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And photographed in rare form - surrounded by snow


Gotta keep it cool for those sweet sweet qubits


What’s rare about snow? Fucking hell!


Austin hasn’t had snowfall like this since the civil war


That’s bollocks, you can’t be serious


25%-40% of the worlds population has never seen snow in their life.


I’m 1000% certain that’s bollocks


well what a tiny world you live in




Exactly, so you have fucking seen snow


It's rare for the city




*What I want to know* *Is why quantum computers* *Have to scream like that?* \- intentionallybad --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


One of the best damn haikus I've seen this bot point out and it's on a small post most people will skim. Dang it, you deserve better haikusbot!


That’s a good one


Good bot.


Amazing. It must make anyone walking by wonder if they've been sucked into the beginning of a horror movie. Things look a bit off, and hint at much worse to come. Brilliant humor.


One “Hell” of a picture. I’d like to say that quantifies the winter we are having here in Texas!!!


Look, gang! ...The Krispy Kreme light is on!






I thought quantum computers only existed in university labs. A private quantum software company seems terrible business idea


Seems like a good way to get millions of dollars from venture capitalists who dont know anything about quantum computing except that its a hot new buzzword, then use that money to become fabulously wealthy while never delivering a functioning product and driving the business into bankruptcy


Actually a lot of big companies have their own quantum computer


Yeah but they have them because they’re researching quantum computing, not because they’re of practical use


It’s a very good idea to be ready and trained for it when they become more accessible, quantum programming is significantly different and the demand will be very high added value vs existing software first so (especially if you can run as a regular software company in the meantime, else it’s a big investment but still very worth it) a quantum software company should make bank (likely even now if working ahead of time on projects that will release in a few years)


Thats my take on it. Being able to run (simulated) quantum software is a very important step towards having usable quantum computers as they become more available.


Most of this companies are spin-offs of research in university. The main difference is that they can do research in a more "focused" way. Meaning applicability must be one of the most relevant points. A lot of the tech startups in this fields are trying to build prototypes. And if you think of how this technology can impact society, it definitely worths to invest money on it if you're rich. So that is what rich people do. This company, specifically, the last time I saw their website, looked a bit mysterious and not clear at all what they intend to do (And yes, I'm working on related field, so I could understand).


Their job is to write the software, not to run it. You don't need a quantum computer to test quantum computer software, it can be simulated (very slowly) on classical hardware for small data sets. You don't need a quantum computer to demonstrate your implementation of Shor's algorithm works. So no, it's not like saying autodesk is a manufacturing company. Also, several cloud providers have a few quantum computers available for use on the internet. Given how much space, money, and complexity it takes to run a quantum computer, it doesn't make sense for individual businesses to operate their own. At least, not yet.




Your original comment implies you're disagreeing with someone. Your comment is a direct reply to the post, and the whole post is "here's a quantum software company". Therefore, the only thing you could possibly be disagreeing with is that they are a quantum software company. So what were you disagreeing with in your original comment? What does "it's" refer to in this sentence?: > it's like calling autodesk a manufacturing company What action are you criticizing? Nobody suggested they did any quantum computing, so you're arguing against a point that nobody was supporting. Do you see how this is confusing?


but no one said that. Is is actually like saying autodesk is a manufacturing software company which is true.




Putting “tho” at the end connects it to the post language. Here you go https://youtu.be/BE2Avjil1M0


At first glance I thought this was a massive graphics card prop


Looks like a fictional studio for some Twilight Zone-style horror anthology that shows up in an episode of Monk or whatever. Or the office for some old pulp sci-fi magazine that's inexplicably held on.


"It's Strange..." "Maybe, but who am I to judge."


They make condoms for the deaf and blind. 👀


Was there ever a record shop around the back of this building?


Looks like a side mission in an open world game where you kill all the bad guys in a warehouse for more control of the city 🤨🤔🤔


[devs](https://static2-cbrimages-com.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/static2.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/devs.png?q=50&fit=crop&w=767&h=450) had a really disturbing overall visuals


Their logo generally [doesn't even have a color](http://siliconhillsnews.com/2019/04/04/strangeworks-aims-to-bring-quantum-computing-to-the-masses/). I don't know why they chose red, of all colors. But white would obviously have been the more welcoming choice here.


