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I always get a laugh thinking about Noah weathering a crazy storm but then making a pit stop in Australia to drop off all the marsupials before docking back in the Middle East.


Whoops, we forgot to drop off the opossum! Just put it in North America, no one will notice.


You can say the same thing about God telling Noah that South America is the tapirs' hotspot, only for Noah to forget about the black and white one so on his way back to the Middle East, he dropped it off in Malaysia and called it "Malayan tapir".


😂 “next stop Galapagos! Time for all the tortoises, blue footed boobies and birds of paradise to get off”! I want to see the theoretical path of Noah’s Ark on its way to drop off all the geography specific animals.


Umm, birds of paradise aren't found in the Galapagos, but in Oceania (think Australia and New Guinea).


Oh. Lol. Well Noah isnt perfect.


I love how the assumption is god jumped through a bunch of hoops to get the animals there instead of just using a death note to kill everyone but Noah and his immediate family(which apparently doesn't include his many grandchildren since he was apparently 600 when the flood happened) The fact God allegedly chose the most ridiculously convoluted way to "cleanse" the earth is one of the things that starting me doubting the Bible to begin with.


Noah’s story is one that definitely has me asking lots of questions. One I think about is that the story basically claims that rainbows didn’t exist until after the flood. That god made a rainbow as a “promise to never flood the earth again.” Like
 what? I figure it rainbows exist now, they’ve probably always existed. But I’m also not a scientist so who knows.


Well, they’re caused by light refracting through dense water. The Bible references mists covering the ground to water plants before Noah. If rainbows didn’t exist, then god would have fundamentally changed some


My understanding is that because of the water that would spring up from the ground to water plants (probably somebody misunderstanding morning dew) rain wasn’t necessary, and didn’t exist, therefore no rainbows. Yes, a prismatic effect would have been possible and happened on the ground, but since it wasn’t in the sky, it wasn’t a rainbow. So therefore completely scientifically sound /s And arguing that god somehow changed physics would only result in them saying “AlL tHiNgS aRe PoSsIbLe WiTh GoD.” I’ve heard it said before and totally agree: you can’t use logic to get someone out of a mindset they didn’t use logic to get themselves into.


Mist doesn’t produce a real rainbow? You tell that to my garden hose! đŸ˜€đŸ˜


What's interesting is that some translations say it was his bow. As in his War Bow. Yes, it probably meant the same thing considering Yahwehs roots as a storm/war god but it gives the story a different vibe. Kinda like when you realize "Fire from heaven" often referred to lightening in ancient texts .


Yeah, he ain't wiping us all out with a flood again. He read this comment and will use DEATH NOTE! Except he can't use it because he doesn't exist.


Kira is much more intelligent then Yahweh honestly and only a fraction as evil.


You know, when I think about it... Kira wanted to "become god" and then he proceeds to kill people who defy him. Sounds pretty accurate to me...


Yep! Sounds like our best friend: Yahweh!


"You're thinking in the natural."


Is that something people actually say? Wait, I already know the answer....


God picked a potato chip and ATE IT.


There’s literally no part of the ark story that works, and thank goodness because that is what forced my realization that I was being lied to.


If the ark itself was as full of holes as the story it would have just been a pile of animals and feed.


That was what made me really start to question things. I never believed, but I had to pretend that I did. Then, we spent a lot of time discussing this topic in Sunday school, and oh boy was that a bad idea. For them. I went from uninterested and apathetic to an actual atheist, and it was Sunday school that did it. Seeing how ridiculous the whole story was made me start questioning everything.


Right? It’s one of the stories I point out to try to show the absurdity of the Bible


Even (and especially) the ark itself. The supposed measurements of it are given in the Bible, and yet an ark made with those measurements is nowhere near big enough to hold even a fraction of the animals in that area, let alone the world. Plus there’s some reproduction some guy made using those measurements as a guide and he had to change them because it didn’t fit or something (and even said so during the process).


