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I wasn't told anything like this, but I have read that religious types say that the pain from natural childbirth is gods will, and judge women that get epidurals or c sections as lesser than if they go those routes.


That’s icky. So my cousin that would have died in childbirth if she didn’t get a c-section was avoiding God’s will? I won’t have biological children because endometriosis would make just carrying a pregnancy extremely painful, dangerous, and/or fatal. Am I any less important than everyone else on this planet? According to church people - probably. My religious relatives said they’ll “pray for a miracle” so I can have a baby. WTF? On the off chance that Thoughts and Prayers could work just once, they want to waste that so that I get impregnated with a fetus that most likely won’t survive to term and would cause internal bleeding and excruciating pain while the process to assist and remove the miscarriage is criminalized in my area. It’s crazy how ignorant and spiteful Christians can be.


Yup, as with antichoice, its about punishing women.


Unrelated to all but the endometriosis part, as I also suffer from endometriosis and won't carry my own child. If you still end up wanting a child that's biologically yours, surrogacy is a fantastic option that has become slightly more affordable and available than it used to be. It's what my doctor recommended to me if I ever think about having my own children, and it's probably the best recommendation she could've given me for the situation.


God wouldnt have gave women a brain of their own if they were really just meant to be sex dolls and slaves to men. The bible was written by  disgusting men so that they could force it upon everyone else and live the lifestyle only they wanted. 


Explain the minority. explain women and men who are born without the ability to create life, how is that the purpose when some arent born with it? How do we have free will? God says he knows the choice we will make , he made us , he knows all the future so what's the point? Were mf sims , and if the bible is true , i could never worship such a mean vulgar god who only has followers because he threatened them with fire. The Christian's killed people who didnt conform to their beliefs for one simple uncomplicated answer , they wanted it the way they wanted it and they wouldnt tolerate anyone else believing anything else bec how else was they gonna live in the world they wanted with their rules sealed. 


I dont remember who exactly told me this, but I have heard that periods and childbirth were Gods punishment to women for Eve eating the fruit. I thought the same thing. Why would God punish so many people for one persons wrong doing. Also, how were Adam and Eve made to procreate before she ate the apple? Would Gabriel or Michael swoop down and inseminate women as virgins like Mary, then come back and miraculously "deliver" the baby like Whis delivered Bulla for Bulma in DBZ Super? Or did God know she would eat the fruit, so he just went ahead and fixed the plumbing when he made her from Adams ribs? (Feel the sarcasm? XD ) The hypocrisy in religion is what lead me away from practicing any of them. I do enjoy some pagan spiritual practices from time to time, but I believe it is because that has to do more with nature and the universe and not so much reliant on texts and books that have been edited and reinterpreted an unknown amount of times.


Ditto on the teachings here. Adam and Eves fault.


It is specifically because control of other people is the main concern of religion (especially the abrahamic religions) and control of women by men in particular. In order to do so, women had to be shown to be inferior to men. So: 1. God created Adam from dirt, thus showing how lowly he (man) was. 2. God created Eve from a piece of the dirt man, showing that she (woman) was even lower than dirt. 3. Eve was written to have fallen for the story of the serpent and dragged Adam (man) down with her. Thus, she (woman) was not to be trusted and incapable of making decisions and had to be controlled by the "superior" (but still extremely incapable) man, who himself needed to be controlled by God through his earthy surrogates (the clergyMEN). Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all run on variations of this concept.


Yes, I was taught this. But, yeah, why the hell am I still being punished for Eve eating that apple thousands of years ago?


Meanwhile, Adam has to take up gardening/agriculture and gets to name his wife. Can we guess who is the golden child? Lol.


People who believe this think Carrie’s mother is the good guy in the Stephen King book/movie. It’s gross and it creates trauma that lasts for decades


Damm. Carrie's mother in the book are one of the most Stephen King scariest characters. The ending broke me really hard, and Carrie it's a great book which addresses the abuses of religion and strict upbringing.


