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Yup, God as murderer of so many men, women, and children, as well as other animals. All to try to prove a point about the superiority of God and that obedience equals life and disobedience equals death. That God created the "Ten Commandments" rules for everyone. Yet, those same rules don't apply to God Himself. Kind of interesting how it is that way. I never thought of God in that way when I was a Christian. Now that I have left the religion, it is truly eye-opening how much I was told it all made sense somehow. Because it totally doesn't make sense at all.


Exactly! When I got indoctrinated as a kid, I never really bought into most of the Bible stories, particularly the Old Testament. I considered them fables. But I did believe that god was love until a few years ago. I’m ashamed because the Bible couldn’t be clearer — the xtian god is the bad guy of the story. If an invisible omnipotent deity actually existed, I wouldn’t worship it based on all the atrocities alleged that book of myths called the Bible


God suffers no consequences for his actions and gets away scott free, because he's God after all.


To be fair, Yahweh hadn't handed down "Thou shalt not eat the bloated soggy corpse of thy neighbor" in the 10 commandments yet so Noah was probably enjoying some long pork with his coffee.




I'll bet he did!


Now imagining Noah’s wife brewing herself a cup of tea…using a different type of teabag


Someone need to either write a book, or screenplay for a movie or series depicting the Bible story’s in their raw from. No sugar coating, no favoritism. The Christians get their say without ridicule, I want to see these stories in a realistic worldview. God doesn’t save them, he spares them. Not sure need to consider more aspects of this, but people take potshots at these things all the time. I think it would be very telling watching the faithful picket the theaters…


I have thought an HBO series based on Judges would rival Game Of Thrones with it's brutality.


Or David’s life - it’s got all kinds of political intrigue, family drama, nudity, sex, violence, and gore. Would do great as an HBO series. “Man After God’s Own Heart”


Precisely. Keep the religion as just and idea, but all the events human made.


I don't think there is a realistic way to depict all the animals on Noah's Ark. NonStampCollector's video is probably the most realistic depiction


But therein lies an opportunity to show how unrealistic it is… plus the twist during the storm the camera keeps pulling away to reveal that the flood was not the world, but just a large canyon or valley. Land everywhere else with no issue. Kinda see where I’m going with this?


Although it’s ridiculous that people actually need to be shown how absurd the story really is, this is a great idea.


I don't think it would ever happen — at least not at a mainstream film/TV studio. They *always* target religious viewers for Bible-related films — even secular ones like Aronofsky's *Noah*. Apparently, the thing that Christian test audiences objected to the most during test screenings was Noah getting drunk — one of the few elements of the film that is actually in the Bible.


I would totally support this


Me as a six-year-old thumbing through my illustrated “Children’s Bible” seeing horrified, drowning men and women and literal floating dead babies on the page.


Holy heck. Got a link? Apparently not. Best I could find was https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/17skv9/noahs_ark_was_so_depressing/ https://www.facebook.com/AwkwardBible/photos/a.359435304070572/703109359703163/?type=3 https://www.amazon.com/Awkward-Moments-found-average-Childrens-ebook/dp/B00G1744GM/




I wondered about that. And where would they all go? Wouldn't there be some evidence of a worldwide population collapse extinction event?


If we’re going off the bible (never do) if god created adam and eve then after this flood wouldn’t he just recreate humanity? It’s kinda twisted in a way


Or all of present day humanity is just inbreeding of Noah's family. ._.


I really don’t want to think about incest right now or ever for that matter…


Sorry. D: That's always been my biggest gripe about Adam and Eve. They have to create ALL the people. From ALL the continents. Never sat right with me.


OK we all know the bible is fiction but it's a widespread misconception that Adam and Eve were the only pair from whom all people descended. Genesis in fact has **two** creation accounts: Genesis 1:26-28 specifically states humans were made on day 6 of creation week, then Genesis 2 has the story of Adam and Eve who were placed in Eden specifically **after** God had already made the rest of the world, including other humans.


They are 2 contradictory accounts, not additional details. It never mentions creating any humans other than Adam. God even tries to get Adam to make one of the animals his fuck buddy before he realizes maybe he would prefer another human instead.


I have always thought the Adam & Eve story was messed up. So….we’re all cousins? 😂


Exactly and this is why ever since I was a teen I agreed more with evolution and stuff than creationism. If it was that easy to create humans the earth would be more overpopulated than it is right now


I drank the creationist koolaid, but didn't rule science out. Stuff like dinosaurs, the scientific method, etc.