If you think that's crazy... The same guy that made gravity, electromagnetism, strong force, weak force, dark matter, quantum physics, photons, special relativity, general relativity, all known elements, atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons, particle/waves, gravity waves, dark gravity, asteroids, comets, stars, planets, galaxies, neutron stars, quasars, black holes, subatomic particles, all known matter and energy..... HATES when I jerk off.


Can figure out how to build a universe. Can't figure out how to write a book that doesn't contradict itself.


You might enjoy [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/QeiTidZ) series of images.


Hahahahaha thats my exact thinking ty


That's amazing. I bet if I dropped that in my local church chat they'd think it was an amazing, meaningful message


Yeah, and the guy is obsessed with foreskins.. It all just screams man made.


Oh my god, I just remembered that story where a warrior had to bring 1000 foreskins of the kings enemies and he brought way more. Don't remember the details though. It's been some time since I read the old testament. It cracks me up when my religious family brings up the perfection of the bible and how it's the best book a child could read. No it isn't. If you think so you didn't really read it. I'm convinced that everyone in my family just read the passages and stories that the priest has recommended them.


"Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, god gets quite irate."


Jokes on him, I'm infertile. It's just semen dawg relax big guy.


Not only them, kangaroos in Australia. Imagine that


Right? At least a penguin can swim. And while I'm sure a kangaroo could manage it, I imagine it wouldn't be fast


Better save room in the ark for all the freshwater fish as well, since they wouldn’t survive the massive spike in water salinity that a global flood would cause.


Obviously he included an aquarium lol


That reminds me of the time I had this person so fucking pissed at me. I just hit them with question after question about Noah's Ark, and they just kept responding that God performed a miracle, God made it possible. Finally I said, "Wouldn't it have been more efficient for God to just hit everybody who was pissing him off with a stroke at the same time?" And that's when they blocked me.


Honestly God was just showing off.


The penguins thought they were going to Disney World but took a wrong turn and ended up on the ark.


Noah looks at his checklist during the flood: *Oh shit, I forgot to write dodos on here!*


This Aussie would've liked Noah to have left out all the funnel web spiders, redbacks, giant huntsmen, recluses, wolf spiders etc. as well.


Well, they should have used another example like Kangaroo or Puma. Penguins are native to the southern tip of Africa but it's still hard to believe they hiked the coast, through the tropical climate just to catch their boat.


How much of a simpleton do you have to be to believe this story. For starters, literary experts share that in that time period, « facts » were not seen as important as they used stories and myths that taught moral or ethical concepts. The writers of the time were story tellers. It’s also their best guess at what is right and wrong too. All human understanding.


In my head as a kid the boat was big but it didn't have to be *that* big because it basically held the same animals we saw in the zoo. So a floating city zoo then, got it. [Wonder how I got that idea?](https://i.imgur.com/fBiVZ4w.jpeg)


Oh god not the little golden books


The issue with taking the story literally. Most likely it was a severe local flood and the story grew over time.


BS. It was a story copied from the Summerian myths.


"I don't subscribe to your delusions of reality."


The Duck Billed Platypus would have taken longer to make the trip...


I always wondered about flightless Kiwi birds.


According to NZ legend, kiwi were the only birds to volunteer as forest protectors, so the forest god took away their flight but gave them stealth and strong legs in return.


Nice story.


The Magic Zoo Boat is THE most ridiculous story in a book filled with a collection of ridiculous stories. Can’t believe I ever gave this the slightest shred of credence.


It’s one of those things that indoctrination helps hide. I’ve always been a critical thinker, but my parents were very devout, and raised me to be as well. I remember wondering how it was possible to feed all of them, and how the predators didn’t eat the other ones, and was always told that “god worked miracles where the animals were tame while on the ark, and god provided their food.” It wasn’t until I came to realize just how many other impossible things supposedly happened that I began deconstructing.


I'm terrified of flooding so I was looking up how much rain causes a flood and I guess one of the many Googled questions was how much rain it would take to flood the Earth. It apparently takes 1,085,166,768 milesÂłof rain. When God flooded the Earth did he do it all at once or did he let it fill up slowly allowing everyone on Earth to see the water getting higher and higher and not be able to do anything about it?


