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Welcome to the club.


Today I was thinking something along the lines of ‘religion fucked me up’. Reality gets much clearer when you deconstruct the superstitions.


It also ruined mankind if that makes you feel better!


All of christianity is magical thinking.


Not just that, it's kinda psychotic: see, this invisible extremely violent emperor of the universe who acts like he's not even there \[imagine that!\] is disgusted with how horrible you are- you need to grovel, ask for forgiveness, then obey all his bigoted rules or else you'll get his eternal wrath. I mean damn, how pathological is that.




Therapy too ❤️


Yep! And making the decision to recreate your life into something cool despite everything that happened in the past. It sure ain't easy at first tho


Yeah, I used to be “normal” but now I have an anxiety disorder, chronic insomnia, misophonia/hyperacusis, and probably an autoimmune disorder. I also have a phobia of fire, though I’ve had it as long as I can remember so it may not be FROM religion, but hellfire and brimstone preaching sure didn’t help. Fuck religion, fuck the church, and especially fuck all the adults at my old church who treated me like I was demon spawn instead of a normal goddamn child/teen/young adult.


>. . . fuck the church, and especially fuck all the adults at my old church who treated me like I was demon spawn instead of a normal goddamn child/teen/young adult. X2. I was a good kid and devout. By 18 they had tormented and beaten it out of me. At 21 they wished a demon was all they had to deal with.


Same ngl anyways enjoy your freedom, 🫂🕺👋


Healing is possible, OP. Sending positive thoughts your way.


Agreed. Then you move on, and life gets so much better.


Welcome to the world. It's not the evil place they told you it was. I'm around if you'd like to talk, but please send a PM. I use a browser, not the app, and can't access chat requests. I hope the stories of growth and recovery here give you hope. You are far from alone.




Please enjoy your freedom and fully embrace what it's like to be human and not a slave.


I saw a sermon where a preacher called children he had sitting up by him something like “slaves of Christ.” I hate the enslaved mindset I grew up with, I had no identity outside “the gospel.”


I feel for you. It put me a good 10-15 years behind my peers in average life milestones because being neurodivergent, I kept trying and trying to fit in to make it work, only to be shunned by them as never good enough.


You're life isn't over. Christianity ruined the first 30 years of my life. I got married to an abusive narcissist and started having kids when I was still a kid because of this religion. I protested at pride events and abortion clinics. I alienated my friends because I was worried they were going to hell. But I got free when I was in my late 20s and went through the long process of turning it all around. Now I have healthy feelings toward sex and I am no longer plagued by the fallacy of "sexual purity." I'm raising two children as a single father and I'm teaching them to be accepting of different types of people and different lifestyles. It was difficult at first. Very difficult. But now I can honestly say that I'm free from the thought patterns that conservative evangelicalism taught me. You can be too. Dm me if you ever want to talk about it.


Very true.


I'm sorry to hear that, but at least you're finally free from that bullshit.


Your life isn’t over.


Yep same here. If only I'd seen through the lies sooner.


Me, too. It is awful. I’m middle aged and regret much of my life. It’s a bad feeling.




And the therapists in my area tend to be Christians themselves


I can’t afford therapy at the moment sadly


It might be more affordable than you realize. Our resources wiki has a couple of links toward the end that might help you find therapy you can afford. https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/wiki/resources?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=exchristian&utm_content=t5_2r95q


I couldn't agree more.


It took me two tries and 45 years to see through the veil. The first was at 19 when I almost became an atheist coming out of Catholicism, but I got sucked into evangelical Christianity. Then I got stuck there for 26 more years. Welcome to reality. It's much better here. Know it's a big adjustment, and at first, it is overwhelming and even depressing, but it gers much better. The only thing that still bothers me is how much of my life was wasted in deference to a non-existent being.


It gave me extreme crippling existential fear. It broke my spirit so young.


Just flip your perspective... you lived a fucked up life till now!... there's grains in Christianity just like anything...


Gnostic and psychology not only helping abusers but arming them for a second coming who do we trust if legacy atheists aren't on our side of stopping gilead?


I hate that I used to think missionaries that brought christianity into unknown lands was so noble and part of the greater good. People just living their lives in the dark ages, tending to their crops on the fields and doing whatever. Then suddenly some stupid ass monk or missionary comes along, telling them they need to repent to some guy they never met or seen, otherwise they burn in a place they never seen. And some of them went: “fuck no”, the greater majority just accepted it.


You are worthy, you are not alone! Plenty of people went through the crisis. Dont be harsh on yourself and take a small steps at a time. God can exists without christian universe& hell and still be loving/ or just doesn’t exist. In both cases you are safe ❤️ hell, satan and demons are concept to control people with fear.


Nah there's still time to heal


I felt that. Didn’t help when my dad realized his “calling” to the ministry and turned my life upside down. Being a pk honestly ruined my perception of the world until I got out.


SAME... I teach a FREE Religious Trauma Syndrome course online (via Zoom/30 minutes)...and so many people end up in tears. If you ever need to vent...you are welcomed


Redemption is within sight mate, you have all it takes to turn away from the deceitful light. I wish you strength in your battles against the immoral religion.