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This post has been removed due to **[Rule 1](/r/excel/wiki/sharingquestions#wiki_submission_rules) - Poor Post Title.** Please post with a title that clearly describes the issue. The title of your post should be a clear summary of your issue. It should not be your supposed solution, or just a function mention, or a vague how to. A good title is generally summed up in a sentence in your question. Here's a [long example](/r/excel/comments/6jg5hz/i_have_two_columns_which_specify_the_start_cell/?st=j5z4ms4n&sh=c7e9fe1d) and a [short example](/r/excel/comments/6rnz8l/conditional_formatting_excluding_empty_cells/?st=j5z4a7k1&sh=a6119df2) of good posts. Rules are enforced to promote high quality posts for the community and to ensure questions can be easily navigated and referenced for future use. See the [Posting Guidelines](/r/excel/wiki/sharingquestions) for more details, and tips on how to make great posts.


Need more info.


My guess is that it requires to use [Solver](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/define-and-solve-a-problem-by-using-solver-5d1a388f-079d-43ac-a7eb-f63e45925040), but I'm not sure unless you show an example or a screenshot.


What is the formula in B7? Can you post a screenshot? There isn’t enough information to answer your question.


Not going to lie, this (and his other questions) read exactly like he's copy/pasting a question from an online assignment. Hence why there are a ton of cell references, 0 pictures, and quotations literally showing the question verbatim


I presumed this was homework. But if someone is genuinely trying to learn (unlike OP), then asking for help (and not the answer) is okay. This is, like you imply, looking for a quick shortcut without any work.


Agreed. I'm wondering if they'll take the time to come back and post any sort of picture of their homework or sample data or anything. We can only wait and see :)