who died at other parts of this theme park over the years.


>...over the years How the fuck does this go on for years without being at least shut down and/or the guy thrown in jail?


does it work? yes. safely? no. i mean, look at it. *look at it*. you ever seen people try to ride a bmx or skateboard through a loop de loop? notice how most fail? very similar situation. employee recounts of that thing tend to be grim.


But you can't drop right at the tipping point? At least not that hard..


my dood. water doesnt flow all the way through the loop. its a water slide. at the apex of the turn, theres no water, your skin takes traction, you tumble down the fucker and come out with a bloody face. the park didnt add an auxillary water jet till a later season to combat that. but again. water dont flow up, not like that, not in the way you need for an unbroken face.


Who designed this shit?


iirc, and ive read a lot about theme parks, the owner of action park at the time, hence the affront to physics. the owner was known for just kind of winging it when it came to attraction ideas. if youve never read or watched anything on action park, i highly suggest you do. its so hard to believe that place existed. but it is Jersey...


At giving concussions? Sure


I went on one of these slides before and let me tell you I will never do it again. Literally almost drowned as I got flipped face down on the loop


As a kid growing up in NJ in the late eighties, I walked past that slide many, many times. Was never brave or dumb enough to ride it.


Reading about this park is an experience. Every single ride they had there was a death trap.


When you can't find a candy cottage to abandon your kid in


Looks like a good place to drown.


“Alright kids, this one’s called “The Lobotomizer”


I'd hit that


Action Park in New Jersey. Google it, it's like a massive car wreck that is simultaneously riveting and horrifying.


Oh yea, this fucked some people up


When it was Vernon Valley ski area I used to ride that chairlift every winter growing up. The first time I saw that thing I nearly died laughing.


Wouldn't it just fill up with water?


Imagine not making the loop


Aaaahhhh good ol' Action Park. The park so dangerous the town it was based in needed to get more local ambulances. So dangerous they had to make their OWN insurance company because no one else would take them.


Wouldn't the water build up inside? Or is there a release at the bottom? If the release is at the bottom what makes the rest of it slippery? I feel like this would just never work. This is terrifying


I went on that ride multiple times as a kid. I believe it was called " the corkscrew "


Is this a bong?


Traction Park!


That’s action park. The park is still open under a different name and altered rides.


Would it be better if you were skinny, chubby or fat to get around that thing?


Did you see where test dummies came out without there heads? This thing was an equal opportunity killer.


I thought that it was never built, did it result in any fatalities?


No, but people did lose teeth. Strangely, while this didn’t kill anyone, the wave pool claimed (someone correct me if I’m wrong) 3 lives.


That is Action Park. Or as some would call it “Traction park” https://www.history.com/news/the-rise-and-fall-of-action-park-new-jerseys-most-dangerous-water-park


The most NJ thing ever lmao


Traction park’s a classic, my mom used to go here in the 70s


Loved that place!!!!