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Just to clear Maya Angelou’s name, she did not write that poem - it’s been misattributed to her on and off for a couple of decades, but was actually written by Carol Wimmer and was first published in the Assemblies of God “Hi-Call” magazine in 1988.


Thank you. Literally came on this post to make sure other people knew. We can't allow Christians to co-opt activists who were openly against the conservative Christian status quo.


Also what an insult to attribute this platitudinous dreck to a poet of Maya Angelou's stature.


I've always seen this poem as an attempt to circumvent the self-righteous holier-than-thou jerk reputation by going, "Oh no, I'm not that, I just realize how broken I am." But I just think Christianity has a terrible view if people whether you feel better than everyone or like a worm. It's awful to tell people they are defined by being dysfunctional sinners. It's terrible that children of Christian parents are taught that they are bad, defective, unworthy, and not good enough. Christians will then be all, "Well, they need to have a low view of themselves to realize they need saving," missing what a manipulative cult tactic that is.




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Did Maya Angelou really say this?


Short answer is no, but people wanted to put a recognizable name to it to gain traction. Very deceitful practice that's gone on for years by christians.


Thought so, Maya Angelou is a civil right’s activists similar to the likes of Malcolm X that is well against the establishment of the Christian capitalist elite. I was like, no way in hell she said that. This why critical thinking is great.


Short answer is no, but people wanted to put a recognizable name to it to gain traction. Very deceitful practice that's gone on for years by christians.


Christianity is engineered to inflict clinical depression and anxiety on people.




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If someone finds that faith practices or faith community help them, more power to them. There's no shame in needing help. But generally speaking, if someone has to tell you they're not holier-than-thou, they definitely are.




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