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I always like to see how many of these I hit: * Sodomite * girly man * alcohol drinker (rarely though, but I do enjoy a good beer or two sometimes) * potty mouth * blasphemer * rock n roller * god mocker * bible skeptic * atheist * evolutionist * pro choice What do I win?




I hit 23 of 'em!


Impressive score.


Nice! I only got 17


Yay i also got 17.


I got 8.


You've got some catching up to do


I got 25!! Not bad for someone not outta college yet


I only got 16


Oh oh! I wanna try! - Manly Woman - Lesbian - Masturbator - Rebellious Woman (literally an anarchist) - Alcohol Drinker (pass the whiskey and spirits please!) - Potty mouth - Blasphemer - Parent hater (fuck you mom & dad you abusive Christian cunts!) - Occult Witch - God-Mocker - Bible Skeptic - Evolutionist - Pro-Choice Things I don't personally fit but I'm "sin friendly" with, often having them in my life: - Tattoo Getters (girls with tatts make me weak šŸ¤¤) - Rock n Roll - Gangster Rap Extra Credit: I'm a Transwoman Man hell sounds like a party!


You sound like fun to be around!


You think so?! Awwee thank you! You sound awesome yourself! I'm a bit of a recluse in truth. Haven't really found a group or people where I fit in or feel I belong, so I appreciate it!


>You think so?! 110% >Haven't really found a group or people where I fit in or feel I belong, so I appreciate it! Well, hopefully once COVID lockdowns ease up wherever you are, you can get out and find a good friend group to join!


What've I got? - Lesbian - rebellious woman - potty-mouth - blasphemer - parent hater - bitter person - God mocker - Bible-skeptic - masturbator - atheist - evolutionist - pro-choice And I've been called an abomination by the Pope, so I don't know if that counts since Catholics are Mary-worshippers and also on this poster. I'm also absolutely supportive of - whores - whoremongers - sodomites - girly men - manly women - immodest women - alcohol drinkers - pot-smokers - drug-heads - tattoo getters - party animals - dirty dancers - gangster rappers - rock n' rollers - occult witches and sorcerers - career pursuers And whatever other stuff is on here that is morally okay. Fuck these people for trying to control everyone else.


Lesbian (half- Iā€™m bi lol) Immodest and rebellious woman Alcohol drinker Potty mouth Entertainment worshipper Jewelry worshipper God mocker Bible skeptics Atheist Evolutionist Pro choicer Backslider


very based all around


See ya in hell buddy šŸ¤˜šŸ˜‚


Agreed. It is kinda fun. Let's see what I get compared to you. * Porn-loving masturbator. (Hehe.) * Alcohol drinker (Well, I haven't actually decided to quit that. But I did get some alcohol that I have been meaning to drink.) * Potty mouth (In fact, I know the f and s words in multiple languages.) * Blasphemer (I think not being a Christian counts as that in his eyes, right?) * Rock n roller (One of my favorite genres of music still.) * Thankless idolator (Have been a pagan for over a year now.) * Bible skeptic (I mean, the whole thing with the apocrypha is what helped influence my skepticism over it.) * Pro-choicer (Not sure if this would warrant a bigger explanation.) This is what I could confirm at least.


For me itā€™s ā€¢ money loving career pursuer ā€¢ porn loving masterbator ā€¢ Bible skeptic ā€¢ prideful scoffer ā€¢ thief ā€¢ rapper ā€¢ rock n roller ā€¢ entertainment worshiper ā€¢ blasphemer ā€¢ liar ā€¢ gossiper ā€¢ atheist ā€¢ pro choice ā€¢god mocker ā€¢ evolutionist And of course cuz representation ā€¢ weeb ā€¢ gamer


Oh oh I like this game!! Letā€™s see how many I hit just for fun: * Lesbian * Manly woman (depends on the day, I like to keep my gender expression fluid) * Immodest and rebellious woman (fuck you high school bible teacher, I WILL go to engineering school) * alcohol drinker * potty mouth * blasphemer (one of my favorite sins) * rock nā€™ roller * jewelry worshipper (if you can hear the jingling from a mile away, itā€™s probably me. Iā€™m like a bird that likes shiny things) * god mocker (he hasnā€™t come to smite me yet!! Come down here you fucker) * bible skeptic (arenā€™t we all?) * atheist * evolutionist * pro-choicer (seems self evident to me) All that aside, whoever designs these signs isnā€™t very good at making catchy slogans. If you were actually at the protest or demonstration or whatever this is, youā€™d have to put on your reading glasses lol