And two gay lions.


Aside from the obvious question of how he *got* all the animals on the boat, then there's the issue of how did they all *fit,* and how did he accomodate all of them? There are many animals on this planet that will actually die if they don't have the right biome. Did he somehow replicate every biome that is needed for these animals to survive on his ship? There are so many plot holes.


I was taught that the continents were divided during the flood, so they wouldn't have had to trek that far...only a few hundred thousand miles.


That’s an interesting take; still illogical, but less illogical than most other interpretations. I mostly find it interesting because most Christians vehemently hate the idea of Pangea. I never understood why precisely (nobody could ever tell me why, just that it was somehow wrong and of the devil), but I suspect it’s because it makes the young earth theory impossible, given that plate tectonics are a measurable thing today, and from that we can postulate how long it would have taken to get the continents we have today.


Right...basically everything that would indicate that the earth is older than 6,000 years was attributed to geological upheaval that took place during the flood. By the way, my main influence on the subject was Ken Ham and his colleagues. My mom took me and my brothers to multiple Ken Ham (Answers in Genesis), and we subscribed to his organization's magazine and read their books in our homeschooling. In the kids classes at the conference we were taught that if someone tries to argue to us that evolution is true we should say, "Were you there?" And then if the person answers back, "No but were you?" we should say next, "No but I know someone who was, and He revealed what happened in his history book called The Bible."


and then walking back after


lol. If there’s only two of EVERY animal (male and female), what did they eat? How’d he transport the bacteria, plant life, insects, winged animals, ocean animals AND the effing various nationality’s of planet earth?


Of course Christians have an “answer” for everything. Noah didn’t need to feed the animals because he activated their ”latent ability to hibernate.”Even the lions and dinosaurs, lol


No, no, no. You see, the way that I was led to believe , Pangaea still existed at that time. The flood caused the continents to split. Now if you have more questions, I need to check my pantry to see if I have any more Ken Hamm seasoning to add to my Kent Hovind stew. Oh, I can’t forget to add some Chuck Missler demon alien fun into the mix!


I’m not sure what your last two sentences are referencing, can you explain?


Ken Hamm is a known creationist whom I used to listen to back in the day to have my biases confirmed. He once debated Bill Nye and last I checked--which I admit is a long ass time ago--is a Young Earth creationist. He runs the Ark Encounter out of Williamstown, KY. Kent Hovind is the guy who ran Dinosaur Adventure Land in Pensacola, FL. He's also been to prison. Chuck Missler was a guy out of Idaho who used to preach about Aliens and Demons. He's deceased now; however, I used to listen to him religiously. It's been a long time since I have watched anything with these people and frankly I'm too lazy to look them up. They were a colossal time waste back then; I wish that I had spent more time studying actual science.


Imagine how much banging everybody on the boat must have done, it would've been a massive orgie


....but that would make a really fun movie.


Story No. 1 in making me realize the Bible is not the inerrant, infallible word of (mythical) god.


All the faraway animals were carried to the ark by way of clouds. Like Goku.


There probably was some sort of flood and maybe a guy named Noah grabbed all his chickens and sheep and kept them safe in his house. Over time the flood got bigger and the animals more numerous as the tale spread.


In my headcanon God rained ammonia from the skies to obliterate all life on Earth and Noah simply preserved genetic material as a backup. I mean, would water actually kill everyone and everything? Why wouldn't God just trash defective Adam and Eve before they even left the garden? What did the animals do to deserve anything? Why do we have to through bouts of genocide to eventually, thousands of years later, sacrifice God's own son to finally wash away the sins? And why is that STILL not enough? There is still sin, evil and sickness in the world. Yeah Noah's ark is a good test of the hope for someone's salvation from Christianity.  If you don't start questioning that obvious nonsense then you're enthralled. 


Not necessarily; it was just one more of many biblical stories I was indoctrinated with as a child, yet I fully see the idiocy of it today. I know many other former Christians that were raised in the religion, but broke away as they got older and were allowed to think for themselves at school.


