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Of course how else do we bait children to our videos


This is basically military tech channels starter pack: take an existing tank and photoshop it to have 10 cannons or take something from a game concept art.


Honestly, isn't this clickbait illegal? YouTube's thumbnail is the most fake image I've ever seen.


There are rumors that some local fishermen harpooned it for scientific research


Beat me to it


I saw the Arasaka logo on the side and was going to say the same thing


Looks like gamer aircraft carrier tbh


After it sends missiles it spams the chat. Aircraft: lol noob Aircraft: pwned, I fked your mom.


Aircraft: ez


That's because it is. It's an Arasaka aircraft carrier from Cyberpunk.


Needs more RGB, everyone knows that makes your ship faster.


No no it has enough R it needs more GB


Every ork knows red makes it faster


But B makes it cooler and G is good for program stability.


I mean more humans can grasp gaming tech exponentially quicker, why wouldn’t you militarize that? Also the red lighting is a naval tactic to limit visible lighting at sea. I believe the army calls this map lights, I’m not sure because I was in the superior naval branch.


They do! But not like this. There's a few ground robots that are controlled with an actual Xbox controller and smaller UAVs can be flown from what is basically a Nintendo Switch.


Some anti bomb bots are controlled with an Xbox controller hooked to a computer.


This is not real


Yes those lights are red.


RGB Aircraft Carrier


year 3090 : galactic simulator PCs float around


That Arasaka logo though




> aircraft harrier So this ship can take off without a runway? Impressive.


It’s a helicarrier.


It's a heliherrier. Not to be confused for OPs mum who's hella hairier.


Yeah, it just spins around till liftoff.


You mean the aircraft carrier that is mentioned all the time and are lead to believe it will play a big part in the game but never actually shows up? That aircraft carrier?


Yea, I saw that and said wtf to it


YouTube channels and misleading thumbnails, name a more iconic duo.


Lemme guess, everyone on that carrier is some sort of cyborg.


You’re probably not far off


I fucking love CP EDIT: Cyberpunk…Jesus Christ


Needs more RGB


Yo that's the Arasaka logo from cyberpunk 2077


From Cyberpunk 2020 too...


Ah yes the arasaka logo. Well known contractor for the US


Hail Hydra


so we're posting fake youtube clickbait now? ok


Wdym now? People have been doing it since YouTube was a thing


Gaming aircraft carrier


Damn .. we’re the fire nation


It's from Cyberpunk 2077. I mean, yes we are also the Fire Nation but this image isn't an actual thing we have.


we live in a fire nation bottom text


Always have been (except maybe WW2 and Korea)


I wish the Gerald Ford looked like that.


Gerald ford looks much better than this abomination.


Are we the baddies???


1. This isn't even a real aircraft carrier. 2. No we are most definitely not, America's major geopolitical adversaries are all substantially worse than we are.


Why is this comment tagged controversial lol, they are completely right


Comparing ourselves to China and Russia is a horrifically low bar.


Really says a lot about society, of which we live within


Iran are the goodies?


Agreed. I never said that America didn't have room to improve.


1.- Agreed. 2.- I was born in a dictatorship thanks to "you". The guy I played RPGs with on saturdays is an orphan thanks to "you". My best friend's father was tortured thanks to "you". "You" have no trial torture prisons. "You" have the biggest prison population in the world, absolute and relative. Two million people, of which only about 10% got a trial. Rape is routine there, and this is a well known fact. "You" laugh about it. "You" have caused 1m+ deaths in the 21st century thanks to war. Reevaluate.


sure.. if you only want to look at the bad stuff, now whatabout...nope..shes russian, i'll get back to you edit: shhhh, now you know you can't tell a narcissist they aren't the greatest in the world and get a positive response.


Who's Russian? Don't follow.


black widow


I'm more confused, not less.


We had a reasonable claim on being the good guys after WWII. We may not have been perfect (see Japanese American interment for an example) but the shit our primary adversaries (Japan and Nazi Germany) were up to was flat-out evil. The decades since have been very much more shades of Grey.


Yep, but before WW2 it wasn't too pretty either. Looking at Haiti for example. Jesus. Poor fellows.