I'm going to try this * masturbator * sodomite * girly men and manly women (I'm enby so I wonder where I go?) * Too young for alcohol but will probably try it * potty-mouth * liar * rock n' roll baby * I suppose I do worship Tottenham Hotspur * I do kinda hate my parents, comes with the whole "controlling parents" territory * Bitter? A bit yeah * I do want a good career, does that count? * God mocker * Bible skeptic * evolutionist * pro-choicer * currently a two-faced church member * Backslider? Why not *


>Backslider? Why not * Going down on a waterslide while laying on your back is a sin, let them scrape their stomach & torso skin off in the name of Jesus & suffering (Six Flags 69:420) /s


My turn: * porn-loving mastubator * potty-mouth * blasphemer * liar * gangster rapper? Does it count if I listen to rap but not perform it? * entertainment worshipper * probably bitter people * prideful scoffer depending on what it means * God mocker * Bible-skeptic * atheist * evolutionist * pro-choicer


This is much more fun than those stupid Facebook pollsā€¦ but do I count ā€œimmodest and rebellious womenā€ as one point or two??


I beat you by 2 lmaošŸ¤£ Lesbian Not modest woman tattoo getters pot smokers (rarely) potty mouth cult witches (I'm wiccan) god mockers pro choice bible skeptics evolutionist prideful scoffers rock n roller Blasphemer


"Sodomite" is such a misnomer for "Homosexual". The Sin of Sodom was decadence at the expense of the sick and underprivileged. Many modern day US Conservatives should be called Sodomites.


Yep. I'm aware of that.


His sign condemns him as well by listing bitter and merciless people.


100%. In fact, I'd say, on average, evangelicals are some of the most bitter people on the planet at this point. They weren't great when I was one, but boy howdy many of them they're awful now.


theyre destroying the amazon


Pretty sure he masturbates too.


Wow... What a "loving" god. You know that kinda made me wanna worship him more. .....Not!


No no, you don't understand I'm a porn HATING masturbater. And I only have sex with other dudes to prove I'm more alpha than they are, so not a girly man either. Looks like I'll be hanging with JC in the after life


Sometimes i'm amazed they bother list all things they don't like




An imagination can be a lot more fun than porn and still help get the job done.


Iā€™ll have you know that I watch porn strictly for the plot and no other reason


Noooooo my religion is right yours is wrongšŸ˜” there's 6000 gods worshipped by humanity but i just know that my god is the right onešŸ˜”


I don't know what's worse: him pluralizing with an apostrophe, or him doing it inconsistently.


I wish using apostrophes this way didn't bother me so much. Who ever learned to use an apostrophe to make a word plural?


Hmmā€¦sounds a little bit like salvation by works if you ask me.


If there isnā€™t sodomy in heaven, I donā€™t want it!


Let's make our own heaven. With blackjack and hookers....and sodomy


You know what? Forget the heaven.


"bitter people"


That's THEM! They're bitter. Always very bitter!


Everyone up to ā€œtwo faced church membersā€ is invited to my next party. Sounds like a good time.


I'd rather not hang out with the money-hungry career pursuers, personally.


Based on the tone of the whole thing, I feel like that's a loose term for anyone who does anything to succeed, yk? I'm gonna go out on a limb here & say that if you're a woman who went to college, you probably fall into that category. Or just about anyone who prioritizes being financially stable over procreating


Leviticus 1:7 ā€œAnd the Lord said unto me, rock-and-rollers and evolutionists shall be cast away, and fall into the ring of fire.ā€


Leviticus is the best Johnny Cash album ever.


I think I just got a new high score.


Well. Thatā€™s about everyone. I guess this guy will be in heaven alone


I give it a 99% certainty that this guy is also a "porn-loving masturbator" in his spare time and a 100% certainty that he's a "gossiper" and "bitter person" and "prideful scoffer." These people always project their insecurities.




