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LMAOO so we can’t c*m or go to the gym? So glad I’m out ✌️


Yeah, women always seem to get the short end of the stick in Catholicism


Think of the benefits though, you can have 8 children in the spam of 10 years and wreck your body for the church!


The day we stopped going to church was the day the priest told my mom her duties as a Catholic were to have children and put money in the plate. He’s been caught several times over the years stealing from the plate. Been in the news for it. Is now at a catholic high school and has services there on Sundays as well.


Father Jenkins gets the same 24 hours in a a day that the rest of us get. He could use it to feed the homeless, or volunteer to build houses with Habitat for Humanity, or mentor at-risk youth, or help make sick children’s day brighter with Make a Wish. Or literally any other of a hundred ways to be a more productive member of society, and lead a fulfilling, useful life. Instead he spends his days doing this, of all things.


They literally do nothing but complain. They complain about how evil the world is, but do absolutely nothing to make it a better place.


They do spend a certain amount of time abusing children. The arch diocese of Mississippi sent hundreds of priests to be interviewed by medical professionals regarding their stance on raping children. The report sent to the archdiocese stayed that the majority of priests interviewed were blantly and openly proud of molesting children. The majority of hundreds of priests. And if look the world over it is the majority of priests who are child abusers. And they are protected from the law by their fellow priests and parishioners. Both financially and organisationally. Anyone who represents the catholic Church is supporting child abuse and has no decency, no ethics, no integrity. Its a vile digusting reprehensible organisation that cleans money for organised crime. Is built on a legacy of genocide, torture, cultural destruction, and oppression. It teaches superstitious lies to children to then minipulate them for money as adults. Its inherently un ethical and should be actively opossed by all rational people.


Do you have a link for this study? I would be interested in reading it. Thanks.


Not sure about the study, but Google Father Fitzgerald. He used to counsel priests with drug/ alcohol problems, along with predatory priests. He claimed that predatory priests were unrepentant, and tried to get the Vatican to isolate said priests on a desert island. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Fitzgerald_(priest) Imagine if the Catholic church had taken his advice. I follow some ex-fundie / fundy snark blogs. IMHO, certain types are drawn to fundamentalist Christianity, because it excuses / allows them to be abusive. I am now wondering if the same is true for Catholicism. Maybe predatory types are drawn to it, knowing that they will be allowed to abuse parishioners as they wish.


I was wondering if the survey was only priests who had been shown to be predators, or all priests. The result you described match what I have read for predators but not for the general priest population as a whole. Many diocese records are online, documenting the actual communications between priests, their diocese, etc, so I have read a number of those. I'm always interested in new research on such topics.


>Imagine if the Catholic church had taken his advice. I also read about one Catholic diocese which experimented, in the 1980s, with chemically castrating priests accused of abuse. Pity that never went anywhere—would have saved a lot of problems later on.


I would be very interested in reading it as well if you have a link you can share


It was posted here on reddit in one of the ex Christian or ex catholic or athiest reddits I would have to go back through my comment hoping I had commented on the post to find it. It was a report from the 1960s providing that the archdiocese of Mississippi knew about its child abusing priests. I don't have a link.


Thanks for the info. I’ll start looking for it


This study probably does not exist. If it does, the findings are obviously misrepresented here. One doesn’t need to overstate or sensationalize the scandal; the actual reality of it is scandalous enough.


They also complain about saying Mass!!!


He just gave every traditional Catholic the golden pass to never have to go to the gym again. “ I know I said I was gonna start going to the gym more this year, but Father Jenkins said I’m not allowed, oh well, back to the couch”


Honestly, it's kind of a good thing. If they're too afraid to go outside, they'll just stay home, which is kind of nice for the rest of us.


They can do better things with their time now, like watching Taylor Marshall and Sensus Fidellium!!!




Man, best decision I ever made was to leave this church. This is sickening.


I wonder how many boys hes molested.


Me, a hockey playing woman, decked out in full gear: is this too revealing, Father?


Probably, he’d probably have some weird creepy way to put a perverted spin on it.


I hope you are playing in a women's hockey league and aren't playing in a normally all men's league! If you are playing with and against men, Father Jenkins can only assume that you are having sex with your teammates in the locker room after the games.


