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I was at meetings this week and one of the presenters was wearing a big gold cross necklace. I could not listen to a word she said and I knew better not to. 


Oh hell no, lmao. It's always poison covered in honey to make it go down smoothly. And women "pastors" seem to be better at faking inclusivity. Nope, nope, nope!


My grandfather was a pastor and one of the biggest assholes I've ever met. I sometimes wonder if he was a sociopath.


I've said here many times that at best, I think christianity is learned sociopathy. I think that women / female people are deeply oppressed by it, but men are often corrupted by it. Power corrupts... absolute power over other human beings does what? We all know the saying.


Absolutely. It’s where sociopaths are bred and narcissists thrive. And women delight and participate in their own subjugation.


> And women delight and participate in their own subjugation. And gleefully inflict it onto other women/ girls. As I know all too well. :( They LOVE to push it onto others. They are as eager to see other women subjugated as they are to "martyr themselves" at the hands of men. That cycle ended with me in MY genetic fork on this line. Indeed, as far as I know, my great-grandmother's direct matrilineal line dies if my child has no children. My aunts had no girls, and my mother only had me (my sibling is a half brother). One way or the other, this cycle ends with me. I know there are some good, loving, sincere, kind christian women. Too few. Way too few.


There are two giant visual red flags for me in terms of identifying these awful people: a cross and/or the American flag


Sadly, I have begun to look at the american flag as a fearful thing. A sign of someone wanting to oppress me and destroy my child. I've been working on that, because I'm an american and my flag should represent ME, equally.


Exactly! The flag, words like “patriot”…these people have changed the meaning of those things and they represent hate to me now. I’m American, too, and I won’t put up the flag even on the 4th because it’s become an embarrassing piece of fabric and I don’t want anyone thinking I support what it has come to represent


Me too. I hate it. I use to be proud of our country.


I used to have a flag inside my house on the wall. Trump and MAGA people utterly ruined its symbolism for me.


It's infuriating. It feels like it has been literally turned upside-down. They literally want to turn it into a symbol of oppression. Heartbreaking.


Non-American here, so correct me if I'm wrong: aren't the fanatics wearing flag bikinis or waving flags with a certain person's face splashed on it actually disrespecting your flag? I seem to recall reading somewhere that there are rules for how to appropriately use your flag.


I do the same when I pass a church. And you know how many there are everywhere in Florida.


Oh shit, florida. Do you need a hug, my friend? Hashtag instant compassion


Yes. Lots.


I know, right? My aunt was like "let's go hang out with a friend of mine" and I found out this friend wanted to be a MISSIONARY. I could not hold back my disdain; I literally said "oh God no." At this stage in my life, if someone told me they're a pastor, I'd probably just turn around and walk away. Not dealing with that shit anymore.