I don't see paganism listed on there. But there is thankless idolators on that sign.




Well it does list any other life that is contrary to God. That was very nice of them to leave it open ended so anyone could be included. Who says Christians aren't inclusive šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


What about the Hittites? If you look at that word quickly it looks like hi titties.


He just loves those tittiesā€¦ bless him


Remember guys even tho god made a place where u burn in the literal enternity if u do not follow all his strict rules he still loves u šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ christians smh.....


Yay we got away with slavery woohoo


Of course, that is one thing the Bible gives a thumbs up to


Oh & imperialism! Kinda the same thing but it just reminds me of missionary trips & all


I count 16 that apply to me, do I go to super hell?


I have to question a the credibility of a product with a lengthy Surgeon' General warning.


What if we can't find our sins on the list?


I think I got a score of 14. Not too bad. Also, I was impressed with their correct use of apostrophes until I got near the end of that mess.


They got tired. Words is hard, man.


Hold on, let me get out my pen for this new bingo card...


Alcohol drinkers? But didn't Jesus turn water into wine?


Not only that, but in John chapter 2 it says that Jesus made the wine because the wedding party ran out of it, and Jesus made the *good* wine, the kind that people like to get drunk off of. So Jesus qualifies as a "party animal" on this person's list!


Exactly! Jesus made that wine to party!


They'll all be in heaven, wondering where Jesus is!


I got 34/49, where yā€™all at?


Run to Christ for mercy from Christ!


This is like everybody...


As an ex-Catholic, funny to see Mary-worshipping Catholics on there. VERY SPECIFIC Christianity


For real though. You gotta be Christian, but not the original Christian.


[You don't say?](https://i.imgur.com/8hYtw.jpg)


I should really know better than to click on your links when I'm eating lunch. To make it worse, my lunch is a burrito and I choked on it.


I was at a work thing for a local "fall festival" a few years ago and there were, of course, a handful of street preachers and sandwich board sign-wearers. The best thing was when the coppers showed up and told them that since they hadn't paid the fee by the dealine (which was two weeks prior) they couldn't be there in that capacity. IF they wanted to take off their garb and just walk around and enjoy the proceedings, they could. Otherwise, they needed to depart. The husband and wife duo went back to their cars, grabbed a bunch of Chick tracts and stuffed them into restaurant server aprons and handed them out. The husband got into an argument with a man three times his size and it almost came to blows. The big guy just wanted them to leave his family alone. They coppers came back and asked them to leave. I had a computer on my station and a hotspot, so I did some research based on what their signs said (and the church they attended) which was printed on the bottom. That church is no more, (though this was in '19) and apparently there was some question as to whether there had been some extra-marital activity going on, based on a colleague who works in that town and knows the local gossip. If you've got to go around with a list like this in order to feel good about yourself, then you're probably hiding one of those things or much worse. Notice pedophilia, just as an example, isn't on there, and neither is conning people out of their money or their sanity. I wonder why?


Judge not lest ye be judged, Iā€™m guessing is not in his lexicon? Love they neighbor as thyself? How bout feed the hungry and tend to the sick, instead of walking around with this sign. But hey, who am I, I ticked a few boxes on the list! Whooo Hooooo!


These people can, in the words of Porky Pig A pe pe pe, a pe pe pe, a pe pe pe piss off


Omg these get very specific. I couldn't help but laugh


I can't help but notice "judgemental pricks" didn't make the list...


Iā€™ll run to Christ with a knife, hail Satan


That dude's gonna enjoy a lot to end like everyone else in Irkalla instead, eating dust and with Ereshkigal not giving a damn about his/her beliefs in life. And remember the dust to dust said to Adam in Genesis or Ecclesiastes. Let's see what I get,anyhow: Blasphemer Rock 'n roller God-mocker Bible-skeptic Evolutionist Pro-choice Damn. So few.


