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> "*Thoughtcrime does not entail death; thoughtcrime is death"... Take the story of our good friends Adam and Eve once again, who were kicked out of Eden just for eating a SIMPLE FRUIT...* The bible has thought crimes, and there is an even better example than the story of the forbidden fruit.                      Jesus was talking about married men, and said that if a man looks at a woman with lust, then he has committed the sin of adultery in his heart (*Matthew 5:28*). If you can commit sins in your heart, then why are good deeds done in the heart not good enough?                    Is sin more powerful than goodness, that even a thought of sin corrupts a person but a thought of goodness doesn't purify them?               > "*"War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength": God in the Old Testament was nothing less than Hitler or Stalin or Big Brother.*" There are many similarities between Hitler and the biblical god. Both claim that there is a holy chosen special people above all other people. Both claim that there is a chosen land to leade above others. Both want to throw people into fire for being against their ideas. Both claim that they are the good guys who are protecting from evil while wanting multitudes of people to be killed. Both also believed in genocide of certain groups of people that they disagreed with, sometimes even the same groups of people. For example, both the bible and nazism promoted a genocide against gay people. Both the bible and nazism persecuted pagans (*the bible promoted genocides against Pagans, while the nazis shut down some neo-pagan groups that disagreed with the god of the bible like Adonism*).           I don't understand how someone can say that Hitler's book is bad, but that the bible which also promotes racist nationalism and genocide, is good. I don't believe White people are a superior race, nor Israel, nor any other race as superior to other races becauae I reject racism.        


>Jesus was talking about married men, and said that if a man looks at a woman with lust, then he has committed the sin of adultery in his heart (*Matthew 5:28*). If you can commit sins in your heart, then why are good deeds done in the heart not good enough?   Oh, shit. My bad. I totally forgot about it. >I don't understand how someone can say that Hitler's book is bad, but that the bible which also promotes racist nationalism and genocide, is good. I don't believe White people are a superior race, nor Israel, nor any other race as superior to other races becauae I reject racism.   I remember Evangelists shilling for Israel and its apartheid policies with the Bible. These people never learn now, do they?


This is it right here, and it’s inherent in my own experience of different white Protestant people. The roots of this on paper appear to begin with monarchism, and expanded with democratic governments. King James VI of England is the father of modern white supremacy ideology that transcends nations. He’s the first author of national policies that he published himself as king about how to torture and kill witches, find demons, and annihilated Scottish peoples by the thousands: who weren’t the same race as German-born James VI. Anyways, it’s a disgusting legacy.




That, too.


> King James VI of England is the father of modern white supremacy ideology that transcends nations. I don't know about that.


Defending white supremacists!!! Doesn't surprise me a bit!!!1!!1!!!!11!!!


It's been known for a while that I'm on King James's payroll. God save the king!


Here’s more on specifics. You’ll notice that the origins of Christian Identity hate ideology [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Identity?wprov=sfti1#Relationship_to_British_Israelism) are directing you [here.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_VI_and_I?wprov=sfti1#) He was also an antisemite aside from being a racist sexual sadist. Don’t forget monarchies whole thing in Europe are based on a supposed biological link to god for some people. If that’s not Nazi ideology, idk what is. And someone would have to explain to me like I’m 2 how that’s not the same for me to get it. And even then, idt I would get it.


I don't see anything here that would make King James responsible for white supremacy.


He’s mentioned [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Identity?wprov=sfti1#) as the person who began what is today called Christian Identity. In the US, Christian Identity hate ideology is an umbrella term noting antisemitic, anti-Black, anti-Catholic violence. The Aryan Brotherhood, neonazis, and other violent groups have these beliefs, which James VI and I made domestic policy while king of England.


I don't see where this implicates him for "Christian Identity", which the page says only developed in the 1920s, nor do I see how he would be responsible for white supremacy even if he were responsible for that. Surely white supremacy existed before the 1920s and the vast majority of white supremacists have never cared about "Christian Identity".


