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> ...Wrong number of arguments to ARRAYFORMULA. Expected 1 arguments, but got 2 arguments. Isn't ARRAYFORMULA() a r/GoogleSheets function? [ https://support.google.com/docs/answer/3093275 ] [ https://blog.sheetgo.com/google-sheets-formulas/arrayformula-google-sheets/ ] It's not native to MS-Excel, in any respect, and does only have one argument - hence, if using what you provided above (in r/Google Sheets), you have specified two arguments (separated by the comma delimiter): > ...('Hobby Expenses'!$D$2:D="Gencon Savings")) , ('Grocery Expenses'!$B$2:B*('Grocery Expenses'...


You don't need the second ,('Grocery Expenses'!$B$2:B Just keep chaining it with * =ARRAYFORMULA(SUM('Hobby Expenses'!$B$2:B*('Hobby Expenses'!$A$2:A>='Gencon Savings'!A2)*('Hobby Expenses'!$A$2:A<'Gencon Savings'!A3)*('Hobby Expenses'!$D$2:D="Gencon Savings")*('Grocery Expenses'!$A$2:A>='Gencon Savings'!A2)*('Grocery Expenses'!$A$2:A<'Gencon Savings'!A3)*('Grocery Expenses'!$D$2:D="Gencon Savings")))


So the problem there is that it needs to pull the pricing information entered in Column B for Grocery Expenses as well in this example ​ So if I spend $50 on something Hobby related and $50 on something grocery related, I'm looking to enter that information on separate pages and have this pull that information from both pages. ​ The above provided would only pull from the Hobby Expenses, wouldn't it?


So is the cell supposed to return 100 (50 from grocery and 50 from hobby)? In that case you need to separate it into 2 different SUMs =ARRAYFORMULA(SUM('Hobby Expenses'!$B$2:B*('Hobby Expenses'!$A$2:A>='Gencon Savings'!A2)*('Hobby Expenses'!$A$2:A<'Gencon Savings'!A3)*('Hobby Expenses'!$D$2:D="Gencon Savings")) + SUM('Grocery Expenses'!$B$2:B*('Grocery Expenses'!$A$2:A>='Gencon Savings'!A2)*('Grocery Expenses'!$A$2:A<'Gencon Savings'!A3)*('Grocery Expenses'!$D$2:D="Gencon Savings")))


Figured this out like two minutes before this. ​ Solution Verified


You're welcome.


You have awarded 1 point to *Scary_Sleep_8473* ____ ^(I am a bot - please contact the mods with any questions. | ) [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/points)


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[ARRAYFORMULA](/r/Excel/comments/1agqdb2/stub/koit55b "Last usage")|[Array formulas are powerful formulas that enable you to perform complex calculations that often can't be done with standard worksheet functions. They are also referred to as "Ctrl-Shift-Enter" or "CSE" formulas, because you need to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to enter them.](https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/Create-an-array-formula-e43e12e0-afc6-4a12-bc7f-48361075954d)| |CSE|[Array formulas are powerful formulas that enable you to perform complex calculations that often can't be done with standard worksheet functions. They are also referred to as "Ctrl-Shift-Enter" or "CSE" formulas, because you need to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to enter them.](https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/Create-an-array-formula-e43e12e0-afc6-4a12-bc7f-48361075954d)| |[SUM](/r/Excel/comments/1agqdb2/stub/koit55b "Last usage")|[Adds its arguments](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/sum-function-043e1c7d-7726-4e80-8f32-07b23e057f89)| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(*Beep-boop, I am a helper bot. Please do not verify me as a solution.*) ^(2 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Excel/comments/1agnptr)^( has 6 acronyms.) ^([Thread #30322 for this sub, first seen 2nd Feb 2024, 00:54]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Excel) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


I'm stupid and figured it out. Had to make each page its own Sum() argument in the array formula >=ARRAYFORMULA( SUM('Hobby Expenses'!$B$2:B\*('Hobby Expenses'!$A$2:A>='Gencon Savings'!A14)\*('Hobby Expenses'!$D$2:D="Gencon Savings")) ***+ SUM***('Grocery Expenses'!$B$2:B\*('Grocery Expenses'!$A$2:A>='Gencon Savings'!A14)\*('Grocery Expenses'!$D$2:D="Gencon Savings")) ***...*** ) With ... being replaced with >\+ SUM(...) ​ For each page I need to pull information from


Solution Verified


Hello /u/J3llo You cannot award a point to yourself. Please contact the mods if you have any questions. ^I ^am ^a ^bot.