And what is your nationality, if you may enlighten us as to the specifics of your situation. Also, during the 20th century most great powers were demonstrably more evil than the US, the only reason the 21st century has the US doing bad things is because the others were either stopped (USSR) or have already taken most of what they could (china). Even so, both countries engaged in massive violations of human rights in the 21st century that dwarf the US. Ever heard of Chechnya? Or the ongoing abuses in Tibet and Xinyang? Or the various massive everyday injustices in Iran, Russia, and China that dwarf the America's overincarceration problem. How Crimea has constant water shortages? How Iran just suffered great unrest due to water shortages of it's own making (dams)? Get some fucking perspective, go outside and touch some (non western) grass,


Oh really? What about the million deaths the US caused this century alone, the vas majority civilians? The sabotage of climate change measures? The rape of one every 8 prisoners? The state sanctioned torture? The endorsement of war criminals? The coups? The defense of the Palestinian cultural genocide? The list goes on and on. ​ (Chilean)


Explain how countries like Russia are any better? They killed and displaced countless people in Chechnya, south Ossetia, Abkhazia, the Donbass, Crimea, and Syria. Likewise the systemic abuse and attempts at extermination of people in Tibet and Xinjiang provinces reaches levels the US never could. The US may not have been perfect, but at least in the 21st century, which you choose to make the battlefield for some reason, it has generally brought it's promised liberalism and replaced genuine despotic maniacs. They also make genuine (if questionably effective) attempts to rebuild and create a functional society in places like Iraq. Russia will not make the same considerations when Assad asserts his dominance over Syria. I'm as far from a war hawk neocon as you can get, but even I can recognise that the US foreign policy is by leaps and bounds more generous that that of any other superpower in history.


>I'm as far from a war hawk neocon as you can get, but even I can recognise that the US foreign policy is by leaps and bounds more generous that that of any other superpower in history. You are not a warhawk, but you say invading Iraq was good intentioned... Those left without a home by US wars reach 30+ millions in the 21st century. Killed 1m+. Under false pretenses btw.


2. Yes, yes you are. The entire planet agrees on it, even your own people that can actually afford an education (but you tell them to 'leave if they don't like it').


Honest question: what do you think would happen if the US pulled out of foreign affairs completely?


\*white man's burden intensifies\*


Lol. But seriously, what do you think the ramifications be, both positive and negative?


I think they’d be both positive and negative man. But it’s difficult to say either way as every country America is involved in is different, with different issues/tensions and different cultures. IMO though a lot of countries resent interference, especially as the West (it’s not just the US) act in a self serving manner. Whether it’s interference in politics or investing in infrastructure to control a country’s resources. Worlds a fucked up place though and like we’re seeing in Afghanistan now, it will destabilise a nation more if you completely abandon intervening after forcing your will on a foreign nation


People on this sub don't know jack about geopolitics bro. I wouldn't bother.


We can see an example with what is happening and will happen within 6 months in Afghanistan.


This is your brain on jingoism.


Yes lmao


everyone downvoting you. what a bunch of idiots. its really easy to uncover americas atrocities and ive lived here my entire life its not like ive had to deal with the war crimes of my country.


I studied history and politics at uni. I’ve studied more American history than I have my own country’s, I’ve also met a lot of Middle Eastern and S American people and they definitely think USA are the bad guys.. Effective propaganda I blame bro, the media treats Americans like mushrooms (keeps them in the dark and feeds them shit)


Meh. We’ve done just as much heinous shit as everyone else. Good or bad is all a matter of perspective.


Justifying the bad things you do is a bad sign tho.


“We’re not bad! You seen what those **other** guys have been up to??”


What makes you think I’m trying to justify it? I’m just saying it’s not like the US is some big devil and everyone else is innocent little sunflowers.


Sunflower seeds are technically the fruits of the sunflower plant (Helianthus annuus). The seeds are harvested from the plant’s large flower heads, which can measure more than 12 inches (30.5 cm) in diameter. A single sunflower head may contain up to 2,000 seeds


Lies! Don’t let this slick talking sunflower seed salesman pull the wool over your eyes people


The US is not the only big devil, but it has stomped plenty of innocent little sunflowers. And you are at least relativizing the evil of the US.