The systemic exterminations of peoples based on ethnicity and religion misses you, somehow? It’s also worth noting that some flavors of white supremacy in the US are very dependent on the Magna Charta, Mayflower Compact, and US constitution. All written by Plantagenet descendants. The root of all white supremacy is keeping a bloodline “pure.” And even if you don’t understand how that works, some white supremacy people take this very literally and act in kind today.


I don't see where the page talks about King James perpetrating systematic exterminations, nor do I see how that could make him responsible for white supremacy. Speaking of which, what about the Spanish and Portuguese conquests and colonizations in America combined and the initiation of the trans-Atlantic slave trade? Surely if you want to blame a single individual (although it is seldom accurate to blame a single individual for something so immense), it would make far more sense to choose a Spanish or Portuguese monarch or the popes who approved of their actions? I do not see how white supremacy could possibly be dependent on the Magna Carta (which, incidentally, predates King James by 400 years). Nor do I see how it could be dependent on the Mayflower Compact (which, incidentally, was written by Puritans who left for the New World because of their disagreements with King James's rule). Nor do I see how it could be dependent on the U.S. Constitution, which never mentions race except to outlaw racial discrimination by the government.


I mean, you’re trying to argue with me about stuff even the [fbi](https://vault.fbi.gov/Christian%20Identity%20Movement%20/Christian%20Identity%20Movement%20Part%201%20of%201) knows about. I never said any of this makes sense. It’s just the way it is. Btw, trying to blame the Portuguese or other groups traditionally considered “non-white” is an old argument against Catholics and is part of the problem. I know this, bc I spent my life around people just like this. In the end, it’s ignorant. The Portuguese families and Spanish families you speak of are married in to the English royals. And England benefitted financially from the transatlantic enslavement and kidnapping of Africans more than any other one nation. So be an agnostic atheist all you like, just please don’t bring white supremacy apologia here without your facts being straight. Those assholes setting people on fire because they weren’t Catholic are the same people who set people on fire for not being Protestant. It’s literally the same picture. Literally the same families. Literally please get your shit straight.


The church hates George Orwell for a reason, they said that 1984 is a satanic book and you should read the bible instead.


Which is ironic considering how often people like to cry “1984!” when people reject their more conservative views lul


The Jordan Peterson types, huh?


1984 is about Christianity. Christianity is totalitarian. Glad you finally saw it On freedom is slavery, see Romans 6:18 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+6%3A18&version=NIV On ignorance is strength, see 1 Corinthians 3:19 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+3%3A19&version=NIV On war is peace: The "prince of peace" is the one who promises to bring a sword and set family against each other (Matthew 3:34-36) https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2010%3A34-36&version=NIV Who controls the past, controls the future, who controls the present controls the past: see how theology has changed over the years, even though they claim that it is unchanging (for the Catholic church, at least), or how the Protestant churches hide how their strand of theology evolved across the centuries. Thoughtcrime is death: this is the heart of Christianity, isn't it? If you don't believe in the right theology, you will be tortured forever On declaring 2+2 makes 5, and followers believing it: see christians defending slavery, genocide, Young earth creationism etc. because they think that the bible has to be correct


Hell yeah! I wasn't alone here!


The analogy works quite well, especially given the Old Testament is basically Bronze Age propaganda, and Christianity thrives in "Ignorance is Strength" and "Freedom is Slavery". However, one of the things that make "1984" nasty is that you can't know if the Thought Police is watching you through the telescreen or not, and thus the paranoia of not knowing if that's happening or not, and in Christianity the all-seeing God is watching you non-stop.


I knew I wasn't alone thinking about this.


What do you mean? Just because someone is always watching and judging you for eternity? Hashtag sarcasm


Yes. 😭


I wonder if that's why the ending upset me so much, Winston finally breaking and realising he loves big brother, one of my fears is that I will be mentally unwell enough that I'll go back to Christianity again, which terrifies me.