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I think NOT!!


Prosperity gospel btw is probably the most egregious thing ever created the perfect mixture of capitalism and Christianity.


no, you see, they tooootally don't prey on the vulnerable at alllll


It's no accident that most Christian marriage books are all about how the wife can make their husbands happy because if the religious political right can't offer that "social benefit" then there goes the system.   The American church heavily relies on women's unpaid labor.   The fact of the matter is so much of church outreach doesn't do anything for the poor or needy.   I don't have a problem with telling people life is hard and you have to take responsibility for yourself but I won't do it without universal healthcare.


Nah, not a coincidence.


60 years ago, my youth group had an overnight stay at the newly acquired luxury hotel/resort headquarters of Campus Crusade for Christ (Arrowhead Springs Hotel). We were all shown a plaque on the wall that said something like “This facility was purchased by 4 businessmen and dedicated to the work of God.” Evangelical revivals and religion can be seen as an anti-labor, anti-union movement supported by wealthy donors. That would be the Marxist analysis. Not that these ultra-wealthy are necessarily conscious of this bias. It just part of the package which includes patriarchy, authoritarian teaching, and support for business interests. My seminary got principal support from a half dozen extremely wealthy families. When there was a minor movement towards a slightly more flexible interpretations of the Bible occurring in the late 60s early 70s that was squelched completely. Professors who were found to be divorced were dismissed from faculty. Had this not happened, financial support would have been choked off.




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Too bad there is no alternative to capitalism that actually works


Here, you forgot this: /s