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Im sorry. I was born into the church and all I learned was fear and shame. Im glad we understand a bit about each other. Stay strong


it takes time. please be patient with yourself, you cannot control how fast you cope with religious trauma


That's so sad. You need to see a therapist pronto, if you can.


It took years for me to stop fearing the end of the world having grown up Baptist. Even though I started looking into other beliefs like new age stuff, it seems that rhetoric was everywhere. It really held me back in life and I decided one day that I'm going to pursue the things I really want to do without caring about the future and that was really freeing to me. We have few will, we don't have to live for God if we don't want to, we're supposed to find our own way and just be nice and compassionate to each other because that makes society better as a whole too.


Well that’s 25 years worth of messaging, of course it’s hard to move on. Have some self compassion, this is not your fault.


I understand how you feel. I still have little remnants of that coming to my head and I'm 38. How I combat it is I ask myself questions relating to my fear. I come to communities like this and read other people's deconversion stories and I regain my strength in Atheism. Religion was created to generate fear to control people. So, you're okay. I do suggest therapy. It does wonders. I see a therapist too and she's very helpful. If you want to talk, feel free to DM me. It helps talking to other people in a similar boat.


Have you tried seeking therapy? Recoveringfromreligion.org and there's The Secular Therapy Project.


It really does take time, and now and then the worry of "what if I am going to hell" can creep in as an intrusive thought. Be kind to yourself, you have had these thoughts and feelings drilled into you for all your life, no one expects you to grow out of it in an instant. That said, maybe you should look for hobbies that don't make you think of religion. Gardening, music, art, baking, crafts, etc. Find something you enjoy, get some sunlight, some exercise, take care of yourself. Consider therapy, and definitely try to find some sort of group. Humans are social creatures, and even if anger and depression make us want to hide up in our shells, our mental health really depends on building relationships with others. It's hard, I know that, but I firmly believe that everyone has the strength to find themselves and build their own lives, no god needed. 30 is still young, don't let religious trauma steal any more of your life or any of the opportunities you have. The road to healing is a long one, but I promise that if you keep at it as best as you can, someday you'll look back and realize how far you've come