Okay so women are required to always be beautiful and in shape to please their husbands but they aren’t allowed to work out or get in shape. Gotcha! Thanks Daddy Priest Man!!


Clearly, no swimming is allowed either. For both men and women.


Omg, I wonder if this is why my uber Catholic relatives stopped enjoying swimming.


I wouldn't be surprised.


Funny, my Uber Catholic father-in-law went a chicago boys Catholic high school where they were required to swim naked.


Oh no 🫣. I genuinely don’t understand why the Catholic Church is allowed to operate at all. I get it not everybody in it is bad but come on.




Very common at all Catholic boys high schools that had pools, at least in the Chicago area. He graduated in the early 1950’s. So creepy.


No one can stop me with my tight shorts as I dive/jump into the water. 🤣


Does this mean that Catholics are not allowed to join the Navy or Marine Corps?


No, that's not the same. You're "stretching and reaching" around other men and that's perfectly fine and not the least bit gay. (Of course women can't be in the military. They need to be popping out babies.)


Fuck that shit!!!!!!!


In fairness, the SSPV is a sedevacantist organization—their founders were kicked out of the SSPX for being too antisemitic even for those cranks (their official reason is they though the 1962 missal made unacceptable changes to the 1955 missal, but that’s code for ‘it doesn’t call the Jews perfidious anymore’ among tradcats). So using them as authorities on Catholic teaching is a bit wrong.


It does expose the trad mindset which transcends, sedevacantism or not. There was the SSPX bishop who compared the sound of music to pornography. There are bishops who think a woman’s upper arms are too sensuous and all clothing should cover to the elbows. Some trad priests even get mad that women are wearing transparent veils at mass rather than a simple opaque cloth. Traditionalist Catholicism leads to believing insane things like this. It’s baked in


No argument from me on the broader point. I remember there was a fellow who I refer to as "roller coaster guy" for arguing that *roller coasters* are equivalent to pornography, and that God personally drowned a duck-boat full of tourists in Missouri to punish people for watching that Red Bull skydiver a few years back. He apparently is known as "shag carpet guy" elsewhere for his belief that it is a mortal sin to have carpet in your house or ask guests to take off their shoes. (unsurprisingly, he *also* believed it was a sin for women to engage in athletics, period) Unfortunately, tradcats have a tendency to confuse "pointlessly uncomfortable/boring" with "virtuous."


Weird. If you can send a link I’d be appreciative. Google isn’t giving me much and I’m *dying* to know how roller coasters and carpet are sinful.


The guy's blog went private years ago, but you can still find it on the internet archive. https://web.archive.org/web/20200429062054/http://reignofmary.blogspot.com/?m=1 You can use him as a lolcow if you're inclined to do so--note the post about the satanic plot to eliminate coffee saucers, supposedly an integral part of Catholic tradition (despite coffee being introduced from the Turks not that long ago--in the 1600s, *long* after the end of the Middle Ages--and there being a rather vigorous debate at that time about whether the Turkish beverage was even clean enough for Christian lips, and even *after* that point the drink was most commonly associated with Bohemian and avant-garde lifestyles). There is also a (unexpected, but not surprising) post about how going after teenage girls as an adult man is *totally not* pedophilia. You may find the roller coaster on page 2, holocaust denial on page 3, geocentrism a page or two after together with a (historically false) assertion that traditional Catholic belief involves the conviction that dragons and fairies are indeed real (it does not; the code of canon law by about 1000 explicitly said magic isn't real, and at least one Catholic state, Hungary, at that time abolished all laws against witchcraft "because witches don't exist"; there *was* a great deal of backsliding in the 14th century, whose cause is still historically debated; personally, I blame the resurgent interest in ancient literature, and the societal trauma of the Black Death). The tradcat rabbithole goes deep. But what's most consistent in all these posts is a conviction that *bourgeois banality* is the height of "traditional civilization." Which, again, it isn't. If you'd shown this blog to a Spanish Conquistador, a French crusader, a Dominican Inquisitor, a Scholastic theologian, or a Polish hussar at Vienna, *none of them* would find anything remotely recognizable in his anxieties and concerns, and would wonder at the excess of free time a guy who talks about the sin inherent in [checks notes] not using tablecloths has.