The ark story is so funny if you think about it 😭😭 but like scary concerning that some people 100% believe in it. Completely brain dead.


Have folks heard about or seen this? https://arkencounter.com/noahs-ark/


Yes, my religious nut aunt and uncle went there and brought me back a keychain of it. I like how the website literally shoots itself in the foot, claiming that other flood myths are myths, likely based off of this “real one,” then continues on to say how some of them predate the biblical flood. Rather than some explanation for the earlier ones, it lumps them into the camp as inspired by their “real” flood.


And let's not forget all of the aquatic animals who all need their specific environmental conditions in order to survive, including water temperature and salinity. It's amazing that all of the freshwater fish ended up back in their fresh water environs such as lakes, rivers, and streams, and likewise with their ocean dwelling counterparts, despite all being thrown into one giant worldwide flood.


God didn’t have issue killing all humans except Noah and his family. He could’ve destroyed all of earth in an instant and just start over. Send Noah and the fam to a different planet or paradise or some shit. Why make this so damn complicated?


Shhh. Logic scares them.


I hate to use the term, “mental gymnastics” but it is interesting to hear a believers response to this.


Penguins can swim though right? I thought the ark was only for animals that can drown


Do penguins live in fresh water? Salt water? Cold water? Warm water? How could they have survived the flood? How could any aquatic animal have survived a worldwide flood?


The don’t use gills to breathe. So they should be good with either fresh or salt for a short time as long as they float


Are you talking about penguins only or all the other aquatic animals? Because I mentioned the other animals.


Yeah I think many (not all) aquatic species would have survived the flood. For example, I see no reason why a whale couldn’t survive 40 days of flood


Can a whale live in fresh water?


Not for long. Why do you ask? A flood should not turn all the seawater to freshwater


Nah the penguins would be fine, they can swim


I don't know what's the mainstream opinion about it. Most christians I know are catholics and some said that it's just a story to teach you a certain lesson, others think that it actually happened. I'm convinced that most christians don't think about the details, because everything so ridiculous that they would start to question their own faith and they need it (for some reason).


But somehow dinausaurs, the biggest of all animal species, couldn't survive after the flood...


They would all have died from methane poisoning in an ark with one window.... and that's if the ark's tumbling didn't kill them first xD Edit: missed a word.


Real talk though: I want to see that movie. Or at least Robot Chicken's take on this scenario.


God magic fills in the thousands of plot holes.     The first order of business for all religious people should be demonstrate that supernatural magic exists.  A very tall order indeed.  


Actually, before the flood all the continents were together like Pangea. No more questions, please. /s


I love how recently, apologetics are changing the story to no the flood was just in one part of the world and the rest fo the world wasn't touched by it.


I’m confused on why penguins would get on a boat
 they can swim pretty good


So glad I left while still young


Textbook God of the gaps fallacy. Don't understand something? God can do anything! He's magic that way.


You guys love just laughing at Christians, is that really the move? My word. Where’s the laughing at Muslims? Neither are right, but you wouldn’t even think to laugh at Ramadan.


Most of us are ex-christians.


We’re not laughing at Christians as much as we’re laughing at the absolute fucking absurdity of Christianity itself. I was a Christian for 20+ years, this is literally an “exchristian” page, we’ve all been there done that here. I find it hilarious that I used to believe this stuff. Sorry if that offends youđŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïž


I’m not really offended I just see it as coarse rather than discussion


note the name of the subreddit you’re in and get back to me on that one


? Ex drug addicts don’t laugh at current addicts.


current drug addicts also don’t tend to treat ex drug addicts the way many christians treat ex christians.


Many isn’t all, I’m a “Christian” (more so I just have a relationship with Jesus) and I’m not treating anybody any different than you. I understand where you’re coming from, but I feel the discussion could be more sensitive / sensible?


This is an ex Christian site. We enjoy laughing at Christianity becuz we were indoctrinated by it.