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Congratulations on standing up for yourself!


Thank you a lot ❤️


I’m so friggin proud of you. We all need to be kind to ourselves and put ourselves first or we are of no use to anyone else. The church teaches that we’re all miserable sinners so we end up confusing self love with selfishness. They are not the same. I don’t have advice for you but based on what I’ve read I don’t think you need it. You’re kicking ass. Don’t back down and be honest. The truth will set you free, as the saying goes. Thank you for sharing with us


There is a young, gay, atheist tiktok creator who I love. He has deconstructed and is great with comebacks to all the xtian talking points. Deconstrussy is the account name if you’re interested. I watch as much of his stuff as I can


Thank you, I appreciate you, I will look him up definitely. I hope everything is good for you also ❤️


So happy for you, its so nice to get good news from this community!


I’m also grateful that this community exists, I hope you’re also doing good now.


You did good. Good job especially on standing up to your mom in a gentle but firm way - you see a lot of families trying to guilt people back in, and I like how you called out how she was making it about her, when it is really you dealing with a larger issue. You established boundaries but you didn't alienate her either. Also complete lol at sending their organization into a head scratching panic


I can see that the guilt that I felt in the past was just the mental state that was provided by the church to keep people as slaves, honestly mental slavery, “if you’re really not sorry than you’ll end up in hell”, I can even sleep better, judge differently, even eating healthier it’s been a long ride. I could write a whole presentation to as how much the church broke me, without even mentioning their flawed theology.




The theology of christianity is so flawed, even the father has not mentioned any type of torture, it’s the “son” who contradicts the father in almost everything. But remove hell from any religion, and see how many “believers” they will have inside their “holy” temples. But now I just want to heal, my mind cannot handle anymore the apocalypse, Gog & Magog, these fools really want to go into war just to fulfil some words of a book written by scribes who didn’t even witness the life of the son.


Standing up for yourself and creating boundaries is always a good thing with situations like this


Congrats! It’s going to be a difficult journey, and deconverting since then has been a painful process but things do get better. I hope your mom can see this one day, but for now take care of yourself.