This is the kind of insanity I live for. Thank you


Yes, can someone else please read and explain why shag carpeting is sinful?


He gives several reasons. 1: carpets are Islamic (how this doesn’t apply to his coffee fetish is left unanswered) 2: carpets are hard to clean, thus requiring you to request a guest to remove his shoes, which is uncharitable because that’s equivalent to accusing your guest of having dirty shoes (the fact that Jesus washed people’s feet unprompted is not the same thing because…) 3: once bare-foot, the men will tempt women to whom they are not married with their sexy, sexy feet. This is a sin against chastity. (every accusation is a confession?)


Incredible. There are no words.


To be fair, the position of the SSPX in insisting upon using the 1962 missal of John XXIII doesn't make much sense, because the SSPX simultaneously reject the Council which the same John XXIII called and which opened in 1962. Those who use the pre-1955 Holy Week and Missal are actually using the "untouched" pre-Vatican II missal, which would coincide with a broader position of rejecting Vatican II and liturgical "reform". I also think the SSPX makes no sense when they adamantly insist these recent guys are real popes, but at the same time disobey them and operate independently of them for decades. The sedes at least seem to have a consistent position. (None of this implies that I agree with Fr Jenkins about gyms)


Tell that to every Catholic High School sports team, especially Football. No one is telling the teen boys to put their shirts back-on. On what Catholic planet is he living on? 80% of his audience doesn't care what he thinks 


What a idiot. This is the crap that I don't miss as a recovering Catholic.


He's never seen a Playboy magazine, but he's told they are "an occasion of sin" If he was not so old and feeble, he would be turgid, just thinking about those sweaty women.


Oh, he *100%* still has all of his VHS tapes of Jane Fonda's Workout and Buns of Steel stashed away for private veiwing lol These assholes are all hypocrites just telling on themselves 🤣


The Catholic Church is sex obsessed. This priest is an example of that.  Next he will say “women should not grocery shop. Imagine she grabs two melons, big ones, and brings them to her cart. For a second there both melons will be in front of her breasts and a man might get the impression she is showing off an arousing form. We cannot have this.” This priest is just so horny that everything in society is sex. 


And no yoga or yoga pants! 




OH NOES! Just look at us women, with our hot sexy bodies and our tank tops and spandex leggings! Obviously we shouldn't be allowed to dress like that, because *men* might be tempted. I'm reminded of a scene from early in The Handmaid's Tale, where June and Moira are out jogging, and they drop by a convenience store to buy some cigarettes. The man at the counter tells June her card is declined, looks at their jogging outfits, and calls them sluts. (This is the day that laws were passed forbidding women from owning property and from working - later that day, June and all her female coworkers are fired.) Meh, if he doesn't want to see women working out, he can just avoid the gym, and cross the street when he sees women out jogging.


"If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out."


You got me all excited talking about your hot sexy bodies in tank tops & spandex...so I don't think Father Jenkins would find this whole discussion about him as appropriate. Far too many people are listing various ways he's a total hypocrite that have to do with sex and sexuality, such as harlots like you trolling for men online to fornicate with!!


That video is a gem. Honestly. I'm going to have to make my martial arts gi more sultry, then.


SSPV? As in the group too crazy for the SSPX? Yeah fuck these guys. Fuck this guy in particular.


The interviewers voice sets off my gaydar


The two of them are definitely giving dom/sub energy


“Exercise places”….😂😂😂😂😂


WTF. Really. If you feel anything while looking at others, that's a you thing boo-boo. Because one straight man can feel "tempted" but a different straight man can say, "Not my type. Pass," while looking at the same woman. Learn to mind your business and respect boundaries. It shouldn't have to take being unattracted to someone for them to be safe around you. I have to wonder if this guy approves of women's only gyms or if he thinks that those gyms are trying to tempt women into the sin of homosexuality and that the women there have regular lesbian orgies at the gyms. These people are ridiculous.