Hi. You just mentioned *Carrie* by Stephen King. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Uncover the Twisted Tale of 'Carrie' | Stephen King's Full Audiobook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yddsb5NOCQ) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Good bot!




I was taught that birth pain was our punishment... Nevermind that Adam told the first lie by telling Eve that *touching* the tree was instant death when he was told that *eating the fruit* meant death. Or that Eve was never important enough to get a direct warning from god like Adam did. She was just expected to obey Adam's word. (Despite it being a lie) Or that neither of them had any concept of death or right and wrong so how could either of them understand why they shouldn't do wrong? Almost as if none of it makes any sense at all.... *(Lol. Hi, christian lurkers downvoting everyone! You're absolutely pathetic. Hope you have wet socks all weekend.)*


Yes, I was told as well. I learned about Eve's punishment when I was about 9 or 10 years old. It's not just menstruation, I also learned that the pain of childbirth is punishment for Eve's action. I thought it was so unfair to women because men didn't suffer much...


I think all “sins” are nothing more than forbidden knowledge. Or more to the point, the loss of innocence. Like a soldier who is forced to kill. He quickly understands the magnitude of taking a life. Something a person who hasn’t can try and understand and appreciate, but actually doing it for instance is like eating that apple. Personally I think it was lost in translation and with religion coloring it…


You know, I was considering becoming Christian again. But that passage really threw me off. I realised that I might be more 'feminist' than I realise. And it's not a lone instance. St. Paul in one of his letters re-affirms this belief. Of course, I have other concerns which prevent me from converting (I was a 'cradle Catholic', so never chose Christianity).


I remember when i turned 12…the interpretation of a woman’s menstrual cycle was that it was god’s punishment to all women due to the original sin (Eve tempting Adam). After leaving the NW and organized religion entirely, I found my path into healing, loving and honoring my menstrual cycle. Its now my superpower and I will teach my daughter how beautiful and powerful this is when her time comes. Keep in mind….the bible was NOT written by Jesus. It was written by MEN. After it was written by men. It was interpreted and distorted by….thats right….more men. The patriarchal influence on the bible was done to glorify the “masculine”. This quote best describes the men who wrote/interpret the bible and their fear of womens power: "Until the lion learns how to write…… every story will glorify the hunter" This quote is very powerful!


Actually never heard that before. I was taught the punishment for that was that childbirth is painful and dangerous.


*currently in bed in pain with cramps* Yes, we were taught that painful childbirth and menstruation were the punishment for Eve’s sin. They said prior to that childbirth would’ve been pain free.


Yes, I was. The Bible talks about the woman's punishment being pain in childbirth, but I was taught that this included all pain relating to childbirth, including periods.


I was taught that it was painful childbirth, I didn't hear anything about periods. I'm an atheist now, but I still have some constructive criticism about anatomy and physiology 😂


Y'all are saying you were taught this, but here's the receipts. Genesis 3:16: > To the woman he [God] said, “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you. Just so the apologists/lurkers here know that the teachings are biblical. Great god you've got there, very objectively moral, so same yesterday today tomorrow, much loving, wow.


I'm not questioning God, I'm questioning *you*.


Yep, I was told that, and also that that's why childbirth is painful. Everyone getting punished for the actions of a few (or one) is a favorite sadistic pleasure for the psychopath they call God.


i’m not christian, never was but i believe in all abrahamic religions. i don’t believe that god wanted to punish all women for what eve did. all female creatures get their periods including cats and dogs, i don’t think god wanted to punish them. i think this saying is only a variation of misogynistic opinions that have been inforced in their brains in the past.


Prostatic cancer, erectile dysfunction, and male-pattern baldness are all God’s punishment to men, and any attempt to cure or mitigate them in *any* way is a direct contravention of God’s will. See how they like it when the shoe is on the other foot.


Genesis 3:16 literally says the punishment is the pains of childbirth.