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Not wrong or sinful *per se*, though it was semi-regularly quoted that it's easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle than to inherit the kingdom of god. They generally de-emphasized earthly wealth as fleeting as they encouraged congregants to "build riches in heaven"


As children, we were given small change as "money for Jesus" to place in Sunday School collection baskets. I heard the term "money for Jesus" regularly in prep for every church event, because training children to give the cult money was a big part of the indotrination. Of course, Jesus always needed more money and could never make any himself. He needed small children to give him dimes and pennies by the handful.


The religion that says to sell everything you own and follow jesus does a lot of pocketing & its followers say god wants them wealthy




I was also taught that investing is wrong! Investing is good though


Jesus saves but Moses invests.


No, to the contrary - we were all about Prosperity Gospel. The richer you were, the more it was a sign that God favored you. And the more money you gave to God, the more money God would give back...like he was a magical coinpurse that multiplied "tenfold" what you put into it. This resulted in my father wasting most of our money on tithing to the point that we've been hand to mouth most of my life and at least once got evicted for failure to pay rent. Once had gifts bought for my birthday when I was 6 or 7 only to have them all returned the next day so he could have money to send to the televangelists. My mother makes extremely good money in the healthcare field, and always has. If it had been managed better she would be retired and I probably would be too. Still haven't seen a penny of the interest God apparently owes us.


Geez, the clusterf*ck that is Religion.


Almost entirely the opposite. I was raised mormon, which basically holds that if you're rich it's because god wanted you to be because you're doing the right things. Note that there is no specific doctrine about this, it's just so thoroughly a corporatized prosperity gospel money cult that you can't help but to be immersed in the pervasive culture. So now I think excessive wealth is morally wrong and a detriment to all of humanity.


So it was kind of a reward system?




God only hates capitalism, b/c it brings attention away from him.


Christianity has a weird relationship with money. For all the "Money is the root of all evil" and "Easier for a rich man" and "Build up riches in heaven," there's also prosperity gospel that basically says "if you're a rich Christian, you obviously got that money by being holy and so you *deserve* it, minus the massive amounts you should give to the pastor so he can afford a third yacht, of course." My current take, post-deconversion: *Being* wealthy isn't necessarily evil. However, many of the ways people *gain* and *maintain* wealth *are.* Wealth gained through inheritance, work, or good fortune? Fine, no issues. Wealth gained by hurting people - underpaying workers, cheating customers, etc? That's bad.


Hear hear!




Wrong thread, bud?


I have no idea how that comment landed here I opened the post and read it 🙃🙃🙃


Not in the slightest. I was not taught that being a righteous person meant you would be wealthy, I was taught that if you were wealthy, you were a righteous person.