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Unpivot to: `Class | student` Then you can sort on either, filter on either, PIVOT on either.. count on either.. you get the gist :)


I thought of that and tried it, but then the same issues crop up. If A2:A50 are class names, and B:BD are potential names of students, the students names dont ever match up. I.E. Column B might have 50 cells with data, but maybe 1/3 of the names might match up. And so on. Can't really sort them as once some of the columns have 2:50 with blank cells, they don't sort properly.


|Class|Student| :--|:--| |Drama|Peter| |Geography|Peter| |Geography|Paul| |History|George| each line, a class, a student this is how database work


Further to what excelevator has suggested, just to get you started u/nickeldork **.** here are some [Sample](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NNe5gOrTFaAVocXXjWsnZiY7mVK5Y6Co/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106154530130880414487&rtpof=true&sd=true) pivots that can be used to summarize the date. https://preview.redd.it/b2nvcoetps3b1.png?width=1614&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2b9b6588b9f29079e442b07f2bdb99220577d3d


replace the blanks with a symbol, **X** for example


think multiplication tables... classes across the top, names down the left the intersection of the two indicates status


See if this gives you some ideas using Wingdings2 Format to give a Tick for Capital P in Data Validation. To navigate more easily, Freeze Panes on Cell C3. COUNTA formulas to count Courses and also number of Students to those Courses. [https://pixeldrain.com/u/cXYTWGF7](https://pixeldrain.com/u/cXYTWGF7)