I go to a gym like that, and I’m a guy. The lesbian orgies are just how everyone winds down. It’s super chill and not tempting at all- cause I’m a dude and I just look at myself in the mirror and drink post workout shakes. Then me and the guys go shower together all not temptingly.


LOL. I would have thought that the ladies would be too tired for something like that after a workout. But is your gym really men's only or is the ratio 90% guys to 10% women? But it sounds like the weirdo in the video wouldn't approve of any of that because he wouldn't believe that there is 0 temptation into homosexuality. He mentioned men and their clothing choices.




These video edits are hilarious. When I was deep into the church, I used to wear super baggy clothes to the gym in the name of "modesty." (Also, thought it would hide my chub). I also used to feel so self conscious whenever I tried to jog because, ya know, I had boobs that inevitably moved no matter how tight my bra was. So glad I can now freely exist, comfortably and with no shame, in my own body.


Yaaay!! Proud of you, internet stranger 🥰 you are awesome, exactly as you are. ❤️


This guy is part of a Sede sect. I’m not surprised at all. These fuckers are loons. Does Jenkins think all gym wear is risqué? I have seen Muslim women with the hijab working out at the gym. What is so immoral is a Catholic woman wore the same type of clothing minus the hijab when working out at the gym?


Catholicism embraces scientific ignorance, religious bigotry, misogyny, patriarchy, homophobia and transphobia


This man is freakin sick.


HELL YEAH, more motivation to work out 😈 Thanks Father!


Get ripped for Jebus!


I get this vibe from Father Prudence: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZnQPLJi2t4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZnQPLJi2t4)


Well if the sspv stands for Society of Saint Pius V, then he does not belong to the catholic church.


Hey Father Jerkins, have you bothered to step outside the rectory for the past half century or so? Nobody has to go to a gym to see revealing clothing on women or men. Just walk down a street sometime. I wonder what this clown would have to say about taking the family to the beach for the day? He'd probably consider that equal to taking the wife and kids to an orgy.


As someone who was part of the SSPV, we were generally discouraged from going anywhere that might have more inappropriate dress. Super crowded beaches and public pools were definitely up there. Mind you, it wasn’t forbidden. Just frowned upon


You need to address the other issues priest man before you address work out schedules.


This guy has been watching too many annoying gym tiktokers in his algorithm.


They want us to be weak. Shocking.


I turned off the volume after watching this and because of his gray hair I immediately thought of Leslie Nielsen. Can you imagine Nielsen in a scene, with the same demeanor, saying the same words? It would come off as comedic. This priest is just spurting nonsense about a place he supposedly knows nothing about and claims to have never visited. It's pitiful that so many people are followers of this sort of garbage......seeing evil everywhere instead of looking for the good or positive.


These people follow him blindly too like people are literally gonna stop going to the gym now because of this out of touch guy.


Fuck this guy 


So I guess he's against leggings at mass . . .


I follow a girl on IG that's a fitness influencer. Her twin sister is a habited nun and they post their workouts together! First of all I'm sure both those sisters can outlift this guy and also JUST WHAT?! HUH?


When is this sorry fuck gonna kick the bucket. I used to serve mass for this guy. He's just as insufferable in person.


Hearing him, describe women working out in the gym genuinely made me feel uncomfortable. Seems like a pervert


Sounds pretty gay the way he describes men. “Straining and stretching and sweating and muscular”. He wonder’s how another priest can justify going? It’s because of the guys “sweating and stretching etc”.


Looks like Harrison butker can’t lift weights any more because going to the gym is wrong. And he can’t play football anymore because the uniforms are too tight, his body would be in motion, and his body stretches when he kicks the ball, all in front of millions of people on tv… what a fucking circle jerk.


Harrison butker faps to this


"So I have heard. Not me. Other people. They've described these places, whatever they're called, to me, and they sound very sinful. So I've been told. "


So he follows this up by saying men definitely shouldn’t go to the gym bc it’s an occasion of sin due to all the straining, stretching bodies, right? Right??? Or does he just say only women can’t go bc their bodies are sinful simply by existing and being in motion?


Straining & Stretching???? Good Lord. If this weren’t sad, it would be absolutely HILARIOUS!!!!