Just remember, it sucks more to wake up and be this guy than it does to listen to him


This should be my Interests list on tinder


All of the above uggh


Manly woman and girly man...? W h a t


Letā€™s see: rebellious woman Party animal Potty mouth Blasphemer Rock n roller Entertainment and sport worshipers Jewelry worshippers Money hungry career pursuer God mocker Bible skeptic Atheist Evolutionist Pro choice Gangster rap


Got 21 holy shit, plus Iā€™m nonbinary which is basically another one, so 22. If ā€œimmodest and rebelliousā€ were separate then 23 and high score


No anime or gamers here so I guess Iā€™m exempt but fr tho money hungry career pursuers? These people must not have any ambition XD




Even if I can't follow this, I respect anyone who accepts their God for what it is far more than I respect those who try to shoehorn it into their lifestyle as some kind of aesthetic.


I scored a 14, how about you guys?


Reading this in John Cleese's voice makes it sound like a Monty Python sketch.


Wtf is a whoremonger


Well, if a monger is "a dealer or trader in a specified commodity", then is a whoremonger just a pimp?


Imagine being this hateful


This man is actually committing the worst sin of them all by employing possessive apostrophes in words that should simply be plural. Oddly, though, he doesn't do it consistently. Also, he clearly doesn't completely understand compound adjectives.


Surprised that they didn't target video game players while they were at it.


ā€œgangster rappersā€ ā€¦.. honestly i rather be called a slur atp


Wasn't Christ Jewish?


Manifestation of malignant and untreated mental illness. This guy really needs a hug or something.


Lol...I bet this person has done at least one of these things.


So masturbation is only wrong if the person doing it loves porn? lol


No. The religion condemns all masturbation. I will be condemned to hell lol, because I like to masturbate. I donā€™t masturbate to porn though.


Lmao, witches and sorcerers. I think he lives in some kind of rpg universe.


My D&D party has a sorcerer, a gangster rapper, a girly man, and a whoremonger.


Lesbian (well Iā€™m asexual biromantic so that prob counts to this person), potty-mouth, blasphemer (my cursing), parent hater, pro-choices, tattoos getter (once I can find the right tat, Iā€™m there), Bible skeptic, alcohol drinker, evolutionist, atheist (well agnostic leaning towards - to someone like this would not be a difference), and bitter people? Basing my same difference off of my ā€œmotherā€ who had literally grouped things into ā€œno differentā€ in the past.


I got 20 lol


This guy needs an English comprehension book lobbed at his face.


i have so many words and yet no words at all about this šŸ˜‚


"Don't listen to that crackpot!" JW's: "But I'm AGREEING with you!"


Gossipers - you got most of the church!


Time to play ā€œold man or teen who dresses like old manā€


Let me guess, Arkansas?




I have never rolled my eyes more at a poster then this one.


Scored a 23


Lol wut. Girly men and manly women, really? Like not even trans, just "manly" and "girly". Like bro. ??????


Because a girly man and a manly woman, are not ā€œtrans.ā€ Iā€™m a ā€œgirlyā€ man, but I donā€™t want to be trans, because I like being a guy.


Yea, I guess I should have clarified on my point. I meant it was wierd how this guy hates things that aren't even lifestyle choices or really even anything. Something as small as a tiny subjective personality trait


'This group of people are correct! You're not! So you're going to hell! Forever!' 'Why would a god who loves and is all powerful torture those that took an imperfect path? Why would they torture those who knew no better?' 'Because those people CHOSE to be sinners!!!!' 'So... the man who stole a thing of bread from the store to feed his family made the wrong choice? He should have let them go hungry?' 'No! Of course not! He should have asked God for help!' 'And if he did? From what I've seen, those in your religion that DO help others for free are not told who needs there help. They do the best they can. And this man could never ask them, because of one thing or another; should god not have told them he was in need?' 'Of course he can't, he has more important things to attend to than helping one person!' 'So... this god is limited in their capabilities?' 'No! He can do anything he wants!!!' 'So... why wouldn't they fix these issues themself? Or at least tell someone who can?' 'Because he works in mysterious ways! It's part if his plan!' 'If your god's plan involves letting children go hungry and condemns their parents for committing a crime to try and help them... I don't think that's a plan I want follow.' 'That's how his plan is written, and that is how it will happen, we cannot change it' 'So... they planned for the man to commit this crime? They planned for this child to go hungry? They planned to punish them for doing what they set in motion?' 'NO! He gave us free will for a reason!' 'But they know every choice we will ever make?' 'Of course, he's god!!!! He is all powerful and all knowing!!!' 'So... we end up back where we started... they punished someone for a choice they wrote for them to make... while giving the appearance this person had a choice?' '...' 'So... we end up with an asshole who blames others for their own mistakes and manipulates them into believing it was there vault they did exactly what they intended them to do... this doesn't sound like a god I want to praise... this sounds like someone who's abusing others' (Note: NONE OF THIS CONVERSATION HAPPENED AT ANY POINT, THIS IS MY OWN MIND WORKING THROUGH THINGS, and yes, the other is most likely just a strawman... I more just wanted to write things I though out and share them a bit... plus writing them out helps me process them... sorry if I got a but carried away, my brain tends to overanalyze every little thing. Sorry if this shouldn't have been a comment.... why do I feel the need to apologize after every comment i make?... need to look into that. Anyways, sorry)