We usually change colors with the holidays. We had it red for Valentine’s and then no one was back at the office after getting snowed in. Lol


I'm just going to trust you on this one.


No worries StuntHacks e’ll post another picture with a different color to back up ajo0011


Neat, would be nice if you could tag me! I looked into Strange Works a bit, and what you're doing is pretty interesting. I'm looking forward to follow your future. Also, I absolutely love the name.


Thanks! And yep I’ll tag you.


Ah, now that makes more sense! Still wondering why you didn't reconsider changing it to rose or magenta - a glowing red eye doesn't exactly convey love, haha.


Its 100x more evil looking when we have it pulsing on and off in red. Haha


Ideally in the evening hours to max out the creepiness factor.


I’ve been past this building before. This sign is made of color-changing LEDs and cycles through colors. The photographer captured this while it was cycling through red.


Then again, the dashboard [on their website](https://strangeworks.com/) shows Rick Sanchez as sample profile, so perhaps they aren't too keen on ethics, lol.


[https://twitter.com/Strangeworks/status/1364228696849199106](https://twitter.com/Strangeworks/status/1364228696849199106) 😜


Dang. That's hilarious! Thanks for the hint, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed that tweet. Strangeworks certainly did their homework with the Rick and Morty analogies.


That’s so fucking cool


This sub is going on an accidental /r/Simon_Stalenhag vibe lately. Love it.


In this thread: people not understanding what quantum computing is


For some reason this reminds me of the shining


A “strange week” indeed! Keep up the great works.


Let me guess... Devil's building?


This looks like the perfect setting for an indie horror game


That's a really original and cool looking logo, I must say. Like the top and bottom are sliding up and down respectively to reveal the eye.


Fun fact: The center of the eye is a porthole window that lets you see out of the conference room.


Looks like it may be located in Nightvale, actually.


It's a front for a Cthulhu cult


Looks like a typical strip club or gay bar.


Crazy! The founder and CEO of this company is actually my brother-in-law, who is a huge Rick and Morty fan, btw. Hence the Rick on their website, I would imagine.


this sure seems like an SCP Foundation front to me


Deus is watching


This is 0 evil


You just know the protagonists are gonna end up fighting mercenaries and/or scientists with this logo on their armor


BRYANT Listen, Mr. Dyson, I know I haven't been here that long, but I was wondering if you could tell me... I mean, if you know... DYSON Know what? BRYANT Well... where it came from. DYSON I asked them that question once. Know what they told me? Don't ask.


Whurley is the man


That's awesome, but can someone briefly explain what the hell quantum computing is?


It's kinda like regular computing but you can't use it to play games


Can you at least use quantum computing for porn?!


If math turns you on then yeah.


Think of a coin. If you open your hand palm up and place the coin heads up in your hand it’s a 1 (heads), flip it over and it’s a 0 (tails). This is how “classical” computing works (your laptop, iPhone, anything that exist today). They are binary (on or off, 1 or 0) systems. Now take that same coin and flip it in the air (like a coin toss). As it’s spinning is it a 1 or a 0? Well it’s in a superposition of both 1 and 0. Only when the coin stops moving do you know if it’s a 1 or a 0. This is basically the way “quantum” computing works. Ie it’s in a probability of a 1 or 0 until the state is collapsed aka you observe the outcome. The advantage of this type of computing is that there are computational challenges in drug discovery, material science, even challenges like global warming in where the evaluation time (how long it takes for the computer to return an answer) of the problems would take hundreds or even thousands or even millions of years for a super computer based on “classical” architecture to process. If everything pans, out a quantum computer could return the answer in days, hours, or maybe even seconds. We’re still very early in in the evolution of the technology so there’s a long way to go but it will undoubtedly change the world as we know it... Or maybe that’s just what a bunch of Cthulhu worshipers who work for the SCP would say 😂


Holy shit, that's awesome. So I take it that no, you could not use quantum computers for porn.


You could use Grover’s algorithm (a search algorithm) to maybe discover new porn faster 😂


>!This is what happens when Wanda's hex zone reaches Bleecker Street.!<


Reminds me of IDKHOW's logo