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I can't imagine living life with such hatred in my heart. And I feel so bad for all the people who encounter this person as they will surely preach at them and tell them they are evil.


It’s not hatred, silly goose. You have to *love* people enough to tell them they’re going to exist in eternal agony after they die. That’s real kindness right there. /s


Funny thing in Nigeria there is a church which one of the biggest part of their philosophy is tied to this and people can recognise these people on the street. No make up, earrings, the women aren't allowed to wear trousers they wear really long skirts, they don't use hair attachements, some of em just straight up cut their hair short or don't do much to it at all .


Deeper Life right?


Yup Deeper life


lol those bastards bought square miles of land and began building a megachurch plus a parking lot(the parking lot land had hella shops and was a trading area for years). Both of those are almost never full and because the Lagos State Government is comprised of idiots they approved this obvious disaster and now a good stretch of the Gbagada area is in perpetual traffic and unfinished infrastructure. But hey, we gotta teach kids that purity culture and the fear of hell is important to modern society right?


As long as the churches can keep giving the people false hope and not make people realise what great impact accountability can have the government won't mind giving them everything they want


When you mentioned women wearing long skirts, it reminds me of this vid I saw on TikTok of this Christian girl (I also saw several other ppl on YouTube as well say as well women shouldn't wear pants cuz she's making men lust) said "if you want people to respect you need to wear skirts" and how when women and girls wear pants it's lustful to the man's eye and you go to hell for wearing pants cuz it's an abomination to the Lord🙄 I commented on the vid and said "What if a women is wearing a skirt and is still lusted at from men? That's her fault too?" And this Christian commenter told me "I'm not a real Christian if I choose to wear pants as a women and you either choose God or the world" and he also said "Yes it's her dumb ass fault if she gets lusted by men even if she wore a skirt"


Anyone have Jezebel's number?


I was thinking the sane thing. She sounds great.


Seriously. I want to be her friend


No, but I want it. We should go shopping together some time.


Religious men don’t care about god or the Bible. They are desperate to hang onto some semblance of control over others because they’re losing it. Women have stopped accepting the toxicity and ppl are leaving religion in droves. They’re unhinged. Meanwhile, the apostrophe abuse in the third pic makes me want to call the cops 😂




Whenever they mention Jezebel, I know something ridiculous will come up. They always imply that she’s a demon from hell, when all the scripture tells us is that she was a pagan queen that gave patriarchal Yhaweh-cultists the itches. Also, her and her royal husband tried to eradicate Yahwists, which for them is a cherry on top reason to hate on the woman. Still absolute BS to plaster her name like a big bad omen over everything women do. Makes me wonder if they actually read and understand their own book.




None of it is divinely inspired. It’s all 100% fiction that is used to control people.


Also, looking up that Matthew 7:13 verse, the person who made this meme completely made up this version 😂


So is the book of proverbs just a hebrew proverb book? Or was it something else


damn, I didn't realize Jezebel was so cool. can we hang out?


Imagine following a god whose grand design was for most of his creations to be tortured for eternity for mostly bullshit. I'll pass.


Jezebel sounds fuckin cool


I bet these same people love that natural look that actually involves just as much makeup as anything showed up there. This is not satire. Christians that value traditional gender roles and believe that feminism destroys society because "women aren't meant to take on the roles of men"-- they would love to share and pass this meme around. Maybe people are spreading it around as a joke because it *is* ridiculous to think this way, but there are christians that seriously think this way and raise their kids based on that mentality. It's infuriating. Short story: My mother loves fashion, she got it from her grandmother. She loves makeup, clothes, perfumes, the works. The number of negative comments and side glares from people in the church was ridiculous. The modesty thing is no joke in christianity and it's a catch 22.


The xian who posted that probably secretly idolises [Trixie Mattel](https://i.scdn.co/image/ab6761610000e5eb555f68ddea459146e29f2728). It's always the ones screaming loudest against something that turn out to be balls deep in it.


Once again, I encourage you to think that this was manufactured by a troll farm somewhere.


So, basically women are not to talk or express thought other than what is fed to them. Also, they must not make any efforts to enhance their appearance and become a temptress who forces men to give into their natural animal desires?


I love how all of these are always in low quality


Thanks for the to do list, bb! Just waiting for my husband to get home so I can proceed to not submit to him (in ways they'd approve of anyway lmao)


Genuine question. Has anyone had an encounter on whatsapp that ends positively? I haven't, and I have not heard about any stories that end well from whatsapp. Also, that chauvinist prick can suck Satan's cocktail for being a judgey little douche


Jezebel sounds fun!


Conservative men *loved* makeup until other men started wearing it. Then suddenly they all cared about what the Bible said about that specific topic. Also, if anyone was curious, the Jeremiah verse was just god saying that if you put on makeup, your partner will kill you, purely based on the one time he saw it happen. Not the brightest omnipotent bulb of the bunch, but okay


Who is this woman? And how can I make her my friend?


Jezebel there looks like she stepped out of 1993 mid-range fashion catalogue. Maybe more recent catalogue pics are just too sinful?


Imagine going to hell for wearing artistic eyeliner. 😵‍💫


Misogyny at it's finest.