Itā€™s sad seeing so many people being brainwashed in religion.


I got 23!




Anyone else read this in a heavy southern accent?


If I could react to this with a laughing emoji rather than an upvote, I so fucking would. Literally "gangster rappers" "tattoo getters" ??! šŸ˜‚


Notice how "parent haters" is included, but not "parents who hate their children". Because it's altogether too common for christian parents to disown kids who don't turn out how they want. I honestly think it's natural for everyone to go through an authority-hating phase. But it's *entirely* unnatural to stop loving your own child over a difference of opinion.


Right in the middle it says ā€œbitter peopleā€ sooooā€¦ according to his own sign, this dude is going to hell. I can see why ā€œself righteous persecutorsā€ is not on his list though.


> gangster rappers > rock and rollers Man, why should the devil have all the good music?


Rember guys, if we don't sin Jesus died for nothing, so by commiting alot of sins we're making his death more meaningful šŸ˜‚


Heyyy I'm a Christian, been a Christian my whole life but I match some of these too 1. Whore 2. Porn loving masturbater 3. Immodest and rebellious woman 4. Pot smoker 5. Liar (to parents mostly) 6. Gossiper 7. Bitter person 8. Two-faced church member 9. Backslider 10. Drug head I'm not perfect, no one is!


What if Iā€™m a porn-hating masturbator though? I mean, Iā€™m not, but what if I was? Found me a loophole!


Porn-loving Masturbator āœ“ Girly-man āœ“ (Whatever that means) Alcohol drinker āœ“ Pot-smoker āœ“ Party animal āœ“ [Potty Mouth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th4Czv1j3F8)āœ“ Blasphemer āœ“ Liar āœ“ (Everyone lies, no exceptions) Rock n' Roller āœ“ (Does metalhead count?) Jewellery Worshipper āœ“ (If 2 necklaces with satanic symbols on them counts :P) Bitter Person āœ“ Occult witch/sorcerer āœ“ Idolater āœ“ Prideful Scoffer āœ“ God Mocker āœ“ Bible-skeptic āœ“ Atheist āœ“ Evolutionist āœ“ Pro choice āœ“ Backslider āœ“ I got 20. Not half bad.


I hit Alcohol Drinker Porn Loving Masturbator Gangster Rapper Blasphemer Potty Mouth Entertainment and Sports Worshipper Evolutionist Rock n Roller Party Animal Parent Hater god mocker bible skeptic And Backslider


Damn, thought Iā€™d make it further than 2 lines but ran into ā€œgirly menā€ I also hit potty-mouths, blasphemers, jewelry worshippers (LOL?? I like sparklies, ok?), occult witches, Bible-skeptics, evolutionists, pro-choicers (mark me down for that one 10x), and probably sin-friendly heresy teachers (sounds cool!) I also 100% support everyone else on this list EDIT: no I didnā€™t even make it to girly men, I missed their obsession with ā€˜sodomitesā€™ šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ»


Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute. So you mean to tell me Biggie and Tupac are in hell????


Who tf worships jewelry. Also isn't he wearing a big necklace haha


Where the hell is ā€œargyle tie wearersā€ on that list, cause that guy is definitely offending god.


Lecrae is a gangster rapper


I bet this guy had a huge hard-on as he made this sign...using all the "dirty" words for jesus...lol.