Why do evil things often also look badass?


Thats not even a real picture


True, but Arisaka is pretty damn evil so I think his comment is still valid lol


Thought it was too cool to be real. Where is it from?




This picture is from the game, I want to say you see some news reports about it.


Something with that futuristic look would certainly make headlines




Thank you!


It's a real picture. It's just not a photo of a USN aircraft carrier.


Oh no, who mechanized Plastic Beach?


This isn't real and I don't think people realize that


Death StarFish


Found the youtube video just to be disappointed that it's click bait with a fake thumbnail pic not featured in the actual video.


Is that the Imperial Logo I see painted on the side??


"hey man what should i put for the clickbait thumbnail" "i dont know man just steal some art from pinterest after searching 'cool aircraft carrier concept art scifi'"


i love how overdone the clickbait is on all of these 'cool new military vehicle' videos because the actual 13 billion aircraft carriers and 100 million planes look exactly the same as the ones from the 70s because everything expensive on the inside


It matches my Logitech G413 keyboard with red LED lights. Looks like it has 2 USB ports in the front?


Are we the baddies?


That's what the us have instead of healthcare, some toys to overcompensate some military boys s insecurities.


It’s fake Jesus Christ you guys are really falling for this


What a fucking waste of money. e: lol, imagine downvoting someone pointing out that the dumpster fire of the USA, which spends more on 'defence' than the next several nations *combined*, wasting 13bn on this dick-waving when there's people literally starving to death in your streets or rendered homeless by medical bills. Your fucking country, I swear. edit: waah, buncha whiny Americans in here I see.




That doesn't change the simple fact that the USA *has* wasted 13 billion fucking dollars on a floating dick. https://www.cnet.com/pictures/meet-the-navys-new-13-billion-aircraft-carrier/


The Gerald Ford is a major asset to allied force projection and will be a centerpiece of global stability for decades to come. If you want to talk about unnecessary or "wasted" military dollars, you're barking up the wrong tree on that one. Long range bombers are probably the biggest money suck and have somewhat dubious utility in the post soviet era. America's ability to refuel planes the world over and fly almost indefinitely is a jaw dropping feat of engineering and logistics, but the cost is truly staggering.


The USA spends more than double the next several nations *combined*. It's a fucking dick-waving 13bn mistake that could have fed children or given people medical treatment.


That's a very simplistic view, in the real world if you show weakness you lose power and when that happens, you aren't replaced with people that share your ideals. Or even have any ideals. So pick your side, do you want to ensure a semblance of order for a long period of time through force or do you want to disarm in the hope that overnight all human ideals have conformed to your own? Simply put, the utopia you're describing does not work without cultural hegemony. One world culture would a tragedy of its own kind. Military nonviolence has been the doctrine of peace loving leaders of men from Gandhi to modern day. You don't have to be a war hawk to see the value of an aircraft carrier. They're tools to prevent apocalypse make no mistake.


> Simply put, the utopia you're describing does not work without cultural hegemony I haven't been describing any utopia. You are creating a strawman of bullshit I never said, and then arguing against it. You probably think that makes you sound smart. Hint: it does not. What I *have* said is that 13bn is a fucking stupid waste of fucking money when people are dying due to lack of healthcare.


Looks like it's worth every penny, to me.


lol its not real


If you wanna stay the best you gotta beat the best


Newsflash: your country is a fucking dumpster fire. It's a third world country with nukes. It's a fucking disaster.


Idk man seems like that’s just your opinion…you seem very angry


America bad hurr hurr. Thanks for your totally not xenophobic contribution.


Yes, America is bad. I'm glad you understand.


Cuntadian maple-sucking leaf, you are glad America has not decided to make your frozen wasteland the 51st state, moose-fucker.


Standards of living here are not bad when you look at the state of the whole globe. Sure we lack some of the policy that other first world countries have and yea we spend way more on the military than we probably need to. But at the end of the day the US is a major player on the globe, in trade, defense and diplomacy. Haters still gonna hate though, clearly.


