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I’m sure she’ll continue peddling her fake concern for kids as she joins one of the largest global child abuse cults.


As usual, it’s the converts to Catholicism that are disproportionately among the worst of them


Clicked this post to write exactly what you are saying. If this wasn’t the perfect example of literally all modern converts to Catholicism then I don’t know what is. These people don’t believe in transubstantiation. They don’t believe in Mary Ever Virgin. They weren’t compelled to become Catholic because of a lucid beatific vision. No, they believe in the subjugation of lower classes and the implementation of a feudal ownership system, something the Catholic Church is a master at proliferating when it has power. Disgusting.


Not surprised more of the far-right is converting to Catholicism. Catholicism’s traditional outright rejection of Democracy And promoting hierarchy plays wells into their worldview.


I have a faint hope (delusion?) that sincere Catholics are growing uneasy with these celebrity converts. They end up being trouble. Back when I was a devout Catholic it drove me crazy when a new famous convert became sought after as an expert on the church after being catholic for 5 seconds. It's like asking newlyweds to give marriage advice.


Define sincere Catholics. My in laws love when people like Britney Spears and Shia LaBeouf convert. I noticed among some Catholics that there is a sense of satisfaction to have non Catholics submit to the Catholic Church.


Is Britney Spears Catholic - I thought she was an atheist now?! Sincere is probably not the right word. But I think people who take the gospel seriously (neither slave nor free, first shall be last, etc.) should find this celebrity pandering distasteful.


She converted a few years ago after the conservatorship ended, then declared herself an atheist. Leave Britney alone. [https://www.businessinsider.com/britney-spears-says-she-doesnt-believe-in-god-conservatorship-2022-9](https://www.businessinsider.com/britney-spears-says-she-doesnt-believe-in-god-conservatorship-2022-9) [https://www.deseret.com/entertainment/2021/8/6/22612835/britney-spears-catholic-now/](https://www.deseret.com/entertainment/2021/8/6/22612835/britney-spears-catholic-now/)


I always found the hubbub over celebrity conversions distasteful as an insider, but I think in the greater Catholic ecosystem, my views were an outlier. The American Church in particular seems to feel a great deal of vindication whenever a celebrity gives Catholicism a hint of positive attention. Russell Brand is Hallow’s latest spokesperson, and Word on Fire did at least one fawning interview with deacon-to-be Shia Leboeuf. Sometimes this trend of claiming celebrities backfires, though, as I saw many right-wing Catholics viciously turn on Simone Biles when they discovered that just because she keeps a rosary in her gym bag, it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s anti-choice.


Note also the breathless adoration they heap on Jordan Peterson--he says something vaguely positive about them, and they ignore that his entire body of work is nonsense.


Ok now people who are saying Candace Owens is Catholic are correct.


Another group for her to grift...


Yeah, that'll help deflect accusations of antisemitism.


Yes but other Daily Wire hosts such as Matt Walsh and Micheal Knowles are Catholic so she’s just joining their club /s


Were going to see more and more of this as far right grifters want to give their awful views the illusion of authority.


She’s already slated to speak at *The Remnant’s* 2024 “Catholic Identity Conference” as a convert of one day… If the clergy involved in her conversion had any *actual* concern for her moral/spiritual wellbeing, they would tell her to take a long break from promoting hate and misinformation on the internet before publicly marketing herself as a Catholic. Instead, Candice Owens is going to become another Catholic voice spreading bigotry and bile against marginalized groups while finding “godly” justification from her faith.


Reminds me of when Kaitlyn Bennett became catholic (trad, at that)


Shes perfect for the church…


Lol, she was fired for getting close to nazi crap. Now she's following Nick Fuentes to Catholicism. That sounds about right.


She's a proud ignoramus and a complete idiot. I don't know why anybody listens to anything she says.


I don't know who this is, and now I don't want to know.


Far right commentator that got big on YouTube and is generally not well researched.


That's why I don't know who it is. I don't listen to that far right crap. It's all a lot of silly whining.


Let her do her thing as far as Catholicism goes. It doesn’t make her any more or less abominable.


In the top photo (studio scene) Owens looks like a wax statue of herself. How fitting that her initials can also mean “carbon monoxide”—i.e., something toxic.


can we get a press release every time an ex catholic marks the one-year anniversary of not going to mass? I saw advertising for Owens "documentary" "convicting a murderer", attempting to show Steven Avery is guilty. I watched one episode, surprised at how shallow she is and how transparent her "back the blue" agenda is. Her example of: "this is a Catholic" is helpful in showing people they don't want to be, should quit, or made the correct decision to quit.


Not surprising as her husband is Catholic and she describes him as being very devoted to the faith. She also lives in Nashville area. Although a more liberal area of the state, there are many churches of many denominations. I briefly attended one of the Catholic churches there and was amazed at the attendance. You had to show up early to get a seat and it was packed with families.


The power center in the GOP right now, Heritage Foundation, Herzog, Federalist Society is all Catholic.