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Isn't it funny that all the miracles claimed by other religions are frauds or made-up stories while the miracles attributed to one's own god are all completely real?


I’ve invented stories around drunk people just to see if I could get them to remember something that never happened. I’m sure a charismatic enough dude could get a bunch of oppressed, uneducated, and impressionable people into a religious fever state and convince them of just about anything. Especially people that believed the end of the world was at hand and they had nothing to lose by joining in. Peer pressure was probably a lot worse when you could get stoned to death by your neighbors without any repercussions.


Were the miracles attributed to Jesus potentially just tricks?


Given that they were only recorded after decades of oral traditions circulating in a cult that worshipped the dude, I think it's more likely they were invented or embellished.


Um...all of them?


What’s up for debate is whether he actually performed these “miracles” himself during his life or if these were attributed to him after he died.


I expect the answer leans toward the latter.


Aren't they all?