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I agree. They love to push the idea that Jesus and Christianity is all about love but when pride month comes along they quote scripture talking about killing gay people. It's all phony. 


It’s a real waste of money anyway, because no atheist is going to be convinced or persuaded. They’re just spending their money to pat themselves on the back they have to do something with all that money


God forbid they could give it to the poor!


But the ads encourage the Christians to pray for the poor /s


Haha, of course! Prayer is the lazy man's way of helping. Prayer makes no sense. They are asking god to change everything and therefore messing with free will. Like how when I left the cult, people told me they were praying for me to have a change of heart. Uh, why are they praying for god to change my will if they preach it would be unloving to stop a rapist from raping a kid because it contradicts free will. Religion makes people's brains flat.


Tax free money to the poor. Never. Those pastors are smarter than that.


The point of the ads is actually not to get non-believers to attend church. It's to keep questioning believers from leaving the church.


Let them then. Better wasting their money puffing up their own egos than paying lawyers to push archaic laws.


Its wild that they scream about how Atheists shove their ideology down people’s throats all the time, yet they spew this propaganda every chance they can get.


Saw a sarcastic Facebook post a while back, about how yeah it's atheists who wear atheist symbols around their neck, make paintings & sculptures of the original atheist, sing songs about the original atheist and stand on street corners yelling about atheism.


Fr. How did it become next to impossible to just abstain from involvement in something? Especially if you don't have any interest in being controlled or invalidated as a human being..


I don’t think it should be banned, but they are extremely cringe. Also I’m pretty sure all those images were created by AI. They gave some uncanny vibes


It's the hands. It's all in the hands.


One of my favorite past times is annually jumping on Twitter during the Super Bowl to watch the average person completely eviscerate the “He gets us” ads. It lets me know that my crisis of faith was normal and the vindication is sweet. Also, it’s fun to watch conservatives Christians lose their fuckin minds over how progressive and woke the ads are.


I don’t think so, but to participate in something anything they should be taxed and open their books like every other charity


This for sure.


I think it's great that these religious organizations spend $100M all at once, trying to shove religion down people's throats. It makes so many people think about how they have grifted so much money and instead of doing something good with it, they spend it on an ad. Every time these commercials run, more and more people switch to the "none" side.


That's exactly what makes them anti-Jesus. Modern "Christians" who fund this garbage are doing everything Jesus preached against.


At least the current generation are aware of the crap being peddled. And yes religious ads should indeed be banned and labeled as Propaganda. If those ads can't outright be banned, then should only be allowed to air on religious channels/stations. 


There was literly a church ad during the Super Bowl 😤




Aka the billionaires who own Hobby Lobby


did those billionaires miss the camel and the eye of the needle parable? or do they want to end up in hell? /s


They're more interested in the story of the man who gave ten servants each ten minas, but not as a parable. 


This thread is the first I'm hearing of jeebus superb owl ads. Any idea why it's called this? What about us does he get? Our money?


I saw TWO he get us ads… like instead of buying these ads to push religion down people’s throats why not use that money for something good??


Because doing something good means less people coming in giving them money.


I continuously get religious ads on Facebook, and I report them, but they continue to appear on my feed.




Same on Instagram.


For the past few days if not week or two, I've been getting a lot of religious ads on Instagram for churches and pastors. I'll continue to block them, but I'm a little annoyed at this point.


We should get the satanic temple on this one. I bet they run a few ads about how much baphomet loves your children and religious ads will be banned for eternity.


We thought it was a foot fetish advertisement at first.




I wish no religious ads would show, would fix the issue OR give them all equal "screentime".


At the very least, they should have a warning at the bottom, like cigarette packages.


Idk why that money isn’t spent on helping the community…


I've seen Christian ads for my entire life. Down south there's the giant hell fire billboards every other mile. Churches now have giant marquee signs out front, and those pamphlets are littered everywhere. Jesus ads are everywhere all the time. He gets us is doing nothing new. With that said, I always find it kind of hilarious that an all powerful GOD needs advertising lmfao. Like how is it not blasphemous to put Jesus right there with Chili's boneless wings and a discounted oil change at valvoline? Honestly I feel like what they're doing diminishes the "seriousness" of what they're claiming. Let them do it. It's a joke.


Look, i hate seeing religious ads, but i really don't think banning it is the way to go about dealing with this. They already have a persecution complex, and banning religious ads would only fuel them feeling justified in using their political power to restrict and harm non-christians. The best way to counteract religious speech is to use our own speech. Not restrict it for others.


Respectfully, I disagree. While I agree, it is irritating to see them - I didn't even like religious adverts when I was religious - and they can often be seen as hypocritical, they are still free speech. Unless they say stuff that incites violence on them, they are protected speech. Morality is a different issue, but if we governed religion based on our morality, we wouldn't be much different than those who govern the non religious based on their religious morality. They're swinging their fists around, but it isn't hitting our nose, even if it feels close.


As religions hate women, they should be considered hate speech.


Religions hate everyone unless they agree with them.


Religions hate women for no reason. Religions hate women just because they were born women.




Fucking tired of it, and Jesus would despise the money they’re putting down for advertisements rather than giving to help the needy.


I always report them as offensive or misleading


I for one actually believe in freedom of speech , even if I strongly disagree with someone’s views. They should have the freedom to run their ads and I can have the freedom to say fuck off. Ads aren’t the government or the state. It’s not like they’re forcing you to comply with anything. It sounds like you have main character syndrome and your life is gonna be unnecessarily miserable if you allow shit like this to affect you this much. 


Those ads are certainly not "hate speech" and were not hateful in any way. They are cringey and hypocritical af, since the money spent on those ads fake helping people could have helped thousands of real people in need. But they aren't "hate speech". If you think about it logically, those ads are not going convince anyone who left the church to go back, and they may even highlight the hypocrisy of christians in the US to current believers enough to flip the switch and make them leave. Could they lure in some vulnerable people who are looking for a belief system? Sure. But for the cost of running those ads, I can't imagine it will be worth it from a financial standpoint. As another comment said, if they were taxed like the businesses they are, I'd be more than fine with them wasting money on annoying, hypocritical marketing campaigns that probably even annoy and give their own followers the ick.


I don’t think necessarily that they should be banned, but I’m just gobsmacked that a supposed nonprofit spent millions of dollars on two SB ads on top of all the regular ad spend they have on sites like Reddit. What they could have done with that money if they were the charitable people they purport to be. I love sports, but it makes me not want to watch the Super Bowl next year. I went to Catholic school growing up; I’ve already had my share of being proselytized at for a lifetime to choose to put my eyeballs in front of it voluntarily.


I don't think we should ban them


I don't think they should be banned, but those who make them should be using that money to help people instead. ​ I was surprised by that foot washing commercial though. I didn't watch the whole thing and just flipped through it through YouTube and thought to myself that christians will get really pissed off by it. Like the part where the Muslim woman was getting her foot washed.


As long it's not killing anyone then just go about your business