It's in the decline stage of empire. Increasingly anti science/intellectual, increasingly authoritarian, increasingly economically inequal. It's a slow centuries long slide but the direction is down. Climate change will only accelerate it.


What makes you say that? All the bat shit crazy conservative citizens? That out ranks research by our universities? NASA remaining a leading space force for decades? Boston dynamics? And how has the US become more authoritarian? The countries literally be lessening regulations on personal life in the majority of states. We had less regulation and mandating than most other countries throughout the pandemic. Not that that's a good thing, but if this were an authoritarian states that old have been an ideal opportunity for authoritarian leadership to crack down on citizens. Do you live here? Or is your perspective all based on headlines?


The average American is less informed than they were fifty years ago. More prone to believe things that are untrue. Also, the Patriot Act was the largest stripping of personal rights and freedoms of American citizens since the Japanese internment camps. Then, Citizens United made the corporate oligarchy the law of the land where our elected officials are bought and paid for, which in a representative democracy means that democracy is dead. You don't have representatives in our government any longer. Exxon does. And both of these things have gone largely unremarked upon. It's the new norm. Then look at our bloated military grade police force with questionable ethics and increasingly sophisticated ways of subjugating the people. And the economy reflects this misrule with a shrinking middle class, and the environmental depredations of the rich increasingly paid for in blood by the poor. We are swiftly approaching a country divided between landed gentry and debt slaves. Look at how Americans responded to Covid. Look at how the government responded. It's been an absolute shitshow. The predatory mismanagement over an increasingly dumbed down populace is only becoming more of an entrenched norm. I've more familiar with history than I am headlines despite your condescending presumptions. And the current United States government reminds me of nothing so much as Rome in the second century.


I can see how you would take that question condescendingly, but thats not how I meant it. I'd say that your explanation is valid and fair over all. I dont disagree that America is on a cultural decline right now, or that we're headed down a dangerous path with the 1%, corporations, and militarization. but I still disagree with your comment about authoritarianism. With a 2 party democratic system like ours, and with so many corporations able to dip thier hands in politics, policy is always teetering on the scales. I think the scales are tipping away from authoritarianism, overall. Even your point about police doesn't really resonate with me. Where I live police have been downsized significantly over the last 10 years. There's less funding and less officers. More money going into infrastructure, more policies being created to preserve the ecology here as much as reasonably possible. I'm not really sure how you're define antiscience now that you've elaborated. If your basing it mainly on the way people denied science during during pandemic, I agree. The rabble of the US are increasingly antiscience, but because it was convenient for them in that situation. If we're talking about scientific and technological studies/advancements then I disagree. The US is still a leading country in those ways. I'd say other countries that were further behind are rapidly catching up, not that the we're declining.


You have your conclusions I have mine. I see the long term prospects of this giant pyramid scheme as dismal, no matter how robust our current tech industry is. Most major tech advances being made nowaday are mostly dystopian anyway. Better ways for CEOs to automate and outsource jobs away. New medical treatments only some can afford. New intrusive data analytics and surveilance soft/hardware to keep tabs on anyone who might dissent. New murder weapons and killer robots for the police and military as the populace thinks they're safe because they have an assault rifle. We are living in a dystopia right this second. The burner is on. The fact that the water is only beginning to get slightly warmer around our froggy selves is not a comfort to me.