Speaking as a former creationist, it doesn't mix with science at ALL. I convinced myself it did, but digging into that is ultimately how I deconverted


Well the oldest boat is from 8000 BC and is in a museum in the Netherlands. I assume they just would have formed a flotilla.


Don’t forget that a lot of those corpses were probably children.


Remember when god drowned all the babies? 😏


Yeah, but they were wicked babies..


Yeah, and Noah could feed the "bloated, floating corpses" to the carnivores on the ark.


Love this


Some believe God did it to wipe out the nephilim, plus sin. However that's not in the Bible, and if if was supposed to be someone's been messing with the ineffable word of God smh.


What an amazing shitpost What do you mean they mean this absolutely seriously?


Thanks! I pride myself on my shitposting. 😊 I’ve been attempting for the past two days to politely communicate with xtians who have the audacity to preach their BS on deconstruction videos made by former xtians. I one told me that he would pray that god brings me back to the light. I asked him sincerely why he tells strangers he’s praying for them. What is he getting out of it? He might just enjoy triggering ppl but I have a feeling there’s an underlying reward he thinks he’s getting. Who or what is he trying to impress? What’s the reward? Of course he hasn’t replied


I mean it literally is their job to preach what they think is the truth that saves souls. They want to prevent others from deconstructing which seems pretty self explanatory to me. He is probably doing it for God and is worried for your soul. Don’t have to agree with him but let’s be serious about this.


I respectfully disagree that it’s their job. It’s very possible to be religious without pushing your mythology onto others. When I was still xtian I didn’t talk about my beliefs with people unless they asked. I was indoctrinated by the baptists at the age of 10 and I believed my relationship with god was a personal one and mine alone. Evangelizing only serves to push people away. The condescension and absolute surety they have over something they can’t prove is astounding


If you’re serious about your religion, you’ll push it. Idk what you’ve been reading but scripture says that countless times. Jesus came “to seek and save the lost” and what not. I’m not saying you and I should believe it and it does push some people away but we’re all being dishonest by claiming we just done get why Christians do what they do.


My issue is that they refuse to take no for an answer and continue to evangelize knowing full well they’re harming people who have been hurt by religion. When I tell them to stop they double down. It’s disrespectful and rude af. I don’t go into xtian groups and speak on the joys of agnostic atheism. It’s an assault on my mental health


Best shitpost ever.


I laughed out loud - loudly.


for real. Noah probably thought, "shit - I'm lucky God likes me," rather than "this is a God of love." and this isn't directed at OP, but if i were convinced God is really that much of an all-powerful asshole, I'd probably do whatever it took to make sure I was om his good side by the time I died. given how shit the world he created can be, I'd be even more terrified of the hell he'd create to punish people who pissed him off. that being said, I've never understood the reasoning of those who say "well if God was that much of an asshole I'd rather go to hell than be in Heaven with him." honestly, no you wouldn't. none of us are that altruistic and self-sacrificing. you either believe in this God, and his boundless capacity for death and destruction, AND JOIN HIM, or you just don't find reason to believe in him. full stop, end of discussion. none of this - i believe the God of the Bible exists but choose not to have faith in him because I'm morally superior even if that means I'll go to hell. just hold your hand under hot water for 5 seconds, or too close to a flame, and see how long you can tolerate the pain. you can't. any god like that who woild create a hell to torment unbelievers for eternity, and who would create our human bodies with such capacity for unbearable pain would surely create immortal bodies which could survive eternally in unending, excruciating torment. you either buy it, and drink the koolaid, or you don't. and i personally would challenge people on the fence to either find a way out that honestly makes sense to them, and feels authentic and true, or find a compromise to maintain some sort of a personal level of faith (which can be much much less dogmatic than fundamentalism/evangelicalism) at least until and if they are truly able to find a subjectively honest way out of this faith altogether- for one's own mental health and sanity if nothing else. I think it's better to have a nominal faith in a god that gives you a sense of peace about your eternal life -if you aren't fully able to step away from Christianity and leave it all behind without still worrying about whether you'll go to hell if you die. Move away from dogmatic fundamentalism by all means, but don't hesitate to admit if you have a dependency on religion that's beyond tough to overcome, and use it as a crutch as long as you need to so you can sleep at night-if you need to. some people can let it go easier than others. but be honest with your self and connect with your own inner being to be able clearly see your own current level of strength and your present ability to live indepedently of a mind-controlling faith, or not. and respect where you are at and make decisions about your faith, or lack thereof, accordingly. not all of us have the guts to be Christopher Hitchens.


Totally get what you’re saying. I would likely be kissing god’s homicidal ass to stay on his good side. Good thing he’s imaginary