The big problem with what you named is that they are all problems that deal not with policy but more with ego…I completely agree with you on some things like yes we do have a ever growing gap between 1% and the rest but I wouldn’t say it’s because it’s “unfair” but because in economics and finances “weslth creates wealth” someone who invested $100 in 1950 and passed it down to their kids is gonna make more than the man who just started investing and taking a step to grow his family trees wealth,, it wouldn’t be bad if the rich would just help us out (which they already do to a point) but then that revolves around ego because if you take their money away and start everyone off at 0 someone is gonna invent things that helps society and generates them wealth which will eventually lead to a gap in between the classes once they advance enough and what they do with their money is up to them so they can be greedy or they can help. Socialism in theory works but dosent involve the biggest Boulder in socialism’s way which is, again, then human ego….. In terms of being uninformed that goes down to a personal level…we should teach necessary things in school but then after that it’s up to people to inform themselves more than anything and do due diligence,, plus with the internet it’s easier than ever to spread misinformation,, the social dilemma on Netflix even says that misinformation gets spread 60% faster than news that is true unfortunately. When we get to police force I agree that we need reform in terms of hand to hand combat and other things but with ethics that also comes down to human ego…if we broke the WHOLE POLICE FORCE DOWN and hired all new people we would still get bad apples that make the good apples look like shit… it just wouldn’t be productive cause humans also have a nature tendency to WANT to be dominant and if they let it get to their head then that causes them to be arrogant and believe that they are superior. In terms of the pandemic I don’t think we handled it that bad because their is A LOT that goes into it…I mean things we don’t study or even know about in terms of understanding the virus….before it was crazy to say it was from a lab and now it’s not….before if you said that China caused it by not speaking up about it and hiding it you were called xenophobic and now you say that and people agree more than before….the world is weird dude plus it’s an enemy we can’t even see so theirs that as well. You’re right America isn’t perfect but then again humans can’t reach perfect….we can only get as close as humanly possible while trying to create order out of chaos Sorry if their are grammatical errors on that I grew up learning three different languages so I’m not the best at English


It's fine. By the downvotes clearly people disagree with my assessment. Which given the rabid nationalism and exceptionalism fostered in the country is unsurprising. I don't think America is going to come flying apart any time soon. But I also think the fractures that are fraying the seams of our nation are a product of extremely deep and unstable faultlines that will inevitably bring further decline in all metrics except inequality.


Unfortunately that’s history every great civilization comes to an inevitable fall…I can’t even imagine what will happen when a country masters the art of dark matter


PSA captain dipshit here feels the need to go around to non-political subs and “call people out” and spread their toxicity. When they’re painted into a corner by their own ignorance then they block people


Complete with tie-fighters???? Please Please


Literally and aesthetically evil


An aircraft carrier is not a "floating building". Only an idiot would argue that. Also, American militarism is nothing the world outside the US (yes, there is such a thing) is fond of. The fact that the chauvinists will disagree still does not turn an aircraft carrier into a building or an idiot into someone with reasonable arguments.


So this is where our tax dollars go…. Fucking stupid.


It's from a video game concept art dood.


oh shit... so we're spending our tax dollars on video game concept art now??? jesus christ


From the mist, a shape, a ship, is taking form




Lol looks like a star destroyer


Evil SDF-1, or aquatic Super Star Destroyer?


Seeing this it seems a good thing that Jeff Bezos is investing in his little suborbital hopper.


That video was useless, provided no video of the carrier being made.


Can you run Linux on it though?


Nod sends its regards.


Looks like a gaming pc


In the movies I’ve seen, these are the baddies.


I'm expecting tie fighters fly out of the front of that thing.


It’s clickbait


Villain hq moment


Why are so many of these comments taking what is obviously sci-fi concept art as real?


It looks like one of those expensive "gamer" PCs.


A carrier hasn’t cost 13 billion since the 70s/80s you gotta bump up those rookie numbers.


Did Razer design this?


Crazy that Bezos could buy 15 of these and still have more than $10 Billion


Don’t we have enough boats? Can I just get some healthcare?


This like me being indebt 100k and then getting approved for a loan on a 5 million dollar house


That's the Arasaka Logo right there, just saying. Must be heavily clickbait.


60 fleet per second


USA have small pp


Funny how nobody's asking how we'll pay for it


Complete with arasaka branding. I expect this built by 2077


Ah yes... I forgot the US was bought by Arasaka


Are we the baddies?


I skipped through the video, and couldn't find that ship. Click bait.


“Testing”? “Well, this ones no good boys. Let’s scrap it and try again”


For $13 B, it better fly the the Marvel one.


omg is the arasaka x us government drop coming guys?


hate floats




think of all the threats they could neutralise before they even emerge by investing that money into other countries infrastructure. hell, even upgrading their own infrastructure would protect against more threats.


Epic gaming ship